Week beginning 9 June

Click here for the latest news post: Investments

Building Project email address This can be used for questions and comments, from the congregation and wider community.  As we’ve not yet settled on a project name, it’s just BuildingProject@stmungos.org

Summer Services We are doing church a bit differently over the summer holidays. For all the details and to read why we are doing this head over to the website .

John Stuart (Balerno congregation) is being made a Lay Canon of St Mary's Cathedral, as he steps down after 28 years as Secretary General of the Scottish Episcopal Church's General Synod in July.  All are welcome to attend his installation service at Evensong on Sunday 9 June at 3:30pm at St Mary's Cathedral [Palmerston Place, Edinburgh, EH12 5AW] and there will be a short reception afterwards in the Cathedral. Due to a large concert at Murrayfield transport is likely to be disrupted. Please plan your journey accordingly.

Gold (St Mungo’s group for over 60’s) have an outing to Saughton Park on afternoon of Tuesday 11 June.  More details from David and Marjorie Brown.

Life Seasons There’s still time to sign up for our next event on Saturday 15 June. All St. Mungo’s ladies should have received an email with the information.  


0-18 notices.

Youth –

·         Sunday 9 June: Refuel at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno at 10.30am and

·         Deeper serving Sunday

·         Deeper 4pm at Ministry Centre Balerno

·         Friday 14: Youth Club night at Ladycroft

·         Sunday 16: Balerno youth in service


Primary –

·         Sunday 9 June: 4pm Dive In

·         All P7s should have received an invitation to the BBQ at youth on Fri 21st. RSVP by 14th. If you haven’t received this please speak to Caitlin.


Balerno: For children moving from Climbers to Adventurers and from Xplorers to Youth, plans are in place for transitions. Children will not start in their new groups til August 18th but will visit or be visited by children and young people from their new groups in the coming weeks.


Staff News:  After being part of the staff team for almost 3 decades and currently our longest serving staff member, Kate Yates has made the decision to retire from her role as administrator and pastoral assistant, which covers many areas of church life.  Kate will be stepping down from her church role at the end of June.  We are hugely indebted to Kate for all that she has contributed to St Mungo’s over almost 30 years in her paid role and also as a house group leader, heading up Minis [she will continue to be involved in this] and many other hats.  There will be an opportunity for us as a church to thank Kate on Sunday 16 June.

Staff Handovers:  With Kate’s retirement from the staff team impending, we have a handover period in place and we are delighted to confirm that Tara Devlin and Andrea Brewster will be increasing their hours to take on some aspects of Kate’s role [Tara will pick up admin / oversight for Ladycroft and some of the Sunday serving rotas and Andrea will pick up oversight of House Groups and Balerno Dedications].  We will share more of the detail in due course.  However, if you have any questions in the meantime, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org.


Congratulations to Peter and Hazel Corry (Balerno congregation) on the recent birth of Phoebe.



Please pray for Vestry as they meet on Wednesday for their last meeting before the holidays.  Pray as they continue discussions on the Building Project and for wisdom and a clear sense of God’s leading.