Week beginning 31 January

Staff News Update

St Mungo’s online. Keep up to date at  https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update.   

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for 20 minutes designed for primary aged children and their families, some silliness, worship, and teaching - open to any age! 

Send in your pictures! Before the online service we are sharing recent photos you send to onlinechurch@stmungos.org

Worship/soaking time.  Steve Denning will lead us in worship on Sunday 31 January at 6.30pm for about an hour, accessible on St Mungo’s Facebook Community page or YouTube channel

Prayer ministry is available at noon after the morning service on Sunday 31 January.  Zoom code has been emailed to church members.   

Livingston Congregation.  We will be holding a service on Sunday 7 February at 4.30pm on zoom.  Ollie will be sharing a bit more of the vision for the Associate Rectors role.  Please look out for an email with the zoom code at the beginning of the week. 

Online Alpha: It is not too late to sign up to Alpha! Thursday night, 8-9.30pm on Zoom. Email David.lyons@stmungos.org for more details and to get the zoom code. 

Alpha Prayer: We will be running live zoom prayer sessions in parallel to Alpha on non-connections Thursdays. This is available to anyone in St Mungos to pray for the course as it happens! If you are interested in being part of this email alpha@stmungos.org to find out more.  

Christmas Gift Collection: an enormous thank you to everyone who has helped make our appeal for the work of OM in Yemen our largest ever gift collection. The total including gift aid presently stands at an amazing £38,575. The gift collection is closed from Sunday 31 January.

Primary Zoom Events:  These will run for as long as schools are closed.  For meeting details contact caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org. Tuesdays LIVE teaching sessions (30 mins) for all primary aged children but aimed mainly P3 up: 9am and repeated (same content) at 3.30pm.  Thursdays Chat, silliness, games and a God-thought (45 mins) 3pm P1/2, 4pm P3/4/5, 5pm LIVI KIDS, 6pm P6/7.

A Special Climbers Online Zoom event for all 3- and 4-year-olds on Sunday 31 Jan at 9.15am.  Bring a new favourite toy and be entertained and interact with your friends and leaders in a mixture of games and activities. Contact  caroline.simpson@stmungos.org for further details and the Zoom code. 

Preschool Livingston children are invited to a special live See and Know Zoom event on Sunday 7 February.  ‘Doors’ open at 9.15am.  Zoom code will be sent to parents in advance. Contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org for further details. 

Livi Youth Sunday evening (31 Jan) for P7 – S4 getting together on Zoom from 7pm to 8pm.  For more details contact Lindsay.glover@stmungos.org.

Friday night youth runs on Zoom from 7.30pm to 8.30pm every week, excluding school holidays.  All in S1-S6 welcome to join us.  For more details, contact sarah.tomb@stmungos.org.

Balerno Sunday morning youth small groups runs on Zoom using breakout rooms from 10.50am - noon every week, excluding school holidays.  All in S1-S6 welcome to join us.  For more details, sarah.tomb@stmungos.org.


Continue to pray for the Vestry, especially the two new members just appointed: Lisa Fawcett and Rik Smith. 

Please pray for all teachers, parents, children and young people who are learning and working from home simultaneously. May grace, patience and kindness, to each other and ourselves, flood our conversations and thinking. 

Please continue to pray for making and keeping connections with our littlest of children and their families, as our preschool teams begin online events over these next few weeks.