COP26 climate summit
In person Sunday morning church services: 31 October 10.30am at Heriot Watt for the Balerno congregation. We will use a QR code to comply with Test and Protect so pre-booking is not required. Please arrive between 10 and 10.15 in order to allow the auditorium to fill safely, young people to be dropped off at groups and everyone to check in. The Livingston congregation will meet at St Margaret’s on 7 November. Services are live streamed.
0-18 Sunday mornings: Pre-school and Primary groups will run during the live services (31 October is for the Balerno congregation). You will be able to drop off and register your young person from 10.15. Mighty Mungos continues online for those unable to attend in person.
Worship Night – at 6.30pm for an hour on Sunday 31 October at Heriot Watt.
Balerno Christmas Book Stall – Sunday 14 November at Heriot Watt – Come to the primary group room and start your Christmas shopping, books available to order for all under 12’s.
Balerno Primary - Christmas Movie Night – Saturday 4 December – More information to follow.
Friday Night Youth – 5 November, 7.30pm – 9.30pm - Bonfire Night Special, at Alan MacDonald’s house. See church suite e-mail for details. For more information contact
Balerno Youth alternate Sundays no longer on zoom. From Sunday 7 November, Balerno youth bible study now from 6.30pm – 8pm at church building, Balerno.
Balerno Youth from 1 November: We would like to thank Adrian & Tara Devlin; Gill Menzies & Kirsten Thomson for helping out with Balerno youth for the last 3 months as we appointed Jonny over the summer and gave him some transition time. They have done a fantastic job at reconnecting with youth on Friday nights and Sunday mornings as in person events have resumed. Jonny will take on full responsibility for Balerno Youth from 1 November and can be contacted on Please note has been deactivated.
Services during November: We will continue to have alternate morning services through November. Details for services in December will follow in due course.
Great article on our website as you think about responses to Halloween.
Midweek Word Live: Every Wednesday morning at 8.30am for half an hour, available on the St Mungo’s Community Facebook page and the St Mungo’s Balerno & Livingston YouTube channel. Do join us for a Word from the Word!
Minis has restarted! This group is for little ones and their carers – mums, dads, grannies etc and runs on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings in the church building. Do tell people in the community and invite them to book in through Pray for the team working hard to make this happen and for families to be blessed by attending.
St Mungo’s has clothing to buy with our current images – Mighty Mungo’s and Be Love. All ages children to adult, T shirts, hoodies and more, lots of colour choices - and sales support our mission partnerships. Great ideas for Christmas gifts.
Clocks change Sunday 31 October – an extra hour’s sleep!