Week beginning 25 October

Hour changes early on Sunday 25 October.  Clocks back!

St Mungo’s online: Keep an eye on the website for the latest updated information. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update.   

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching - open to anyone any age!

Send in your pictures! Before the online service we are sharing recent photos you send to onlinechurch@stmungos.org.

Connections evening: 7.45pm Thursday 29 October We are gathering on Zoom for our next Connections evening where our two topics will be ‘Working from home’ and ‘Let’s talk about race’. Please make sure you sign up in advance to receive the Zoom invitation (details in the email sent to church members last Monday). Please contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org if you have any questions.

Evening of prayer and worship on Sunday 25 October in the church building.   This is fully booked but if you would like your name adding to the waiting list email penny.moise@stmungos.org . 

Youth Face to Face Events on Sunday 25 Oct:  A reminder that the slots are 5.30pm Livi Youth; 6.30pm Balerno S1-S2; 7.30pm Balerno S3-S6 in the Ministry Centre, Balerno.  Young people should bring a face covering for entering and exiting the building but they are not required whilst seated during our time together.

Balerno Youth is taking a break and will return on Friday 30 Oct.

A Special Climbers Online Zoom event for all 3- and 4-year olds on Sunday 1 November at 9.30am.  Bring your favourite toy along and get ready to be entertained and interact with your friends and leaders in a mixture of games and activities. Contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org for further details and the Zoom code will be sent in advance.  Details here.

St Mungo’s members – are you getting our emails?  If not you are missing out on hearing about lots of activities for all ages.  Perhaps you opted out of getting general emails from us via church suite?  You can update your preferences and update changes in your email any time by logging into your church suite app. Or ask us to change it for you.  We can re-send you an invitation for church suite if you need one. Or perhaps they are in the junk/spam folder?  If you find any emails from any of our staff in there you need to select each one and mark it as “not junk” or “from a safe sender” depending upon your email operating program. By doing this you will 'train' your email program to recognise our emails and not flag them as junk.  If you have any questions or are still having problems please email penny.moise@stmungos.org 


Please pray for the 0-18 face to face events happening this weekend, for the teams and young people.  Please pray that these opportunities will be filled with connection, fun and Jesus moments.

Special Climbers Online Zoom Event – read details here!