How are we planning to make the building project as sustainable as possible?
We will work closely with the architects and other project team members to explore whether we can achieve Net Zero or come as close to it as reasonably possible. Environmental impact will be a top priority in the building's design process.
Have traffic issues, parking and access issues been considered?
We are in the process of appointing a Transport Consultant to feed into the design and planning at an early stage. The Transport Consultant will advise on both construction site traffic and traffic flow once we start using the finished building as well as parking.
What provision is in place to manage community disruption during the building stage?
Good site management will be one of the key issues in selecting a contractor and we will expect them to ensure deliveries are restricted to certain times of the day and that site operatives park their vehicles in specified locations. We recognise that there may be some community disruption, but we will do our best to keep this to a minimum and will communicate with the community throughout the construction stage.