Week beginning 19 January

Alpha taster evening – Thursday 23 January, 7:30pm, church building, Balerno.  Email ollie.clegg@stmungos.org if you are going to bring a friend, or come along.  Free meal so please RSVP by Sunday 19th if possible.  Invitations available. 

Staff News: we are pleased that, consistent with his recent ordination and position within St Mungo’s, the Vestry has agreed that Ollie will now hold the job title of Associate Rector. Please note there is no change to the specifics of Ollie’s role.

Spirit Café training day (new people or refresher) Sat 25 Jan in Ministry Centre.  Email penny.moise@stmungos.org.  We need people with a variety of gifts such as talking with people, praying, serving, and hearing from God.

Christmas Gift Collection: the appeal has now passed £17,800 - thank you so much for your generosity. We will continue to collect your gifts until the end of January.

Eswatini Mission Trip: we are planning another trip to our mission partners (17-27 Sept). Please contact Derek Thomson if you’d like to participate or find out more.  

Balerno Refreshments: Our Sunday morning refreshments overseer team has a gap that needs filled, to allow us to continue to serve filter coffee! This is a 1 in 4 rota; available from 9.45am to support set up and after the service to help with clear up.  Training provided.  Contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org.

Love After Marriage course at St Mungo’s, starts with an information evening at the Ministry Centre 7:30 - 9pm on Monday 27 January.  Open to any married couples. More information from Paul and Sarah Stanger.

Livingston Men’s Burns Curry Night.  Friday 24 January will be a gathering together to eat, chat and encourage each other.  More info from Ollie Clegg or Lawrie Hudson.

0-18 Volunteer needed for Little Wonders team (0-2yrs) in Balerno. No previous experience needed.  For more info, please contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org

Youth Alpha Day:  Sun 26 Jan for Balerno Youth at church building to conclude the youth alpha series. Meet in the BHS concourse at 10.30am finishing 4.30pm. Ensure forms are returned, bring or buy a packed lunch, drinks and cake supplied!  See Sarah Tomb for sign up flyers or more details.

Magnitude Summer Youth Festival (25 - 30 July):  St Mungo’s will take a group to this (formerly Soul Survivor). Return forms for early booking of £111 by 26 Jan (available from stmungosyouth.com).  More details; wendy.brown@stmungos.org.

Prayer cell leaders meet at 8pm on Wednesday 29 January in church building. 

Lunchtime Bethany Care Van. Needs volunteers to serve homeless on the 2nd Monday month 11am-2:30pm.  Details from Emma Galloway


Pray for Pat Price and those who are grieving the recent death of her husband Tam.  Funeral will be Monday 27 January at 11am at Mortonhall.

Please pray for our Balerno young people on their youth alpha day on Sunday 26 January; pray that this would be significant, and that they will encounter the Holy Spirit for the first time or afresh; and for our leaders as they run these sessions.

Week beginning 12 January

Vision Sunday / AGM is Sunday 19 January in the 10.30 services.  Please make it a priority to attend and hear a review of the last year and the vision for the one going forward.  See here for all the details of nominees for vestry.

Alpha taster evening: Thursday 23 January, 7:30pm, church building, Balerno.  Email ollie.clegg@stmungos.org if you are going to bring a friend, or come along.  Free meal so please RSVP by 19 January for catering.  Invitations available. 

Christmas Gift Collection: the appeal has now passed £14,000 - thank you so much for your generosity. We will continue to collect your gifts until the end of January.

0-18 Volunteer required to join our Little Wonders team (0-2yrs) in Balerno on a Sunday morning.  No previous experience needed.  For more info, please contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org.

Balerno Refreshments:  Our Sunday morning refreshments overseer team has a gap that needs filled, to allow us to continue to serve filter coffee! This is a 1 in 4 rota; available from 9.45am to support set up and after the service to help with clear up.  Training provided.  Contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org.

Balerno Hosting morning and evening teams have places on the rotas.  You just need to be able to smile and count! Full details from kate.yates@stmungos.org.

Love After Marriage course at St Mungo’s starts with an information evening at the Ministry Centre 7:30 - 9pm on Monday 27 January.  Open to any married couples. More information from Paul and Sarah Stanger

Livingston Men’s Burns Curry Night.  Friday 24 January will be a gathering together to eat, chat and encourage each other.  More info to follow but note the date.

Spirit Café training day (new people or a refresher) Saturday 25 January in Ministry Centre, Balerno.  Please email penny.moise@stmungos.org.  9.30am to 4pm for training, with Spirit Café in the evening, also in Balerno.  We need people with a variety of gifts such as talking with people, praying, serving, and hearing from God.

Opportunity to serve homeless in Edinburgh.  We need additional volunteers to help on the Lunchtime Bethany Care Van. 2nd Monday of month 11am-2:30pm.  More details from Emma Galloway.

GOLD for any over 60’s.  In church building Balerno, 2-4pm Tuesday 14 January. Entertainment and afternoon tea provided. RSVP to gold@stmungos.org.

Youth Lendrick Muir Weekend:  Places still available for our annual weekend away (7 – 10 Feb), early booking deadline is today (Sunday 12 January -£138, or £148 thereafter).  For more info or if a subsidy is required, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org.  


