Vision talk – if you missed hearing Ollie’s recent talk in person in either Balerno or Livingston it is available on the St Mungo’s website. Do take time to watch/ listen as Ollie shares his vision for the coming year in St Mungo’s; Vision and values
The 0-18 team are still in urgent and desperate need for volunteers across all of our Friday Night and Sunday Morning outputs. Do check out the great recruitment video to give you a flavour of what’s involved : Please contact to arrange a visit to see what we do and chat about how you can assist us.
Setup Team: We urgently need additional help setting up for Balerno service. We are looking for 4 people to serve on 2 Sundays between now and July. Timings are: 8am-9.30am and then 12-12.45. email
Livi Welcome Lunch (Sunday 14 May, 12.45pm-2.45pm). We will be hosting a welcome lunch at Isaac and Ruth’s house for those in Livingston who started attending St Mungo's either just before or during the pandemic or since we have resumed meeting in person. This is an opportunity for you to meet some of the senior leadership team and others in the congregation, to hear more about the church and our vision. If you would like to come and haven't received the email invite, please contact
Livi Board Games Night. All Livi congregation adults are welcome to join us at Isaac and Ruth’s house from 7:30pm on Friday 19 May for an evening of board games, chat and snacks. A great opportunity to be church family and just spend time hanging out. If you’re planning on coming, please do let Isaac know either by email (, or by signing up via the link sent out in the invite email.
Spirit Café.
· Spirit Café Training: Saturday 20 May 9:30-4:30 at the Ministry Centre, Balerno. Spirit Café is a place of encounter and is a significant way that we can Be Love in the communities of Balerno and Livingston. Whether you have been involved previously or are looking to get involved moving forward, you will need to attend this training event in order to serve on the team. If you would like more information on what Spirit Café is then please check out the website:
· Spirit Café Evening Event: In order to help our team to practice and to give you the opportunity to come and try it for yourself, we are running a one-off Spirit Café for church family only on Saturday 20 May at the Ministry Centre, Balerno from 7:30pm – 9:30pm. If you aren’t sure what it is, or are thinking of bringing a friend to one in the future but want to try it for yourself first then come along and be blessed.
· Spirit Café Livingston: IMPORTANT DATE CHANGE: Now Monday 5 June at 7.30pm. A West Lothian wide initiative, ‘Love West Lothian’, is bringing together 25 churches from across West Lothian for a week of outreach and a celebration on the Saturday evening (10 June) and so we have decided to move our Spirit Café to be part of the week of outreach events and not to clash with this other event happening in Livingston on the Saturday. The new date for Spirit Café Livingston is MONDAY 5 JUNE and will run @ The Howden Park Centre, Livingston.
Safeguarding Training: Wednesday 24 May at 7:30pm, Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. The SEC now requires everybody working with children, youth and vulnerable adults to attend in person safeguarding training once every 2 years. Please make this a priority to attend if you were unable to make the previous training in February. Check your ChurchSuite email or email if you think you should have been invited and weren’t.
Communion and Soaking: Thursday 25 May at 9:30am, the church building, Ladycroft, Balerno. An invitation to come and press in to more of God. Come and wait (soak) in the Father’s presence and receive communion. A chance to pause the busyness and distractions of life and spend time with the Father. Lasts about an hour.
Balerno Gala Day, Saturday 3 June - St Mungo’s is hosting an ‘activity village’ with games and challenges. Thanks to all those who have signed up so far. We have plenty of people to help set up but still looking for people to help man the stall in the afternoon. Contact for more information or check the ChurchSuite email.
Worship and Prayer evening for the Wellness Centre Ministry on Tuesday 29 August (change of date from May) 7.30pm – 9.30pm at the Wellness Centre – this is open to anyone from St Mungo's to join the Wellness Centre team of counsellors and receptionists to pray for the work of the Wellness Ministry. Save the date
Pioneers meet in Balerno at the 10.30 service on 14 May.
New Prayer Cell has launched for those who want to pray specifically for the youth and youth activities in St Mungo’s Fortnightly on non- house group Tuesday nights at the Griesels at 7pm. Contact if you are interested.
All 0-18 plus team will come in to the Balerno service for the dedication part of the service on Sunday 14 May. Preschool children need collecting when indicated in the service.
· Baby changing facilities are available in F10 (our creche/Little Wonders room) – upstairs from reception area - for any new mums and visitors.
· P5-P7 residential. Last few places remain- check email and flyers for details.
· Sunday 14 May: Balerno Youth in Church building at 10.30 for Refuel. Livi Youth in service for worship.
· Friday 19 May – youth night at 7.30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft
Pray for those church families bringing their children to be dedicated in Balerno today.