Week Beginning 9 August

St Mungo’s online.   Please check out St Mungo’s response to Scottish Government announcements on the Route Map out of lockdown.  https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update.   Whilst we are presently exploring occasional opportunities to gather, it still remains the case that there are no regular traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc. Meeting virtually remains our main approach. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Prayer Ministry will be available via Zoom from noon after the online service on Sunday 9 August.  Zoom code has been emailed out to St Mungo’s people.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, however it isn’t exclusive to them so if you’re an adult and want to join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching at that time too, you are very welcome!

Send in your pictures! Each Sunday before the online service we are sharing any recent photos you send in of yourselves so we can restore a bit of connection between us all! Send them in to onlinechurch@stmungos.org  and a few will be featured each week. 

Balerno S1 - S6 youth

  • Balerno Youth returns for our regular Friday nights / Sunday small groups on Friday 21st and Sunday 23rd August respectively.  We will be meeting on Zoom initially but hope to have an update on possible future face to face meet ups in September / October subject to Government guidance.  For further info, please contact sarah.tomb@stmungos.org and do keep an eye on our Social Media pages and www.stmungosyouth.com for all future dates.

  • Balerno S1 - S6 youth: socially distanced picnic planned in Wellness Centre Garden in Balerno; Sunday 9th August from 1.30pm - 2.30pm.  Numbers are capped at 25.  Any questions contact sarah.tomb@stmungos.org / wendy.brown@stmungos.org.  If the picnic doesn’t go ahead due to bad weather; we will meet on Zoom from 4pm to 5pm. 

  • Livi Youth:  Sunday 16 Aug, 7pm to 8pm via zoom.  Contact lindsay.glover@stmungos.org for more info.

0-18 Video Content:  Please remember to visit our Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) to check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry.  For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Email Notices: Signup at stmungos.org/notices to receive the weekly notices via email on Saturdays.  

 An evening of prayer - Update