Week beginning 30 October

Click here for the latest news post: UK and World Mission Giving.

Clocks change tonight – Saturday 29 October. Extra hour in bed!

All Balerno 0-18 groups including leaders will be joining the main service for the dedications today which will be at the end of the service.

Pioneers meet in Balerno on Sunday.

Refreshments and Reusable Cups: Reminder that we are trying to reduce resources by moving away from providing paper cups for everyone [particularly as they have doubled in price]. Please remember to bring your own reusable flask / cup to church and if you do use our paper cups, please place them in the recycle bin provided and not the main rubbish bins. Thank you.

Christmas and December events and services are being planned – do keep an eye on our website for details. https://stmungos.org/news/christmas-st-mungos

Gold for any St Mungo’s over 60’s and their friends on Tuesday 8 November. 2 to 4pm in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. Contact gold@stmungos.org or David and Marjorie Brown for more information.

Tearfund Quiz Night. The Quiz Night is back – churches around the country will all be hosting the quiz on Saturday 19 November. St Mungo’s will run our quiz in the Ministry Centre – save the date and think about who you could form a team with. Information about how to sign up coming soon!

Do read the Vacancies page of our website which also provides a list of all the volunteer gaps we still have within many of our teams.

Sunday Youth in Balerno, meet at Church building, Ladycroft at 10.30am on Sunday (30 Oct), and they will then join the main service for the dedication part of the service.

Alternative to Halloween Event for P1- P4 and parents on Monday 31 October. Movie night at 5.30-7.30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno. Cost £1 to include hot dogs and chips. Invites available and more information and sign up through Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org.

Friday Night Youth on 4 November is a youth club night. 7:30-9:30pm in church building, Balerno for any S1 to S6.

Balerno Primary have social events on Saturday 12 November. P1-P4 games from 4- 5.30pm and P5 – P7 quiz night at 6-7.30pm both at the Church Building, Balerno.

Youth Weekend Away (10-12 February 2023). Early Bird Signs-Up ends 31 October. Prices rise from 1 November. Sign up at https://tinyurl.com/smywa

Congratulations to Jonny and Megan Slatter on the arrival of baby Benjamin this week.


Please pray for those families dedicating their little ones in the main service in Balerno. Rod and Brodie Petrie with James, Tim and Esther Conn with Nora, and Jordan and Sharon Balfour with Ollie.

Please pray for children on Monday as families navigate Halloween. St Mungo’s is running an alternative evening for P1-4 children and their siblings.

Please pray for the staff team as they come together on Monday 31 October for a team away day at Lendrick Muir for worship, teaching, ministry and fun together.

Week beginning 23 October

Click here for the latest news post : Youth Update.

Christmas and December events and services are being planned – do keep an eye on our website for details. https://stmungos.org/news/christmas-st-mungos

Alpha. Not too late to join the Livingston course meeting at Isaac and Ruth’s house on Thursdays. Please contact Isaac.knight@stmungos.org.

CAP Money Course starts this week, on Thursdays 27 October & 3 November, 7.30-9.45pm, St Mungo's Ministry Centre. This free course on budgeting and other financial tools is open to anybody age 18+ in St Mungo's and friends / family / colleagues etc. To read more or to book a space visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cap-money-course-tickets-438941113687 or contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Communion & Soaking: Thursday 27 October 9.30am - 10.30am. A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno.

Life Seasons- The Roles We Play. Saturday 29 October, 7.30-9.30pm. in Church Building Balerno. Time to meet together - with Sarah Tomb leading us as we explore different aspects of our lives and identity together including space to chat and pray together as well as opportunity for prayer and a time of reflection and worship. Open to all women, sign up invites gone out by ChurchSuite. Or RSVP lifeseasons@stmungos.org.

Tearfund Quiz Night. The Quiz Night is back – churches around the country will all be hosting the quiz on Saturday 19 November. St Mungo’s will run our quiz in the Ministry Centre – save the date and think about who you could form a team with. Information about how to sign up coming soon!

