Youth Weekend Away Prayer points
Annual General Meeting: for all Church members on Sunday 30 January as part of our 10.30am services at both St Margaret’s in Livingston and Heriot Watt University. Details were emailed to all members on 7 and 26 January. Church members watching the service via the live stream participate in the Vestry nominee affirmation process via an online voting form which will be issued via ChurchSuite on the morning of Sunday 30 January. This form will be open for the duration of the service only. Only the Balerno service will be live streamed.
Sunday 30 January traditional communion service at 8.45am in church building. Pre booking required from those for whom this is their regular service.
Sunday 30 January: a full 0-18 programme will be running at the 10.30 services for both congregations.
Worship and Prayer event Sunday 30 January: 6.30pm at Heriot Watt University for both congregations. As we start the year together we want to use our evening service to come together as church family and prayer for our church. The evening will begin with worship and then move to led intercession from the front with opportunities to pray with those seated around you and finish with more worship.
Balerno Services. The hope is that we will return to Balerno High School for our services from Sunday 20 February.
Alpha course in Balerno starts in January. This will be in person, with food – think about who you can invite. To sign up email
Youth Weekend: A reminder that bookings for this are only open until 31 January - contact for more info.
Friday Night Youth: on 4 February is back in person for a prayer stations evening. Meet at 7.30pm at the Church Building Ladycroft Balerno.
Balerno P1-3 Arts and Craft Saturday 5 February 3-4.30pm in the Ministry Centre. Feel free to bring a friend! Balerno P4-7 Games Night Saturday 5 February 6.30-8pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. Feel free to bring a friend!
St Mungo’s Christmas Collection: Thank you for your continued generosity towards the appeals for both Challenge Ministries Swaziland and Starfish Asia. We have now reached over £22,000 [including gift aid] as of 27 Jan. The giving page will remain open until 28 February: .
Midweek Word Live will continue for the first two weeks of February, 8.30am for half an hour on Wednesday, available on the St Mungo’s Community Facebook page and the St Mungo’s Balerno & Livingston YouTube channel. Do join us for a Word from the Word!
Please pray for the 0-18 teams in both locations as they seek to fill the gaps in volunteers across the ministry. For further details, please read Caitlin Boddy’s news post from last week:
Please pray for Gavin and Heather Falconer (members of our Livingston congregation) as they travel this week for 2 years in Quito, Ecuador where they will be serving with Reach Beyond. For more details of what they'll be doing, and how they feel God has led them to this opportunity, please have a watch of their interview on the website.