week beginning 8 January

Click here for the latest news post :  Update from Ollie.

Alpha: We will be running an in-person Alpha in Balerno starting on Thursday 26 January in the Ministry Centre, Balerno. We will start at 7:30pm with a meal and then start the video series at 8:15. The advert says ‘Stay Curious’, many people accept things as truth without taking time to stop and ask questions, Alpha is the perfect place to ask the big questions in life. Who could you invite to ‘Stay Curious’? Email alpha@stmungos.org for more information.

Date for your diary:  The St Mungo’s AGM will be held at our 10.30am services in both locations on Sunday 22 January. 

St Mungo’s Christmas Gift Collection:  Thank you for your continued generosity towards Life Center Church in Beirut.  We have now reached almost £7,000 [including gift aid].   There is still time to contribute to this amazing outreach ministry:    https://www.stewardship.org.uk/pages/lc_cei_2022.

Mission Trip October 2023:  We are still hoping to take a St Mungo's team to Eswatini from 5 to 15 October 2023 to work alongside one of our mission partners, Challenge Ministries Swaziland.  This will be our first mission trip since 2019 and a great opportunity to serve in a very practical way and experience a beautiful country with amazing people.  Approximate cost £1,500.  We would ideally like to book flights by the end of January.  If you would like to find out more or note your interest, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org

Baptism service is being planned for both congregations on Sunday 5 February.  This will be in the afternoon at Balerno High School so please plan to come along to support those being baptised.  We’ll all (both congregations) be able to enjoy our packed lunches in the Balerno concourse between the morning services and the baptism service.

Gold the St Mungo’s group for over 60’s meets on Tuesday afternoon 10 January. Details from gold@stmungos.org or David and Marjorie Brown.  


 ·        Sunday Morning Youth will return with Envision for both congregations at 10.30am on Sunday 8 January at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. 

·        Deeper meet for lunch at Church Building, Balerno on Sunday 8 January after Envision.  If you haven’t already, please let Jonny or Lindsay know who you are coming.

·        Youth Weekend Away: Meeting for ALL team and young leaders who are coming to this on Thursday 12 January at 7:30pm at the Ministry Centre, Balerno. 

·        Friday Night Youth is a youth club night this coming Friday 13 January. Usual activities including football, baking, craft, table tennis and more! Open at all S1-S6 at 7:30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

Primary:   Balerno Primary 1-7 trip to Innoflate on Saturday 14 January. Contact Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org with any questions. 

Pioneers meet in Balerno today; Sunday 8 January.


Please pray for the Vestry meeting on Wednesday 11 January, as we begin a new year looking at church governance.  Give thanks for Vestry’s continued wisdom and dedication to serving the church in this way.