Dedications of babies/toddlers in the church family will be taking place in our morning services on Sunday 30 October (Balerno) and 6 November (Livingston). This will be towards the end of the service and all 0-18 including teams will be joining the main service for this part.

Bethany Welcome Centre has reopened now through to May and provides emergency accommodation and wraparound support for anyone who would otherwise be rough sleeping. The centre also provides 3 meals a day through the help of local churches with St Mungo’s being one. We have 5 dates we are covering from November to April – if you have the skills to bulk cook a main course or pudding or help serve, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org to volunteer.

Balerno Youth are not meeting on Sunday 23 October. Any youth at the morning service please sit with your families. Friday night youth returns on 28 Oct.

Youth S1-6 weekend away (10-12 February 2023) Bookings are open! Early booking discount of £90 is up to 31 October.

Alternative to Halloween Event for P1- P4 and parents on Monday 31 October. Movie night at 5.30-7.30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno. Cost £1 to include hot dogs and chips. Invites available and more information and sign up through Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org.


Pray for the St Mungo's Vestry team as they meet on Wednesday. For wisdom as they discuss church governance matters

Week beginning 16 October

Click here for the latest news post December Events

Alpha in Livingston starts Thursday 20 October, 7.30pm, at Isaac and Ruth’s house. At Alpha you can ask your questions and explore the basics of the Christian faith in a welcoming, open and friendly environment, whilst also enjoying some rather delicious puddings. Is there anyone you could invite? Sign up at alpha@stmungos.org

CAP Money Course on Thursdays 27 October & 3 November, 7.30-9.45pm, St Mungo’s Ministry Centre. This free course on budgeting and other financial tools is open to anybody age 18+ in St Mungo’s and friends / family / colleagues etc. To read more or to book a space visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cap-money-course-tickets-438941113687 or contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Life Seasons- The Roles We Play. Saturday 29 October, 7.30-9.30pm. in Church Building Balerno. Time to meet together - with Sarah Tomb leading us in a time of exploring different aspects of our lives and identity together including time to chat and pray together as well as opportunity for prayer and a time of reflection and worship. Open to all women, sign up invites gone out by ChurchSuite. Or RSVP lifeseasons@stmungos.org.

Dedications of babies/toddlers in the church family will be taking place in our morning services on Sunday 30 October (Balerno) and 6 November (Livingston). If you would like to dedicate your child then, or at a future service please contact kate.yates@stmungos.org.

Bethany Welcome Centre has reopened now through to May and provides emergency accommodation and wraparound support for anyone who would otherwise be rough sleeping. The centre also provides 3 meals a day through the help of local churches with St Mungo’s being one. We have 5 dates we are covering from November to April – if you have the skills to bulk cook a main course or pudding or help serve, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org to volunteer.

Pioneers meets today at Balerno High School.

Balerno Youth are meeting this Sunday 16 October, but are then on half term so are not meeting on Friday 21 October or Sunday 23 October.

Youth S1-6 weekend away (10-12 February 2023) Bookings are open! Contact Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org for details

Alternative to Halloween Event for P1- P4 and parents on Monday 31 October. Movie night at 5.30-7.30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno. Cost £1 to include hot dogs and chips. Invites available and more information and sign up through Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org.


Please pray for the team and volunteers of the Bethany Welcome Centre which has re-opened its doors and for the guests that will come through the door, that everyone who needs to use the service will be able to access it and know about it, that we can make a real impact on their lives and that God will use us to show his love in action.

Week beginning 9 October

Week beginning 9 October

Click here for the latest news post Alpha

Gold for anyone 60 and over meets on Tuesday 11 October at 2.30pm in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. More details from David and Marjorie Brown.

Alpha in Livingston starts Thursday 20 October, 7.30pm, at Isaac and Ruth’s house. At Alpha you can ask your questions and explore the basics of the Christian faith in a welcoming, open and friendly environment, whilst also enjoying some rather delicious puddings. Is there anyone you could invite? See newspost for more information. Sign up at alpha@stmungos.org

CAP Money Course: St Mungo’s will host a CAP Money Course on Thursday evenings (27 October & 3 November) in the Ministry Centre. The course is open to anyone in the church or the wider community. For more information CAP Money Course | Christians Against Poverty or contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org.