Our young people are taking their Prelim exams, please pray for peace, confidence, motivation to study and a knowledge that God holds all their days for them.

Please pray for Kara Packwood as she leaves for a two year mission opportunity with OM’s ship, the Logos Hope. St Mungo’s is helping support Kara financially.

Week beginning 5 January

Vision Sunday / AGM will be on Sunday 19 January in the 10.30 services. Please make it a priority to attend and hear a review of the last year and the vision for the one going forward. 

Christmas gift collection.  Buckets are available in all our locations for your donations. This year’s appeal is for Open Doors in Syria.  See gift envelopes  or website for more information.

Alpha taster evening– Thursday 23 January, 7:30pm, church building, Balerno.  Email ollie.clegg@stmungos.org with any questions or if are going to bring a friend, or come along.  Free meal so please RSVP by 19 January for catering.  See backpage for details, invitations available.

Love After Marriage course at St Mungo’s, starting with an information evening at the Ministry Centre from 7:30 - 9pm on Monday 27 January.  Open to any married couples. More information from Paul and Sarah Stanger. 

Spirit Café training day (for new people or a refresher for current team) Saturday 25 January at the Ministry Centre.  We need more team for Spirit Café due to the large number attending Spirit Café Livingston.  Please email penny.moise@stmungos.org to come along.  9.30am to 4pm for training, with Spirit Café on in the evening in Balerno.  We need people with a variety of gifts such as talking with people, praying, serving and hearing from God.

GOLD for any over 60’s.  In church building Balerno from 2-4pm on Tuesday 14 January. Entertainment and afternoon tea provided. Please RSVP to gold@stmungos.org to book your cakes. 

Water Bottles are no longer available to buy at the Balerno High School services, and ask that you bring your own instead.  There is a water fountain near the refreshments.  Thank you for helping raise £2000 for Tearfund’s water appeal over the last 5 years.  

Youth Lendrick Muir Weekend: Places still available for our annual weekend away (7 – 10 Feb), early booking deadline is Sunday 12 Jan (£138 or £148 thereafter).  For more info or if a subsidy is required, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org

Minis (St Mungo’s groups for little ones and their carers) restarts on Tuesday 14/Wednesday 15 January.   

Fortnight beginning 22 December

Christmas Services:  There will be a Christmas Eve service in the church building at 11.15pm, and an all age family service in Balerno High School on Christmas Day.   Please wear your best Christmas jumper on Christmas Day!  There will be no services on Sunday 29 December.

Spirit Café training day (for new people or a refresher for current team) Sat 25 January at the Ministry Centre.  We need more team for Spirit Café due to the large number attending Spirit Café Livingston.  Please email penny.moise@stmungos.org to come along.  9.30am to 4pm for training, with Spirit Café on in the evening in Balerno.  We need people with a variety of gifts such as talking with people, praying, serving and hearing from God.

Alpha taster evening: Thursday 23 January, 7:30pm, church building, Balerno.  Email ollie.clegg@stmungos.org with any questions or if you are going to bring a friend, or come along.  Free meal so please RSVP by 19 January for catering. 

Rend Collective Tickets:  We have bought a number of tickets for a youth trip to see Rend Collective in Glasgow on Friday 23 October.  We will be advertising this at Lendrick Muir in February.  This will be on a first come first served basis.  More details will follow in February.

Water Bottles:  From January we will no longer be selling water bottles at the Balerno High School services, and ask that you bring your own instead.  There is a water fountain near the refreshments.  Thank you for helping raise £2000 for Tearfund’s water appeal over the last 5 years. 

Sunday 22 December:  0-18 groups will run as follows: Balerno – Climbers (Riverside Café) will be a holiday team; Primary will be Kaleidoscope (Drama Studio); Little Wonders (as normal); no youth activities.  Livingston – Preschool as normal; Primary children will be in the service; no youth activities.  After that all 0-18 groups will begin again on Sunday 5 January.

Youth activities in Balerno & Livingston:  start back on Sunday 5 January in both locations.

Thank you to everyone who made our Christmas carol events and the preschool event happen!


Please pray for the Christmas Day service – that it will be a great and fun celebration of the true meaning of Christmas. 

Week beginning 15 December

Christmas Services. All services on 22 December as normal. There will be a Christmas Eve service in the church building at 11.15pm, and an all age family service in Balerno High School on Christmas Day. There will be no services on Sunday 29 December.

Spirit Café training day (for new people or a refresher for current team): Sat 25 January at the Ministry Centre. We need more team for Spirit Café due to the large number attending Spirit Café Livingston. Please email penny.moise@stmungos.org to come along. 9.30am to 4pm for training, with Spirit Café on in the evening in Balerno. We need people with a variety of gifts such as talking with people, praying, serving and hearing from God.

Alpha taster evening: Thursday 23 January, 7:30pm, church building, Balerno. Email ollie.clegg@stmungos.org with any questions or if going to bring a friend, or come along. Free meal so please RSVP by 19 January for catering.

