Week beginning 10 September

Click here for the latest news post:  This is St Mungo’s Course.

Week beginning 10 September   


Livestream. We are pausing our livestream, due to connectivity issues, but the full recording of the service “as live” will be made available as soon as possible later in the day.  

“This is St Mungo’s” is a new course starting on Tuesday 12 September – check out the newspost for more information.

Connect point [Balerno 10.30].  We recognise that connecting with others in a large congregation, in a noisy concourse is not always easy.  To press into one of our core values of family, starting on 17 September, we will have a Connect Point where you can meet new people and have a chat over a cuppa.  There will be someone there to welcome you and introduce you to others, so you don’t need to break the ice yourself. This is a place for everyone, whether you are brand new to the church or have been coming for years.  Look out for the Connect Point banner near refreshments in the concourse after the service.

Healing prayer is offered after the 10.30 services in Balerno and Livingston.  Just make your way to the healing banner where the team will pray for you.  Also if you have personal healing needs you would like the healing prayer cell to pray for then email a brief description to enquiries@stmungos.org and the group will pray in confidence for you.

Gold.  The St Mungo’s group for over 60’s meets on Tuesday 12 September at 2pm until 3.30pm in the St Mungo’s Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. Fun, fellowship and cake for youngsters over 60.  All welcome including new faces.  Please contact Marjorie or David Brown on 0780 4274719 if you would like more information.

Balerno Outreach: Join us at 2pm on Saturday 16 September for a prayer walk around Balerno. It will last approximately 1hr, starting with worship in the Ministry Centre and then splitting into small groups to pray around the village.

Transform our monthly evening of worship and prayer ministry will be returning to Balerno High School on Sunday 17 September at 6.30pm.   Why not plan to come along.

Kintsugi Hope: We are excited to be starting a Kintsugi Hope Group on Thursday evenings at the end of September. The group is open to people both in the church and those in the community and provides a safe, supportive space for people who feel, or have felt, overwhelmed. It covers topics such as disappointment, loss, anxiety, anger perfectionism, shame and resilience. If you would like more information email: david.lyons@stmungos.org

Spirit Café Livingston: The next date for Spirit Café in Livingston will be Thursday 21 September at Howden Park Centre 7:30-9:30. Put the date in your diary, grab the Eventbrite graphic shared on Facebook and start spreading the word.

Livi Family Update Lunch. Sunday 24 September (after the service in St Margaret’s) Members of the Livingston congregation are invited to bring along a picnic lunch and join us as we think about all things Livi, past, present and future. This will be a great opportunity to share with one another as we discern where God may be calling us as a congregation in Livingston. We would love as many people to be part of this as possible, so please do mark this in your diaries.

Youth café help needed.    One off volunteers, required. Friday 29 September to help run a café at Youth Encounter Night in Church Building, Balerno. Please contact Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org if you can help.

Life Seasons.  Saturday 30 September (10.00am-12.30pm) will be the next Life Seasons event, open to all the ladies of St.Mungo's from S5 upwards. Sharon Garlough Brown will be our guest speaker, sharing some teaching with us and leading us in a time of prayer and reflection. More details and booking information was on the Church Suite email – or contact lifeseasons@stmungos.org.

0-18 activities.

·        Youth: Sunday 10 Sept: Balerno at Refuel (S1-6) Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno at 10:30.  Livi Youth as normal.

·        Deeper (S4-6) Ministry Centre, 46b Bavelaw Road, 4-6:15pm (food provided before the evening service) (Balerno and Livingston)

·        Youth Worship.  Thursday 14 September 7:30-9:30 at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

·        Friday Youth on 15 Sept: Bake Off at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno 7:30-9:30 SIGN UP ESSENTIAL – see email from Jonny

·        Livi Kids and Livi youth will NOT meet on Sunday 17 September

·        Next Youth Encounter Service will be on Friday 29 September – please sign up in advance for catering purposes.

·        Saturday Socials for primary aged children will start in October. Watch out for more details coming soon.


Please pray for the 36 primary children at Scoughall this weekend. Pray for fun, protection, conversations and most of all for the Holy Spirit to be encountered.

Pray for the St Mungo's Vestry team as they meet on Wednesday.   For wisdom as they discuss budgets and other church governance matters.

Week beginning 3 September

Baptism service at Balerno High School on Sunday 3 September at 1pm.  Bring your packed lunch to eat between services, come across from Livingston as we all support those being baptised in the school pool.  No service at 6.30pm.

Livestream. We are pausing our livestream, due to connectivity issues, but the full recording of the service “as live” will be made available as soon as possible later in the day.  

Autumn term card available at our services, or see https://stmungos.org/whats-on

Healing Prayer is available after the morning services in Balerno.  Please go to where the healing flag is, near refreshments.

Abide.  Evening of worship and intercessory prayer open to all St Mungo’s members.  On Thursday 7 September at 8pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

Livi Men’s Braai  As we kick into gear after a summer break full of fine Scottish weather, Livi Men are back, and you're invited! 7.30pm, Friday 8 September at Isaac and Ruth’s house. As always, this should be a great opportunity to spend time together as brothers in Christ, but it’s also a relaxed event, so please do invite friends/neighbours along to see some of who we are and what we're about at St Mungo's. £5 recommended donation collected on the night. Sign-up here: https://stmungos.churchsuite.com/events/by83mzb4

Gold.  The St Mungo’s group for over 60’s meets on Tuesday 12 September at 2pm until 3.30pm in the St Mungo’s Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. Fun, fellowship and cake for youngsters over 60.  All welcome including new faces.  Please contact Marjorie or David Brown on 0780 4274719 if you would like more information.

Life Seasons.  Saturday 30 September (10.00am-12.30pm) will be the next Life Seasons event, open to all the ladies of St.Mungo's from S5 upwards. Sharon Garlough Brown will be our guest speaker, sharing some teaching with us and leading us in a time of prayer and reflection. More details and booking information will follow in an email at the start of next week.

Amy Orr Ewing. Amy will be coming to St Mungo’s on weekend of 2 and 3 March 2024.  There will be a day conference (St Mungo’s only) on Saturday 2 March and a joint Balerno and Livingston service on Sunday 3 March – all at Heriot Watt.  More details to follow but please save the date!

Bethany Welcome Centre.  We are always looking for volunteers to help prepare and serve food at the Bethany Welcome Centre on one of the St Mungo’s allocated nights between October and May.  If you love to cook in large quantities to feed 25 people and would like to join our team and see what happens at the Welcome Centre one evening, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org for more info. 

Livi Family Update Lunch. DATE CHANGE – Sunday 24 September (after the service in St Margaret’s) Members of the Livingston congregation are invited to bring along a picnic lunch and join us as we think about all things Livi, past, present and future. This will be a great opportunity to share with one another as we discern where God may be calling us as a congregation in Livingston. We would love as many people to be part of this as possible, so please do mark this in your diaries.

Pioneers meets on Sunday 3 September in Balerno.

0-18 activities.

·        Envision for Balerno and Livi youth on Sunday 3 September. Balerno youth head to Church Building. Ladycroft, Balerno for 10.30, Livi youth transport with be arranged by leaders

·        Friday youth.  Friday 8 Sept – youth have a choice of activities. Magnitude Worship night at Central 7.30-9.30pm £5 entry, youth attending to make their own way there. Friday Night youth at Ladycroft will also be running as usual (no football).

·        Saturday Socials for primary aged children will start in October. Watch out for more details coming soon.


Pray for those being baptised on Sunday afternoon: Abigail Stewart, Amy Sutherland, Ian Lorimer, Maira McKendrick, Naomi Barrass, Max McCrindle and Seona McKendrick.

Please pray for the P5 to P7 weekend away to Scoughall in East Lothian.  50+ children and team will be heading off on Friday 8 Sept. Please pray for last minute planning, travel, safety, fun and encounters with the Holy Spirit.

Pray for the St Mungo’s team at the Balerno Farmers market on Saturday 9 September.

Week beginning 27 August

 Click here for the latest news post: Autumn term card 

Livestream. We are pausing our livestream, due to connectivity issues, but the full recording of the service “as live” will be made available as soon as possible later in the day.  