Life Seasons- The Roles We Play. Saturday 29 October 7.30-9.30pm. in Church Building Balerno. Time to meet together - with Sarah Tomb leading us in a time of exploring different aspects of our lives and identity together including time to chat and pray together as well as opportunity for prayer and a time of reflection and worship. Open to all women, sign up invites going out by ChurchSuite. Or RSVP lifeseasons@stmungos.org.

Dedications of babies/toddlers in the church family will be taking place in our morning services on Sunday 30 October (Balerno) and 6 November (Livingston). If you would like to dedicate your child then, or at a future service please contact kate.yates@stmungos.org.

Donations required for the Care Van Team: It's turned chilly all of a sudden, hasn't it? Wouldn't fancy spending the night outside...You can make a difference for those who don't have the choice. Please get in touch about dropping off donations for the Mungo's Care Van team. Urgent need: coats & warm jackets; men's footwear (trainers & boots); men’s deodorant. Running low, could do with more: (new) men’s underpants; (can be used) winter hats, gloves, scarves & socks. Please contact Susan Smith treasuredartwork@yahoo.co.uk to arrange donation drop-offs, rather than bringing items to church on Sundays. Thank you.

Amazon – if you are buying from Amazon please consider using smile.amazon.co.uk and choosing St Mungo’s as your charity partner. This donates money to us for everything bought.

Deeper youth event on Sunday (9 October instead of 16 October due to October holidays). Meet at 7.30pm at Erasmuson’s after the evening service.

Youth Worship Thursday 13 October 7:30-9:30 Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

Friday Night Youth. 7:30pm on 14 October at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

Youth S1-6 weekend away (10-12 February 2023) Bookings are open! Contact Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org for details

Alternative to Halloween Event for P1- P4 and parents on Monday 31 October. Movie night at 5.30-7.30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno. Invites available and more information and sign up through Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org

Congratulations to Martin and Christine Doak (Balerno congregation) on the recent arrival of baby Penny.


Please pray for Balerno congregation member and Chair of Starfish Asia, Devin Scobie, as he returns to Pakistan on 12 October. This will be his first visit since 2019 now that strict Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted. Devin will be visiting three schools significantly helped by the generosity of last year’s Christmas Appeal and he will report back at a future opportunity.

Week beginning 2 October

Click here for the latest news post CAP money course

Envision – all youth meet at Church building Ladycroft for envision at 10.30 on Sunday 2 October.

Pioneers meet at BHS today, 2 October

Balerno Welcome Lunch today at 12.30pm to 2pm at the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. For those in Balerno who started attending St Mungo’s either just before or during the pandemic, or since we have resumed meeting in person. This is an opportunity for you to meet some of the senior staff team and each other to hear more about the church and our vision.

Balerno Farmers Market, Saturday 8 October, 9am-1pm. This month is Apple Day and the Mungo’s team will be offering apple themed crafts, keyrings and church flyers. Please pray for opportunities for some great conversations, and if you’d like to get involved for all or part of the time, please contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Gold for anyone 60 and over meets on Tuesday 11 October at 2.30pm in the Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno. More details from David and Marjorie Brown.

Alpha in Livingston starts Thursday 20 October, 7.30pm, at Isaac and Ruth’s house. At Alpha you can ask your questions and explore the basics of the Christian faith in a welcoming, open and friendly environment, whilst also enjoying some rather delicious puddings. Is there anyone you could invite? Sign up at alpha@stmungos.org

CAP Money Course: St Mungo’s will host a CAP Money Course on Thursday evenings (27 October & 3 November) in the Ministry Centre. The course is open to anyone in the church or the wider community. For more information see newspost or CAP Money Course | Christians Against Poverty or contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org.