Sunday 22 December: 0-18 groups will run as follows: Balerno – Climbers (Riverside Café) will be a holiday team; Primary will be Kaleidoscope (Drama Studio); Little Wonders (as normal); no youth activities. Livingston – Preschool as normal; Primary children will be in the service; no youth activities. After that all 0-18 groups will begin again on Sunday 5 January

Youth activities in Balerno & Livingston: There will be no youth events on Friday 20 or Sunday 22 December, we will start back on Sunday 5 January in both locations.

Rend Collective Tickets: We have bought a number of tickets for a youth trip to see Rend Collective in Glasgow on Friday 23 October. We will be advertising this at Lendrick Muir in February. This will be on a first come first served basis. More details will follow in February.

Water Bottles. From January we will no longer be selling water bottles at the Balerno High School services, and ask that you bring your own instead. There is a water fountain near the refreshments. Thank you for helping raise £2000 for Tearfund’s water appeal over the last 5 years.

Please pray for the Christmas parties happening at Minis (our Balerno group for little ones and their carers) this week which includes the telling of the nativity story.

Week beginning 8 December

Carol Services: Christmas card invites are available for our Livingston carol service. Please take them, pray over them and deliver them to friends, colleagues etc.   There are invitations for all the 0-18 events as well.  Let’s give the gift of peace to our communities this Christmas.

Christmas Services: see here for full listing. Please note there is no Livingston 1030 or Balerno 630 service on 15 December due to our Carol Services. There will be no services on Sunday 29 December.

Balerno Farmers Market, Saturday 14 December, 9am-1pm. We need your help with  a range of activities - uplift of Bethany Caring Christmas Trees (see Emma Galloway); running kids crafts (andrea.brewster@stmungos.org) and chatting with people at our Nativity boards (ollie.clegg@stmungos.org).

Caring Christmas Trees: available from caringchristmastrees.com.  This supports Bethany’s work with homeless people.  Trees can be collected from a number of locations/dates including Balerno Farmers Market on Saturday 14 December 9-1pm. Order deadline is noon on Monday 9 December.

Gold Christmas Lunch: Reminder for those with tickets that this takes place on Tuesday 10 December at church building from 1.15 until 4pm.

Bethany Care Shelter: thanks to your generosity, our gift of £10,000 will provide an entire week’s worth of shelter provision for 60 homeless men and women this winter. Thanks also to all who are volunteering at the Shelter and on the Care Van, including on Christmas Day.   

Eswatini Mission Trip: We are returning to our friends in Southern Africa between the 17-27  September 2020. This trip is perfect if you’ve never experienced a mission trip. Find out more by speaking to Derek Thomson.

Livingston 0-18 on Sunday 22 December:  Reminder that there will not be a group for primary age children. Youth will be in the service.


Please pray for the carol events happening in Balerno later today (Sun 8 December), and for the preparations for the carols in Livingston on 15 December.

Pray for the (sold out!) Beer and Carols event happening in Balerno on Thursday 12 December.

Week beginning 1 December

Carol Services – Christmas card invites are available for our Livingston and Balerno carol services. Please take them,  pray over them and deliver them to friends, colleagues etc.   There are invitations available for all the 0-18 events as well.  Let’s give the gift of peace to our communities this Christmas.

The Very Unexpected Christmas Present: A free event for families with under 5’s. Sunday 8 Dec, 10.30am Balerno High School. Invites available.

Christmas Services: see here for full listing. Also note we have no Balerno 1030 or 630 on 8 December and no Livingston 1030 or Balerno 630 on 15 December due to our Carol Services. There will be no services on Sunday 29 December.

Open House / Gather:  for any S1-S6 from 4pm to 6pm today (1 Dec) at Ministry Centre where we’ll provide hot dogs and snacks.  Then all go to the Gather event!

Beer and Carols event is already full – please pray for this event happening on Thursday 12 December.

Bethany Care Shelter: thanks to your generosity, our gift of £10,000 will provide an entire week’s worth of shelter provision for 60 homeless men and women this winter. Thanks also to all who are volunteering at the Shelter and on the Care Van, including on Christmas Day.   

Mission Giving: Vestry agreed to give £5,000 to Starfish Asia, enabling quality education for Christian children in Pakistan.

E-Swatini Mission Trip: We are returning to our friends in Southern Africa between 17 and 27 September 2020. This trip is perfect if you’ve never experienced a mission trip. Find out more and/or apply by speaking to Derek Thomson.

Balerno Farmers Market, Saturday 14 December, 9am-1pm. - we need your help! There are great opportunities– help with uplift of Bethany Caring Christmas Trees (see Emma Galloway); running kids crafts (andrea.brewster@stmungos.org) and chatting with people at our Nativity boards (ollie.clegg@stmungos.org)

Caring Christmas Trees, available from caringchristmastrees.com.  This supports Bethany’s work with homeless people.  Trees can be collected from a number of locations and dates including Balerno Farmers Market on Saturday 14 December 9-1pm. Order deadline is noon on Monday 9 December.

Tearfund Big Quiz –We joined with 25,000 people across the country and we raised £465 for Tearfund. Thanks to all who took part, next date is Sat 14 November 2020!

