Week beginning 31 March

Term card for April to June is now available at our services – do make sure you pick up a copy to know what is happening.   Also on line here

Easter events.

  • Spirit Café (Saturday 30 March) 7.30-9.30pm in Ministry Centre, Balerno.  Great event to invite friends to.

  • Easter Sunday: 10.30am Church Family Celebrations in both Balerno High School & St Margaret's Academy (no separate 0-18 groups available).  Invites available.

·        Origin Scotland Resurrection Easter Event:  On Sunday 31 March at 7.30pm the church is invited to join other churches attending this Easter Celebration at the Usher Hall. 

·        Therefore no St Mungo’s evening service on 31 March.

Evening services.  The next St Mungo’s evening service will be Transform at Balerno Parish Church.  There will not be an evening service on 7 or 14 April in order to bless the volunteer worship and tech teams with a break.

Safar. Do check out details of  Safar  the recently launched one to one discipleship course.

Staff news.  At the Balerno service on Sunday we will take time to say thank you to Fil Stevenson for his work over many years on the Operations team as he steps into semi-retirement. Please do take time to personally thank Fil and please do pray for him as he transitions into this new season.

Staff News: As Fil Stevenson moves into semi-retirement George Gera is going to be covering this role on a temporary basis. We are hugely thankful to George for agreeing to provide cover in this area and joining the Operations team.

Congratulations to Isaac and Ruth Knight on the recent birth of baby Clementine.

Gold on Tuesday 9 April for anyone over 60 in the St Mungo’s congregation.  At the church building at 2.00 – 3.30pm.

Wellness Centre is closed 1 to 4 April.

Baking. Thank you to all those who baked delicious treats for our Alpha courses in Balerno and Livingston over the past couple of months. The participants were very appreciative of people they had never met taking the time to bake for them to help them feel welcome.

End of the tax year is Friday 5 April– a gentle reminder for those of you who like to give a one-off gift at this time of year. Our bank account details are: St Mungo’s Church, Balerno, sort code 83-19-15 account no. 00266149.  Please add your name as a reference!   

Company of Men are getting together on morning of Saturday 27 April – full details to sign up sent via ChurchSuite.

0-18 notices.

Youth –

·        Sunday 14 April  Deeper Serving Sunday

·        Sunday 14 April Deeper 4pm

·        Friday Night Youth resumes Friday 19 April

·        Sunday 21 April – Refuel

Primary –

·       Sunday 7 April all Balerno Primary together for a holiday week in Drama Studio

·       No Primary or youth groups in Livingston on 7 April

·       Pre-school groups in both locations will run as usual on 7 April

·        Sunday 14 April – Dive In 4pm