Life Seasons- The Roles We Play. Saturday 29 October 7.30-9.30pm. in Church Building Balerno. Time to meet together - with Sarah Tomb leading us in a time of exploring different aspects of our lives and identity together including time to chat and pray together as well as opportunity for prayer and a time of reflection and worship. Open to all women, sign up invites going out by ChurchSuite. Or RSVP lifeseasons@stmungos.org.

Big Night In: All adults are welcome to join us at the Ministry Centre from 7:30pm on Friday 7 October for an evening of games, chat and snacks. A great opportunity to be church family and just spend time hanging out together

Donations required for the Care Van Team: It's turned chilly all of a sudden, hasn't it? Wouldn't fancy spending the night outside...You can make a difference for those who don't have the choice. Please get in touch about dropping off donations for the Mungo's Care Van team. Urgent need: coats & warm jackets; men's footwear (trainers & boots); men’s' deodorant. Running low, could do with more: (new) men’s' underpants; (can be used) winter hats, gloves , scarves & socks. Please contact Susan Smith treasuredartwork@yahoo.co.uk to arrange donation drop-offs, rather than bringing items to church on Sundays. Thank you.

Amazon – if you are buying from Amazon please consider using smile.amazon.co.uk and choosing St Mungo’s as your charity partner. This donates money to us for everything bought.

Parenting Matters: Due to unforeseen circumstances the one-off events advertised for this term are temporarily postponed. More details to follow at a later date.

Staff news. Jane Owens has been appointed for seven hours a week to provide administrative support for Valley Friends, our new befriending project in Balerno, Currie and Juniper Green. She will be working closely with Helen Yewdall, the project lead to move the project into its next stage.

Evening Services. The pattern for our services at 6.30pm will be that the first Sunday of each month is a social Sunday [next one is this week, 2 Oct] – so no service but a chance to socialise with church family. Second, fourth and fifth Sundays will be at the church building with a mixture of worship, prayer and talks. The third Sunday is given over to Transform – a time of worship - so we are using Balerno Parish church building for those.

Hosting at the evening services. As we return to regular evening services we would like some new volunteers to help the staff in welcoming people. If you are planning to attend these services from either the Balerno or Livingston congregations and would be interested in being on a rota, then get in touch with kate.yates@stmungos.org.

Year End Mission Giving: We have given £7,000 from our year end mission giving split as follows – £2,500 each to OM & Tearfund towards their Pakistan Flooding Emergency Appeals and Relief Support; one off gift of £1,000 to Open Doors UK who serve the persecuted church worldwide and a one-off gift of £1,000 to International Justice Mission UK [IJM] who are working to bring an end to slavery and human trafficking.

Certificate in Counselling Course. A new two weekend Christian course will be running in October and November in Balerno which is a great stand-alone course, but also a prerequisite for anyone interested in then doing the full counselling diploma course. More information here: https://www.vitalconnexions.org/accredited/certificate-in-integrative-counselling-a-christian-perspective-edinburgh-2022/

Youth Worship practical night Thursday 6 October, 7:30-9:30pm at Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno

Youth Encounter Service Friday 7 October. We have Dave Crow and Sarah Stevenson leading worship and Andy Bennett returning to share from God’s word. The night starts at the earlier time of 7pm and finishes at 10pm. It is open to any young people from S1-S6 to come and explore faith and encounter Jesus in a safe environment.

Youth S1-6 weekend away (10-12 February 2023) Bookings are open! Contact Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org for details

Primary: P5-7 Laser Tag on morning of Saturday 8 October – there might be space left, contact Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org asap

Primary: P1-4 (Balerno) Movie Night on Saturday 8 October, 5:30pm, Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

Congratulations to Martin and Christine Doak (Balerno congregation) on the recent arrival of baby Penny.


Pray for all those mourning the recent death of Wilma Duffy (Balerno congregation). Funeral details available from kate.yates@stmungos.org.

Week beginning 25 September

Click here for the latest news post Vacancies

Evening Services. The pattern for our services at 6.30pm will be that the first Sunday of each month is a social Sunday [next one is next week, 2 Oct] – so no service but a chance to socialise with church family. Second, fourth and fifth Sundays will be at the church building with a mixture of worship, prayer and talks. The third Sunday is given over to Transform – a time of worship - so we are using Balerno Parish church building for those.