Staff News: Lesley Penny’s ordination training continues in the form of a placement at St Cuthbert’s, Colinton, until Easter. Lesley will be there most Sunday mornings.  Please remember her in your prayers as she continues on this process.

Pray for the preparations for all the Christmas events coming up this month.  For lots of guests to come and for everyone to be touched by the gift of God’s peace.

Week beginning 24 November

Carol Services: Christmas card invites are available for our Livingston and Balerno carol services. Please take a bundle, pray over them and deliver them to friends, colleagues etc.   There are invitations available for all the 0-18 events as well.  Let’s give the gift of peace to our communities this Christmas.

The Very Unexpected Christmas Present: A free event for families with under 5’s. Sunday 8 Dec, 10.30am Balerno High School. Invites available.

Christmas Services – see stmungos.org/christmas for full listing. Also note we have no Balerno 1030 or 630 services on 8 December and no Livingston 1030 or Balerno 630 services on 15 December due to our Carol Services. There will be no services on Sunday 29 December.

Beer and Carols event is already full – please pray for this event happening on Thursday 12 December.

Spirit Café Balerno in Ministry Centre on Saturday 30 November 7.30-9.30pm.  Flyers available to invite friends.  Next café is 25 January 2020 (none in December)

Balerno Farmers Market, Saturday 14 December, 9am-1pm.  If you enjoy meeting people please consider signing up. Many regulars are unavailable this time so we need help! There are great opportunities this market – help with uplift of Bethany Caring Christmas Trees (contact Emma Galloway); running kids crafts (andrea.brewster@stmungos.org) and chatting with people at our Nativity boards (ollie.clegg@stmungos.org)

Caring Christmas Trees: now available to order from caringchristmastrees.com.  This supports Bethany’s work with homeless people.  Trees can be collected from a number of locations and dates including Balerno Farmers Market on Saturday 14 December 9-1pm. Order deadline is noon on Monday 9 December.

Tearfund Big Quiz: We joined with 25,000 people across the country and we raised £465 for Tearfund. Thanks to all who took part, next date is Sat 14 November 2020!

Open House / Gather:  for any S1-S6 from 4pm to 6pm next Sunday at Ministry  Centre where we’ll provide hot dogs and snacks.  Then all go to the Gather event!

Youth Lendrick Muir 2020: 7-10 Feb -booking forms are available see info stands,  youth events or youth website (www.stmungosyouth.com).

Prayer for the persecuted church - Tuesday 26 Nov, 7- 9pm in Ministry Centre, to join a ‘global wave of prayer’ for our persecuted family. RSVP Teresa Martin

Missing Giving: thanks to your generosity, we are once again able to contribute £10,000 to the Bethany Christian Trust Winter Care Shelter and £5,000 to Starfish Asia, enabling quality education for Christian children in Pakistan.

Staff News: Lesley Penny’s ordination training continues in the form of a placement at St Cuthbert’s, Colinton, from today until Easter. Lesley will be there most Sunday mornings.  Please remember her in your prayers as she continues on this process.

Please pray for Rachel Cummings and Timothy Pons who are getting married on Saturday (30 November) at Balerno Parish Church.

Week beginning 17 November

Carol Services – Christmas card invites are available for our Livingston and Balerno carol services. Please take a bundle, pray over them and deliver them to friends, colleagues etc. (thank you everyone for taking the Balerno street bundles).   Why not pop some in an envelope and personalise the invite? There are invitations available for all the 0-18 events as well.  Let’s give the gift of peace to our communities this Christmas.

The Very Unexpected Christmas Present: A free event for families with under 5’s. Sunday 8 Dec, 10.30am Balerno High School. Invites available.

Christmas Services – see here for full listing of events. Also note we have no Balerno 1030 or 630 services on 8 December and no Livingston 1030 or Balerno 630 services on 15 December due to our Carol Services. There will be no services on Sun 29 December.

Spirit Café in Livingston on Monday 18 November.  Howden Park Centre, Livingston 7.30-9.30pm.  Flyers available to invite friends.

Kaleidoscope Saturday (23rd November):  A free social event for anyone in P5-P7!  6pm to 7.30pm in the Church Building, Balerno.  For more details contact caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org.

Youth Lendrick Muir 2020 – Booking forms for our annual youth weekend at Lendrick Muir (7 to 10 Feb) are now available from the info stands, all youth events or the youth website (www.stmungosyouth.com).

International Day of prayer for the persecuted church is today – please join with others in prayer, some helpful prayer points here. We also invite you to come along on Tuesday 26 November, 7- 9pm at the Ministry Centre, to join specifically in this ‘global wave of prayer’ for our persecuted family. RSVP to Teresa Martin

Green Room Balerno 10:30:  This is an area for our littlest babies and their mums, and we are trialling a new location, situated off the concourse near the disabled toilet as you approach the tech desk.

Bethany Care Van urgently needs men’s clothes, especially coats, fleeces, jumpers, underwear, hats and gloves for this winter. Many, many thanks for all the wonderful donations over the past year. Please contact Lindsey Cummings to arrange for drop off.

Lost Property in Balerno – check it isn’t yours before it goes to charity!


Please pray for a good response as we distribute our Christmas invites.