Autumn term card available at our services, or see newspost. https://stmungos.org/whats-on

Communion will be served at our 10.30am morning services on Sunday 27 August.  In Livingston the wafers are all gluten free, in Balerno one of the serving points offers gluten free wafers.  We continue to receive the sacraments by dipping our individual wafers in the wine.

Balerno Youth will be in the service on Sunday 27 August.

Healing Prayer is available after the morning services in Balerno.  Please go to where the healing flag is, near refreshments.

Amy Orr Ewing. Amy will be coming to St Mungo’s on weekend of 2 and 3 March 2024.  There will be a day conference (St Mungo’s only) on Saturday 2 March and a joint Balerno and Livingston service on Sunday 3 March – all at Heriot Watt.  More details to follow but please save the date!

Housegroup leaders.  Meet on Wednesday 30 August at 7.45pm in the Church Building, Ladycroft,  Balerno.  Do pray for the leaders as they meet and support them with babysitting where needed.

Big night in on Friday 1 September.  Board games and chat for all over 18’s at 7.30pm (to 10pm) in Ministry Centre, Balerno - bring friends or neighbours. No need to book.

Baptism service at Balerno High School on Sunday 3 September at 1pm.  Bring your packed lunch to eat between services, come across from Livingston as we all support those being baptised in the school pool. 

Bethany Welcome Centre.  We are always looking for volunteers to help prepare and serve food at the Bethany Welcome Centre on one of the St Mungo’s allocated nights between October and May.  If you love to cook in large quantities to feed 25 people and would like to join our team and see what happens at the Welcome Centre one evening, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org for more info. 

Abide.  Evening of worship and intercessory prayer open to all St Mungo’s members.  On Thursday 7 September at 8pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

Friday night youth - lots of new S1s are starting so we have around 60 young people attending every Friday and we desperately need more team! Could you volunteer? Please contact Jonny (jonny.slatter@stmungos.org ) to find out more.

Youth Worship/tech.  On Sunday 27 August – rehearsal for worship and tech for those involved in the September Envision.  Church building, Ladycroft, Balerno 1.00-2.30pm.

Friday Night Youth – testimony night with John Wilkinson sharing his faith story.  All S1 – S6 welcome at 7.30-9.30pm in  Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

Spirit Café Training Day – Saturday 2  September 10am-4pm This day is for anyone who is interested in joining our Spirit Cafe team in any capacity as we need a wide range of giftings to run an event.  If you have been part of the team before and didn't manage to attend the training in May please do sign up too, email sent out via Church Suite.  More info on what Spirit café is please see our website page  www.stmungos.org/spirit-cafe

Balerno Spirit Cafe. Saturday 2 September 7.30 to 9pm at the Ministry Centre, Balerno. Bring your friends so they can experience how God wants to bless them.

Livi Family Update Lunch. DATE CHANGE – Sunday 24 September (after the service in St Margaret’s) Members of the Livingston congregation are invited to bring along a picnic lunch and join us as we think about all things Livi, past, present and future. This will be a great opportunity to share with one another as we discern where God may be calling us as a congregation in Livingston. We would love as many people to be part of this as possible, so please do mark this in your diaries.

Auditor.  Vestry are pleased to announce the appointment of Thomson Cooper Accountants as our interim auditor, following the retirement of McLachlan + Tiffin in January.


Please pray for the Devlin family on Tuesday at Jim’s funeral – especially Elinor, Adrian and Tara and Simon and Donna.  Details from the family.

Week beginning 20 August

Week beginning 20 August  

New sermon series starting on Sunday 20 August.  As we start this new term our morning theme for the talk series is the Holy Spirit where we will be looking at who is the Holy Spirit, what the Holy Spirit does in the believer’s life and how as a church we can live full of the Holy Spirit and use the gifts of the Spirit both to build up the church and see His Kingdom come.  In our evening services we will be looking at the theme of Love based on 1 Corinthians 13 where Paul was encouraging the church to use their knowledge of Christ and spiritual gifts to spread the love of Christ, but to do so - in love.

Recycle bin for disposable cups. The recycle bin in the morning refreshments area at Balerno has been upgraded. It’s large, green, labelled and with cup shaped holes which are ONLY for our empty recyclable paper cups. If possible please bring your own reusable cup to be filled.

0-18 groups in both locations – all 0-18 groups are restarting on Sunday 20 August. Balerno Youth meet at church building, Ladycroft, Balerno from 10.20am.  Balerno new Primary 1 children: parents should have received an email from Caitlin about arrangements for Adventurers.

Livi kids family BBQ/Picnic: If you or someone in your family is in Livi P1-5 or on the P1-5 Sunday morning team in Livingston, you are invited!  Sunday 20 August after morning church, at Dave and Lyndsey Roberton’s house. Contact the Robertons or Caitlin.Boddy@stmungos.org for more information.

Deeper for older youth is at 7.30pm on Sunday 20 August at the Erasmuson’s, after the evening service

Communion and soaking.  A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.   On Thursday 24 August at 9.30am for about an hour, open to all St Mungo’s family.

Company of Men.  Water of Leith Walk and Pub.  Thursday 24 August walk starts 7.00pm.   We are planning to walk along the Water of Leith pathway to Blinkbonny then back to Balerno via Lymphoy. Should take about 90 minutes, and will then be heading to the Grey Horse around 8.30 pm for a drink. It will be a great chance to catch up with other St Mungo’s men so hope you can make it. Please reply via the Church Suite invitation. Any queries please email companyofmen@stmungos.org

Youth Worship on Thursday 24 August at 7.30pm in Church Building, Ladyroft, Balerno. This will be a forum night so don’t bring your instruments.

Friday night youth on 25 August at 7.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. This will be a youth club night.

Livi Congregation Walk: We’d love for you to join us at Beecraigs Country Park on Saturday 26 August (10am at Hillhouse Carpark), for a wander through a wonderful part of creation, to catch-up after a long summer, have a coffee, and maybe even have a scramble around the children’s play park. All members of the Livi congregation are welcome! Sign-up via the ChurchSuite email or by clicking here.

Baptism service at Balerno High School on Sunday 3 September at 1pm.  Bring your packed lunch to eat between services, come across from Livingston as we all support those being baptised in the school pool. 

Friday night youth - lots of new S1s are starting so we need more team! Could you volunteer? Please contact Jonny (jonny.slatter@stmungos.org ) to find out more.

Primary camp at Scoughall: please note that bookings are now closed for this event. All details will be emailed out by the end of August.

Balerno hosting teams.  We need more people to join the morning and evening hosting rotas at the Balerno services.  No heavy lifting required – just a welcome smile, and to be there a little early!  It is based on your availability but works out approximately once a month.  To offer and for more information contact kate.yates@stmungos.org

Spirit Café Training Day – Saturday 2  September 10am-4pm This day is for anyone who is interested in joining our Spirit Cafe team in any capacity as we need a wide range of giftings to run an event.  If you have been part of the team before and didn't manage to attend the training in May please do sign up too, email sent out via Church Suite.  More info on what Spirit café is please see our website page  www.stmungos.org/spirit-cafe

Balerno Spirit Cafe. Saturday 2 September 7.30 to 9pm at the Ministry Centre, Balerno. Bring your friends so they can experience how God wants to bless them.

Bethany Christian Trust have released a great 13 minute video celebrating 40 years of the ministry and the different services that are making an impact to so many lives across Scotland.  Please do take the time to watch it here.  

Auditor.  Vestry are pleased to announce the appointment of Thomson Cooper Accountants as our interim auditor, following the retirement of McLachlan + Tiffin in January.


Yemen remains one of the largest humanitarian crises in the world due to conflict and fighting continuing.  Millions of children are lacking access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene services, and the country continues to experience regular outbreaks of disease.  Pray for the work of Tearfund and their local partner in Yemen as they reach urban and remote communities to support those struggling.  Pray also for peace and reconciliation in Yemen – the conflict is now in its tenth year.

Week beginning 13 August

Livestream. This will resume to being from Balerno on Sunday 20 August when the usual pattern of services resumes

St Mungo’s Church picnic at Kirknewton park on Sunday 13 August after the morning services in both locations.  Bring your picnic and rug and enjoying time chatting to others.

Recycle bin for disposable cups. The recycle bin in the morning refreshments area at Balerno has been upgraded. It’s large, green, labelled and with cup shaped holes which are ONLY for our empty recyclable paper cups. If possible please bring your own reusable cup to be filled.