Communion in Balerno. We will be restarting communion in Balerno at the 10.30 service this Sunday. We hope to be able to hold a communion service in Livingston in the near future and will give details of that at a later date.

Staff news. Jane Owens has been appointed for seven hours a week to provide administrative support for Valley Friends, our new befriending project in Balerno, Currie and Juniper Green. She will be working closely with Helen Yewdall, the project lead to move the project into its next stage.

Communion & Soaking: Thursday 29 September 9.30am - 10.30am. A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno.

Balerno Company of Men. Thursday 29 September, at the Ministry Centre. Talk by Derek Thomson at 8pm (7.30pm, for refreshments) on “Identity Crisis: pitfalls, potholes and priorities". There will be small group discussion afterwards. Please sign up via the ChurchSuite invitation, further information from Adrian.smith@stmungos.org.

Balerno Welcome Lunch [Sunday 2 October 12.30pm to 2pm]: We will be hosting a welcome lunch at the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno for those in Balerno who started attending St Mungo’s either just before or during the pandemic or since we have resumed meeting in person. This is an opportunity for you to meet some of the senior leadership team and others in the congregation, to hear more about the church and our vision. If you would like to come and haven’t received the email invite, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org for more details. A welcome lunch for the Livingston congregation will be arranged at a later date.

Parenting Matters: Due to unforeseen circumstances the one-off events advertised for this term are temporarily postponed. More details to follow at a later date.

CAP Money Course: St Mungo’s will host a CAP Money Course on Thursday evenings (27 October & 3 November) in the Ministry Centre. The course is open to anyone in the church or the wider community. Details of how to sign up available soon but save the date and consider who you could tell about the course. For more information see CAP Money Course | Christians Against Poverty or contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org.

Vacancies on the staff team: We are currently advertising for an Operations Co-ordinator [28-35 hours per week] and a Team Administrator [20 hours per week], both application packs are now available on the vacancies page of our website. If you are interested in the Operations Co-ordinator role, please speak to Dave Lyons [david.lyons@stmungos.org] or for the Team Administrator role, please speak to Wendy Brown [wendy.brown@stmungos.org]. Please do pray for both of these vacancies and the Livingston Youth & Children’s Worker role which is still vacant.

Hosting at the evening services. As we return to regular evening services we would like some new volunteers to help the staff in welcoming people. If you are planning to attend these services from either the Balerno or Livingston congregations and would be interested in being on a rota, then get in touch with kate.yates@stmungos.org.

Tech Team volunteers needed! None of our services would be possible without our awesome setup and tech teams, every Sunday they turn up at 8am and get to work building the church you attend, from chairs to sound equipment - it all comes out of storage and put in its place. We are short of team in Balerno and so our current teams are working hard to keep the services running – can you help? No experience is needed, we will give all volunteers training and support and these really are roles that anyone can help with. If you are interested or want more information, please drop an email to fil.stevenson@stmungos.org and we will get you on-board.

Certificate in Counselling Course. A new two weekend Christian course will be running in October and November in Balerno which is a great stand-alone course, but also a prerequisite for anyone interested in then doing the full counselling diploma course. More information here: https://www.vitalconnexions.org/accredited/certificate-in-integrative-counselling-a-christian-perspective-edinburgh-2022/

Love After Marriage. This course will be running again in the autumn (start date of Monday 3 October with sessions on 6 Mondays and some Saturdays). It will be held at Holy Trinity Wester Hailes Church premises and run by Paul and Sarah Stanger from St Mungo’s. It is open to any married couples from St Mungos or Holy Trinity church. Love After Marriage is a course to encourage couples and it helps connect couples on a deep and intimate level so they can experience the kind of marriage they hoped for. Flyers available. Contact: Paul & Sarah Stanger for more details, sarahstangerconsulting@hotmail.com;


Minis has restarted. This is the St Mungos run carer and small children group on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings in our church building, Balerno. It is a very popular group in the community on both days and we are always keen to welcome new people to our great teams. If you like to chat to families especially mums, help serve them drinks, and all whilst in a noisy room of children then get in touch with andrea.brewster@stmungos.org(Tuesday) and kate.yates@stmungos.org (Wednesday).