Week beginning 10 November

Carol Services – Christmas card invites are available for our Balerno carol services. Please take a bundle, pray over them and deliver them to friends, colleagues etc and throughout Balerno. Why not pop some in envelopes and personalise the invite? Livingston invites available next Sunday. Let’s give the gift of peace to our communities this Christmas.

The very unexpected Christmas present: A free event for families with under 5’s. Sunday 8 Dec, 10.30am Balerno High School. Invites available.

Tearfund Big Quiz Night. St Mungo’s is hosting a Big Quiz in Balerno High School at 7.30pm on Saturday 16 November.  Flyers available, RSVP by Thursday to quiznight@stmungos.org

Spirit Café in Livingston on Monday 18 November.  Howden Park Centre, Livingston 7.30-9.30pm.  Flyers available.

Green Room Balerno 10:30: This is an area for our littlest babies and their mums, and we are trialing a new location, situated off the concourse near the disabled toilet as you approach the tech desk.

GOLD is meeting for over 60’s in church building, Balerno from 2-4pm on Tuesday 12 November. Entertainment and afternoon tea provided.   Tickets will also be available for our Christmas lunch (£21) and there will be a Traidcraft stall. Please therefore bring cash with you.  RSVP gold@stmungos.org to book your place. 

Bethany Care Van urgently needs men’s clothes, especially coats, fleeces, jumpers, underwear, hats and gloves for this winter. Many, many thanks for all the wonderful donations over the past year. Please contact Lindsey Cummings to arrange for drop off.

Pioneers: We are desperately looking for volunteers to serve in Pioneers, our Balerno young adults with additional needs group.  For more details email david.lyons@stmungos.org.

Lost Property in Balerno –check it isn’t yours before it goes to charity!


Please pray for our mission partners at Challenge Ministries Swaziland as they grieve the tragic loss in a car accident of a family and one of the older boys from Bulembu, their orphan village.

Please pray for children and families as they start to hear about our St Mungo’s Christmas events – that they would be able to make plans for inviting friends. 

Week beginning 3 November

Balerno Farmers Market: Saturday 9 November 9am-1pm. A team from St Mungo’s will be at the market, connecting with people, inviting them to our carol events and running kids crafts. If you’d like to be involved please email ollie.clegg@stmungos.org or andrea.brewster@stmungos.org (crafts) or just come along on the day and support the market!

GOLD meeting for over 60’s in church building Balerno from 2-4pm on Tuesday 12 November. Entertainment and afternoon tea provided. RSVP  gold@stmungos.org to book your place.

Livingston St Margaret’s on Sunday 10 Nov is providing the gathering space for the Annual British Legion Remembrance procession from the bus park to the Civic Centre.  We have therefore been asked to not park in this area (the bus park) if possible.

Tearfund Big Quiz Night. St Mungo’s is hosting a Big Quiz in Balerno High School on the evening of Saturday 16 November 7.30pm.  Think about who you could invite to form a team, see backpage for details and flyers available, RSVP to quiznight@stmungos.org.  

Pioneers: We are desperately looking for volunteers to serve in Pioneers, our young adults with additional needs group.  For more details email david.lyons@stmungos.org.

Friday Night Youth: Friday 8 Nov: Grub Crawl (S1-S6) 7pm to 10pm *note time change* Three courses, threes houses, one night!  Each course is being hosted by a St Mungo’s member around Balerno, and youth will be accompanied by St Mungo’s youth leaders.  Meet and pick up outside the church building and bring £3 towards food cost please.  Sign up at youth or email sarah.tomb@stmungos.org. Please inform us of any dietary requests.    

Green Room - for mums of little ones in Balerno - is not available this morning, but we are working on a replacement space.

Congratulations to Denise and Fraser Gough on the birth of Isobel on Friday 18 October.


Please pray for our Balerno young people as they make their way through the Youth Alpha course on Sunday mornings. Please be praying for honest questions and conversations as we explore the faith together. And please pray for the youth leaders as we answer, facilitate, encourage these honest conversations.  

Week beginning 27 October

Jungle Jen Renewal Weekend - with guest speaker and missionary Jennifer Foster from Friday 1 to Sunday 3 November.

  • Film night - for St Mungo’s only - on Friday evening (church building) sign up now at our website (free but limited spaces),

  • Life Seasons: our women’s event on Saturday morning 10am–12noon (Ministry Centre). Subject is “A season to be BOLD!”  Flyers available.  Please RSVP to lifeseasons@stmungos.org.  

  • Wider Leadership /Ministry team event on Saturday evening in church building. 

  • Sunday services Jen will be speaking at these so come along to receive powerful ministry then too.

Light up the Night: Thursday 31 Oct for all 3 yr olds – P3 (and younger siblings), 4.45-6.45pm in the church building. Bouncy castle, games, crafts, glow-in-the-dark fun and food! NB all children must be accompanied by an adult.  RSVP to andrea.brewster@stmungos.org.  

Friday Night Youth on 1 Nov. Please note we are meeting in the Ministry Centre, NOT church building, for a special Amazon Adventure themed night with Jungle Jen. More details in youth programme card or the flyers handed out.

