Week beginning 1 October

Click here for the latest news post:  Feedback from Primary Camp.

Livestream. We are pausing our livestream, due to connectivity issues, but the full recording of the service “as live” will be made available as soon as possible later in the day.  

Connect point [Balerno 10.30].  We recognise that connecting with others in a large congregation, in a noisy concourse is not always easy.  To press into one of our core values of family, we now have a Connect Point where you can meet new people and have a chat over a cuppa.  There will be someone there to welcome you and introduce you to others, so you don’t need to break the ice yourself. This is a place for everyone, whether you are brand new to the church or have been coming for years.  Look out for the Connect Point banner near refreshments in the concourse after the service.

Healing prayer is offered after the 10.30 services in Balerno and Livingston.  Just make your way to the healing banner where the team will pray for you.  Also if you have personal healing needs you would like the healing prayer cell to pray for then email a brief description to enquiries@stmungos.org and the group will pray in confidence for you.

Wellness Centre Staff News:  We recently announced that Siobhan Short will be finishing up as the Wellness Centre Clinical Manager in December. We are hugely grateful for the work Siobhan has done at the Wellness Centre in the last 7 years and pray God's richest blessing on her for the next stage of her counselling career.  The recruitment process has now begun for the role of Wellness Centre Clinical Manager and the job application pack can be found at https://stmungos.org/vacancies.  Closing date for applications is 9 October.  Please do share the job pack with those you know who have the skills and experience for this role in the counselling field.

The Wellness Centre are looking for a volunteer receptionist for a Thursday evening – 1 week in 3 basis during term time. If you would like more details or to be considered for the role please email Sophia.lyons@stmungos.org or call the Wellness Centre 0131 451 5226.

Staff News: Over the past few months George Gera has been working as part of the Operations team, covering for Fil Stevenson. We are delighted to announce that Fil is now back to full working hours, but this does mean that George will be stepping back from his paid role with St Mungo’s at the end of September. We want to express our sincerest gratitude to George for stepping in to this role, it is no exaggeration to say that our services could not have run without you. Thank you so much. We took a moment as a staff team to thank George on Thursday in the office in the best way – cake! If you see George over the coming weeks, please do extend your own thanks to him for doing such a wonderful job. 

Kintsugi Hope: There is still time to join this new course on Thursday evenings. The group is open to people both in the church and those in the community and provides a safe, supportive space for people who feel, or have felt, overwhelmed. It covers topics such as disappointment, loss, anxiety, anger perfectionism, shame and resilience. If you would like more information email:  david.lyons@stmungos.org  

Balerno Welcome Lunch [Sunday 1 October 12.30pm to 2.30pm]:  Due to unforeseen circumstances, the welcome lunch has been postponed until the new year.  

Prayer Cell Leaders Refresh.  Monday 2 October at 8pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. A time of worship and to refresh our minds on the model we use as well as a chance for you to be prayed for to be refreshed and filled with the Spirit.

Company of Men Discipleship Morning Saturday 7 Oct 9.30am-12 noon at the Ministry Centre.  We would be delighted if you to join us as we think about Discipleship and how we can support, care and encourage one another in our walk with God.  Ollie will be teaching on the subject and Tod Chapin will be sharing his thoughts and experiences. We will also have a Q and A afterwards. Pastries and refreshments will be provided!  Promises to be a great morning.  Hope to see you there.  Any queries email adrian.smith@stmungos.org 

Livi Men.  Ireland vs Scotland - In case you’ve missed it, we’re in the midst of the Rugby World Cup, and so at 7.30pm on Saturday 7 October, Livi Men are invited to join with us to watch the Scotland vs Ireland match. It promises to be a great game, plus, there will be a pub sports quiz at half time with prizes to be won! Click here to sign up.

Gold.  St Mungo’s group for those 60+ will be meeting at 2pm (until 3.30pm) on Tuesday 10 October in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.  More details from David and Marjorie Brown.

Tearfund Quiz.  Friday 27 October will be the Tearfund Quiz night. Look out for an email next week with all the details.

Year End Mission Giving:  We have given £18,400 from our world mission fund towards year end gifts, split across a number of organisations and also including a top up gift to our 7 main mission partners.  For a breakdown of this allocation, please read more on the website here.  We are hugely grateful to all who give generously and faithfully to St Mungo’s which in turn enables us to provide financial support to mission both at home and globally to further their work for the Kingdom.

0-18 activities.

·        Youth on Sunday 1 October is Envision for Balerno and Livi youth. Balerno youth go direct to Church Building, Ladycroft for 10.30am. Livi team will be in touch with parents to arrange transport for Livi youth.

·        Friday Night Youth Club on 6 October 7.30-9.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

·        Youth Deeper is Sunday 8 Oct where Ollie will be joining us to look at healing prayer. 4pm at the Ministry Centre. Please let Jonny know in advance if your young people would like a portion of chips ordered.  Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org

·        Primary Movie night on Tuesday 31 October for all P1-P7s from 5.45pm – 8pm in Church Building, Balerno, Ladycroft. Parents will receive a flier at church on Sunday or speak to Caitlin (Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org) for further details.

·        P1-7 social events on Sat 7 October. Contact Caitlin Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org) if you haven’t received the information.