Zoom, Zoom, Zoom!

Calling all Climbers!!

Yes, you! It’s not just grown-ups who get to have all the fun! It’s your turn now. So, if you are a Tiger or a Panda, age 3 or 4, this is just for you! 

On Sunday 1st November at 9.30am we are going to rock your socks and bring a great big smile to your face. 

How, you may well ask.  Well, we have planned an incredibly special treat for you and your family to share in - our very first online Zoom event! It’s going to be awesome and that’s why we want you to virtually come along on the day. 

It’s been so long, too long since we last saw you and so your leaders have been busy planning something that will not only make you giggle but allow you to reconnect with your Climber buddies once again. 

In a mere 20 minutes we will entertain you with games, crafts and songs and still have you ready and relaxed in plenty time for Big Church. 

There will be a ‘Top Tips’ Sheet provided for your grown-up to read before the day, so they can be tip top ready and so relax and share in the fun on the morning.   

So, set that alarm; scribble a note in your diary and get ready to have the best fun online you can imagine with your friends and leaders again. My, how they’ve missed you, so this is our big chance to finally meet up and share some fun together.  So, don’t miss out. See you on the day! And make sure you bring your special, favourite toy along too – it wouldn’t be the same without them. 

Contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org for more details.