Summer Services We are doing church a bit differently over the summer holidays. For all the details and to read why we are doing this head over to the website .
Building Project email address This can be used for questions and comments, from the congregation and wider community. As we’ve not yet settled on a project name, it’s just
Building Project Manager: We are delighted that Michelle Denning has joined the staff team on a one day per week and temporary basis. Although we are in the consultation and feasibility phase of the project, and no firm decisions have been made, there is still plenty to be done. Michelle will be working with Eric Adair (Project Director) and the Steering Group. Please be praying for Michelle as she takes up this important role.
Building Project Information Evenings: On the evenings of Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 June there will be Building Project information evenings in the Church building at 8pm. Tuesday 18 June is for anyone who is not in a housegroup, or who was unable to attend with their group. Wednesday 19 June is final group of housegroups.
Spirit Café Livingston on Monday 24 June in Mercure Hotel, 7.30-9.30pm. Great event to invite friends along to.
Communion, Worship & Soaking: Thursday 27 June 9.30am - 10.30am. A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno.
Staff News: Kate Yates is retiring from her role as administrator and pastoral assistant on 30 June. We are hugely indebted to Kate for all that she has contributed to St Mungo’s over almost 30 years in her paid role, and also in her volunteer roles such as house group leader, running Minis etc which will continue. There is an opportunity for us as a church to thank her on Sunday 16 June.
Staff Handovers: With Kate’s retirement from the staff team impending, we have a handover period in place and we are delighted to confirm that Tara Devlin and Andrea Brewster will be increasing their hours to take on some aspects of Kate’s role [Tara will pick up admin / oversight for Ladycroft and some of the Sunday serving rotas and Andrea will pick up oversight of House Groups and Balerno Dedications]. We will share more of the detail in due course. However, if you have any questions in the meantime, please contact
Pioneers meet on Sunday 16 June in Balerno High School.
0-18 notices.
Youth –
· Sunday 16 June – Balerno youth are in morning service
· Sunday 16 June – Deeper after Transform, at Ministry Centre.
· Friday 21 June – Friday Night Youth is a youth club night with P7s visiting.
· Sunday 23 June – Refuel for Balerno Youth
Primary -
· All current P4-6s should have received an invitation to our residential in October. If you’ve missed this please get in touch with
· Balerno: For children moving from Climbers to Adventurers and from Xplorers to Youth, plans are in place for transitions. Children will not start in their new groups until 18 August, but will visit or be visited by children and young people from their new groups in the coming weeks.
Pray for Will MacMichael and Hannah Wilson (Balerno congregation) as they get married this week.
Pray for all those affected by the recent death of Veronica Chinyanga (Livingston congregation).
Pray and give thanks for David and Marjorie Brown as they step down from their role as Balerno housegroup leaders. They will continue in other roles including heading up Gold.