Sunday morning youth: On Sunday 3 Nov, all youth from both locations will gather in Balerno and stay in the concourse for the whole service to hear the amazing Jungle Jen speak!

Turning Monthly Outreach: On Saturday 2 November the Turning will be based at the RCCG Church, 77 Craigentinny Road, Edinburgh, EH7 6QL. Doors 9.00am, evangelism training at 9.15, worship at 10.15, out on the streets for 11.15, returning to testify of God's power to save at 12.15.

GOLD meeting for over 60’s in church building Balerno from 2-4pm on Tuesday 12 November. Entertainment and afternoon tea provided. RSVP  gold@stmungos.org to book your place.

Tearfund Big Quiz Night. St Mungo’s is hosting a Big Quiz in Balerno High School on the evening of Saturday 16 November 7.30pm.  Think about who you could invite to form a team, flyers available, RSVP to quiznight@stmungos.org.  

Staff News: Jo Thompson has formally joined the staff Bible teaching team as a Teaching Associate. Jo will work a notional two hours per week, however like Lesley Penny, Jo’s actual hours worked in any given period will be determined by specific preaching commitments.

Congratulations to Denise and Fraser Gough on the birth of a baby girl on Friday 18 October.


Pray for all the events happening over the Jungle Jen Renewal weekend – and for Jennifer Foster as she comes to minister to us.


Week beginning 20 October

Jungle Jen Renewal Weekend - with guest speaker and missionary Jennifer Foster, from Friday 1 to Sunday 3 November.  See here for more details

Spirit Café in Balerno on Saturday.  Anytime from 7.30-9.30pm in the Ministry Centre. Great event to bring your friends along to so they can receive positive, encouraging words from God in a safe, welcoming environment.

Light up the Night: Thursday 31 Oct for all 3 yr olds – P3 (and younger siblings), 4.45-6.45pm in the church building. Bouncy castle, games, crafts, glow-in-the-dark fun and food! NB all children must be accompanied by an adult. For more information contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Kaleidoscope Saturday (26 October):  A social event for anyone in P5-P7 and it’s free!  6pm to 7.30pm in the Church Building, Balerno.  For more details contact caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org.

Open House for S1-S6 on Sunday 27 October from 4 - 6pm at Ministry Centre. We’ll provide hot dogs and snacks.  The intention being that we will then walk to the Gather worship event.  We encourage all our young people to attend.

Gather Worship Night – Sunday 27 Oct, 6.30pm Balerno High School.  

St Mungo’s GAP Year: Mairi Smith has started a GAP year with the organisation DNA and will be using St Mungo’s as her placement church. Her placement will run from October to August.

Tearfund Big Quiz Night. St Mungo’s is hosting a Big Quiz in Balerno High School on the evening of Saturday 16 November.  Save the date and think about who you could invite to form a team. More information coming soon!

Staff News: Jo Thompson has formally joined the staff Bible teaching team as a Teaching Associate. Jo will work a notional two hours per week, however like Lesley Penny, Jo’s actual hours worked in any given period will be determined by specific preaching commitments.

Minis is taking a half term break – returns on Tuesday 29 / Wednesday 30 October with bouncy castle mornings! Please tell local families about this great weekly activity and there is always room for more team members. 

Balerno High School Concourse Seating: with the return of our Youth to the 1030 service, please note new seating arrangements are now in place. The area designated for youth is clearly signed.

Clocks change on Saturday – extra hour’s sleep unless you have small children!


Please pray for our children this month as shops, TV and school become filled with Halloween. Pray that they would not be scared by it and would remember all they know about their Heavenly father who loves them.

Week beginning 13 October

Jungle Jen Renewal Weekend  - with guest speaker and missionary Jennifer Foster from Friday 1 to Sunday 3 November

  • Film night on Friday evening (church building) sign up now at our website (free but limited spaces),

  • Life Seasons: our women’s event on Saturday morning 10am–12noon (Ministry Centre). Subject is “A season to be BOLD!”  Flyers soon.

  • Wider Leadership event on Saturday evening in church building. 

  • Sunday services Jen will be speaking at these so come along to receive powerful ministry then too.

Light up the Night: Thursday 31 Oct for all 3 yr olds – P3 (and younger siblings), 4.45-6.45pm in the church building. Bouncy castle, games, crafts, glow-in-the-dark fun and food! NB all children must be accompanied by an adult. For more information contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Tearfund Big Quiz Night. St Mungo’s is hosting a Big Quiz in Balerno High School on evening of Saturday 16 November.  Save the date and think about who you could invite to form a team. More information coming soon!

St Mungo’s GAP Year:  Mairi Smith has started a GAP year with the organisation DNA and will be using St Mungo’s as her placement church.  Her placement will run from October to August.

Catalyst:  Due to David Lyons being in Eswatini, there will be NO Catalyst on Wednesday 16 October.

Gather Worship Nights: A huge thanks to all who came last week to our first Gather night! The next is only a couple of weeks away - Sunday 27 Oct, 6.30pm Balerno High School.   

Minis is taking a half term break – returns on Tuesday 29 / Wednesday 30 October with bouncy castle mornings! Please tell local families about this great facility and there is always room for more team members. 