New sermon series starting on Sunday 20 August.  As we start this new term our morning theme for the talk series is the Holy Spirit where we will be looking at who is the Holy Spirit, what the Holy Spirit does in the believer’s life and how as a church we can live full of the Holy Spirit and use the gifts of the Spirit both to build up the church and see His Kingdom come.  In our evening services we will be looking at the theme of Love based on 1 Corinthians 13 where Paul was encouraging the church to use their knowledge of Christ and spiritual gifts to spread the love of Christ, but to do so - in love.

Wellness Centre reopens on Monday 14 August.

Friday night youth restarts on 18 August with the pre-booked trip to Ryze.  A reminder to meet at the earlier time of 6.30pm at Ryze in Newbridge.

St Mungo’s Youth parents.  Reminder - sign ups are open for parents of St. Mungo's youth/P7s to attend the morning session of the youth leader training day on Saturday 19 August 9.30am-12pm at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.   This will feature a talk from Richard Taylor on 'understanding the teenage brain'. Sign up via the church suite email.

Livi kids family BBQ/Picnic: If you or someone in your family is in Livi P1-5 or on the P1-5 Sunday morning team in Livingston, you are invited!  Sunday 20 August after morning church, at Dave and Lyndsey Roberton’s house. Contact the Robertons or Caitlin.Boddy@stmungos.org for more information.

Communion and soaking.  A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.   On Thursday 24 August at 9.30am for about an hour, open to all St Mungo’s family.

Company of Men.  Water of Leith Walk and Pub.  Thursday 24 August walk starts 7.00pm.   We are planning to walk along the Water of Leith pathway to Blinkbonny then back to Balerno via Lymphoy. Should take about 90 minutes, and will then be heading to the Grey Horse around 8.30 pm for a drink. It will be a great chance to catch up with other St Mungo’s men so hope you can make it. Please reply via the Church Suite invitation. Any queries please email companyofmen@stmungos.org

Youth Volunteers.   Friday night youth - lots of new S1s are starting so we need more team! Could you volunteer? Please contact Jonny (jonny.slatter@stmungos.org ) to find out more.

Balerno hosting teams.  We need more people to join the morning and evening hosting rotas at the Balerno services.  No heavy lifting required – just a welcome smile, and to be there a little early!  It is based on your availability but works out approximately once a month.  To offer and for more information contact kate.yates@stmungos.org

Balerno Primary.  Sunday 20 August (Balerno) - New Primary 1 children: parents will receive an email from Caitlin Boddy about arrangements for Adventurers.

Spirit Café Training Day – Saturday 2  September 10am-4pm This day is for anyone who is interested in joining our Spirit Cafe team in any capacity as we need a wide range of giftings to run an event.  If you have been part of the team before and didn't manage to attend the training in May please do sign up too, email sent out via Church Suite.  More info on what Spirit café is please see our website page  www.stmungos.org/spirit-cafe

Balerno Spirit Cafe. Saturday 2 September 7.30 to 9pm at the Ministry Centre, Balerno. Bring your friends so they can experience how God wants to bless them.

Bethany Christian Trust have released a great 13 minute video celebrating 40 years of the ministry and the different services that are making an impact to so many lives across Scotland.  Please do take the time to watch it here.  

Congratulations to the families of new babies.  Calum and Amy Burgess with Oliver, and Mark and Goodnews Udoh with Florence in the Balerno congregation, and Neil and Miriam Cogan with a boy in the Livi congregation.

Week beginning 6 August

Click here for the latest news post:  Magnitude Feedback

Livestream. This will resume to being from Balerno on Sunday 20 August when the usual pattern of services resumes

Acoustic Guitar Workshop.  (Beginners/Intermediate) for any P6 and above (need adult with under S1’s) at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno on Tuesday 8 August from 7.30-9.30pm. If you’d like to attend please email fiona.crow@stmungos.org

Balerno Farmers Market, Saturday 12 August 9am-1pm We’re short of volunteers for the stall this month – giving out craft bags, church flyers and chatting to people. If you could join the team for part of the morning please contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org It’s a great opportunity to meet people and ‘Be Love’ in a very practical way.

St Mungo’s Church picnic at Kirknewton park on Sunday 13 August after the morning services in both locations.  Bring your picnic and rug and enjoying time chatting to others.

St Mungo’s Youth parents.  Reminder - sign ups are open for parents of St. Mungo's youth/P7s to attend the morning session of the youth leader training day on Saturday 19 Aug 9.30am-12pm  at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.   This will feature a talk from Richard Taylor on 'understanding the teenage brain'. Sign up via the church suite email.

Company of Men.  Water of Leith Walk and Pub.  Thursday 24 Aug walk starts 7.00pm.   We are planning to walk along the Water of Leith pathway to Blinkbonny then back to Balerno via Lymphoy. Should take about 90 minutes, and will then be heading to the Grey Horse around 8.30 pm for a drink. It will be a great chance to catch up with other St Mungo’s men so hope you can make it. Please reply via the Church Suite invitation. Any queries please email companyofmen@stmungos.org

Balerno hosting teams.  We need more people to join the morning and evening hosting rotas at the Balerno services.  No heavy lifting required – just a welcome smile, and to be there a little early!  It is based on your availability but works out approximately once a month.  To offer and for more information contact kate.yates@stmungos.org

The 0-18 team are still in urgent and desperate need for volunteers across our Friday Night and Sunday Morning outputs. Please contact 0to18team@stmungos.org to arrange a visit to see what we do and chat about how you can assist us.

Pioneers meets in Balerno on Sunday 6 August.

Wellness Centre reopens on Monday 14 August.

Spirit Café Training Day – Saturday 2  Sept 10am-4pm This day is for anyone who is interested in joining our Spirit Cafe team in any capacity as we need a wide range of giftings to run an event.  If you have been part of the team before and didn't manage to attend the training in May please do sign up too.  Invite email will be sent out soon.  More info on what Spirit café is please see our website page https://stmungos.org/spirit-cafe

Congratulations to the families of new babies.  Calum and Amy Burgess with Oliver, and Mark and Goodnews Udoh with Florence in the Balerno congregation, and Neil and Miriam Cogan  with a boy in the Livi congregation.



Please pray for Vestry as they resume their monthly meetings this week, pray for continued wisdom and guidance as Church governance is discussed.

Pray for the St Mungo’s team at the Balerno Farmers market on Saturday.

Pray for all those getting their exam results this coming week.  For peace as they wait, and hope as they work out what is next.

Pray for all those mourning the recent death of Jim Devlin (Livingston congregation). 

Week beginning 2 July (covers all July)

Click here for the latest news post: Summer evening services.

Summer services programme hereDo check out all the services happening over the summer in our various locations.  Invitations available in Balerno for morning family services.

Please read the information about the plans for the 7 weeks of school holidays (2 July to 13 August inclusive) as our services are different. There are 4 services each Sunday and you are free to choose whichever service or services fits best for you.

These are:

08:45 – Traditional Communion service @ Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno

10:30 – Church Family service @ Balerno High School (All ages)

10:30 – Morning Service @ St Margaret’s Academy, Livingston.  (no separate 0-18 groups)

18:30 – Evening Service @ Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.  Starts 9 July.

Livestream. Over the summer weeks (from 2 July to 13 August) we will be live streaming the adult focussed service from Livingston, not the Church family service in Balerno. Please therefore be aware that by attending the Livingston service you may appear on the livestream.

Beach Trip: Sunday 2 July we are off to the beach! This is an informal opportunity to gather as church family for the first Sunday of the summer holidays. We will have our 1030 service options and then head to Gullane Beach for the afternoon. (paid parking available by card or £2.50 cash).  This is not an ‘organised event’ so you are encouraged to bring your own picnic, buckets and spades and any games you fancy playing, and you will be responsible for any children and young people that you bring along. It’s a great opportunity to spend time together as family. Look out for the St Mungo’s flag!  No booking required, just turn up!

The next Life Seasons event for all women in the congregation will be on the morning of Saturday 30 September when we will have author and speaker Sharon Garlough Brown coming to share with us. More details will be shared, but for now pop the date in your diary so you don't miss out!

Youth events start back on Friday 18 August.

Wellness Centre is closed until Monday 14 August.

