Week beginning 2 October

Click here for the latest news post CAP money course

Envision – all youth meet at Church building Ladycroft for envision at 10.30 on Sunday 2 October.

Pioneers meet at BHS today, 2 October

Balerno Welcome Lunch today at 12.30pm to 2pm at the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.  For those in Balerno who started attending St Mungo’s either just before or during the pandemic, or since we have resumed meeting in person.  This is an opportunity for you to meet some of the senior staff team and each other to hear more about the church and our vision. 

Balerno Farmers Market, Saturday 8 October, 9am-1pm.   This month is Apple Day and the Mungo’s team will be offering apple themed crafts, keyrings and church flyers. Please pray for opportunities for some great conversations, and if you’d like to get involved for all or part of the time, please contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Gold for anyone 60 and over meets on Tuesday 11 October at 2.30pm in the Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno. More details from David and Marjorie Brown.

Alpha in Livingston starts Thursday 20 October, 7.30pm, at Isaac and Ruth’s house. At Alpha you can ask your questions and explore the basics of the Christian faith in a welcoming, open and friendly environment, whilst also enjoying some rather delicious puddings. Is there anyone you could invite? Sign up at alpha@stmungos.org

CAP Money Course:  St Mungo’s will host a CAP Money Course on Thursday evenings (27 October & 3 November) in the Ministry Centre.  The course is open to anyone in the church or the wider community.  For more information see newspost or CAP Money Course | Christians Against Poverty or contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org.

Life Seasons- The Roles We Play.  Saturday 29 October 7.30-9.30pm. in Church Building Balerno.  Time to meet together - with Sarah Tomb leading us in a time of exploring different aspects of our lives and identity together including time to chat and pray together as well as opportunity for prayer and a time of reflection and worship. Open to all women, sign up invites going out by ChurchSuite. Or RSVP lifeseasons@stmungos.org.

Big Night In: All adults are welcome to join us at the Ministry Centre from 7:30pm on Friday 7 October for an evening of games, chat and snacks. A great opportunity to be church family and just spend time hanging out together

Donations required for the Care Van Team:  It's turned chilly all of a sudden, hasn't it? Wouldn't fancy spending the night outside...You can make a difference for those who don't have the choice.  Please get in touch about dropping off donations for the Mungo's Care Van team.  Urgent need: coats & warm jackets; men's footwear (trainers & boots); men’s' deodorant.  Running low, could do with more: (new) men’s' underpants; (can be used) winter hats, gloves , scarves & socks.  Please contact Susan Smith treasuredartwork@yahoo.co.uk to arrange donation drop-offs, rather than bringing items to church on Sundays.  Thank you.

Amazon – if you are buying from Amazon please consider using smile.amazon.co.uk and choosing St Mungo’s as your charity partner.  This donates money to us for everything bought.

Parenting Matters: Due to unforeseen circumstances the one-off events advertised for this term are temporarily postponed.  More details to follow at a later date.

Staff news.  Jane Owens has been appointed for seven hours a week to provide administrative support for Valley Friends, our new befriending project in Balerno, Currie and Juniper Green.  She will be working closely with Helen Yewdall, the project lead to move the project into its next stage.

Evening Services.  The pattern for our services at 6.30pm will be that the first Sunday of each month is a social Sunday [next one is this week, 2 Oct] – so no service but a chance to socialise with church family Second, fourth and fifth Sundays will be at the church building with a mixture of worship, prayer and talks.  The third Sunday is given over to Transform – a time of worship - so we are using Balerno Parish church building for those. 

Hosting at the evening services.  As we return to regular evening services we would like some new volunteers to help the staff in welcoming people.  If you are planning to attend these services from either the Balerno or Livingston congregations and would be interested in being on a rota, then get in touch with kate.yates@stmungos.org.

Year End Mission Giving:  We have given £7,000 from our year end mission giving split as follows – £2,500 each to OM & Tearfund towards their Pakistan Flooding Emergency Appeals and Relief Support; one off gift of £1,000 to Open Doors UK who serve the persecuted church worldwide and a one-off gift of £1,000 to International Justice Mission UK [IJM] who are working to bring an end to slavery and human trafficking.

Certificate in Counselling Course.   A new two weekend Christian course will be running in October and November in Balerno which is a great stand-alone course, but also a prerequisite for anyone interested in then doing the full counselling diploma course.  More information here:   https://www.vitalconnexions.org/accredited/certificate-in-integrative-counselling-a-christian-perspective-edinburgh-2022/

Youth Worship practical night Thursday 6 October, 7:30-9:30pm at Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno

Youth Encounter Service Friday 7 October.  We have Dave Crow and Sarah Stevenson leading worship and Andy Bennett returning to share from God’s word. The night starts at the earlier time of 7pm and finishes at 10pm. It is open to any young people from S1-S6 to come and explore faith and encounter Jesus in a safe environment.

Youth S1-6 weekend away (10-12 February 2023) Bookings are open! Contact Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org  for details

Primary:  P5-7 Laser Tag on morning of Saturday 8 October – there might be space left, contact Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org asap

Primary: P1-4 (Balerno) Movie Night on Saturday 8 October, 5:30pm, Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

Congratulations to Martin and Christine Doak (Balerno congregation) on the recent arrival of baby Penny.


Pray for all those mourning the recent death of Wilma Duffy (Balerno congregation).  Funeral details available from kate.yates@stmungos.org.