Balerno High School Concourse Seating: with the return of our Youth to the 1030 service, please note new seating arrangements are now in place. The area designated for youth is clearly signed.

Community group: new Facebook group for St Mungo’s family. A place of encouragement and support.  facebook.com/groups/stmungoscommunity

Safe Families for Children: Training Days on Sat 26 October and Sat 16 November at Davidson’s Mains Parish Church, 1 Quality St, Edinburgh. 9:30am–4pm. More info from scotland@safefamiliesforchildren.com

Week beginning 6 October

Gather - worship nights: tonight is the first of our new monthly worship nights in our evening service! Refreshments from 6pm, starts 6.30pm.

Youth @ Gather: We’ll be running an Open House for our S1-S6 young people from 4 to 6pm at 46B Bavelaw Road, Balerno where we’ll provide hot dogs and snacks.  We will then walk to the Gather event together.

Life Seasons: Advance notice of our event on Sat 2 Nov 10am–12noon. Jungle Jen will be visiting and we will consider “A season to be BOLD!”

GOLD: meeting for over 60s, 2-4pm on Tues 8 Oct. Entertainment and afternoon tea provided. RSVP to gold@stmungos.org to book your place

Light up the Night: Thur 31 Oct for all 3 yr olds – p3 (and younger siblings), 4.45-6.45pm in the church building. Bouncy castle, games, crafts, glow-in-the-dark fun and food! NB all children must be accompanied by an adult. For more information contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Balerno Farmers Market: Sat 12 Oct 9am-1pm. A St Mungo’s team will be there on Balerno Main St, connecting with people and running kids crafts. Please email ollie.clegg@stmungos.org or andrea.brewster@stmungos.org (crafts) to get involved or just come along and support the market!

Sunday morning youth in Balerno: From today, all S1-S6 young people will start their morning in the concourse at 10.30am for worship as usual. 

BHS Concourse Seating: With the youth back in the concourse on Sunday mornings, there will be some seating changes. These will be indicated by signage from today.

Catalyst: Due to David Lyons being in Eswatini, there will be NO CATALYST on Wednesdays 9 and 16 Oct.

Community group: new Facebook group for St Mungo’s family. A place of encouragement and support.  facebook.com/groups/stmungoscommunity

Safe Families for Children: Training Days on Sat 26 October and Sat 16 November at Davidson’s Mains Parish Church, 1 Quality St, Edinburgh. 9:30am–4pm. More info from scotland@safefamiliesforchildren.com


Please pray for our team of 6 young people and 4 leaders who leave for Eswatini (Swaziland) on Thursday on a mission impact trip for ten days.  Pray for safe travels, health, unity, protection, boldness and courage as they step out of their comfort zone and bless those they encounter.

Week beginning 29 September


Spirit Café: Bring your friends for an amazing evening of hearing from God.  Anytime from 7.30pm to 9.30pm on Monday 30 September in Howden Park Centre, Livingston. 

Gather - worship nights: we are excited to launch new monthly worship nights in our evening service! An extended time dedicated to worship as we press into God's presence as a church family. Refreshments from 6pm, starts 6.30pm. Come expectant.  Sundays 6 October, 27 October and 1 December.

Sunday morning youth in Balerno: From 6 October onwards, all S1-S6 young people will start their morning in the concourse at 10.30am for worship as usual. 

BHS Concourse Seating: With the youth returning to the concourse, there will be some changes to seating arrangements. These will be explained at the Balerno 1030 service today (29 Sep) and indicated by signage from next Sunday 6 Oct onwards.

Livingston – Raise The Praise: Friday 4 October St Mungo’s will be taking part in 24 hours of continuous praise and worship. The St Mungo’s slot is 8-10pm and we would invite any Livingston congregation to come be a part of this.  Life Centre Livingston, 1 Almondside, EH54 6QU.

ESST: applications for our school of ministry close 1 October and spaces are filling up. New format of 3 weekends. £50 discount for St Mungo’s. See www.esst.org.uk for applications and info.

Community group: new Facebook group for St Mungo’s family. A place of encouragement and support.  facebook.com/groups/stmungoscommunity

Safe Families for Children: Training Days on Sat 26 October and Sat 16 November at Davidson’s Mains Parish Church, 1 Quality St, Edinburgh. 9:30am – 4pm. More info from scotland@safefamiliesforchildren.com


Please pray for Peter Woodifield as he is ordained as a deacon in St Mary's cathedral at 3.30pm today (Sun 29 Sep). All invited.

Week beginning 22 September

Spirit Cafes: Bring your friends for an amazing evening of hearing from God.  Anytime from 7.30pm to 9.30pm on either Saturday 28 September in the Ministry Centre, Balerno or on Monday 30 September in Howden Park Centre, Livingston. 

Gather - Worship Nights - we are excited to launch new monthly worship nights in our evening service! An extended time dedicated to worship as we press into God's presence as a church family. 6pm for refreshments. 6.30pm start. Come expectant.  Sundays 6 October, 27 October and 1 December.

Kaleidoscope Saturday (28 September):  A free social event for anyone in P5-P7.  6pm to 7.30pm in the Church Building, Balerno. For more details contact caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org.