The Alpha Course in Livingston starts 6th October, 7.30pm. There will be puddings, coffee, and a great opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment each week. Is there anyone you could invite? To sign up email alpha@stmungos.org.

Life Seasons. The roles we play: an opportunity to explore aspects of our lives together. Saturday October 29. 7:30-9:30, Ladycroft.

Year End Mission Giving: We have given £7,000 from our year end mission giving split as follows – £2,500 each to OM & Tearfund towards their Pakistan Flooding Emergency Appeals and Relief Support; one off gift of £1,000 to Open Doors UK who serve the persecuted church worldwide and a one off gift of £1,000 to International Justice Mission UK [IJM] who are working to bring an end to slavery and human trafficking.

Friday Night Youth 7:30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

Youth Worship Plus - Thursday 29th September: Our first Youth Worship Plus with worship teaching for those in Group One and an Envision practice for those involved in the October Envision. If you have any questions as to whether your young person should be at this session, please email Jonny.

Youth Encounter Service Friday 7th October. We have Dave Crow and Sarah Stevenson leading worship and Andy Bennett returning to share from God’s word. The night starts at the earlier time of 7pm and finishes at 10pm. It is open to any young people from S1-S6 to come and explore faith and encounter Jesus in a safe environment.

Please could all 0-18 parents check and update their child’s photo consent and health information on ChurchSuite.

St Mungo’s Episcopal Church: Balerno (known as St Mungo’s) is a Scottish Charity, SC018114, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).

Week beginning 18 September

Click here for the latest news post; Primary Kids Weekend away

Livi Kids on 18 September. Due to the September weekend, and so many people in this group being away, Livi Kids (age 4 to P5) will NOT run during the morning service in St Margaret’s. Please note the babies/toddlers and youth will still run as usual. The Livi kids room will be open if anyone needs space out with the service but there will be no team or programme.

Transform is tonight at Balerno Parish church. 6.30pm for an evening of worship and prayer ministry.

Queen’s Funeral. On Monday 19 September the Wellness Centre and the Ministry Centre will be closed in respect of the Queen’s funeral taking place.

Evening Services. The pattern for our services at 6.30pm will be that the first Sunday of each month is a social Sunday – so no service but a chance to socialize with church family. Second, fourth and fifth Sundays will be at the church building with a mixture of worship, prayer and talks. The third Sunday is given over to Transform – a time of worship - so we are using Balerno Parish church building for those.

Communion in Balerno. We will be restarting communion in Balerno at the 10.30 service on Sunday 25 September. We hope to be able to hold a communion service in Livingston in the near future and will give details of that at a later date.

Staff news. Jane Owens has been appointed for seven hours a week to provide administrative support for Valley Friends, our new befriending project in Balerno, Currie and Juniper Green. She will be working closely with Helen Yewdall, the project lead to move the project into its next stage.

Livi Men’s Group: We’re back, and all Livi men are invited to a mouth-watering Braai social, on Friday 23 September (from 7.30pm). Sign-up via the ChurchSuite email or speak with Lawrie Hudson.

Livi Congregation Walk: We’d love for you to join us at Beecraigs Country Park on Saturday 24 September (10am at Hillhouse carpark), to catch-up, have a coffee, and for the younger ones among us, scramble around the children’s play park. All members of the Livi congregation are welcome! Sign-up via the ChurchSuite email or through isaac.knight@stmungos.org.

Communion & Soaking: Thursday 29 September 9.30am - 10.30am. A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno.

Balerno Company of Men. Thursday 29 September, at the Ministry Centre. Talk by Derek Thomson at 8pm (7.30pm, for refreshments) on “Identity Crisis: pitfalls, potholes and priorities". There will be small group discussion afterwards. Please sign up via the ChurchSuite invitation, further information from Adrian.smith@stmungos.org.

