Week beginning 7 February

St Mungos Christmas Gift Collection for OM work in Yemen

St Mungo’s online. Keep up to date at  https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update.   

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for 20 minutes designed for primary aged children and their families, some silliness, worship, and teaching - open to any age! 

Send in your pictures! Before the online service we are sharing recent photos you send to onlinechurch@stmungos.org

Livingston Congregation.  We will be holding a service on Sunday 7 February at 4.30pm on zoom.  Ollie will be sharing a bit more of the vision for the Associate Rectors role, and Katherine Burnett will give a talk.  Livingston members will have received an email with the zoom code. 

Connections evening, 7.45 for 8pm Thursday 11 February We are gathering on Zoom to explore the topic of ‘Making the most of Lent’. At the end of the evening we are continuing with the new optional slot where we can chat with each other in break out rooms for 10-15 minutes. Please make sure you sign up in advance to receive the Zoom invitation (details in the email sent to church members last week). Please contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org if you have any questions.

The online Alpha Prayer group, runs alongside the current Alpha course and would be delighted if you would join them. They will be online to pray for those leading and participating in Alpha; for those important connections between individuals; and critically, for connections to Jesus. Join them on non Connections Thursdays for all, or part, of the prayer session from 8 to 9.30pm.  For more details contact Gill Menzies, directly or via enquiries@stmungos.org     

Christmas Gift Collection: an enormous thank you to everyone who has helped make our appeal for the work of OM in Yemen our largest ever gift collection. The final total will be announced at the Sunday service.  

Heriot Watt Chaplaincy lecture on Monday 8 February.  Free – sign up at   www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/science-faith-and-the-meaning-of-life-heriot-watt-university-chaplaincy-registration-136935508793  for zoom code access. 

Preschool Livingston children are invited to a special live See and Know Zoom event on Sunday 7 February.  ‘Doors’ open at 9.15am.  Zoom code will be sent to parents in advance. Contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org for further details. 

Livi Youth on Sunday evening (7 Feb) is for S2 - S4 getting together on Zoom for the prayer course from 7pm to 8pm.  For more details contact Lindsay.glover@stmungos.org.

Little Wonders, we would really love to see you and your family at the live Zoom event on Sunday 14 Feb beginning at 9.15am.  Bring along your favourite toy and maybe even a joke or 2. Join with your church friends and leaders in a morning of songs and activities. A 'top tips' sheet will be provided in advance of the day.  Contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org for further details.  

Primary zoom events will continue through the Feb holidays and for as long as schools are closed.

Balerno Youth Feb Break: No Friday night youth or Sunday morning small groups on 12 & 14 Feb; we will return on 19 Feb.   (Friday night youth usually runs on Zoom from 7.30pm to 8.30pm every week, excluding school holidays.  All in S1-S6 welcome to join us.  For more details, contact sarah.tomb@stmungos.org.)

Balerno Sunday morning youth small groups runs on Zoom using breakout rooms from 10.50am - noon every week, excluding school holidays.  All in S1-S6 welcome to join us.  For more details, sarah.tomb@stmungos.org.

Prayers: Pray that all our young people and teachers will enjoy a well-deserved break as Edinburgh schools have their February break for a week.