Week beginning 6 February

AGM News update

Sunday 6 February traditional communion service at 8.45am in church building, Balerno. Pre booking required from those for whom this is their regular service.

Services at 10.30am on Sunday 6 February at St Margaret’s Academy Livingston and Heriot Watt University. A full 0-18 programme will be running at the services for both congregations.

Heriot Watt University has red phones on the walls near the auditorium, they kindly request that these emergency phones are not picked up as they are linked to their University staff for emergency purposes only. Thank you.

Balerno Services. The hope is that we will return to Balerno High School for our services from Sunday 27 February.

Care Van resources needed: When it's cold outside, it's good to have a warm pair of gloves, isn't it? Those who we serve on the Bethany Care Van supporting the homeless in Edinburgh agree! They’d welcome donations -most urgent first: Gloves, toothpaste, men’s disposable razors, deodorant, small shampoo, coats, t-shirts, shoes, scarfs, joggers, plain soaps. Please contact Susan [treasuredartwork@yahoo.co.uk] to arrange delivery. Thanks so much.

St Mungo’s Christmas Collection: Thank you for your continued generosity towards the appeals for both Challenge Ministries Swaziland and Starfish Asia. We have now reached over £24,000 [including gift aid] with 3 weeks to go to reach our target. We are hugely grateful to the Church for showing interest in these projects in this way. https://www.stewardship.org.uk/pages/christmasappeal2021.

Midweek Word Live will finish on Wednesday 9 February, do join Ollie for a Word from the Word. Available on the St Mungo’s Community Facebook page and the St Mungo’s Balerno & Livingston YouTube channel.

GOLD (St Mungo’s over 60’s group) hope that they will be able to meet face to face soon. They are still working out where and how but afternoon of Tuesday 8 March is the likely date. More information and details coming soon.

Alpha course in Balerno starts on Thursday 24 February. This will be in person in the church building, Ladycroft Balerno, with food – think about who you can invite. To sign up email alpha@stmungos.org.

Parentalk – the Teenage Years The next session of the course (on Zoom) is on Wednesday 9 February (7.45pm onwards), exploring the topic of ‘Big Pressures…. Good Choices’. All households with a young person in P6-S5 are welcome to join – sign up via the email sent on 2 February or contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org if you have any questions.

Balerno Farmers Market, Saturday 12 February, 9am-1pm . A team from St Mungo’s will be hosting a stall (giving away church flyers and kids crafts). Please pray for opportunities for some great conversations, and if you’d like to get involved for all or part of the time, please contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Youth will not be meeting on Fridays 11 or 18 February, or Sundays 13 and 20 February because of half term.


Pray for the 40 youth plus leaders going away for the weekend of 11 to 13 February. For Jonny as he heads up everything and for God to touch these young people’s lives as they meet together.

Continue to pray for the Vestry, especially the two new members just appointed: Tara Devlin and Gareth Ihmig.

Please pray for Kara Packwood as she returns home on Tuesday after 2 years away on the OM Logos Hope ship – for a time of rest; recovery and reconnection with family and friends. Pray that Kara’s re-entry to life in Edinburgh is smooth and for space to seek God’s purpose for her next stage.