Check out news of Malcolm’s retirement and Ollie’s appointment as Rector at
Prayer ministry will be available after the service on 13 September, zoom code has been sent to the congregation by email. Live prayer is not available that day.
Evening of Prayer: all the sessions are now fully booked but please let know if you want your name on the waiting list.
St Mungo’s online. Keep an eye on the website for the latest updated information.
Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching - open to anyone any age!
Send in your pictures! Before the online service we are sharing recent photos you send in of yourselves so we can build connection between us all! Send to and a few will be featured each week.
Postcard invites. We have some new invitation cards with the online service and Mighty Mungos featured. If you would like a few copies to give to people please email
Friday Night Youth: continues to run this term from 7.30pm to 8.30pm on Zoom. This is a great evening of fun; chat; games and a thought for the night. All in S1-S6 welcome and friends too
Balerno Youth: Small groups on a Sunday are now running from 11am - 12noon, using the usual zoom link. The young people should join the Zoom call after worship. More details from
Livi Youth: meet weekly on Sundays from 7pm to 8pm via zoom. Contact for more info.
0-18 Video Content: (; and Youth Website ( for all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. Also on Instagram and Facebook.
Email Notices: Signup at to receive the weekly notices
Please pray for the family and friends of Forrester Davidson after his sudden death on 5 September, especially his wife Sheila. Funeral on 16 September.
Please pray for children who are back at school and activities but still without weekly contact with their church friends. Pray that they would know the Holy Spirit with them and that He would make them bold in standing firm in their faith.