Christmas Gift Collection 2021

We are so thankful to the many who have contributed to this year’s Christmas gift.

We have raised just over 30% of our target and would love to bless both Challenge Ministries Swaziland [CMS] & Starfish Asia by reaching our target of £25,000 by the end of February. If you would still like to give a gift, you can do so here, it’s really simple:

Supporting the projects of both CMS and Starfish Asia gives us an opportunity to contribute to a legacy for these communities and for generations to follow. Where we can bring hope through:

  1. Provision of water which is essential for daily domestic needs and for crop growth to ensure food security.

  2. Education to children at STAR SHINE SCHOOL in Lahore (where the majority of Pakistan's Christian minority live) and enabling much needed refurbishment to the school to allow extra space for existing and new pupils and job security for teachers.

As a nation, the UK has easy access to both water and education – please consider giving to these projects this year.

You can watch the videos relating to each project, here: