Week beginning 26 March

Click here for the latest news post:  Communion and Soaking.

Clocks move forward an hour on Sunday 26 March.  Don’t be late for church!

Communion is served at our morning services on Sunday 26 March.  This is open to all who love the Lord, we continue to dip the wafer into the wine to receive.  Gluten free wafers are available, and you can come forward for a blessing if you prefer. 

Communion service and soaking time on Thursday 30 March, 9.30pm for about an hour in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.  All welcome.


·        Maundy Thursday (6 Apr) : 8-9pm. Traditional communion service, The Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

·        Good Friday (7 Apr) : 2:30pm – 4pm event for those with pre-school and Primary aged children.  Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

·        Good Friday (7 Apr) 7pm – 8:30pm evening event for Adults and youth, at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

·        Easter Sunday: 10:30 Church Family Celebrations in both Balerno High School & St Margaret’s Academy (no separate 0-18 groups available)

·        Origin Scotland Resurrection Easter Event:  On Sunday 9 April at 7.30pm the church is invited to join other churches attending this Easter Celebration at the Usher Hall.  The worship line up includes Allan McKinlay, Fiona Crow and Steph Macleod, with Pete Anderson from City on a Hill Church as guest speaker.  Book your tickets via Origin Resurrection.

Staff news.  George Gera has been appointed to the temporary role of Operations Coordinator to help provide cover in the team in Fil Stevenson’s absence.  Please pray for George as he takes on this role, and continue to pray for Fil and his recovery.

Mission Update:  Steve Packwood stepped down from his role at Operation Mobilisation (OM) at the end of February and therefore our regular financial giving to OM has also come to an end.  Since OM have a global reach, we will consider future support through emergency appeals. 


·        On Sunday 26 March Balerno youth have their own event, Refuel, in the church building, Ladycroft, Balerno at 10.30am.  Livi youth start in the service then go to their groups.

·        Youth Good Friday rehearsal at 1pm Sunday 26 March in church building Balerno

·        Youth Worship Thursday 30 March at 7.30pm in church building

·        Youth meet at Church Building on Friday 31 March.

·        Primary P5-P7 Residential. Bookings open Saturday 1 April. See email and flyers on 26 March for details.

Week beginning 19 March

Click here for the latest news post:  Easter Events.

Daffodils are available at our morning services on 19 March to bless all the women in our congregation on Mother’s Day.

Bethel Team.   On Sunday morning after the Balerno 10.30am service there will be an opportunity to receive prophetic encouragements from the Bethel team in the glass fronted classroom.  A member of the prayer ministry team will also be in attendance with each of the pairings.

Connect: A group for 25 – 30 somethings who love Jesus and want a place to eat, chat and get to know people of a similar life stage. Meeting next on Sunday 19 March after Transform, email teamwild2018@gmail.com for more info. This is open to anyone from both Livingston and Balerno.

Church Family Ceilidh, Friday 24 March 7-9pm, Balerno High SchoolFor any last minute tickets please contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org. Doors will open at 6.45pm. Drinks and light snacks are included in the ticket price. All drinks will be in single use containers so if you’d prefer not to drink straight from a can or bottle, please bring your own reusable cup or straw.


·        Maundy Thursday (6 Apr) : 8-9pm. Traditional communion service, The Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

·        Good Friday (7 Apr) : 2:30pm – 4pm event for those with pre-school and Primary aged children.  Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

·        Good Friday (7 Apr) 7pm – 8:30pm evening event for Adults and youth, at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

·        Easter Sunday: 10:30 Church Family Celebrations in both Balerno High School & St Margaret’s Academy (no separate 0-18 groups available)

·        Origin Scotland Resurrection Easter Event:  On Sunday 9 April at 7.30pm the church is invited to join other churches attending this Easter Celebration at the Usher Hall.  The worship line up includes Allan McKinlay, Fiona Crow and Steph Macleod, with Pete Anderson from City on a Hill Church as guest speaker.  Book your tickets via Origin Resurrection.

Mission Update:  Steve Packwood stepped down from his role at Operation Mobilisation (OM) at the end of February and therefore our regular financial giving to OM has also come to an end.  Since OM have a global reach, we will consider future support through emergency appeals. 

The possible mission trip in October this year to Eswatini will not go ahead due to team numbers not being viable.  Our attention will turn towards a trip in 2024 and if you are interested in joining this team and expressing a note of interest, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org


·        On Sunday 19 March Balerno youth are in the main service.  Livi youth start in the service then go to their groups.

·        Sunday 19 March – Deeper is on back at the Erasmuson’s.  Meet at Transform for this. 

·        Youth on Friday 24 March are going to the Church Ceilidh.  Few youth tickets still available.

Primary Xplorers – on Sunday 19 March there will be a selection of Bibles for young people to look at.

Pioneers meet on Sunday 19 March, at Balerno High School.

Week beginning 12 March

Click here for the latest news post: Origin Resurrection Event

Gold:  St Mungo’s group for those over 60 meets at 2pm on Tuesday 14 March at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.  More information from gold@stmungos.org, or direct from David and Marjorie Brown. 

Bethel Team. We are looking forward to having the Bethel team of students with us next weekend [Fri 17 to Sun 19 March].  There will be a worship night on Friday evening from 8pm to 9.15pm for house group leaders and prayer cell leaders at St Mungo’s Ministry Centre, 46B Bavelaw Road, Balerno, please do reply to the ChurchSuite invite as spaces are limited.  On Sunday morning after the Balerno 10.30am service there will be an opportunity to receive prophetic prayer from the Bethel team.

Life Seasons- (St Mungo’s ladies group) Clothes Swap- Saturday 18 March 7.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno- invitations have been sent out by ChurchSuite.  Contact lifeseasons@stmungos.org if you need more information.  Please note that  the Bethel team visit will not involve activities on the Saturday evening if that helps free up time to attend Life Seasons.

Church Family Ceilidh, Friday 24 March 7-9pm, Balerno High School. There are still a few tickets available for what will be a great, fun evening. Tickets cost £5 (pre school children free) and are available via the link in the ChurchSuite email sent on 6 February or contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org 


·        Maundy Thursday (6 Apr) : Evening communion service, The Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

·        Good Friday (7 Apr) : 2:30m – 4pm event for those with pre-school and Primary aged children.

·        Good Friday (7 Apr) 7pm – 8:30pm evening event for Adults and youth.

·        Easter Sunday: 10:30 Church Family Celebrations in both Balerno High School & St Margaret’s Academy (no separate 0-18 groups available)

·        Origin Scotland Resurrection Easter Event:  On Sunday 9 April at 7.30pm the church is invited to join other churches attending this Easter Celebration at the Usher Hall.  The worship line up includes Allan McKinlay, Fiona Crow and Steph Macleod, with Pete Anderson from City on a Hill Church as guest speaker.  We have booked 50 tickets in the stalls, with just a handful of tickets left.  Please do sign up via the ChurchSuite invite if you would like to attend with the St Mungo’s group or book your tickets separately via Origin Resurrection.

Dedication services are being planned for Sunday 14 May in the morning services at both Balerno and Livingston.  Please email enquiries@stmungos.org if you would be interested in dedicating your child on that date or in the future. 

Baptisms: Our next baptism service will be on Sunday 4 June at 1pm in Balerno High School. We have 5 young people being baptised and potentially 2 adults. If you are an adult and are interested in being baptised then please email enquiries@stmungos.org. (In order to help those travelling from Livingston, our morning 1030 service will finish at 1145)

The possible mission trip in October this year to Eswatini will not go ahead due to team numbers not being viable.  Our attention will turn towards a trip in 2024 and if you are interested in joining this team and expressing a note of interest, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org

Spirit Café Training Postponed: The planned Spirit Café training on Saturday 25 March is being postponed until after Easter. This is primarily due to the team coming over from Bethel being added into our church calendar and not wanting to ask people to attend events on consecutive Saturdays.

Christmas Gift Collection for 2022 is now closed:  We are so grateful for all the contributions towards this year’s Christmas Gift Collection for Life Center Church, Beirut to support their ministry of sharing the Gospel to Lebanese citizens and refugees arriving from Syria and other surrounding nations.  We are delighted to announce that our final total is £24,611.79 and this money will be given to Hayat Ministries [Life Center Church’s UK partner]. 


·        On Sunday 12 March Balerno youth are not in the service, they meet at church building at 10.30am.  Livi youth start in the service then go to their groups.

·        Youth Worship. 7.30-9.30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

·        Friday Night Youth on 17 March is Taskmaster night 7.30-9.30pm in Church Building Ladycroft Balerno.

·        Sunday 19 March – Deeper is on back at the Erasmuson’s.  Meet at Transform for this. 

Primary Xplorers – on Sundays 12 and 19 March there will be a selection of Bibles for young people to look at.

Connect: A group for 25 – 30 somethings who love Jesus and want a place to eat, chat and get to know people of a similar life stage. Meeting next on Sunday 19 March after Transform, email teamwild2018@gmail.com for more info. This is open to anyone from both Livingston and Balerno.

Week beginning 5 March

Click here for the latest news post: St Mungo’s prayer cells.

Big Night In: All adults are welcome to join us at the Ministry Centre from 7:30pm on Friday 10 March for an evening of games, chat and snacks. A great opportunity to be church family and just spend time hanging out together. 

Gold:  St Mungo’s group for those over 60 meets at 2pm on Tuesday 14 March at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.  More information from gold@stmungos.org, or direct from David and Marjorie Brown. 

Life Seasons- (St Mungo’s ladies group) Clothes Swap- Saturday 18 March 7.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno- invitations have been sent out by ChurchSuite.  Contact lifeseasons@stmungos.org if you need more information.  Please note that  the Bethel team visit will not involve activities on the Saturday evening if that helps free up time to attend Life Seasons.

Spirit Café Training Postponed: The planned Spirit Café training on Saturday 25 March is being postponed until after Easter. This is primarily due to the team coming over from Bethel being added into our church calendar and not wanting to ask people to attend events on consecutive Saturdays.

Origin Scotland Resurrection Easter Event:  On Sunday 9 April at 7.30pm, the church is invited to join other churches attending this Easter Celebration at the Usher Hall.  The worship line up includes Allan McKinlay, Fiona Crow and Steph Macleod with Pete Anderson from City on a Hill Church as guest speaker.  We have booked 50 tickets in the stalls, please do sign up via the ChurchSuite invite if you would like to attend with the St Mungo’s group or book your tickets separately via  Easter Resurrection.  

Dedication services are being planned for Sunday 14 May in the morning services at both Balerno and Livingston.  Please email enquiries@stmungos.org if you would be interested in dedicating your child on that date or in the future.  

Baptisms: Our next baptism service will be on Sunday 4 June at 1pm in Balerno High School. We have 5 young people being baptised and potentially 2 adults. If you are an adult and are interested in being baptised then please email enquiries@stmungos.org. (In order to help those travelling from Livingston, our morning 1030 service will finish at 1145)

Christmas Gift Collection for 2022 is now closed:  We are so grateful for all the contributions towards this year’s Christmas Gift Collection for Life Center Church, Beirut to support their ministry of sharing the Gospel to Lebanese citizens and refugees arriving from Syria and other surrounding nations.  We are delighted to announce that our final total is £24,611.79 and this money will be given to Hayat Ministries [Life Center Church’s UK partner]. 

Pioneers meet on Sunday in Balerno High School at 10.30am.


·        On Sunday 5 March Balerno youth are not in the service, they meet at church building at 10.30am.  Livi youth start in the service then go to their groups – no Envision this month.

·        Deeper. Good Friday planning meeting on Monday 6 March at 7.30-9pm in Ministry Centre, Balerno.

·        Friday Night Youth on 10 March is Encounter night 7-10pm in Church Building Ladycroft Balerno.

·        Magnitude bookings are open, places are fully booked but there is a waiting list.

Primary Xpl/Adv Events, Saturday 11 March – see email or flyer for details, contact

Primary Xplorers – on Sundays 12 and 19 March there will be a selection of Bibles for young people to look at.


Please pray for the recruitment of the Wellness Centre Administrator role, for the interview process and those who are considering applying for the position.

Pray for the St Mungo’s team hosting a stall at the Balerno Farmers Market on Saturday 11 March.

Week beginning 26 February

Click here for the latest news post:  Youth weekend feedback  

NHS Workers refresh evening.  A time for any members of the congregation working in the NHS to meet together for worship, prayer ministry and to hear a short encouraging word from Ollie.  7.45pm at Church building on Tuesday 28 February.  No need to book. (We are planning to run similar re:fresh nights through the year for other groups of people).

Men’s events –All men in both congregations are invited to hear Richard Taylor speak on the subject of men’s mental health.  Richard is a member of the Balerno congregation and a local  NHS consultant psychiatrist who brings a wealth of experience and knowledge on this subject.  It will be a breakfast (9.30am-noon) on Saturday 4 March in Ministry Centre, Balerno – limited spaces so book a place via the ChurchSuite invite, or companyofmen@stmungos.org  

Balerno Welcome Lunch [Sunday 5 March 12.30pm to 2.30pm]:  We will be hosting a welcome lunch at the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno for those in Balerno who started attending St Mungo's either just before or during the pandemic or since we have resumed meeting in person.  This is an opportunity for you to meet some of the senior leadership team and others in the congregation, to hear more about the church and our vision.  If you would like to come and haven't received the email invite, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org for more details. 

Big Night In: All adults are welcome to join us at the Ministry Centre from 7:30pm on Friday 10 March for an evening of games, chat and snacks. A great opportunity to be church family and just spend time hanging out together. 

Life Seasons- (St Mungo’s ladies group) Clothes Swap- Saturday 18 March 7.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno- invitations have been sent out by ChurchSuite.  Contact lifeseasons@stmungos.org if you need more information.   

Dedication services are being planned for Sunday 14 May in the morning services at both Balerno and Livingston.  Please email enquiries@stmungos.org if you would be interested in dedicating your child on that date or in the future.  

Christmas Gift Collection closing:  We will close the giving page for the Christmas Gift Collection for Life Center Church on 28 February so that we can release the money to them via Hayat Ministries [their UK partner].  The amount raised has now reached £24,334.35 which is a significant amount over our original target of £20,000.  We are so grateful to the Church’s generosity in this season to support the gospel being shared in Beirut, bringing the love of Jesus to many through practical and spiritual ways and Life Center Church living out the Great Commission.


·        On Sunday 26 February Balerno youth are not in the service, all meet at church building at 10.30am.  Livi youth are in for the first part of the service. 

·        Thursday 2 March youth worship open to all S1-S6.  Church building at 7.30pm

·        Friday Night Youth night on 3 March at 7.30- 9.30pm.  Friday 10 March is Youth Encounter night 7-10pm, both in Church Building Ladycroft Balerno.

·        Magnitude bookings will open at 7pm on Monday 27 February, places are limited so book fast.  See email from Jonny for ChurchSuite booking details.

Primary Xpl/Adv Events, Saturday 11 March – see email or flyer for details, contact


Please continue to pray for the situation in Turkey and Syria after the devastation of recent earthquakes and continuous aftershocks which have heightened fear and trauma in the region.  Pray for other areas in the region where there are faults on which stress has increased from these massive earthquakes.  This remains a massive crisis and lack of clean water and electricity continues to cause difficulties.  Pray for those in Syria where rescue efforts have not been adequate and pray for those who are living out in the streets under tents as they seek to rebuild their lives. 

Week beginning 19 February

Click here for the latest news post: UK and World Mission

Connect: A group for 25 – 30 somethings who love Jesus and want a place to eat, chat and get to know people of a similar life stage. We’re meeting on Sunday 19 February after Transform email teamwild2018@gmail.com for more info. This is open to anyone from both Livingston and Balerno.

Youth:   On Sunday 19 February Balerno youth meet at Church building at 10.30am.  Deeper meet after Transform as usual. Friday Night Youth is back on 24 Feb with a testimony night.

Ash Wednesday communion service at 9am on 22 February in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

Worship and Tech Team Weekend- The Worship and Tech Team will be gathering for training and fellowship beginning with a meal on Friday 24 February and then a day of workshops on Saturday 25 Feb. Workshops will include training on new equipment, digital desks and software we have recently installed for live services. If you are a member of either of those teams you’ll receive an email with programme and sign up details soon. Some of the training will be open to those perhaps interested in learning more about serving in our live services. To find out more please email  tech@stmungos.org

Livi Ladies – all the ladies from the Livingston congregation are warmly invited to an “Envisioning with God” evening on Saturday 25 February (7.30-9.30pm), where there will be guidance, space and resources to help each person to hear from God for the current and next season of life.  For more information or to RSVP, please contact liviladies@stmungos.org

NHS Workers refresh evening.  A time for any members of the congregation working in the NHS to meet together for worship, prayer ministry and to hear a short encouraging word from Ollie.  7.45pm at Church building on Tuesday 28 February.  No need to book.

Men’s events –All men in both congregations are invited to hear Richard Taylor speak on the subject of men’s mental health.  Richard is a member of the Balerno congregation and a local  NHS consultant psychiatrist who brings a wealth of experience and knowledge on this subject.  It will be a breakfast (9.30am-noon) on Saturday 4 March in Ministry Centre, Balerno – limited spaces so book a place via the ChurchSuite invite, or companyofmen@stmungos.org  

Balerno Welcome Lunch [Sunday 5 March 12.30pm to 2.30pm]:  We will be hosting a welcome lunch at the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno for those in Balerno who started attending St Mungo's either just before or during the pandemic or since we have resumed meeting in person.  This is an opportunity for you to meet some of the senior leadership team and others in the congregation, to hear more about the church and our vision.  If you would like to come and haven't received the email invite, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org for more details. 

Bethel Team Visit:  From Friday 17 to Sunday 19 March we will have a team of 12 Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry students coming to be with us from Bethel Church, California.  This will be the 4th time a team of Bethel Students will be joining us and we will be arranging a number of opportunities over that weekend to serve with them and receive ministry.  We are also looking for people within the congregation to host the students in their homes over the 3 days.  If you are able to help with this, please contact

Life Seasons- (St Mungo’s ladies group) Clothes Swap- Saturday 18 March 7.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno- invitations have been sent out by ChurchSuite.  Contact lifeseasons@stmungos.org if you need more information.   

Church Family Ceilidh, Friday 24 March 7-9pm in Balerno High School. A fun, family evening for all ages with a live ceilidh band, plenty of dancing and refreshments. Tickets cost £5 per person (pre-school age children free) and are selling fast.  Details of how to buy online were sent out by ChurchSuite (on 6 Feb) or contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org.

Ceilidh – can you help? Andrea is forming a team to make it all happen. Looking for helpers on Friday 24 March in the afternoon (moving tables & chairs and decorating the concourse); hosts for during the event and help to take down and tidy up. Contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Turkey-Syria Earthquake Emergency Appeal:  We have donated £2,500 towards Tearfund’s emergency response to the situation in Turkey and Syria after the devastation of the earthquake hitting the region.  With more than 40,000 people reported to have lost their lives, thousands injured and an estimated 23 million people impacted, relief, aid and support are now critical.  Many have lost their homes and temporary shelters are urgently needed.  Pray for those on the ground working alongside charities and emergency responders providing basic items and for roads and bridges to be accessible to enable movement of humanitarian relief.


Pray for Vestry as they meet on Thursday, for the new members [Emma Galloway, Brodie Petrie and Dave Roberton] to get up to speed on governance matters and for wisdom in all discussions. 

Week beginning 12 February

Click here for the latest news post: Counselling

Youth:   On Sunday 12 February any youth not away are in the main services with their families.  Friday Night Youth is on a break and will return on 24 Feb with a testimony night.

Gold:  St Mungo’s group for those over 60 meets at 2pm on Tuesday 14 February at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.  As the meeting will be on Valentine’s Day we encourage everyone to bring a short poem to share.  More information from gold@stmungos.org, or direct from David and Marjorie Brown. 

Men’s events

·        Company of Men for Balerno men are going out for a Chinese meal at the Imperial Palace in Longstone at 7.30pm on Friday 17 February – limited spaces so book in by 15 February via ChurchSuite invite or through companyofmen@stmungos.org  

·        Livi Men Italian Pasta Night at 7.30pm on Friday 17 February at Andi Tooth’s house.  Love Pasta?  Then this event is for you! Have friends that love pasta? Yes, then this is for them too. Join us as we relax and spend time together in a low-key setting. For more details sign-up via the ChurchSuite email livimen@stmungos.org. (Next meeting: evening of Friday 28 April).

·        All men in both congregations are invited to hear Richard Taylor speak on the subject of men’s mental health.  Richard is a member of the Balerno congregation and a local  NHS consultant psychiatrist who brings a wealth of experience and knowledge on this subject.  It will be a breakfast (9.30am-noon) on Saturday 4 March in Ministry Centre, Balerno – limited spaces so book a place via the ChurchSuite invite, or companyofmen@stmungos.org  

Connect: A group for 25 – 30 somethings who love Jesus and want a place to eat, chat and get to know people of a similar life stage. We’re meeting on Sunday 19 February after Transform email teamwild2018@gmail.com for more info. This is open to anyone from both Livingston and Balerno.

Ash Wednesday communion service at 9am on 22 February in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

Worship and Tech Team Weekend- The Worship and Tech Team will be gathering for training and fellowship beginning with a meal on Friday 24 February and then a day of workshops on Saturday 25 Feb. Workshops will include training on new equipment, digital desks and software we have recently installed for live services. If you are a member of either of those teams you’ll receive an email with programme and sign up details soon. Some of the training will be open to those perhaps interested in learning more about serving in our live services. To find out more please email  tech@stmungos.org

Livi Ladies – all the ladies from the Livingston congregation are warmly invited to an “Envisioning with God” evening on Saturday 25 February (7.30-9.30pm), where there will be guidance, space and resources to help each person to hear from God for the current and next season of life.  For more information or to RSVP, please contact liviladies@stmungos.org

NHS Workers refresh evening.  A time for any members of the congregation working in the NHS to meet together for worship, prayer ministry and to hear a short encouraging word from Ollie.  7.45pm at Church building on Tuesday 28 February.  No need to book.

Life Seasons- (St Mungo’s ladies group) Clothes Swap- Saturday 18 March 7.30pm in Balerno- more information to follow, but save the date ladies! 

Bethel Team Visit:  From Friday 17 to Sunday 19 March we will have a team of 12 Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry students coming to be with us from Bethel Church, California.  This will be the 4th time a team of Bethel Students will be joining us and we will be arranging a number of opportunities over that weekend to serve with them and receive ministry.  We are also looking for people within the congregation to host the students in their homes over the 3 days.  If you are able to help with this, please contact

Church Family Ceilidh, Friday 24 March 7-9pm in Balerno High School. A fun, family evening for all ages with a live ceilidh band, plenty of dancing and refreshments. Tickets cost £5 per person (pre-school age children free) and are selling fast.  Details of how to buy online were sent out by ChurchSuite (on 6 Feb) or contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org.

Ceilidh – can you help? Andrea is forming a team to make it all happen. Looking for helpers on Friday 24 March in the afternoon (moving tables & chairs and decorating the concourse); hosts for during the event and help to take down and tidy up. Contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Alpha: We have decided to pause running the Alpha course this term. If you or anyone you know is interested in Alpha then please email David.lyons@stmungos.org

Turkey-Syria Earthquake Emergency Appeal:  We will be donating £2,500 towards Tearfund’s emergency response to the situation in Turkey and Syria after the devastation of the earthquake hitting the region.  To date, more than 11,000 people have lost their lives, whole towns have been flattened and tens of thousands of people whose homes have been destroyed are now at the mercy of a freezing winter.  The need is great and Tearfund’s church partner in Syria is providing vital supplies such as warm clothing, food and hygiene essentials.  Please pray for the emergency response teams as they work around the clock to save lives.


Pray for our 67 young people who are away at the S1-S6 Weekend Away. 

Week beginning 5 February

Click here for the latest news post: Prayer points Youth weekend

Baptism service for both congregations on Sunday 5 February.  This will be at 1pm at Balerno High School so please plan to come along to support those being baptised.  We’ll all (both congregations) be able to enjoy our packed lunches in the Balerno concourse between the morning services and the baptism service.

AGM results:  The results from the nominations at the AGM on Sunday 22 January can be found here or via the ChurchSuite email sent on Monday 23 January. 

Alpha: We have decided to pause running the Alpha course this term. If you or anyone you know is interested in Alpha then please email David.lyons@stmungos.org.

Heriot Watt University Chaplaincy Lecture.  Monday 6 February at 7pm.  From Peru to Mars: New Worlds and Jesuit Science, a whistle-stop tour of science through the ages.   Speaker is Brother Guy Consolmango SJ, often called “the Pope’s Astronomer”.  This is free and open to all, but please register here on Eventbrite

Balerno Farmers Market on Saturday 11 February.  St Mungo’s provides a stall with children’s crafts available and a chance to connect. 

Gold:  St Mungo’s group for those over 60 meets at 2pm on Tuesday 14 February at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.  As the meeting will be on Valentine’s Day we encourage everyone to bring a short poem to share.  More information from gold@stmungos.org, or direct from David and Marjorie Brown. 

Men’s events

·        Company of Men for Balerno men are going out for a Chinese meal at the Imperial Palace in Longstone at 7.30pm on Friday 17 February – limited spaces so book in via ChurchSuite invite or through Adrian.smith@stmungos.org.

·        Livi Men Italian Pasta Night at 7.30pm on Friday 17 February at Andi Tooth’s house.  Love Pasta?  Then this event is for you! Have friends that love pasta? Yes then this is for them too. Join us as we relax and spend time together in a low-key setting. For more details sign-up via the ChurchSuite email livimen@stmungos.org. (Next meeting: evening of Friday 28 April).

·        All men in both congregations are invited to hear Richard Taylor speak on the subject of men’s mental health.  Richard is a member of the Balerno congregation and a local  NHS consultant psychiatrist who brings a wealth of experience and knowledge on this subject.  It will be a breakfast (9.30am-noon) on Saturday 4 March in Ministry Centre, Balerno – limited spaces so book a place via the ChurchSuite invite, or Adrian.smith@stmungos.org .

Pioneers meet at Balerno High School on Sunday 5 February.

Worship and Tech Team Weekend- The Worship and Tech Team will be gathering for training and fellowship beginning with a meal on Friday 24 February and then a day of workshops on Saturday 25 Feb. Workshops will include training on new equipment, digital desks and software we have recently installed for live services. If you are a member of either of those teams you’ll receive an email with programme and sign up details soon. Some of the training will be open to those perhaps interested in learning more about serving in our live services. To find out more please email  tech@stmungos.org

Life Seasons- (St Mungo’s ladies group) Clothes Swap- Saturday 18 March 7.30pm in Balerno- more information to follow, but save the date ladies! 

Livi Ladies – all the ladies from the Livingston congregation are warmly invited to an “Envisioning with God” evening on Saturday 25 February (7.30-9.30pm), where there will be guidance, space and resources to help each person to hear from God for the current and next season of life.  For more information or to RSVP, please contact liviladies@stmungos.org

Certificate in counselling course: There will be a Certificate in Counselling course in Edinburgh on 10-11 March and 14-15 April. This Certificate in counselling is required if you want to do the Diploma in Integrative counselling with a Christian Perspective which starts in September this year here in Balerno. Spaces on the diploma are already filling up! The Certificate is a worthwhile course to do even just by itself for personal and spiritual development and to help you be a better listener. More information about this course can be found here: http://www.vitalconnexions.org

Church Family Ceilidh, Friday 24 March 7-9pm in Balerno High School. A fun, family evening for all ages with a live ceilidh band, plenty of dancing and refreshments. Tickets cost £5 per person (pre-school age children free) and will be available to buy online from 7pm on Monday 6 February. Details will be sent out in a ChurchSuite email.

Ceilidh – can you help? Andrea is forming a team to make it all happen. Looking for helpers on Friday 24 March in the afternoon (moving tables & chairs and decorating the concourse); hosts for during the event and help to take down and tidy up. Contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org


·        Sunday 5 February– it will be Envision for all youth at 10.30am in Church Building, Balerno – Livi youth check message about transport.

·        All youth and leaders are invited to the church building, Balerno after the baptism service to celebrate with the youth who have been baptised,  Approx 2.45 to 4pm.

·        Friday 10 February, youth away for weekend.  For those not getting transported by family then the coach will be leaving the Ministry Centre at 5pm on Friday 10 Feb. Make sure you’re not late! Please be praying for all the youth and team as they are away for the weekend (see newspost for specific prayer points)

·        On Sunday 12 February any youth not away are in the main service with their families.

·        Friday Night Youth is now on break and will return on 24 Feb with a testimony night.

Primary.  Social events for P1-3/P4-5/P6-7 groups on Saturday 11 February. Please note the sleepover option is girls only! Contact caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org.

Funeral for Gwen Harris (Balerno Congregation) at 12.30pm on Thursday 9 February at Warriston Crematorium.   All welcome.


Pray for those being baptised on Sunday; 5 youth, and an adult from the Livingston congregation.

Week beginning 29 January

Click here for the latest news post: Baptism Service Details

Communion will be celebrated at the 10.30 morning services in Balerno and Livingston on Sunday 29 January. 

AGM results:  The results from the nominations at the AGM on Sunday 22 January can be found here or via the ChurchSuite email sent on Monday 23 January. 

St Mungo’s Christmas Gift Collection:  We are delighted to announce that we have exceeded our target for Life Center Church in Beirut with the total currently at £21,667.20 [including gift aid].  This gift will be a significant blessing to the outreach ministry in Beirut as they continue to live out the Great Commission.  If you would still like to give a gift, the page remains open https://www.stewardship.org.uk/pages/lc_cei_2022.

Alpha: We are running an in-person Alpha in Balerno in the Ministry Centre, Balerno. It starts at 7:30pm with a meal and then the video series. Alpha is the perfect place to ask the big questions in life, who could you invite to ‘Stay Curious’?  Still time to join the course.  Email alpha@stmungos.org for more information.

Safeguarding Training on Wednesday 1 February at 7.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno for all those invited by the ChurchSuite email.  Any questions see David.lyons@stmungos.org

Baptism service for both congregations on Sunday 5 February.  This will be at 1pm at Balerno High School so please plan to come along to support those being baptised.  We’ll all (both congregations) be able to enjoy our packed lunches in the Balerno concourse between the morning services and the baptism service.

Heriot Watt University Chaplaincy Lecture.  Monday 6 February at 7pm.  From Peru to Mars: New Worlds and Jesuit Science, a whistle-stop tour of science through the ages.   Speaker is Brother Guy Consolmango SJ, often called “the Pope’s Astronomer”.  This is free and open to all, but please register here on Eventbrite

Worship and Tech Team Weekend- The Worship and Tech Team will be gathering for training and fellowship beginning with a meal on Friday 24 February and then a day of workshops on Saturday 25 Feb. Workshops will include training on new equipment, digital desks and software we have recently installed for live services. If you are a member of either of those teams you’ll receive an email with programme and sign up details soon. Some of the training will be open to those perhaps interested in learning more about serving in our live services. To find out more please email  tech@stmungos.org

Certificate in counselling course: There will be a Certificate in Counselling course in Edinburgh on 10-11 March and 14-15 April. This Certificate in counselling is required if you want to do the Diploma in Integrative counselling with a Christian Perspective which starts in September this year here in Balerno. Spaces on the diploma are already filling up! The Certificate is a worthwhile course to do even just by itself for personal and spiritual development and to help you be a better listener. More information about this course can be found here: http://www.vitalconnexions.org

Church Family Ceilidh, Friday 24 March 7-9pm in Balerno High School. A fun, family evening for all ages with a live ceilidh band, plenty of dancing and refreshments. Tickets cost £5 per person (pre-school age children free) and will be available via ChurchSuite week beg 6 February.


·        Sunday 29 Jan– youth head straight to Church Building, Ladycroft, not in the main service.  

·        Friday 3 February, two options for youth:  Magnitude Worship Night at P’s&G’s (sign up via Jonny’s email) -or usual Friday night youth at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. 

·        On Sunday 5 February it will be Envision for all youth – Livi youth check message about transport.

Funeral for Gwen Harris (Balerno Congregation) at 12.30pm on Thursday 9 February at Warriston Crematorium.   All welcome.


Continue to pray for the Vestry, especially the 3 new members just appointed: Emma Galloway, Brodie Petrie and Dave Roberton.

Week beginning 22 January

Click here for the latest news post: Term Card

St Mungo’s Annual General Meeting: for all Church members on Sunday 22 January as part of our 10.30am services at both Balerno High School and St Margaret's in Livingston [with the AGM part of the service being live streamed to St Margaret’s].  Details were emailed to all members on 13 and 18 January.  Church members watching the service via the live stream can participate in the Vestry nominee affirmation process via an online voting form which will be issued via ChurchSuite on Sunday morning.  This form will be open for the duration of the service only.   

Heating on a Sunday morning: We are aware that both Balerno High School and St Margaret’s Academy are cold on a Sunday morning and have been in dialogue with the respective schools regarding this since November. BHS has turned their thermostat down in order to save money and St Margaret’s heating and air circulation is managed externally and proving challenging to resolve despite numerous attempts. We are continuing to work on finding solutions, including looking at how we manage the external doors in both locations, but in the meantime please do dress for a slightly cooler morning!

Cups and Refreshments!  Since returning to serving refreshments, the price of recyclable cups has doubled.  We would like to encourage everyone to remember to bring their reusable cups; flasks; china cups to church on a Sunday morning to reduce the quantity of paper cups each week.  In Balerno, a reminder that there are St Mungo’s recycle bins dedicated for the paper cups.  We are also introducing in Balerno, reusable juice cups, to try and reduce the amount of waste.  Please do bless the refreshments team by returning these cups back to the refreshments area.  Thank you.

Housegroup Leaders meet on Wednesday 25 January at 7.45pm in the Church Building Balerno.   Do offer to babysit to help leaders attend.

Communion & Soaking: Thursday 26 January 9.30am - 10.30am.   A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno.

Alpha: We will be running an in-person Alpha in Balerno starting on Thursday 26 January in the Ministry Centre, Balerno. We will start at 7:30pm with a meal and then start the video series at 8:15. The advert says ‘Stay Curious’, many people accept things as truth without taking time to stop and ask questions, Alpha is the perfect place to ask the big questions in life. Who could you invite to ‘Stay Curious’? Email alpha@stmungos.org for more information.

Baptism service is being planned for both congregations on Sunday 5 February.  This will be at 1pm at Balerno High School so please plan to come along to support those being baptised.  We’ll all (both congregations) be able to enjoy our packed lunches in the Balerno concourse between the morning services and the baptism service.

Heriot Watt University Chaplaincy Lecture.  Monday 6 February at 7pm.  From Peru to Mars: New Worlds and Jesuit Science, a whistle-stop tour of science through the ages.   Speaker is Brother Guy Consolmango SJ, often called “the Pope’s Astronomer”.  This is free and open to all, but please register here on Eventbrite

Certificate in counselling course: There will be a Certificate in Counselling course in Edinburgh on 10-11 March and 14-15 April. This Certificate in counselling is required if you want to do the Diploma in Integrative counselling with a Christian Perspective which starts in September this year here in Balerno. Spaces on the diploma are already filling up! The Certificate is a worthwhile course to do even just by itself for personal and spiritual development and to help you be a better listener. More information about this course can be found here: http://www.vitalconnexions.org

St Mungo’s Christmas Gift Collection:  We are so grateful to the extravagant generosity of our congregation at this time, in support of Life Center Church in Beirut.  We are very close to our target now with the amount raised to date standing at just over £18,000 [including gift aid].  We will keep the giving page open until the end of February and it would be a real blessing if we exceeded the target of £20,000 to support the amazing outreach ministry in Beirut: https://www.stewardship.org.uk/pages/lc_cei_2022.

Youth:   Sunday 22 Jan– youth head straight to Church Building Ladycroft, not in the service.  

·        Sunday 22 Jan– Deeper. Meet at Transform 6.30pm at Balerno Parish Church, or make your way to the Erasmuson’s house for 8pm 

·        Fri 27 January - Friday Night Youth Game Show. Meet 7.30-9.30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.


Please pray for those who mourn the recent death of Gwen Harris (Balerno congregation). All welcome at the funeral at 12.30 at Warriston cemetery on Thursday 9 February.

Week beginning 15 January

Click here for the latest news post :  AGM

Heating on a Sunday morning: We are aware that both Balerno High School and St Margaret’s Academy are cold on a Sunday morning and have been in dialogue with the respective schools regarding this since November. BHS has turned their thermostat down in order to save money and St Margaret’s heating and air circulation is managed externally and proving challenging to resolve despite numerous attempts. We are continuing to work on finding solutions, including looking at how we manage the external doors in both locations, but in the meantime please do dress for a slightly cooler morning!

Cups and Refreshments!  Since returning to serving refreshments, the price of recyclable cups has doubled.  We would like to encourage everyone to remember to bring their reusable cups; flasks; china cups to church on a Sunday morning to reduce the quantity of paper cups each week.  In Balerno, a reminder that there are St Mungo’s recycle bins dedicated for the paper cups.  We are also introducing in Balerno, reusable juice cups, to try and reduce the amount of waste.  Please do bless the refreshments team by returning these cups back to the refreshments area.  Thank you.

Livi New Year Walk, at Beecraigs Country Park on Saturday 21 January (10am at Hillhouse Carpark), to catch-up, have some coffee and cake (do bring your own drinks/baking), and for the younger ones among us, scramble around the children’s play park. All members of the Livi congregation are welcome! More info and sign-up via the ChurchSuite email invite or through isaac.knight@stmungos.org.

The St Mungo’s AGM will be held at our 10.30am services in both locations on Sunday 22 January. 

Communion & Soaking: Thursday 26 January 9.30am - 10.30am.   A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno.

Alpha: We will be running an in-person Alpha in Balerno starting on Thursday 26 January in the Ministry Centre, Balerno. We will start at 7:30pm with a meal and then start the video series at 8:15. The advert says ‘Stay Curious’, many people accept things as truth without taking time to stop and ask questions, Alpha is the perfect place to ask the big questions in life. Who could you invite to ‘Stay Curious’? Email alpha@stmungos.org for more information.

Baptism service is being planned for both congregations on Sunday 5 February.  This will be in the afternoon at Balerno High School so please plan to come along to support those being baptised.  We’ll all (both congregations) be able to enjoy our packed lunches in the Balerno concourse between the morning services and the baptism service.

Heriot Watt University Chaplaincy Lecture.  Monday 6 February at 7pm.  From Peru to Mars: New Worlds and Jesuit Science, a whistle-stop tour of science through the ages.   Speaker is Brother Guy Consolmango SJ, often called “the Pope’s Astronomer”.  This is free and open to all, but please register here on Eventbrite

St Mungo’s Christmas Gift Collection:  Thank you so much for what the church has given already towards Life Center Church in Beirut.  In the last week the amount raised has more than doubled, with us reaching just over £16,000 [including gift aid] so far.  The target of £20,000 is very much in sight, for which we are so grateful.  There is still time to contribute to this amazing outreach ministry:  https://www.stewardship.org.uk/pages/lc_cei_2022.

Mission Trip October 2023:  We are still hoping to take a St Mungo's team to Eswatini from 5 to 15 October 2023 to work alongside one of our mission partners, Challenge Ministries Swaziland.  This will be our first mission trip since 2019 and a great opportunity to serve in a very practical way and experience a beautiful country with amazing people.  Approximate cost £1,500.  We would ideally like to book flights by the end of January.  If you would like to find out more or note your interest, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org


·        Sunday 15 Jan– Balerno youth head straight to Church Building,  Ladycroft.

·        Sunday 15  Jan – rehearsal post church for those playing at youth weekend away. Bring lunch and instrument! Venue – Church Building, Ladycroft.

·        Thurs 19 Jan – youth worship rehearsal for weekend away.  Venue- Church Building,  Ladycroft. Time to be confirmed.

·        Fri 20 Jan - Friday Night Youth Open mic night. Meet at Ministry Centre at 7:30-9.30pm.

week beginning 8 January

Click here for the latest news post :  Update from Ollie.

Alpha: We will be running an in-person Alpha in Balerno starting on Thursday 26 January in the Ministry Centre, Balerno. We will start at 7:30pm with a meal and then start the video series at 8:15. The advert says ‘Stay Curious’, many people accept things as truth without taking time to stop and ask questions, Alpha is the perfect place to ask the big questions in life. Who could you invite to ‘Stay Curious’? Email alpha@stmungos.org for more information.

Date for your diary:  The St Mungo’s AGM will be held at our 10.30am services in both locations on Sunday 22 January. 

St Mungo’s Christmas Gift Collection:  Thank you for your continued generosity towards Life Center Church in Beirut.  We have now reached almost £7,000 [including gift aid].   There is still time to contribute to this amazing outreach ministry:    https://www.stewardship.org.uk/pages/lc_cei_2022.

Mission Trip October 2023:  We are still hoping to take a St Mungo's team to Eswatini from 5 to 15 October 2023 to work alongside one of our mission partners, Challenge Ministries Swaziland.  This will be our first mission trip since 2019 and a great opportunity to serve in a very practical way and experience a beautiful country with amazing people.  Approximate cost £1,500.  We would ideally like to book flights by the end of January.  If you would like to find out more or note your interest, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org

Baptism service is being planned for both congregations on Sunday 5 February.  This will be in the afternoon at Balerno High School so please plan to come along to support those being baptised.  We’ll all (both congregations) be able to enjoy our packed lunches in the Balerno concourse between the morning services and the baptism service.

Gold the St Mungo’s group for over 60’s meets on Tuesday afternoon 10 January. Details from gold@stmungos.org or David and Marjorie Brown.  





·        Sunday Morning Youth will return with Envision for both congregations at 10.30am on Sunday 8 January at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. 

·        Deeper meet for lunch at Church Building, Balerno on Sunday 8 January after Envision.  If you haven’t already, please let Jonny or Lindsay know who you are coming.

·        Youth Weekend Away: Meeting for ALL team and young leaders who are coming to this on Thursday 12 January at 7:30pm at the Ministry Centre, Balerno. 

·        Friday Night Youth is a youth club night this coming Friday 13 January. Usual activities including football, baking, craft, table tennis and more! Open at all S1-S6 at 7:30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

Primary:   Balerno Primary 1-7 trip to Innoflate on Saturday 14 January. Contact Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org with any questions. 

Pioneers meet in Balerno today; Sunday 8 January.


Please pray for the Vestry meeting on Wednesday 11 January, as we begin a new year looking at church governance.  Give thanks for Vestry’s continued wisdom and dedication to serving the church in this way.

Week beginning 25 December

Alpha: We will be running an in-person Alpha in Balerno starting on Thursday 26 January in the Ministry Centre, Balerno. We will start at 7:30pm with a meal and then start the video series at 8:15. The advert says ‘Stay Curious’, many people accept things as truth without taking time to stop and ask questions, Alpha is the perfect place to ask the big questions in life. Who could you invite to ‘Stay Curious’? Email alpha@stmungos.org for more information

St Mungo’s Christmas Gift Collection 2022:  We recently launched our Christmas Gift 2022 appeal with Life Center Church in Beirut our recipient to support their outreach ministry.  This project has a strong humanitarian side in the provision of food parcels and other supplies to those who attend.  It’s a significant combination of the priority of evangelism with sacrificial humanitarian aid.  Please do consider supporting Life Center Church via Stewardship: https://www.stewardship.org.uk/pages/lc_cei_2022

Date for your 2023 diary:  The St Mungo’s AGM will be held at our 10.30am services in both locations on Sunday 22 January.  More details to follow in early January.

Baptism service being planned.  If any adults or youth have not been baptised before and would be interested in being baptised by full immersion please speak to Ollie on Ollie.clegg@stmungos.org.

Gold the St Mungo’s group for over 60’s meets on Tuesday afternoon 10 January.  Details from gold@stmungos.org or David and Marjorie Brown.

Christmas Events – details here!

·        St Mungo’s Christmas Day service at 11am in Balerno Parish Church.  This is open to all but aimed at adults.  No need to pre book.

·        Mighty Mungos Christmas special premieres at 11am on Christmas Day on YouTube.  Great for families to celebrate and watch together from home. 

·        Boxing Day Big Night In –on Monday 26 December in Ministry Centre, Balerno.  A chance for the adults in the church to spend time together. We’ll have the usual wide selection of games, but if you want to just come and chat on the sofas then come along too! We’ll have a few festive snacks but feel free to bring any leftover treats of your own. Doors open at 7:30pm. No need to pre book.  

·        No services on 1 January 2023 in person or online.

Sunday 8 January: All services resume:

8:45 communion service in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

10:30 service in Balerno High School

10:30 service in St Margaret’s Academy, Livingston

Social Sunday, so no evening service.


·        Band practice on Thursday 5 January at 7.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno for those involved in worship at January Youth Envision

·        Friday Night Youth returns on 6 January at 7.30pm for a Prayer Stations Night in the Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno.

·        Sunday Morning Youth will return with Envision for both congregations at 10.30am on Sunday 8 January in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. 

·        Deeper meet for lunch at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno on Sunday 8 January after Youth Envision.  Let Jonny or Lindsay know who is coming.

Primary:   Balerno Primary 1-7 trip to Innoflate on Saturday 14 January – bookings close on 5 January. Contact Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org to reserve a space. 

Wellness Centre closed through to 9 January. 

Week beginning 18 December

Click here for the latest news post:  Christmas events and services

Balerno Christmas Carols – Saturday 17 December at 6.30pm in Balerno High School.  Digital invite for Carol services available Here And for Family Christmas Celebration service at 10.30am on Sunday 18 December Here

Livingston Family Christmas Celebration–digital invitation : Here    At 10.30am on Sunday 18 December in St Margaret’s Academy, Livingston. 

Live Stream: The Carol Service and Family Christmas celebrations will not be livestreamed, please consider joining us in person.  On 18 December there will be a re-run of a previous carol service shown on our St Mungo’s YouTube for those unable to attend in person.

Alpha: We will be running an in-person Alpha in Balerno starting on Thursday 26 January in the Ministry Centre, Balerno. We will start at 7:30pm with a meal and then start the video series at 8:15. The advert says ‘Stay Curious’, many people accept things as truth without taking time to stop and ask questions, Alpha is the perfect place to ask the big questions in life. Who could you invite to ‘Stay Curious’? Email alpha@stmungos.org for more information

St Mungo’s Christmas Gift Collection 2022:  We recently launched our Christmas Gift 2022 appeal with Life Center Church in Beirut our recipient to support their outreach ministry.  This project has a strong humanitarian side in the provision of food parcels and other supplies to those who attend.  It’s a significant combination of the priority of evangelism with sacrificial humanitarian aid.  Please do consider supporting Life Center Church via Stewardship: https://www.stewardship.org.uk/pages/lc_cei_2022

Date for your 2023 diary:  The St Mungo’s AGM will be held at our 10.30am services in both locations on Sunday 22 January.  More details to follow in early January.

Thank you. We recently said thank you to Andrea Wigglesworth as she stepped down from the preaching team.  St Mungo’s are so grateful to Andrea for what she has brought to the teaching on a Sunday over the last 18 months, for her wisdom and sensitivity to the Spirit.  The congregations in both Balerno and Livingston have been blessed.

Christmas Events – details here!

·        Family Christmas Celebrations – Sunday 18 December at 10.30am in both Balerno and Livingston.  Great all age event to come to and bring guests.  This will not be live streamed.  0-18 groups will not be running in either location. (no evening service). 

·        Watchnight service at 11.30pm on Saturday 24 December in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno   Short traditional communion service.    This will be live streamed to St Mungo’s YouTube. 

·        St Mungo’s Christmas Day service at 11am in Balerno Parish Church.  This is open to all but aimed at adults.  No need to pre book.

·        Mighty Mungos Christmas special premieres at 11am on Christmas Day on YouTube.  Great for families to celebrate and watch together from home.  We are looking forward to having Mighty Mungos back on our screens again, but we need your help! Please send in a Christmas joke and a gratitude attitude to mightymungos@stmungos.org  or WhatsApp it to 07772002651. Thank you 

·        Boxing Day Big Night In –on Monday 26 December in Ministry Centre, Balerno.  A chance for the adults in the church to spend time together. We’ll have the usual wide selection of games, but if you want to just come and chat on the sofas then come along too! We’ll have a few festive snacks but feel free to bring any leftover treats of your own. Doors open at 7:30pm. No need to pre book.  

·        No services on 1 January 2023 in person or online.

·        Sunday 8 January: All services resume:

8:45 communion service in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

10:30 service in Balerno High School

10:30 service in St Margaret’s Academy, Livingston

SOCIAL SUNDAY, so no evening service.


·        Friday Night Youth return on Friday 6 January at 7.30pm for a Prayer Stations Night in the Church Building Ladycroft Balerno.

·        Band practice on Thursday 5 January at 7.30pm in Church Building Balerno for those involved in worship at January Envision

·        Sunday Morning Youth will return with Envision for both congregations at 10.30am on Sunday 8 January. 

·        Deeper meet for lunch at Church Building Balerno on Sunday 8 January after Envision.  Let Jonny or Lindsay know who is coming.

Primary:   Balerno Primary 1-7 trip to Innoflate on Saturday 14 January – bookings close on 5 January. Contact Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org to reserve a space. 

Wellness Centre closed through to 9 January. 


Continue to pray for our mission partners and projects as they approach the end of another year, for their work of mission and mercy bringing hope and transformation to those they serve and work alongside.  Pray for continued resources for the coming year and wisdom and strength for those in leadership

Week beginning 11 December

Click here for the latest news post :  Christmas Gift Collection

Balerno Christmas Invites are available today – Saturday 17 December at 6.30pm in Balerno High School.  There are plenty for you to deliver to your own local street outside Balerno or at your work or socially.  Digital invite for Carol services available Here And for all age service Here

Livingston Christmas Invites –Sunday 11 December at 11am in St Margaret’s Academy, Livingston.  Digital invite for Carol services available Here And for all age service Here

Live Stream: The Carol Service and Family Christmas celebrations will not be livestreamed this year, please consider joining us in person.  On 18 December there will be a re-run of a previous carol service shown on our St Mungo’s YouTube for those unable to attend in person.

Pioneers meet today Sunday 11 December in Balerno High School at 10.30am.

Gold (St Mungo’s over 60’s social group) on Tuesday 13 December 2pm to 3.30pm in Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno.  Contact to rsvp gold@stmungos.org or David and Marjorie Brown

Thank you.  Last Sunday we said thank you to Andrea Wigglesworth as she steps down from the preaching team.  St Mungo’s are so grateful to Andrea for what she has brought to the teaching on a Sunday over the last 18 months, for her wisdom and sensitivity to the Spirit.  The congregations in both Balerno and Livingston have been blessed.


·        This Sunday 11 December, Balerno Youth meet at 10:30am for worship at BHS before the final Bible Study of the year. Sunday Morning Youth will return with Envision on Sunday 8 January.

·        Deeper for Youth meets on Sunday 11 December (NOT 18  December due to the Carol Service). Meet at 7.30pm at Erasmuson’s house.   Christmas jumpers, pyjamas, onesies etc are encouraged! No evening service either date.

·        Friday Night Youth – Bookings for the Christmas Ceilidh on Friday 16 December are open. Please register your young person by Monday! Friday Night Youth will then break for Christmas before returning on Friday 6 January for a Prayer Stations Night.

Christmas Events – details here!

·       Beer & Carols: Join us in the Grey Horse, Balerno, for a relaxed Christmas pub singalong, Thursday 15 December at 8pm.  This is the perfect event to invite friends along to and this year we have Sarah Stevenson and band leading the carols. Due to room capacity tickets are limited so booking is essential, last few tickets left. You can book tickets here.

·        Family Christmas Celebrations – Sunday 18 December at 10.30am in both Balerno and Livingston.  Great all age event to come to and bring guests.  This will not be live streamed.  0-18 groups on 18 December will not be running in either location. (no evening service that day). 

·        Watchnight service at 11.30pm on Saturday 24 December in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno   Short traditional communion service.    This will be live streamed to St Mungo’s YouTube. 

·        Christmas Day service at 11am in Balerno Parish Church.  This is open to all but aimed at adults.  No need to pre book.

·        Mighty Mungos Christmas special premieres at 11am on Christmas Day on YouTube.  Great for families to celebrate and watch together from home.  We’d love for as many people to be involved so please email any Christmas jokes, Gratitude Attitudes etc to mightymungos@stmungos.org

·        Boxing Day Big Night In – games night for adults at 7.30pm in Ministry Centre, Balerno.  No need to pre book.   

·        No services on 1 January 2023.


Pray for all the preparations for the Christmas services and events.  Pray that many guests will come along as we rejoice together.  

Pray for the Vestry meeting on Wednesday 14 December as they meet to discuss Church governance - and give thanks for their wisdom, faithfulness and time.


 Saturday 17 December 


Carol service at Balerno High School 

 With groups for 0-P7.  


Talk by Ollie Clegg

Week beginning 4 December

Click here for the latest news post : St Mungo's Mission Trip to Eswatini: October 2023

Christmas Movie social on Sunday 4 December. Join us at the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno from 3pm for our Church family Christmas Movie: Arthur Christmas. We’ll provide the space, teas, coffees, juice and the movie and you bring your own snacks. Open to all ages!

Balerno Christmas Invites are available today, please help by taking a bundle for the streets of Balerno. Please do help us out with this, even if you do not live in Balerno! There are also plenty for you to deliver to your own local street outside Balerno or at your work or socially. Digital invite for Carol services available Here And for all age service Here

Livingston Christmas Invites – We have lots of festive invites to deliver around Livingston, and we need your help delivering them across your own neighbourhoods, and to friends and family. Digital invite for Carol services available Here And for all age service Here

Carol Services: The carol services will not be livestreamed this year, please do consider whether you might be able to join us in person. Livingston carol service is 11am on Sunday 11 December, and Balerno is 6.30pm on Saturday 17 December in our usual Sunday morning venues.

Youth Events.

· Sunday Youth –Envision for both congregation’s youth on Sunday 4 December. Livi S1- S6 head to Balerno, P4-7 Livi meet in room L30A. Envision meets at 10.30 at church building Balerno.

· Friday Night Youth Christmas party on 9 December at 7:30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. Throwback party fun – Christmas jumpers encouraged!

· Deeper for Youth meets on Sunday 11 December NOT 18 December due to the Carol Service. Meet at Erasmuson’s house, 7:30pm. No evening service either date.

· Youth – Bookings for the Christmas Ceilidh on Friday 16 December are open. Please register your young person ASAP! Here. Book here

Livi Ladies Social – 11.30am on Saturday 10 December. All the ladies from the Livingston congregation are warmly invited to a bring and share lunch and social hosted by Marian MacCormack. For more details, please contact Marian on 07874 321 472 or liviladies@stmungos.org

Gold (St Mungo’s over 60’s social group) on Tuesday 13 December 2pm to 3.30pm in Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno. Contact to rsvp gold@stmungos.org or David and Marjorie Brown.

Christmas Events – details here!

· Beer & Carols: Join us in the Grey Horse, Balerno, for a relaxed Christmas pub singalong, Thursday 15 December at 8pm. This is the perfect event to invite friends along to and this year we have Sarah Stevenson and band leading the carols. Due to room capacity tickets are limited so booking is essential. You can book tickets here.

· Family Christmas Celebrations – Sunday 18 December at 10.30am in both Balerno and Livingston. Great all age event to come to and bring guests. (no evening service)

· Watchnight service at 11.30pm on Saturday 24 December in the Church Building, Balerno. Short traditional communion service.

· Christmas Day service at 11am in Balerno Parish Church. This is open to all but aimed at adults. No need to pre book.

· Mighty Mungos Christmas special premieres at 11am on Christmas Day on YouTube. Great for families to watch together to celebrate and watch from home. We’d love for as many people to be involved so please email any Christmas jokes, Gratitude Attitudes etc to mightmungos@stmungos.org

· Boxing Day Big Night In – games night for adults in Ministry Centre at 7.30pm.

· No services on 1 January 2023.

Christmas Trees – why not consider supporting Bethany’s work with the homeless by buying one of their trees. www.caringchristmastrees.com. Local collection or delivery available.

Balerno Farmers Market - Saturday 10 December, 9am-1pm. A team from St Mungo’s will host a church stall (giving out carol service invites, craft bags and sweets) with others manning the uplift point for Bethany’s Caring Christmas Trees. Pray for great conversations with those at the market. If you’d like to be involved contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org (church stall) or emmagalloway@gmail.com (Bethany trees)


Do continue to pray for the St Mungo’s finances. More details of the current situation can be found here: Finance update

Week beginning 27 November

Click here for the latest news post : Finance Update.

Communion will be served at the 10.30 services in both Balerno and Livingston on Sunday 27 November.

Christmas and December: Details of all in person and online events and service can be found on our website: https://stmungos.org/christmas and flyers for the Carol Services and Family Christmas Celebrations are now available.

Balerno Christmas Invites are available today, please help by taking a bundle for the streets of Balerno. There are also plenty for you to deliver to your own local street outside Balerno or at your work or socially.

Livingston Christmas Invites – We have lots of festive invites to deliver around Livingston, and we need your help delivering them across your own neighbourhoods, and to friends and family. Where might you be able to deliver? Grab some invites and to put your name down to deliver to your neighbourhood.

Carol Services: The carol services will not be livestreamed this year, please do consider whether you might be able to join us in person.

Housegroup Leaders Refresh. Wednesday 30 November at 8pm (refreshments from 7.45pm) in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. A time of worship, prayer ministry and a short encouragement. Please offer to babysit if leaders need this.

Christmas Movie social on Sunday 4 December. Join us at the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno from 3pm for our Church family Christmas Movie: Arthur Christmas. We’ll provide the space, teas, coffees, juice and the movie and you bring your own snacks. Open to all ages!

A Service to Remember. A time to reflect and remember those known personally who have died. Thursday 8 December at 7.30pm at St Mungo’s church building, Balerno. Open to anyone in St Mungo’s.

Livi Ladies Social – 11.30am on Saturday 10 December. All the ladies from the Livingston congregation are warmly invited to a bring and share lunch and social hosted by Marian MacCormack. For more details, please contact Marian on 07874 321 472 or liviladies@stmungos.org

Gold (St Mungo’s over 60’s social group) on Tuesday 13 December 2pm to 3.30pm in Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno. Contact to rsvp gold@stmungos.org or David and Marjorie Brown.

Beer & Carols: Join us in the Grey Horse, Balerno, for a relaxed Christmas pub singalong, Thursday 15 December at 8pm. This is the perfect event to invite friends along to and this year we have Sarah Stevenson and band leading the carols. Due to room capacity tickets are limited so booking is essential. We have introduced a ticket price of £5 plus a booking fee of 98p – however on arrival you will receive a token for your first drink from the bar. This helps us to bless the Grey Horse, who are not charging for the venue hire to bless St Mungo’s, and also helps us to ensure a full room. We will be providing hot snacks during the evening, which will be included in the ticket price. You can book tickets here.

Mighty Mungos – Is back for a Christmas Special! We are pulling together a Christmas Day Mighty Mungos special to be streamed onto YouTube. This will premiere on Christmas Day morning for families to celebrate and watch together from home. We’d love for as many people to be involved as possible so please email any Christmas Jokes, or Gratitude Attitudes to: mightymungos@stmungos.org.

Watchnight service at 11.30pm on Saturday 24 December in the Church Building, Balerno and Christmas Day service at 11am in Balerno Parish Church. Both services aimed at adults. Boxing Day Big Night In – games night for adults in Ministry Centre at 7.30pm. More details of all these services and events on the website.

Christmas Trees – why not consider supporting Bethany’s work with the homeless by buying one of their trees. www.caringchristmastrees.org. Local collection or delivery available.

Staff news. Graham (Z) Wilson has been appointed as full time Operations Coordinator. https://stmungos.org/news/operations-co-ordinator

Pioneers meet today in Balerno.

Balerno Youth – meet at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno on Sunday (27 Nov) morning at 10:30am for a practical prayer session (rather than starting at Balerno High School).

Friday Night Youth is a Youth Club Night on 2 Dec, at 7:30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

Youth – Bookings for the Christmas Ceilidh on Friday 16 December are open. Please register your young person ASAP! https://stmungos.churchsuite.com/events/mmki53ys

Balerno Adventurers and Xplorers: Term cards for the new year are now available. Please pick one up today! The information has already been sent on the WhatsApp group. If you’re not part of that and would like to be please email Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org

Week beginning 20 November

Click here for the latest news post : Christmas and December events.

Christmas and December events and services are being planned – flyers and invitations are available and do keep an eye on our website for the now updated details including details of our carol services and plans for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Livingston Christmas Invites – We have lots of festive invites to deliver around Livingston, and we need your help delivering them across your own neighbourhoods, and to friends and family. Where might you be able to deliver? Speak to Isaac in Livi on Sunday to grab some invites and to put your name down to deliver to your neighbourhood.

Balerno Christmas Invites are available today to give to friends, colleagues and family– and there will also bundles available for the streets of Balerno on 27 November.

Christmas Movie social on Sunday 4 December. Join us at the Church building, Ladycroft, Balerno from 3pm for our Church family Christmas Movie: Arthur Christmas. We’ll provide the space, teas, coffees, juice and the movie and you bring your own snacks. Open to all ages!

Beer and Carols – It is back! Invites available in Balerno today. Join us on Thursday 15 December for a relaxed Christmas pub singalong. Tickets are limited to 50 due to space and we want to encourage you to come along and invite your friends who might not come to the carol service. Tickets will cost £5 and you’ll be given a token on arrival to swap for your 1st drink. We’ll have hot snacks available and the singalong will be led by Sarah Stevenson and a small band.

Mighty Mungos – Is back for a Christmas Special! We are pulling together a Christmas Day Mighty Mungos special to be streamed onto YouTube. We’d love for as many people to be involved as possible so please email any Christmas Jokes, or Gratitude Attitudes to: mightymungos@stmungos.org.

Communion will be served at the 10.30 services on Sunday 27 November.

Communion & Soaking: Thursday 24 November 9.30am - 10.30am. A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno.

Mission Trip 2023: We would love to take a St Mungo’s team to Eswatini from 5 to 15 October 2023 to work alongside one of our mission partners, Challenge Ministries Swaziland. This would be our first mission trip since 2019 and a great opportunity to serve in a very practical way and experience a beautiful country with amazing people. Approximate cost £1,500. If you would like to find out more or note your interest, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org.

Balerno Company of Men Curry Night. Thursday 24 November at 7.30pm at Rannaghor Restaurant, Currie. Currently this is full but email Adrian.smith@stmungos.org to be on a waiting list or to cancel.

Livi Ladies Social – 11am on Saturday 10 December. All the ladies from the Livingston congregation are warmly invited to a bring and share lunch and social hosted by Marian MacCormack. For more details, please contact Marian on 07874 321 472.

Staff news. Graham Wilson has been appointed as full time Operations Coordinator. https://stmungos.org/news/operations-co-ordinator

Youth. Deeper is this Sunday 20 November. S4-S6's meet at Transform to attend this event.

Youth Worship Plus is Thursday evening 24 November at 7:30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno. Youth should only attend if they're part of the teaching group 3 or in the upcoming Envision band.

Friday Night Youth this week 25 November is a Testimony Night with Alan MacDonald. 7:30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno.

S1-S6 weekend away: Spaces are completely full for this. A waiting list will open up in the next week for anyone who didn't manage to book in time.

Balerno Adventurers and Xplorers: Term cards for the new year are now available. Please pick one up today! The information has already been sent on the WhatsApp group. If you’re not part of that and would like to be please email Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org

Week beginning 13 November

Click here for the latest news post : Pray for COP27

Christmas and December events and services are being planned – flyers available and do keep an eye on our website for details. https://stmungos.org/news/christmas-st-mungos

Christmas Movie social on Sunday 4 December. Join us at the Church building, Ladycroft, Balerno from 3pm for our Church family Christmas Movie: Arthur Christmas. We’ll provide the space, teas, coffees, juice and the movie and you bring your own snacks. Open to all ages!

Beer and Carols – It is back! Join us on Thursday 15 December for a relaxed Christmas pub singalong. Tickets are limited to 50 due to space and we want to encourage you to come along and invite your friends who might not come to the carol service. Tickets will cost £5 and you’ll be given a token on arrival to swap for your 1st drink. We’ll have hot snacks available and the singalong will be led by Sarah Stevenson and a small band.

Mighty Mungos – Is back for a Christmas Special! We are pulling together a Christmas Day Mighty Mungos special to be streamed onto YouTube. We’d love for as many people to be involved as possible so please email any Christmas Jokes, or Gratitude Attitudes to: mightymungos@stmungos.org.

Mission Trip 2023: We would love to take a St Mungo’s team to Eswatini from 5 to 15 October 2023 to work alongside one of our mission partners, Challenge Ministries Swaziland. This would be our first mission trip since 2019 and a great opportunity to serve in a very practical way and experience a beautiful country with amazing people. Approximate cost £1,500. If you would like to find out more or note your interest, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org.

United in Prayer Event: Friday 18 November. The Thursday morning Pastors prayer meeting which has been running for three years and brings together pastors from Edinburgh, the Lothians and Fife to pray for the church and the nation. There is another United Prayer event occurring on Zoom on Friday 18 November between 7.30-9pm. This is an amazing opportunity for churches to come together and pray together for a move of God in our region. The details for the Zoom are: Meeting ID: 876 0214 4306 Passcode: 757461.

COP27 is happening, and is the biggest and most important annual climate-related conference. Decisions made or not made at COP will impact on God’s creation and his heart for justice for the poor. The Creation Care prayer cell has created a web resource to help people focus their prayers during this critical time and invite the church to join them in praying for our world. You can find the resource at https://www.sites.google.com/view/cop27, and as our newspost this week.

Livi Men’s Curry Night: After a hugely successful Braai in September, we’re back, and all Livi men are invited to join us for what promises to be a fantastic Curry Night. Friday 18 November (from 7.30pm), at Andi Tooth's house in Murieston. To sign-up just drop an email to livimen@stmungos.org or speak with Lawrie Hudson.

Tearfund Quiz Night. The Quiz Night is back – churches around the country will all be hosting the quiz on Saturday 19 November. St Mungo’s will run our quiz in the Ministry Centre. Check out the Newspost and ChurchSuite email for more details and think about who you could form a team with. Any questions contact Andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Balerno Company of Men Curry Night. Thursday 24 November at 7.30pm at Rannaghor Restaurant, Currie. Only space for 40 so sign up quickly via ChurchSuite invite. Cost of food £20, bring own drinks. Any questions contact Adrian.smith@stmungos.org

Livi Ladies Social – 11am on Saturday 10 December. All the ladies from the Livingston congregation are warmly invited to a bring and share lunch and social hosted by Marian MacCormack. For more details, please contact Marian on 07874 321 472.

Pioneers group meet on Sunday 13 November in Balerno High School.

Youth on Sunday 13 November. Balerno Youth Sunday Morning Bible Study on this week, meet for worship at Balerno High School first. Livi youth Sunday morning as usual.

Friday Night Youth is on this Friday Night (18 November) and sees the church turn into a life-size Monopoly game Sign up here by Monday 14 Nov. https://tinyurl.com/mungo-opoly


Pray for the Pioneers group as they invite their friends to join them for a movie night in the church building on Saturday 19 November.

Week beginning 6 November

Click here for the latest news post : Tearfund Quiz

All Livingston 0-18 groups including leaders will be joining the main service for the dedications today which will be at the end of the service.

Refreshments and Reusable Cups: Reminder that we are trying to reduce resources by moving away from providing paper cups for everyone [particularly as they have doubled in price]. Please remember to bring your own reusable flask / cup to church and if you do use our paper cups, please place them in the recycle bin provided and not the main rubbish bins. Thank you.

Christmas and December events and services are being planned – do keep an eye on our website for details. https://stmungos.org/news/christmas-st-mungos

COP27 starts on Monday and is the biggest and most important annual climate-related conference. Decisions made or not made at COP will impact on God’s creation and his heart for justice for the poor. The Creation Care prayer cell has created a web resource to help people focus their prayers during this critical time and invite the church to join them in praying for our world. You can find the resource at https://www.sites.google.com/view/cop27

Gold for any St Mungo’s over 60’s and their friends on Tuesday 8 November. 2pm to 3.30pm in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. Contact gold@stmungos.org or David and Marjorie Brown for more information.

Livi Ladies Social – 11am on Saturday 10 December. All the ladies from the Livingston congregation are warmly invited to a bring and share lunch and social hosted by Marian MacCormack. For more details, please contact Marian on 07874 321 472.

Livi Men’s Curry Night: After a hugely successful Braai in September, we’re back, and all Livi men are invited to join us for what promises to be a fantastic Curry Night. Friday 18 November (from 7.30pm), at Andi Tooth's house in Murieston. To sign-up just drop an email to livimen@stmungos.org or speak with Lawrie Hudson.

Tearfund Quiz Night. The Quiz Night is back – churches around the country will all be hosting the quiz on Saturday 19 November. St Mungo’s will run our quiz in the Ministry Centre. Check out the Newspost and ChurchSuite email for more details and think about who you could form a team with. Any questions contact Andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Balerno Company of Men Curry Night. Thursday 24 November at 7.30pm at Rannaghor Restaurant, Currie. Only space for 40 so sign up quickly via ChurchSuite invite. Cost of food £20, bring own drinks. Any questions contact Adrian.smith@stmungos.org

Do read the Vacancies page of our website which also provides a list of all the volunteer gaps we still have within many of our teams.

Youth. Envision on Sunday 6 November. Balerno youth meet at Church Building, Ladycroft for 10:30am. Livingston Youth will stay in Livingston for Dedications.

Youth Worship Practical Night on Thursday 10 November at 7:30pm at Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno.

Friday Night Youth on 11 November is an Encounter Night where we will be prayer walking in the community before finishing the night with chips. Meet at the Ministry Centre at 7.30pm for this but please sign up https://tinyurl.com/chipsandprayer

Balerno Primary have social events on Saturday 12 November. P1-P4 games session from 4- 5.30pm and P5 – P7 quiz night at 6-7.30pm both at the Church Building, Balerno. More info from caitin.boddy@stmungos.org

Congratulations to Jonny and Megan Slatter on the recent arrival of baby Benjamin.


Please pray for those families dedicating their little ones in the main service in Livingston. Tim and Beth Wong with Abel, and Michael and Kate Smith with Tobi.

Pray for the St Mungo's Vestry team as they meet again on Wednesday. For wisdom as they discuss church governance matters.

Pray for all those mourning the recent death of Graham Baker (Balerno congregation). Funeral will be on Thursday 10 November – details direct from Sandra or from kate.yates@stmungos.org.

Pray for the team from St Mungo’s and their stall at the Balerno farmers market on morning of Saturday 12 November.