Sunday 29 September will be the last of the 6 weeks Foundation Stones series for the Balerno young people.  From 6 October onwards, all S1-S6 young people will start their morning in the concourse at 10.30am for worship as usual. 

Livingston – Raise The Praise – Friday 4 October St Mungo’s will be taking part in 24 hours of continuous praise and worship. The St Mungo’s slot is 8-10pm and we would invite any Livingston congregation to come be a part of this.  Life Centre Livingston, 1 Almondside, EH54 6QU.

Catalyst: St Mungo’s Young Adults group has now started and will meet for a weekly small group on Wednesdays, 8-10pm at the St Mungo’s Ministry Centre, 46B Bavelaw Road, Balerno.

ESST – applications for our school of ministry close 1 October and spaces are filling up. New format of 3 weekends. £50 discount for St Mungo’s. See www.esst.org.uk for applications and info.

Community group – new Facebook group for St Mungo’s family. A place of encouragement and support.  facebook.com/groups/stmungoscommunity


Prayers please for Devin Scobie as he travels to Pakistan in his capacity as a Trustee of Starfish Asia, supporting Christian primary schools. St Mungo's has supported Starfish with occasional giving gifts in recent years.  Devin has also recently been appointed as Vice Chair of the charity.  

Week beginning 15 September

Comedy night with Andy Kind – this Saturday 21 Sept, 7.30pm, Balerno Bowling Club. See here for more information and invites available. Tickets £12.

Ollie Clegg will be ordained as a priest into the Episcopal church at 7.30pm on Thursday 19 September at St Mary’s Cathedral, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh EH12 5AW.  This is a St Mungo’s event in a different venue – Malcolm will be the speaker. We strongly encourage all of St Mungo’s to go along to support him.

Gather – worship nights – we are excited to launch new monthly worship nights in our evening service! An extended time dedicated to worship as we press into God’s presence as a church family. 6pm for refreshments. 6.30pm start. Come expectant.  Sundays 6 October, 27 October and 1 December.

Catalyst for St Mungo’s Young Adults 18+. This is new weekly small group 8 -10pm on Wednesdays in Ministry centre, Balerno. See the business cards on information board at Balerno High School or david.lyons@stmungos.org.

Minis. The St Mungo’s group for carers and little ones is in urgent need of helpers on their Wednesday rota.  Great team to be part of – serving the local Balerno families with a hot drink and a listening ear at a very popular community group.  Full details and to arrange a taster see Kate on kate.yates@stmungos.org.

Life course will be running this term for housegroup leaders only – do offer to baby sit on Thursday evenings where helpful.

Livingston – Raise The Praise – Friday 4 Oct St Mungo’s will be taking part in 24 hours of continuous praise and worship. The St Mungo’s slot is 8-10pm and we would invite any Livingston congregation to come be a part of this.  Life Centre Livingston, 1 Almondside, EH54 6QU.

School gate connection prayer cell needs new people – alternate Wednesdays 9-10 am. Contact Sophia Lyons if interested.

Lendrick Muir for P5-P7 is 20-22 September.  Please return all health forms to Caitlin Boddy by today.  The bus leaves Balerno High School on Friday afternoon at 5pm prompt and will return to Balerno at 4pm on the Sunday.


We have over 40 children in P5 to P7 at Lendrick Muir this coming weekend and almost half are not regular church kids. Please pray for fun and laughter, for safety, for chat and for every child to experience something new of God’s love for them. Please pray too for the team who go straight back to work on the Monday morning!

Pray for Ollie as he is ordained on Thursday and therefore completes his transfer to the Episcopal church.

Pray for Katie Jebb as she starts a 6 month YWAM Discipleship Training School in Harpenden this coming weekend.

Week Beginning 30 June

Road works in Balerno: significant road works are happening over the summer, including the closure of Bavelaw Green. Please use alternative routes, plan additional time to get to events or walk where possible, as parking may be affected.

Balerno Spirit Café: is taking a break in July but will return on 31 August.

The Wellness Centre needs a volunteer receptionist for Monday evening rota from August – 6pm-9pm, term time only, approx. 1 in 3 weeks. More info contact  siobhan.short@stmungos.org

The Wellness Centre is now closed until 12 August.

Families of Adventurers children (just finished P1-3) on Sunday 21 July @1pm –are invited to bring a picnic to Balerno playpark (beside Deanpark Primary School).  Some of the children have asked if they can do a local litter pick so we will have litter picking equipment with us too!  Contact caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org.

Balerno youth is running for 3 Sundays (14, 28 July and 11 August) during the holiday period.  On those mornings go to the Ministry Centre (46B Bavelaw Road) doors open from 10.20am for a morning of catch up, chat and chill.  For all P7 (those starting S1) – S6s (including those finishing S6).  Please keep an eye on the youth website for all the latest info over the summer: www.stmungosyouth.com.


Give thanks for our amazing primary and secondary 0-18 teams who are now having a well-deserved break over the summer.

Pray for everyone involved in Christian summer events – SU camps, holiday clubs, summer conferences, short term mission overseas etc.