Week beginning 7 November

UK & World Mission Giving 2021/22

Sunday morning church services: 7 November 10.30am at St Margaret’s for the Livingston  congregation.  Pre-booking is not required. Please allow time to take children to 0-18 groups and fill the auditorium safely.  The Balerno congregation will meet at Heriot Watt on 14 November.  Services are live streamed. 

0-18 Sunday mornings: Pre-school and Primary groups will run during the live services (7 November is for the Livingston congregation).  You will be able to drop off and register your young person from 10.15.   Mighty Mungos continues online for those unable to attend in person.

United in prayer event.   Friday 12 November 7.30-9pm on zoom 83891377318, password 215297.  Join with individuals from churches across Edinburgh, Lothians and Fife in prayer for our area, open to anyone.

Worship Night – at 6.30pm for an hour on Sunday 14 November at Heriot Watt.

Balerno Youth: Sunday 7 November: Our Sunday Morning Bible Study on the alternative Sundays is no longer taking place on Zoom. Instead we will be meeting at church building Balerno on Sunday evening at 6.30-8pm. We would love to see all our young people there.

Friday Night Youth on 12 November: will be taking place at the Ministry Centre, rather than church building for an Open Mic night at 7.30-9.30pm. There will be fancy hot drinks, lots of chat, along with performances from Fiona Crow and hopefully many of our young people!

Balerno Primary:  Bookstall on 14 November – an email with full details has been sent out but this will run at the end of the Sunday morning session at Heriot Watt in the primary space. 

Balerno Primary Christmas Movie Night and Gift swap: Saturday 4 December. P1-3 from 4-6pm, P4-7 from 6:15-8:30pm, church building, Balerno

Livingston:  Mighty Mungos Senior (P3 up) and Youth will be heading out during the service on Sunday 5 December. A churchsuite email will be sent to parents on Sunday. Please note there will be no mighty mungos senior or youth groups on the morning of Sunday 5 December

Balerno Youth We would like to thank Adrian & Tara Devlin; Gill Menzies & Kirsten Thomson for helping out with Balerno youth for the last 3 months as we appointed Jonny over the summer and gave him some transition time.  They have done a fantastic job at reconnecting with youth on Friday nights and Sunday mornings as in person events have resumed.  Jonny has now taken on full responsibility for Balerno Youth and can be contacted on jonny.slatter@stmungos.org.  Please note youth@stmungos.org has been deactivated.

Parentalk – the Teenage Years – the next session of the course is on zoom on Wednesday 10 November (7.45pm onwards). This time we will be looking at ‘Identity’. All households with a young person in P6-S5 are welcome to join, whether you have joined the previous sessions or not. Check the email sent on Tuesday with a link to sign up, or contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org if you have any questions.

Midweek Word Live:  Every Wednesday morning at 8.30am for half an hour, available on the St Mungo’s Community Facebook page and the St Mungo’s Balerno & Livingston YouTube channel.  Do join us for a Word from the Word!

Pray for Balerno Farmers Market – pray for the team who will host the St Mungo’s stall on Saturday 13 November, giving out church flyers and kids crafts.

Pray for a good response to the “you are loved” postcards being distributed in the local areas.  

Please pray for Vestry as they meet on Wednesday 10 November, in person.  Pray for wisdom and God’s guidance as they discuss Church governance.