Week beginning 19 April

St Mungo’s now online. Whilst all traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc are presently cancelled or postponed, we are still meeting in many forms virtually. Keep an eye on the website for information. 

Balerno Cares: If you are a Balerno resident, please consider involvement in this initiative as a way of helping and serving those around you. https://www.facebook.com/groups/313991906228362/

Friday Night Youth Online: 7.30pm to 8.30pm every Friday night during lockdown.  All youth welcome to join us for an hour of madness via Zoom with our youth team.  Parents – watch for a Zoom invite email from Sarah Tomb for all the details.

0-18 Video Content:  Please remember to visit our Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); AllStar Kids App (https://go.allstarskidsclub.com/catalog) and Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) to check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry.  For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Midweek Word Live: Ollie’s midweek message is now up and running  on our Facebook Community page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stmungoscommunity/. Join in live at 0830 on Wednesday mornings or catch up by watching the recording here afterwards. The community page is open to all in the church family and growing as a hub for seeing and participating in church life.

The finance team will be preparing our annual thank you letters and gift aid statements over the next couple of weeks but won’t be able to post them until the lockdown is over.  If you would like the information sooner, or need it for your tax return, please e-mail accounts@stmungos.org and we will send you the information by e-mail as soon as we can.

Email Notices: you can sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup here.  

Prayer Cells: perhaps our current situation means you now have time to join one of our prayer cells (meeting virtually) Check out the list of prayer cells and contact the leader for details and to join – or if not known then contact kate.yates@stmungos.org

Staff News: as we prepare for the future, we are delighted to announce that Fil Stevenson has agreed to increase his commitment from 14 to 21 hours per week with effect from 1 May. 

Read an update from Liam Packwood here