How will the building project impact the Livingston service?
As we are one church in two locations, the new building in Balerno is as much for the Livingston church family as the Balerno church family. People from both services will attend the youth events and Sunday evening services in Balerno, as well as the numerous weekly events such as Prayer Cell, Minis and other events that take place during the week. St Mungo’s staff serve both Balerno and Livingston and a new building should have a very positive impact on staff wellbeing and on their workloads.
How will we engage with the local community to answer their questions and hear their views?
Respecting and listening to the local community is important to St Mungo’s and we have already entered conversations with Balerno Community Trust, MSPs, MPs and local councillors and other local organisations. We will invite the community to view the building plans at an early stage and will listen closely to their feedback. During the planning application the local community will have the right to submit comments to Edinburgh Council.