Minis starts back on Tuesday 22 and Wednesday 23 August.


 Pray for the St Mungo’s team at the Balerno Farmers market on Saturday 8 July.

 Pray for all those involved in arranging and leading Christian activities for children over the summer.  Pray for a significant impact from these events in the lives of young people.

Please pray for Magnitude taking place at Lendrick Muir (22 to 26 July) and for our many young people attending, and the team supporting them.      

Pray for the St Mungo’s members going to Rwanda in July with Comfort International.

Give thanks for another year of church life – pray everyone gets the rest and refreshment they need in July.



Week beginning 25 June

Week beginning 25 June  


Summer services programme hereDo check out all the services happening over the summer in our various locations.  Invitations available in Balerno for morning family services.

Communion & Soaking: Thursday 29 June 9.30am - 10.30am.   A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno

Livestream. Over the summer weeks (from 2 July to 13 August) we will be live streaming the adult focussed service from Livingston, not the Church family service in Balerno. Please therefore be aware that by attending the Livingston service you may appear on the livestream.

Beach Trip: Sunday 2 July we are off to the beach! This is an informal opportunity to gather as church family for the first Sunday of the summer holidays. We will have our 1030 service options and then head to Gullane Beach for the afternoon. (paid parking available card or £2.50).  This is not an ‘organised event’ so you are encouraged to bring your own buckets and spades and any games you fancy playing, and you will be responsible for any children and young people that you bring along. It’s a great opportunity to spend time together as family. Look out for the St Mungo’s flag!  No booking required, just turn up!

Magnitude: Adult helpers required for set up on the afternoon of Saturday 22 July and set down on the evening of Wednesday 26 July at Lendrick Muir, near Kinross. Large cars especially appreciated as the van is smaller than previous years. Contact Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org if you are available to help.

Wellness Centre is now closed until Monday 14 August.

Pioneers meet on 25 June in Balerno High School


·        Sunday 25 June: Balerno youth in the main service. Livingston youth in groups as usual.

·        From 2 July onwards all 0-18 groups in both locations will take a break for the summer and restart from Friday 18 August.


Week beginning 18 June

Summer services programme hereDo check out all the services happening over the summer in our various locations.  Invitations available in Balerno for morning family services.

Refreshments are served after our morning services, please help by bringing your own mug.  This saves the church money, and helps reduce waste.

8.45 congregation are having lunch together at 1pm on Sunday 18 June in the Church Building, Balerno. 

Transform on Sunday 18 June will be at Balerno High School at 6.30pm.  (note move from Balerno Parish church)

Connect: A group for 25 – 30 somethings who love Jesus and want a place to eat, chat and get to know people of a similar life stage. We’re meeting on Sunday 18 June after Transform.  Email teamwild2018@gmail.com for more info. This is open to anyone from both Livingston and Balerno.

Abide – This is an evening for those in the St Mungo’s church family who are hungry for more of God to gather and spend time in His presence in worship and prayer.  It is at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno on Thursday 22 June from 8pm – 9:30pm.  No need to pre book.

Communion & Soaking: Thursday 29 June 9.30am - 10.30am.   A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno

Beach Trip: Sunday 2 July we are off to the beach! This is an informal opportunity to gather as church family for the first Sunday of the summer holidays. We will have our 1030 service options and then head to Gullane Beach for the afternoon. (paid parking available).  This is not an ‘organised event’ so you are encouraged to bring your own buckets and spades and any games you fancy playing, and you will be responsible for any children and young people that you bring along. It’s a great opportunity to spend time together as family. No booking required, just turn up!

The 0-18 team are still in urgent and desperate need for volunteers across our Friday Night and Sunday Morning outputs. Please contact 0to18team@stmungos.org to arrange a visit to see what we do and chat about how you can assist us.

Magnitude: Adult helpers required for set up on the afternoon of Saturday 22 July and set down on the evening of Wednesday 26 July at Lendrick Muir, near Kinross. Large cars especially appreciated as the van is smaller than previous years. Contact Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org if you are available to help.


·        Sunday 18 June:  Balerno Youth have Refuel at 10.30am for S1 to S6 in church building, Ladycroft, Balerno

·        Sunday 18 June – Deeper after Transform – speaker Ollie Clegg.  Please let Jonny, jonny.slatter@stmungos.org know if your young person is NOT coming.

·        Youth Worship.  Thursday 22 June at 7.30pm, at the Ministry Centre (note different  venue) 

·        Testimony recording for September Baptisms: now postponed from Friday 23 June.

·        Friday 23 June: Encounter night round the fire.  7.30pm at Church Building Balerno. Open to all P7 to S6, email sent to parents with details.  

·        Sunday 25 June: Balerno youth in the main service. Livingston youth in groups as usual. Following this date all 0-18 groups in both locations will take a break for the summer and restart from Friday 18 August.

·        P5-P7 residential final two spaces available, see Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org


Pray for those from St Mungo’s being love to the Balerno community on Saturday afternoon.  For good connections as they run various outreach activities.

week beginning 11 June

Summer services programme hereDo check out all the services happening over the summer in our various locations.

Dedications on 11 June in Balerno.  All preschool age children need collecting from their groups towards the end of the morning service, to join the rest of the church for the dedications.

Refreshments are served after our morning services, please help by bringing your own mug.  This saves the church money, and helps reduce waste.

Gold (St Mungo’s group for over 60’s) meets on Tuesday 13 June at 2-3.30pm in the church building Balerno.  Contact David and Marjorie Brown for more details.

Balerno Outreach 2-4.30pm on Saturday 17 June.  This is a chance to Be Love to the community of Balerno as we run a variety of outreach events.  Sign up via the ChurchSuite email.

8.45 congregation are having lunch together at 1pm on Sunday 18 June in the Church Building. 

Transform on Sunday 18 June will be at Balerno High School at 6.30pm.  (note move from Balerno Parish church)

Abide – This is an evening for those in the St Mungo’s church family who are hungry for more of God to gather and spend time in His presence in worship and prayer.  It is at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno on Thursday 22 June from 8pm – 9:30pm.  No need to pre book.

The 0-18 team are still in urgent and desperate need for volunteers across all of our Friday Night and Sunday Morning outputs. Do check out the great recruitment video to give you a flavour of what’s involved : https://stmungos.org/vacancies  Please contact   

0to18team@stmungos.org  to arrange a visit to see what we do and chat about how you can assist us.


·        Sunday 11 June Xplorers – Jonny and a few youth will join current P7s.

·        Sunday 11 June: Balerno youth in church building for Refuel at 10.30am

·        All Balerno P1-7 and their families are invited to head to Juniper Green park, off Belmont Road, after morning church on Sunday 11 June for a picnic and play. This is the final social event for this age group before the summer.

·        Monday 12 June.  Baptism prep meeting on Zoom (September baptisms youth and P7)

·        Tuesday 13 June – compulsory Magnitude parents information evening at 7.30pm at Ministry Centre

·        Thursday 15 June: Youth S6 Leavers meal at 7.30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

·        Friday 16 June: Youth Escape Rooms, MUST be booked in by 12 June, and meet at Woodcroft, 4 Bridge Road, Balerno at 7.30pm

·        Sunday 18 June – Deeper after Transform – speaker Ollie Clegg.  Let Jonny know if your youth is unable to attend.

·        P5-P7 residential final three spaces available, see Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org


Pray for the team from St Mungo’s doing outreach in Livingston on afternoon of Saturday 10 June – part of the Love West Lothian week.

Pray for Andy and Lauren Wall and their family and friends as they dedicate their children in the Balerno morning service.

Week beginning 4 June

Do check out the details of what is happening where at St Mungo’s over the summer by clicking here for the latest news post: Summer services

Baptisms.  We are holding a baptism service at 1pm on Sunday 4 June at Balerno High School.  Do come along to support those being baptised - adult and young people. This is for all congregations – feel free to bring a picnic to eat at Balerno High School beforehand.

