Week beginning 2 February

Spirit Café in Howden Park Centre, Livingston - Monday 3 February.  Invitations available.   Do advertise this and bring along people who would be interested.  

Alpha - still time to join the course which starts on Thursday 6 February, 7:30pm, church building, Balerno.  Email ollie.clegg@stmungos.org.  Invitations available

Staff News: Neil and Jo Thompson will be leaving us some time during the spring to become Senior Pastors of North Berwick Christian Fellowship. See the announcement

0-18 Volunteer Required:We are looking for someone to join our Little Wonders team (0-3yrs) in Balerno on a Sunday morning.  No previous experience needed.  For more info, contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org.

Vision Sunday – please collect your little fish -and return them to the offering points when you have been invitational!  Details of vestry appointments etc are on the website.

Christmas Gift Collection: the appeal for Open Doors in Northern Syria has raised over £21,383 - thank you so much for your generosity.

GOLD for any over 60’s.  In church building Balerno, 2-4pm Tuesday 11 February. RSVP to gold@stmungos.org

Life seasons meal out:   St Mungo’s women’s group- all women welcome, Saturday 22 Feb at 8pm @ Bar Napoli, Hanover Street. Please RSVP by 10 Feb.  to lifeseasons@stmungos.org

Walking through the valley– journeying in bereavement, Saturday 7 March, 10am – 3.45pm in St Mungo’s Ministry Centre. A day of teaching, equipping and support for anyone who wants to ‘journey well’ alongside someone who is bereaved. Save the date - more information to follow. Contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.orgor lynn.millar@stmungos.org

Eswatini Mission Trip: sadly, we’ve been unable to raise sufficient numbers and the trip is no longer going ahead. 


Please pray for the 65 St Mungo’s and Holy Trinity Wester Hailes young people coming on the Youth weekend away to Lendrick Muir on Friday.  Pray for our speakers as they finalise their preparations; for our young people to experience the restoration that Jesus promises and the calling to be fishers of men.