Week beginning 9 October

Week beginning 9 October

Click here for the latest news post Alpha

Gold for anyone 60 and over meets on Tuesday 11 October at 2.30pm in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. More details from David and Marjorie Brown.

Alpha in Livingston starts Thursday 20 October, 7.30pm, at Isaac and Ruth’s house. At Alpha you can ask your questions and explore the basics of the Christian faith in a welcoming, open and friendly environment, whilst also enjoying some rather delicious puddings. Is there anyone you could invite? See newspost for more information.  Sign up at alpha@stmungos.org

CAP Money Course:  St Mungo’s will host a CAP Money Course on Thursday evenings (27 October & 3 November) in the Ministry Centre.  The course is open to anyone in the church or the wider community.  For more information CAP Money Course | Christians Against Poverty or contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org.

Life Seasons- The Roles We Play.  Saturday 29 October 7.30-9.30pm. in Church Building Balerno.  Time to meet together - with Sarah Tomb leading us in a time of exploring different aspects of our lives and identity together including time to chat and pray together as well as opportunity for prayer and a time of reflection and worship. Open to all women, sign up invites going out by ChurchSuite. Or RSVP lifeseasons@stmungos.org.

Dedications of babies/toddlers in the church family will be taking place in our morning services on Sunday 30 October (Balerno) and 6 November (Livingston).  If you would like to dedicate your child then, or at a future service please contact kate.yates@stmungos.org

Donations required for the Care Van Team:  It's turned chilly all of a sudden, hasn't it? Wouldn't fancy spending the night outside...You can make a difference for those who don't have the choice.  Please get in touch about dropping off donations for the Mungo's Care Van team.  Urgent need: coats & warm jackets; men's footwear (trainers & boots); men’s deodorant.  Running low, could do with more: (new) men’s underpants; (can be used) winter hats, gloves, scarves & socks.  Please contact Susan Smith treasuredartwork@yahoo.co.uk to arrange donation drop-offs, rather than bringing items to church on Sundays.  Thank you.

Amazon – if you are buying from Amazon please consider using smile.amazon.co.uk and choosing St Mungo’s as your charity partner.  This donates money to us for everything bought.

Deeper youth event on Sunday (9 October instead of 16 October due to October holidays). Meet at 7.30pm at Erasmuson’s after the evening service.

Youth Worship Thursday 13 October 7:30-9:30 Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

Friday Night Youth. 7:30pm on 14 October at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

Youth S1-6 weekend away (10-12 February 2023) Bookings are open! Contact Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org  for details

Alternative to Halloween Event for P1- P4 and parents on Monday 31 October.  Movie night at 5.30-7.30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno.  Invites available and more information and sign up through Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org

Congratulations to Martin and Christine Doak (Balerno congregation) on the recent arrival of baby Penny.


Please pray for Balerno congregation member and Chair of Starfish Asia, Devin Scobie, as he returns to Pakistan on 12 October.  This will be his first visit since 2019 now that strict Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted.  Devin will be visiting three schools significantly helped by the generosity of last year’s Christmas Appeal and he will report back at a future opportunity.