Week beginning 14 January

Click here for the latest news post: Deeper   

Cups and Refreshments!  As we begin the new year, why not bring your new Christmas mug; flask; cup to church on a Sunday morning to reduce the quantity of paper cups we use each week.  Thank you.

The St Mungo's AGM will be held at our 10.30am services in both locations on Sunday 21 January.   More details on the website.

·        Balerno Vision Sunday will follow the AGM on Sunday 21 January

·        Livingston Vision Sunday will be on Sunday 28 January

St Mungo's Christmas Gift Collection:  Thank you for your continued generosity towards SU Scotland's Development Appeal for the Alltnacriche residential centre, raising funds to increase space for small group work at the centre.   We are delighted to share that we have now gone beyond our target and raised £22,178.75 [including gift aid].  There is still time to contribute to the wonderful work of SU Scotland: https://justgiving.com/page/stmungos-scriptureunion-christmas2023

Alpha: New Year, New Start – Try Alpha. Alpha is going to be starting at 8pm on Tuesday 30 January and run on Tuesday evenings in Livingston, and will start at 8pm on Thursday 1 February and run on Thursday evenings in Balerno. People are welcome at either course regardless of which church location they attend. For more details and to sign up you and your guests check the website: www.stmungos.org/alpha or email alpha@stmungos.org

Communion services at 10.30am on Sunday 14 January in both locations.  In Livingston the wafers are all gluten free, and in Balerno one point serves gluten free wafers and grape juice, to bless those who prefer this.

Pray Livi ’24.   As 2024 kicks off, we’re asking everyone to use January to prayer walk their way around Livingston. As we do this, we’re excited to have our own Pray Livi ’24 App to assist us in praying across all our communities. You can get the app and more information about Pray Livi ’24 by clicking here.

Cap money course starts on Thursday 18 January in Church building, Balerno for 3 weeks.  Do come yourself or suggest to those you know in the community.  Spaces must be booked, more details here: https://stmungos.org/cap

Gavin and Heather Falconer Feedback Evening:  On Thursday 18 January [7.30pm at the Ministry Centre, Balerno], we will be hosting a feedback evening with Gavin and Heather as they share about their recent time in Ecuador with Reach Beyond.  Gavin and Heather are due to return to Ecuador at the end of January and it would be a great opportunity to hear more stories and testimony from them, pray with them and support them as they head back to South America to minister.  Do join us if you are able. 

Wellness Centre Worship and Prayer night.   The Wellness Centre will be open on Tuesday 23 January from 7pm-9pm for all members of the congregation to pop in at any time.  There will be live worship and prayer stations in each of the counselling rooms. We would love you to join us to pray for this often hidden, but life-transforming ministry of our church.

A Service to Remember.  A time to reflect and remember those known personally who have died.  Wednesday 24 January at 7.30pm at St Mungo's Church building, Balerno. Open to anyone in St Mungo's.

Spirit Café: Our first Spirit Café of the year will be running in Balerno on Saturday 27 January. Starting a New Year is often a time when people ask questions and reflect on their life and it is an easy time to invite others along to Spirit Café to come and encounter God’s love for them. We will be advertising this across Edinburgh and West Lothian and have found that people are willing to travel for it, so be praying and asking who you could invite to come along.

Heriot-Watt University Chaplaincy Annual Public Lecture at 7pm on Monday, 5 February. John Wyatt, an Emeritus Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics, Ethics and Perinatology at UCL, will give this year's lecture. He has a longstanding interest in ethical and philosophical dilemmas raised by advances in biomedical medical and digital technologies and is a well-known speaker, writer and blogger.  His theme, Transhumanism, explores the startling possibilities of enhancement technology and asks what these advances mean for human flourishing.  The lecture is free and open to the public to attend, please register here on Eventbrite:  http://bit.ly/3RbYPwZ

Amy Orr-Ewing will be with us on 2 and 3 March 2024.  There will be a day conference on Saturday 2 March at Heriot Watt conference centre, and a joint congregations service on Sunday 3 March also at Heriot Watt.  More details to follow but save the date.

Baptism service.   We are planning a service in Balerno on the afternoon of Sunday 10 March.  If you have not already been baptised and would be interested in being included please speak to Ollie or Isaac or email enquiries@stmungos.org

Funeral arrangements for Ann Stephen of the 8.45 congregation.  A thanksgiving service for her life will be held on Thursday 25 January at 1.30pm in the Church building, Balerno.  This is open to all and is after a private family cremation service.

Youth serving.  Starting on 14 January, young people from our S4-S6 Deeper group will participate in a monthly Serving Week, where they will serve across the various ministries in the church that fits their individual spiritual gifts and talents.   See newspost for more information.

0-18 notices.

·        Youth on Sunday 14 January – Refuel at 10.30 in Church Building, Ladycroft

·        Sunday 14 January– Deeper at 4pm in the Ministry Centre

·        Sunday 14 January – Dive In at 4pm in Caitlin’s House

·        Friday 19 January – Friday Night Youth is a youth club night at 7.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft

·        Sunday 21 January – Balerno Youth will be in the service for Vision Sunday

·        S4-6 weekend away bookings close on Sunday 21 Jan. If any young people (or their friends) still want to sign up then please do so before this date using this link – https://form.jotform.com/233193361146049 


Give thanks for our housegroups as they start back again this week.  Pray for the new leaders starting in this role; Isaac and Ruth Knight in Livingston and Dave and Sophia Lyons in Balerno.  Pray blessing on Steve and Michelle Denning, and Chris and Lorraine Twyford as they take a break from leadership after many years serving in this role.