Week beginning 15 January

Click here for the latest news post :  AGM

Heating on a Sunday morning: We are aware that both Balerno High School and St Margaret’s Academy are cold on a Sunday morning and have been in dialogue with the respective schools regarding this since November. BHS has turned their thermostat down in order to save money and St Margaret’s heating and air circulation is managed externally and proving challenging to resolve despite numerous attempts. We are continuing to work on finding solutions, including looking at how we manage the external doors in both locations, but in the meantime please do dress for a slightly cooler morning!

Cups and Refreshments!  Since returning to serving refreshments, the price of recyclable cups has doubled.  We would like to encourage everyone to remember to bring their reusable cups; flasks; china cups to church on a Sunday morning to reduce the quantity of paper cups each week.  In Balerno, a reminder that there are St Mungo’s recycle bins dedicated for the paper cups.  We are also introducing in Balerno, reusable juice cups, to try and reduce the amount of waste.  Please do bless the refreshments team by returning these cups back to the refreshments area.  Thank you.

Livi New Year Walk, at Beecraigs Country Park on Saturday 21 January (10am at Hillhouse Carpark), to catch-up, have some coffee and cake (do bring your own drinks/baking), and for the younger ones among us, scramble around the children’s play park. All members of the Livi congregation are welcome! More info and sign-up via the ChurchSuite email invite or through isaac.knight@stmungos.org.

The St Mungo’s AGM will be held at our 10.30am services in both locations on Sunday 22 January. 

Communion & Soaking: Thursday 26 January 9.30am - 10.30am.   A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno.

Alpha: We will be running an in-person Alpha in Balerno starting on Thursday 26 January in the Ministry Centre, Balerno. We will start at 7:30pm with a meal and then start the video series at 8:15. The advert says ‘Stay Curious’, many people accept things as truth without taking time to stop and ask questions, Alpha is the perfect place to ask the big questions in life. Who could you invite to ‘Stay Curious’? Email alpha@stmungos.org for more information.

Baptism service is being planned for both congregations on Sunday 5 February.  This will be in the afternoon at Balerno High School so please plan to come along to support those being baptised.  We’ll all (both congregations) be able to enjoy our packed lunches in the Balerno concourse between the morning services and the baptism service.

Heriot Watt University Chaplaincy Lecture.  Monday 6 February at 7pm.  From Peru to Mars: New Worlds and Jesuit Science, a whistle-stop tour of science through the ages.   Speaker is Brother Guy Consolmango SJ, often called “the Pope’s Astronomer”.  This is free and open to all, but please register here on Eventbrite

St Mungo’s Christmas Gift Collection:  Thank you so much for what the church has given already towards Life Center Church in Beirut.  In the last week the amount raised has more than doubled, with us reaching just over £16,000 [including gift aid] so far.  The target of £20,000 is very much in sight, for which we are so grateful.  There is still time to contribute to this amazing outreach ministry:  https://www.stewardship.org.uk/pages/lc_cei_2022.

Mission Trip October 2023:  We are still hoping to take a St Mungo's team to Eswatini from 5 to 15 October 2023 to work alongside one of our mission partners, Challenge Ministries Swaziland.  This will be our first mission trip since 2019 and a great opportunity to serve in a very practical way and experience a beautiful country with amazing people.  Approximate cost £1,500.  We would ideally like to book flights by the end of January.  If you would like to find out more or note your interest, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org


·        Sunday 15 Jan– Balerno youth head straight to Church Building,  Ladycroft.

·        Sunday 15  Jan – rehearsal post church for those playing at youth weekend away. Bring lunch and instrument! Venue – Church Building, Ladycroft.

·        Thurs 19 Jan – youth worship rehearsal for weekend away.  Venue- Church Building,  Ladycroft. Time to be confirmed.

·        Fri 20 Jan - Friday Night Youth Open mic night. Meet at Ministry Centre at 7:30-9.30pm.