Week beginning 6 August

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Livestream. This will resume to being from Balerno on Sunday 20 August when the usual pattern of services resumes

Acoustic Guitar Workshop.  (Beginners/Intermediate) for any P6 and above (need adult with under S1’s) at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno on Tuesday 8 August from 7.30-9.30pm. If you’d like to attend please email fiona.crow@stmungos.org

Balerno Farmers Market, Saturday 12 August 9am-1pm We’re short of volunteers for the stall this month – giving out craft bags, church flyers and chatting to people. If you could join the team for part of the morning please contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org It’s a great opportunity to meet people and ‘Be Love’ in a very practical way.

St Mungo’s Church picnic at Kirknewton park on Sunday 13 August after the morning services in both locations.  Bring your picnic and rug and enjoying time chatting to others.

St Mungo’s Youth parents.  Reminder - sign ups are open for parents of St. Mungo's youth/P7s to attend the morning session of the youth leader training day on Saturday 19 Aug 9.30am-12pm  at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.   This will feature a talk from Richard Taylor on 'understanding the teenage brain'. Sign up via the church suite email.

Company of Men.  Water of Leith Walk and Pub.  Thursday 24 Aug walk starts 7.00pm.   We are planning to walk along the Water of Leith pathway to Blinkbonny then back to Balerno via Lymphoy. Should take about 90 minutes, and will then be heading to the Grey Horse around 8.30 pm for a drink. It will be a great chance to catch up with other St Mungo’s men so hope you can make it. Please reply via the Church Suite invitation. Any queries please email companyofmen@stmungos.org

Balerno hosting teams.  We need more people to join the morning and evening hosting rotas at the Balerno services.  No heavy lifting required – just a welcome smile, and to be there a little early!  It is based on your availability but works out approximately once a month.  To offer and for more information contact kate.yates@stmungos.org

The 0-18 team are still in urgent and desperate need for volunteers across our Friday Night and Sunday Morning outputs. Please contact 0to18team@stmungos.org to arrange a visit to see what we do and chat about how you can assist us.

Pioneers meets in Balerno on Sunday 6 August.

Wellness Centre reopens on Monday 14 August.

Spirit Café Training Day – Saturday 2  Sept 10am-4pm This day is for anyone who is interested in joining our Spirit Cafe team in any capacity as we need a wide range of giftings to run an event.  If you have been part of the team before and didn't manage to attend the training in May please do sign up too.  Invite email will be sent out soon.  More info on what Spirit café is please see our website page https://stmungos.org/spirit-cafe

Congratulations to the families of new babies.  Calum and Amy Burgess with Oliver, and Mark and Goodnews Udoh with Florence in the Balerno congregation, and Neil and Miriam Cogan  with a boy in the Livi congregation.



Please pray for Vestry as they resume their monthly meetings this week, pray for continued wisdom and guidance as Church governance is discussed.

Pray for the St Mungo’s team at the Balerno Farmers market on Saturday.

Pray for all those getting their exam results this coming week.  For peace as they wait, and hope as they work out what is next.

Pray for all those mourning the recent death of Jim Devlin (Livingston congregation).