Spirit Café.  Livingston: Monday 5 June at 7.30pm. A West Lothian wide initiative, ‘Love West Lothian’, is bringing together 25 churches from across West Lothian for a week of outreach and a celebration on the Saturday evening (10 June) and our Spirit Café is part of the week of outreach events and not to clash with this other event happening in Livingston on the Saturday, and will run @ The Howden Park Centre, Livingston.  More details about the West Lothian event here: https://stmungos.org/news/love-west-lothian

Love West Lothian, 5-10 June. St Mungo’s is excited to be joining with churches across West Lothian for a week of outreach. Alongside St Mungo’s run events (see other notices), there are some great evangelistic events being run throughout the week, culminating in big Live Music events on Friday and Saturday evening, both with a message of hope. If you’re coming along, make sure to bring a friend. Check these out and sign up here:  https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/love-west-lothian-with-revive-scotland-2127519

Livi Outreach.  On Saturday 10 June, 2-4.30pm, meeting at St Margaret’s Academy car park, we'll be running an afternoon of outreach and evangelism in Livingston. We'd love to have you join us as we look to Be Love to our communities. There will be something for everyone. This is being run by St Mungo’s as part of Love West Lothian. More info and sign-up here; https://stmungos.churchsuite.com/events/17fzt6ly

Staff Appointment:  Tara Devlin will join the St Mungo’s staff team in her role as Team Administrator / Teaching Associate on Monday 5 June, on a 24 hours per week contract.  Pray for Tara as she joins the staff team and adjusts well to the two roles.

The 0-18 team are still in urgent and desperate need for volunteers across all of our Friday Night and Sunday Morning outputs. Do check out the great recruitment video to give you a flavour of what’s involved : https://stmungos.org/vacancies  Please contact

0to18team@stmungos.org  to arrange a visit to see what we do and chat about how you can assist us.

Setup Team: We urgently need additional help setting up for Balerno service. We are looking for 4 people to serve on 2 Sundays between now and July. Timings are: 8am-9.30am and then 12-12.45. email graham.wilson@stmungos.org.

Balerno Ladies Life Seasons- Meal out for women of Balerno congregation at Rannaghor in Currie, Thursday 8 June at 7pm. (note new timing please).  Please book this week via your church suite email- only couple spaces left. New faces always welcome, a great chance to connect with others.

The Wellness Centre are looking for volunteer receptionists for a Tuesday afternoon 12.30-3.30pm on a rota basis. If you would like more details or would like to offer please email Siobhan.short@stmungos.org or call the Wellness Centre 0131 451 5226.

Gavin & Heather Falconer in Ecuador:  Do join Gavin & Heather from our Livingston congregation who will be interviewed as part of the Reach Beyond's 'PrayerZone live' event on Thursday 8 June at 7pm for about 45 mins via Zoom.  Log in details are: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85375115854?pwd=enZIT2R3M29zbXZwZ29nRXNwVUVaZz09 / Meeting ID: 853 7511 5854 / Passcode: 777231.

Balerno Farmers Market, Saturday 10 June 9am-1pm The St Mungo’s stall is short of volunteers this month. If you could help for an hour or so (giving out craft bags and church flyers) please contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org It’s a great opportunity to meet people and ‘Be Love’ in a very practical way.


·        Sunday 4 June: youth from both congregations in Balerno for Envision.  

·        Thursday 8 June: Youth Worship 7:30pm. Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

·        Friday 9 June: Youth night with P7 visit 7.30pm. Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

·        Primary:  Friday 9 June: P7 BBQ and visit to Friday night youth. 6pm.

·        Tues 13 June - Magnitude Parents - a Compulsory Information evening 7.30pm  – Ministry Centre. 

·        P5-P7 residential. Bookings now open. See email and flyers.

·        All Balerno P1-7 and their families are invited to head to Juniper Green park after morning church on Sunday 11 June for a picnic and play. This is the final social event for this age group before the summer.


Pray for the Balerno Gala happening on Saturday 3 June afternoon– and especially for the St Mungo’s family games area.  For great fun and conversations with the community.

Pray for those being baptised on Sunday and come along to support them: Nicola Taylor, Kate Hammond, Annerie Griesel,  Abigail Short, Campbell Menzies, Hannah Caves, Kathryn Blaikie, Savannah Cain.

Week beginning 28 May

Pentecost.  We will celebrate by having a church family service in both Balerno and Livingston on Sunday 28 May at 10.30am with worship, teaching and opportunity for prayer ministry.   There will be no separate 0-18 provision, but Pioneers will be meeting in Balerno.  These services will NOT be live streamed so please plan to join us in person.

Baptisms.  We will be holding a baptism service at 1pm on Sunday 4 June at Balerno High School.  Do come along to support those being baptised - adult and young people. This is for all congregations – feel free to bring a picnic to eat at Balerno High School beforehand.

Spirit Café.  Livingston: Monday 5 June at 7.30pm. A West Lothian wide initiative, ‘Love West Lothian’, is bringing together 25 churches from across West Lothian for a week of outreach and a celebration on the Saturday evening (10 June) and our Spirit Café is part of the week of outreach events and not to clash with this other event happening in Livingston on the Saturday. and will run @ The Howden Park Centre, Livingston.

Staff Appointment:  Tara Devlin will join the St Mungo’s staff team in her role as Team Administrator / Teaching Associate on Monday 5 June, on a 24 hours per week contract.  Please pray for Tara as she finishes up in her current job and transitions into both of these new roles.

The 0-18 team are still in urgent and desperate need for volunteers across all of our Friday Night and Sunday Morning outputs. Do check out the great recruitment video to give you a flavour of what’s involved : https://stmungos.org/vacancies  Please contact

0to18team@stmungos.org to arrange a visit to see what we do and chat about how you can assist us.

Setup Team: We urgently need additional help setting up for Balerno service. We are looking for 4 people to serve on 2 Sundays between now and July. Timings are: 8am-9.30am and then 12-12.45. email graham.wilson@stmungos.org.

Prayer Ministry Training:  For those on the prayer ministry team who have yet to go through the training, Ollie will be running another session on Wednesday 31 May, 8pm to 9.30pm at the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.  Please sign up via the ChurchSuite email or contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org to confirm your attendance.  We will need a good number to attend for the training to be beneficial.

Balerno Men.  There are a few spaces left for the Company of Men (Balerno congregation) tenpin bowling night on Thursday 1 June 7.30pm at Fountainpark. £10 for two games plus burger and chips.. what’s not to like!  Check ChurchSuite invite for more details and to sign up – or email Adrian.smith@stmungos.org

Youth:  Friday 2 June –meet at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno at 7.30pm for a testimony night.

Balerno Gala Day, Saturday 3 June - St Mungo’s is hosting an ‘activity village’ with games and challenges. Thanks to all those who have signed up so far. We have plenty of people to help set up but still looking for people to help man the stall in the afternoon. Contact Andrea.brewster@stmungos.org for more information or check the ChurchSuite email.  

Balerno Ladies Life Seasons- Meal out for women of Balerno congregation at Rannaghor in Currie, Thursday 8 June at 7pm. (note new timing please).  Please book this week via your church suite email- only 10 spaces still available. New faces always welcome, a great chance to connect with others.

The Wellness Centre are looking for volunteer receptionists for a Tuesday afternoon 12.30-3.30pm on a rota basis. If you would like more details or would like to offer please email Siobhan.short@stmungos.org or call the Wellness Centre 0131 451 5226.

Gavin & Heather Falconer in Ecuador:  We are delighted that Gavin & Heather from our Livingston congregation will be interviewed as part of the Reach Beyond's 'PrayerZone live' event on Thursday 8 June at 7pm for about 45 mins.  We will make available the details for registering for the Zoom call as soon as we have them.  Please do join if you would like to hear how their 2nd year in Ecuador is going and the amazing testimonies from the work through physiotherapy and hippotherapy and the transformation of children’s lives.

Week beginning 21 May

Click here for the latest news post:   Love West Lothian

Pentecost.  We will celebrate by having a church family service in both Balerno and Livingston on Sunday 28 May at 10.30am with worship, teaching and opportunity for prayer ministry. These services will NOT be live streamed so please plan to join us in person.

Spirit Café.

·          Spirit Café Evening Event: In order to help our team to practice and to give you the opportunity to come and try it for yourself, we are running a one-off Spirit Café for church family only on Saturday 20 May at the Ministry Centre, Balerno from 7:30pm – 9:30pm. If you aren’t sure what it is, or are thinking of bringing a friend to one in the future but want to try it for yourself first then come along and be blessed. No need to sign up, drop in event.

