Pointers for Prayer Sep 2020

Why not use these suggestions for your individual prayer – at home or at the evening of prayer event on Sunday 20 September.  (now fully booked)

St Mungo’s – pray for us to continue to be a united church, even as we are not able to fully meet together physically yet.  Pray for the small groupings we are starting to facilitate. 

Sunday services – pray for all involved in the production of our online services – preaching, leading and in worship - as well as those supporting them.  Pray for an impact on all those watching.

Staff team – pray as they help the church prepare for small re-openings of events – and for the transition in leadership next year.   Pray for Malcolm and Ollie as they prepare the handover of leadership responsibilities. 

Leaders – give thanks for Vestry, House Group Leaders and all in positions of leadership and responsibility across the church.  Pray for the first in person leaders’ meetings as they start to come together. 

Wellness Centre.  Please pray for all our counsellors – for continued health and peace for themselves as they walk alongside people who are struggling.

Pray for our clients that they will see release and freedom into wholeness.  Please pray for those on our waiting list (particularly many children) 

Community Links.  Pray for on-going and new links to our local communities through events like the Balerno farmers market, counselling and 0-18 events as well as in our neighbourhoods.

0-18 Ministry:   Please pray for making and keeping connections with our littlest of children and their families, in particular, as our Climbers team begins preparations to organise an online event with our 3+4-year olds.  

Please pray for those children who do not see anyone from church during the week, that they would know God's presence with them at school/home/wherever.

Pray for wisdom for the staff team as they navigate through the changing guidance and regulations, pray that they would discern how to continue building discipling relationships with the children and young people.

Please pray for the emotional, mental and spiritual health of our young people as they navigate school, workload, friendships and Govt guidelines. 

Please pray for continued connection, fellowship, discipleship, fun and a sense of belonging for our young people during this season