·          Spirit Café Livingston: IMPORTANT DATE CHANGE: Now Monday 5 June at 7.30pm. A West Lothian wide initiative, ‘Love West Lothian’, is bringing together 25 churches from across West Lothian for a week of outreach and a celebration on the Saturday evening (10 June) and so we have decided to move our Spirit Café to be part of the week of outreach events and not to clash with this other event happening in Livingston on the Saturday. The new date for Spirit Café Livingston is MONDAY 5 JUNE and will run @ The Howden Park Centre, Livingston.  See newspost for more information about these events.

Staff Appointment:  Tara Devlin will begin the St Mungo’s staff team in her role as Team Administrator / Teaching Associate on Monday 5 June, on a 24 hours per week contract.  Please pray for Tara as she finishes up in her current job and transitions into both of these new roles.

The 0-18 team are still in urgent and desperate need for volunteers across all of our Friday Night and Sunday Morning outputs. Do check out the great recruitment video to give you a flavour of what’s involved : https://stmungos.org/vacancies.   Please contact

0to18team@stmungos.org to arrange a visit to see what we do and chat about how you can assist us.

Setup Team: We urgently need additional help setting up for Balerno service. We are looking for 4 people to serve on 2 Sundays between now and July. Timings are: 8am-9.30am and then 12-12.45. email graham.wilson@stmungos.org.

Safeguarding Training: Wednesday 24 May at 7:30pm, Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. The SEC now requires everybody working with children, youth and vulnerable adults to attend in person safeguarding training once every 2 years. Please make this a priority to attend if you were unable to make the previous training in February.  Check your ChurchSuite email or email penny.moise@stmungos.org if you think you should have been invited and weren’t.

Prayer Ministry Training:  Please note that we will be running prayer ministry training on Wednesday 31 May, more details to follow this week via a ChurchSuite email.

Vision talk – if you missed hearing Ollie’s recent talk in person in either Balerno or Livingston it is available on the St Mungo’s website. Do take time to watch/ listen as Ollie shares his vision for the coming year in St Mungo’s; Vision and values

Communion and Soaking: Thursday 25 May at 9:30am, the church building, Ladycroft, Balerno. An invitation to come and press in to more of God. Come and wait (soak) in the Father’s presence and receive communion. A chance to pause the busyness and distractions of life and spend time with the Father.  Lasts about an hour.

Livi Ladies BBQ – Saturday 27 May from 12.30 at Marian’s house.  All the ladies from the Livingston congregation are warmly invited to join us.  If you haven’t received the e-mail, and would like to come, please contact liviladies@stmungos.org for more information.

Life Seasons- Meal out for women of Balerno congregation at Rannaghor in Currie, Thursday 8 June at 7.15pm. Please book this week via your church suite email- 40 spaces available. New faces always welcome, a great chance to connect with others.

Balerno Men.  There are a few spaces left for the Company of Men (Balerno congregation) tenpin bowling night on Thurs 1 June 7.30pm at Fountainpark. £10 for two games plus burger and chips.. what’s not to like!  Check ChurchSuite invite for more details and to sign up – or email Adrian.smith@stmungos.org

Balerno Gala Day, Saturday 3 June - St Mungo’s is hosting an ‘activity village’ with games and challenges. Thanks to all those who have signed up so far. We have plenty of people to help set up but still looking for people to help man the stall in the afternoon. Contact Andrea.brewster@stmungos.org for more information or check the ChurchSuite email.  

Baptisms.  We will be holding a baptism service at 1pm on Sunday 4 June at Balerno High School.  Do come along to support those being baptised - adult and young people. This is for all congregations – feel free to bring a picnic to eat at Balerno High School before hand.

The Wellness Centre are looking for volunteer receptionists for a Tuesday afternoon 12.30-3.30pm on a rota basis. If you would like more details or would like to offer please email Siobhan.short@stmungos.org or call the Wellness Centre 0131 451 5226.

Worship and Prayer evening for the Wellness Centre Ministry on Tuesday 29 August (change of date from May) 7.30pm – 9.30pm at the Wellness Centre – this is open to anyone from St Mungo's to join the Wellness Centre team of counsellors and receptionists to pray for the work of the Wellness Ministry. Save the date.

Gavin & Heather Falconer in Ecuador:  We are delighted that Gavin & Heather from our Livingston congregation will be interviewed as part of the Reach Beyond's 'PrayerZone live' event on Thursday 8 June at 7pm for about 45 mins.  We will make available the details for registering for the Zoom call as soon as we have them.  Please do join if you would like to hear how their 2nd year in Ecuador is going and the amazing testimonies from the work through physiotherapy and hippotherapy and the transformation of children’s lives.



·        P5-P7 residential. Last few places remain- check email and flyers for details.  All Balerno primary are in Drama Studio on 21 May.


·        Sunday 21 May: Balerno Youth meet at Church Building Ladycroft Balerno at 10.30am.   Livi Youth in service for worship.

·        Deeper on Sunday 21 May after Transform.

·        Youth worship on Thursday 25 May at 7.30pm in Church Building Ladycroft

·        Friday 26 May – prayer scavenger hunt in Balerno, meet at church building at 7.30pm

Week begining 14 May

Vision talk – if you missed hearing Ollie’s recent talk in person in either Balerno or Livingston it is available on the St Mungo’s website. Do take time to watch/ listen as Ollie shares his vision for the coming year in St Mungo’s; Vision and values

The 0-18 team are still in urgent and desperate need for volunteers across all of our Friday Night and Sunday Morning outputs. Do check out the great recruitment video to give you a flavour of what’s involved : https://stmungos.org/vacancies.   Please contact

0to18team@stmungos.org to arrange a visit to see what we do and chat about how you can assist us.

Setup Team: We urgently need additional help setting up for Balerno service. We are looking for 4 people to serve on 2 Sundays between now and July. Timings are: 8am-9.30am and then 12-12.45. email graham.wilson@stmungos.org

Livi Welcome Lunch (Sunday 14 May, 12.45pm-2.45pm).  We will be hosting a welcome lunch at Isaac and Ruth’s house for those in Livingston who started attending St Mungo's either just before or during the pandemic or since we have resumed meeting in person. This is an opportunity for you to meet some of the senior leadership team and others in the congregation, to hear more about the church and our vision. If you would like to come and haven't received the email invite, please contact isaac.knight@stmungos.org

Livi Board Games Night. All Livi congregation adults are welcome to join us at Isaac and Ruth’s house from 7:30pm on Friday 19 May for an evening of board games, chat and snacks. A great opportunity to be church family and just spend time hanging out. If you’re planning on coming, please do let Isaac know either by email (isaac.knight@stmungos.org), or by signing up via the link sent out in the invite email.

Spirit Café.

·          Spirit Café Training: Saturday 20 May 9:30-4:30 at the Ministry Centre, Balerno. Spirit Café is a place of encounter and is a significant way that we can Be Love in the communities of Balerno and Livingston. Whether you have been involved previously or are looking to get involved moving forward, you will need to attend this training event in order to serve on the team. If you would like more information on what Spirit Café is then please check out the website: https://stmungos.org/spirit-cafe

·          Spirit Café Evening Event: In order to help our team to practice and to give you the opportunity to come and try it for yourself, we are running a one-off Spirit Café for church family only on Saturday 20 May at the Ministry Centre, Balerno from 7:30pm – 9:30pm. If you aren’t sure what it is, or are thinking of bringing a friend to one in the future but want to try it for yourself first then come along and be blessed.

·          Spirit Café Livingston: IMPORTANT DATE CHANGE: Now Monday 5 June at 7.30pm. A West Lothian wide initiative, ‘Love West Lothian’, is bringing together 25 churches from across West Lothian for a week of outreach and a celebration on the Saturday evening (10 June) and so we have decided to move our Spirit Café to be part of the week of outreach events and not to clash with this other event happening in Livingston on the Saturday. The new date for Spirit Café Livingston is MONDAY 5 JUNE and will run @ The Howden Park Centre, Livingston.

Safeguarding Training: Wednesday 24 May at 7:30pm,  Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. The SEC now requires everybody working with children, youth and vulnerable adults to attend in person safeguarding training once every 2 years. Please make this a priority to attend if you were unable to make the previous training in February.  Check your ChurchSuite email or email penny.moise@stmungos.org if you think you should have been invited and weren’t.

Communion and Soaking: Thursday 25 May at 9:30am, the church building, Ladycroft, Balerno. An invitation to come and press in to more of God. Come and wait (soak) in the Father’s presence and receive communion. A chance to pause the busyness and distractions of life and spend time with the Father.  Lasts about an hour.

Balerno Gala Day, Saturday 3 June - St Mungo’s is hosting an ‘activity village’ with games and challenges. Thanks to all those who have signed up so far. We have plenty of people to help set up but still looking for people to help man the stall in the afternoon. Contact Andrea.brewster@stmungos.org for more information or check the ChurchSuite email.  

Worship and Prayer evening for the Wellness Centre Ministry on Tuesday 29 August (change of date from May) 7.30pm – 9.30pm at the Wellness Centre – this is open to anyone from St Mungo's to join the Wellness Centre team of counsellors and receptionists to pray for the work of the Wellness Ministry. Save the date

Pioneers meet in Balerno at the 10.30 service on 14 May.

New Prayer Cell has launched for those who want to pray specifically for the youth and youth activities in St Mungo’s Fortnightly on non- house group Tuesday nights at the Griesels at 7pm. Contact Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org if you are interested.


All 0-18 plus team will come in to the Balerno service for the dedication part of the service on Sunday 14 May.   Preschool children need collecting when indicated in the service.


·        Baby changing facilities are available in F10 (our creche/Little Wonders room) – upstairs from reception area - for any new mums and visitors.


·        P5-P7 residential. Last few places remain- check email and flyers for details.


·        Sunday 14 May: Balerno Youth in Church building at 10.30 for Refuel.  Livi Youth in service for worship.

·        Friday 19 May – youth night at 7.30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft


Pray for those church families bringing their children to be dedicated in Balerno today.

Week beginning 7 May

Vision Sunday – do plan to join us as Ollie shares the vision for the church for the coming year in Livingston on Sunday 7 May (10.30).   Available on our website to catch up for those who missed it in Balerno.

Setup Team: We urgently need additional help setting up for Balerno service. We are looking for 4 people to serve on 2 Sundays between now and July. Timings are: 8am-9.30am and then 12-12.45. email graham.wilson@stmungos.org

Gold (St Mungo’s over 60’s group) meets on Tuesday 9 May from 2-3.30pm in the church building Balerno.  Contact gold@stmungos.org or David and Marjorie Brown for more information.

Livi Welcome Lunch (Sunday 14 May, 12.45pm-2.45pm).  We will be hosting a welcome lunch at Isaac and Ruth’s house for those in Livingston who started attending St Mungo's either just before or during the pandemic or since we have resumed meeting in person. This is an opportunity for you to meet some of the senior leadership team and others in the congregation, to hear more about the church and our vision. If you would like to come and haven't received the email invite, please contact isaac.knight@stmungos.org

Livi Board Games Night. All Livi congregation adults are welcome to join us at Isaac and Ruth’s house from 7:30pm on Friday 19 May for an evening of board games, chat and snacks. A great opportunity to be church family and just spend time hanging out. If you’re planning on coming, please do let Isaac know either by email (isaac.knight@stmungos.org), or by signing up via the link sent out in the invite email.

Spirit Café Training: Saturday 20 May 9:30-4:30 at the Ministry Centre, Balerno. Spirit Café is a place of encounter and is a significant way that we can Be Love in the communities of Balerno and Livingston. Whether you have been involved previously or are looking to get involved moving forward, you will need to attend this training event in order to serve on the team. If you would like more information on what Spirit Café is then please check out the website: https://stmungos.org/spirit-cafe

Spirit Café Evening Event: In order to help our team to practice and to give you the opportunity to come and try it for yourself, we are running a one-off Spirit Café for church family only on Saturday 20 May at the Ministry Centre, Balerno from 7:30pm – 9:30pm. If you aren’t sure what it is, or are thinking of bringing a friend to one in the future but want to try it for yourself first then come along and be blessed.

Balerno Gala Day, Saturday 3 June **Save the date!** St Mungo’s will be hosting an activity area with lots of fun games. It’s a wonderful way to ‘Be Love’ in the local community and we’ll need a team to make it happen. More info on how to sign up coming soon or contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org to find out more.

New Prayer Cell.  Praying for the youth programmes and young people of the church starts this Tuesday (9 May) at 7pm at the Griesel's house. Contact Jonny (jonny.slatter@stmungos.org) if you are interested in joining.



·        Baby changing facilities are available in F10 (our creche/Little Wonders room) – upstairs from reception area - for any new mums and visitors.


·        P5-P7 residential. Bookings now open. See email and flyers.


·        Sunday 7 May: All youth meet at Church Building, Ladycroft at 10.30am for Envision.  

·        Youth Worship on Thursday 11 May at 7.30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft.

·        Friday 12 May -is a testimony evening at Church Building, Ladycroft at 7.30pm

·        Leaver’s meal. Reminder to parents of S5 and S6 to RSVP by today for meal on 15 June. Reply to jonny.slatter@stmungos.org


Pray for the team from St Mungos at the Balerno Farmers market on Saturday 13 May.

Week beginning 30 April

Vision Sunday – do plan to join us as Ollie shares the vision for the church for the coming year.  Morning services on Sunday 30 April in Balerno (8.45 and 10.30)  and Sunday 7 May (10.30) in Livingston.

Setup Team: We urgently need additional help setting up for Balerno service. We are looking for 4 people to serve on 2 Sundays between now and July. Timings are: 8am-9.30am and then 12-12.45. email graham.wilson@stmungos.org

Balerno Refreshments Team Vacancies:  We require a few more volunteers on our refreshments team rota.  The rota is usually 1 in 6, so not an onerous rota to be on.  If you love being hospitable and friendly, this volunteer team is for you.  Contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org if you are interested in joining.

Livi Men’s Pizza Night. Friday 5 May. 7.30pm. Andi Tooth’s house. This is no ordinary men’s social, this is an *eat lots of pizza* sort of a social. Can this be topped? Come along and enjoy good pizza, spend time with friends, and if you know someone who might like a “pizza the action”, why not invite them along too. For more details, sign-up via the ChurchSuite email, speak with Lawrie Hudson, or email livimen@stmungos.org

Gold (St Mungo’s over 60’s group) meets on Tuesday 9 May from 2-3.30pm in the church building Balerno.  Contact gold@stmungos.org or David and Marjorie Brown for more information.

Balerno Gala Day, Saturday 3rd June **Save the date!** St Mungo’s will be hosting an activity area with lots of fun games. It’s a wonderful way to ‘Be Love’ in the local community and we’ll need a team to make it happen. More info on how to sign up coming soon or contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org to find out more.

New prayer cell.  Praying specifically for the St Mungo’s youth and youth activities.  Plan is to meet on Tuesday evenings (7.30pm) on non housegroup weeks.  Contact jonny.slatter@stmungos.org to find out more and express interest.




·        Baby changing facilities are available in F10 – upstairs from reception area - for any new mums and visitors.


·        P5-P7 residential. Bookings now open. See email and flyers.


·        Sunday 30 April: Youth meet at Ladycroft at 10.30am, Livi Youth start in service before groups.

·        Friday 5th May -normal evening at Ladycroft 7.30pm

·        Leaver’s meal – reminder for S5/S6 to RSVP by Sunday 7 May.

Week beginning 23 April

Vision Sunday – do plan to join us as Ollie shares the vision for the church for the coming year.  Morning services on Sunday 30 April in Balerno (8.45 and 10.30)  and Sunday 7 May (10.30) in Livingston.

Balerno Refreshments Team Vacancies:  We require a few more volunteers on our refreshments team rota.  The rota is usually 1 in 6, so not an onerous rota to be on.  If you love being hospitable and friendly, this volunteer team is for you.  Contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org if you are interested in joining.

Communion and Soaking on Thursday 27 April. 9.30am - 10.30am.   A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno.

Balerno men are invited to a Company of Men walk on Saturday 29 April.  Invitations to sign up sent via Church Suite email.  Guests welcome.

Livi Men’s Pizza Night. Friday 5 May. 7.30pm. Andi Tooth’s house. This is no ordinary men’s social, this is an *eat lots of pizza* sort of a social. Can this be topped? Come along and enjoy good pizza, spend time with friends, and if you know someone who might like a “pizza the action”, why not invite them along too. For more details, sign-up via the ChurchSuite email, speak with Lawrie Hudson, or email livimen@stmungos.org

Staff Appointment:  Sophia Lyons has begun her new role as Wellness Centre Administrator, on a 12 hours per week contract.  Please pray for Sophia as she starts in this new role and for the rest of the Wellness Centre staff team, for smooth handovers and good teamwork, as they adjust to new responsibilities. 

New prayer cell.  Praying specifically for the St Mungo’s youth and youth activities.  Plan is to meet on Tuesday evenings (7.30pm) on non housegroup weeks.  Contact jonny.slatter@stmungos.org to find out more and express interest.


·        Youth on Sunday 23 April – Balerno youth are in the main service. Livi youth start in the service then go to their groups. 

·        Youth Worship open night on Thursday 27 April at 7:30pm in Church Building Balerno

·        Friday Night youth on 28 April is movie night at 7.30pm in Church Building Balerno.

·        Primary P5-P7 Residential. Bookings open. See email and flyers for details.

Pioneers meet on Sunday 23 April at Balerno High School.


Pray for all those young people doing exams this season – at school and college.  That they would keep calm and remember all they have learned.

Pray for all those mourning the recent death of Victor Pike (Livingston congregation) especially his wife Helen.  Funeral is open to all, and is on Friday 28 April at 11am at West Lothian Crematorium.

Week beginning 16 April

Evening service – our next St Mungo’s evening service will be on Sunday 23 April when we will meet at the church building at 6.30pm for a worship and prayer event. No Transform or evening service on Sunday 16 April.

Valley Friends Information evening.  We are currently seeking a new group of volunteers for Valley Friends, our community befriending project and are holding another Valley Friends information evening on Thursday 20 April 7.45pm to 9pm at the Ministry Centre, Balerno. Coming to the information evening won’t commit you to anything, but it will answer some of your questions about what might be involved and how you could help!  More details on the ChurchSuite email or contact Helen Yewdall directly on helen.yewdall@stmungos.org 

Staff Appointment:  Sophia Lyons will begin in her new role as Wellness Centre Administrator on Monday 17 April, on a 12 hours per week contract.  Please pray for Sophia as she starts in this new role and for the rest of the Wellness Centre staff team, for smooth handovers and good teamwork, as they adjust to new responsibilities. 

Balerno men are invited to a Company of Men walk on Saturday 29 April.  Invitations to sign up sent via Church Suite email.  Guests welcome.


·        Youth on Sunday 16 April – Balerno youth have Refuel at the Church building at 10.30am.  Livi youth start in the service then go to their groups. 

·        Deeper meets on Sunday 16 April at 7.30pm at Erasmuson’s.  (No evening service or Transform)

·        Friday Night youth on 21 April – choice of Magnitude Worship night or meet at church building as usual.

·        Primary P5-P7 Residential. Bookings open. See email and flyers for details.

·        Balerno P3-7 social on Saturday 13 May is now FULLY BOOKED.

Applications for the St Mungo’s part-time Team Administrator post [20 hrs/week] are still welcome. Please note the closing date for applications is Monday 17 April. If you are interested in applying for this role, please email recruitment@stmungos.org.

Pioneers meet on Sunday 16 April at Balerno High School.


Please pray for Vestry as they meet on Thursday 20 April, for Ollie as he chairs the meeting and for a collective wisdom in all discussions.

Week beginning 9 April

He is Risen!  Come and join us as we celebrate Easter together.


·        Easter Sunday (9 Apr) : 10:30 Church Family Celebrations in both Balerno High School & St Margaret’s Academy (no separate 0-18 groups available).  These services are not live streamed.

·        Origin Scotland Resurrection Easter Event:  On Sunday 9 April at 7.30pm the church is invited to join other churches attending this Easter Celebration at the Usher Hall.  Tickets available from the box office at the Usher Hall on the evening, or via Origin Resurrection.

Edinburgh Easter Passion Play in West Princes Street Gardens on Saturday 8 April at 2pm.  This is a free opportunity to bring friends along, and a great Christian witness in the heart of the city.  More information at www.easterplay.org

Gold – the St Mungo’s group for over 60’s meets next on Tuesday 11 April, 2-3.30pm in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.  More details from gold@stmungos.org, or direct from David and Marjorie Brown.

Evening service – our next St Mungo’s evening service will be on Sunday 23 April when we will meet at the church building at 6.30pm for a worship and prayer event. No Transform or evening service on Sunday 16 April.

Balerno men are invited to a Company of Men walk on Saturday 29 April.  Invitations to sign up sent via Church Suite email.  Guests welcome.


·        No youth activities this week due to Easter break.  Youth returns on Sunday 16 April – Balerno youth have Refuel at the Church building at 10.30am.  Livi youth start in the service then go to their groups. 

·        Deeper meets on Sunday 16 April at 7.30pm at Erasmuson’s.  (No evening service or Transform)

·        No Friday Night youth until 21 April – choice of Magnitude Worship night or meet at church building as usual.

·        Primary P5-P7 Residential. Bookings open. See email and flyers for details.

·        Balerno P3-7 social on Saturday 13 May is now FULLY BOOKED.

Applications for the St Mungo’s part-time Team Administrator post [20 hrs/week] are still welcome. Please note the closing date for applications is Monday 17 April. If you are interested in applying for this role, please email recruitment@stmungos.org.


Pray for our all age family Easter services happening in both locations on Sunday, and for guests to join us as we celebrate Easter together.

Week beginning 2 April

Click here for the latest news post: Summer term card


·        Maundy Thursday (6 Apr) : 8-9pm. Traditional communion service, Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

·        Good Friday (7 Apr) : 2:30pm – 4pm event for those with pre-school and Primary aged children.  Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

·        Good Friday (7 Apr) ; 7pm – 8:30pm evening event for Adults and youth, at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

·        Easter Sunday (9 Apr) : 10:30 Church Family Celebrations in both Balerno High School & St Margaret’s Academy (no separate 0-18 groups available).  Invitations are available at our services on 2 April to bring guests. These services are not live streamed.

·        Origin Scotland Resurrection Easter Event:  On Sunday 9 April at 7.30pm the church is invited to join other churches attending this Easter Celebration at the Usher Hall.  The worship line up includes Allan McKinlay, Fiona Crow and Steph Macleod, with Pete Anderson from City on a Hill Church as guest speaker.  Book your tickets via Origin Resurrection.

Edinburgh Easter Passion Play in West Princes Street Gardens on Saturday 8 April at 2 pm.  This is a free opportunity to bring friends along, and a great Christian witness in the heart of the city.  More information at www.easterplay.org

Gold – the St Mungo’s group for over 60’s meets next on Tuesday 11 April, 2-3.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.  More details from gold@stmungos.org, or direct from David and Marjorie Brown.


·        On Sunday 2 April  all youth have their own event, Envision, in the church building, Ladycroft, Balerno at 10.30am. 

·        Youth then returns on Sunday 16 April – Balerno youth have Refuel at church building at 10.30am.  Livi youth start in the service then go to their groups.  Deeper meets on Sunday 16 April at 7.30pm at Erasmuson’s.

·        No Friday Night youth now until 21 April – parents please respond regarding option of Magnitude Worship night or regular Friday Night youth.

·        Primary P5-P7 Residential. Bookings open Saturday 1 April. See email and flyers on for details.

·        Balerno P3-7 social on Saturday 13 May is now FULLY BOOKED.

End of the tax year is Wed 5 April– a gentle reminder for those of you who like to give a one-off gift at this time of year. Our bank account details are: St Mungo’s Church, Balerno, sort code 83-19-15 account no. 00266149.  Please add your name as a reference!  

Staff news.  George Gera has been appointed to the temporary role of Operations Coordinator to help provide cover in the team in Fil Stevenson’s absence.  Please pray for George as he takes on this role, and continue to pray for Fil and his recovery.

Pioneers meet today at Balerno High School.


Please pray for the St Mungo’s team at the Balerno Farmers market on the morning of Saturday 8 April.   They will be handing out chocolate, children’s crafts and Easter service invitations.  Pray for positive conversations as we ‘Be Love’ in our local community.