Balerno Welcome Lunch [Sunday 2 October 12.30pm to 2pm]: We will be hosting a welcome lunch at the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno for those in Balerno who started attending St Mungo’s either just before or during the pandemic or since we have resumed meeting in person. This is an opportunity for you to meet some of the senior leadership team and others in the congregation, to hear more about the church and our vision. If you would like to come and haven’t received the email invite, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org for more details. A welcome lunch for the Livingston congregation will be arranged at a later date.

Vacancies on the staff team: We are currently advertising for an Operations Co-ordinator [28-35 hours per week] and a Team Administrator [20 hours per week], both application packs are now available on the vacancies page of our website. If you are interested in the Operations Co-ordinator role, please speak to Dave Lyons [david.lyons@stmungos.org] or for the Team Administrator role, please speak to Wendy Brown [wendy.brown@stmungos.org]. Please do pray for both of these vacancies and the Livingston Youth & Children’s Worker role which is still vacant.

Hosting at the evening services. As we return to regular evening services we would like some new volunteers to help the staff in welcoming people. If you are planning to attend these services from either the Balerno or Livingston congregations and would be interested in being on a rota, then get in touch with kate.yates@stmungos.org.

Tech Team volunteers needed! None of our services would be possible without our awesome setup and tech teams, every Sunday they turn up at 8am and get to work building the church you attend, from chairs to sound equipment - it all comes out of storage and put in its place. We are short of team in Balerno and so our current teams are working hard to keep the services running – can you help? No experience is needed, we will give all volunteers training and support and these really are roles that anyone can help with. If you are interested or want more information, please drop an email to fil.stevenson@stmungos.org and we will get you on-board.

Certificate in Counselling Course. A new two weekend Christian course will be running in October and November in Balerno which is a great stand-alone course, but also a prerequisite for anyone interested in then doing the full counselling diploma course. More information here: https://www.vitalconnexions.org/accredited/certificate-in-integrative-counselling-a-christian-perspective-edinburgh-2022/

Donations required for the Care Van Team: Imagine spending all day on your feet, getting soaked, then having no fresh dry clothes / shoes to change into...Now imagine some angels turning up and offering you a choice of clean jeans / underwear / coat / shoes... Bliss! Could you help stock up supplies when the Mungo's Care Van team next goes out w/c 19th September? Urgently needed: Men's underwear; coats; sweaters; shoes; boots; joggers. Please contact Susan Smith treasuredartwork@yahoo.co.uk to arrange donation drop-offs, rather than bringing items to church on Sundays. Thank you.

Love After Marriage. This course will be running again in the autumn (start date of Monday 3 October with sessions on 6 Mondays and some Saturdays). It will be held at Holy Trinity Wester Hailes Church premises and run by Paul and Sarah Stanger from St Mungo’s. It is open to any married couples from St Mungos or Holy Trinity church. Love After Marriage is a course to encourage couples and it helps connect couples on a deep and intimate level so they can experience the kind of marriage they hoped for. Flyers available. Contact: Paul & Sarah Stanger for more details, sarahstangerconsulting@hotmail.com; paul.stanger@outlook.com,

Minis has restarted. This is the St Mungos run carer and small children group on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings in our church building, Balerno. It is a very popular group in the community on both days and we are always keen to welcome new people to our great teams. If you like to chat to families especially mums, help serve them drinks, and all whilst in a noisy room of children then get in touch with andrea.brewster@stmungos.org (Tuesday) and kate.yates@stmungos.org (Wednesday).

Friday Night Youth 7:30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. On Friday 23 Sept. we have an indoor Friday Night Youth where the youth will have an option of learning about Bible Journalling with Megan. We are running an offer on Journalling Bible’s ahead of this. See Jonny’s email for more details.

Deeper – S4-S6 Leadership Course is this Sunday evening, 18 Sept. Meet for Transform at 6:30pm and then go to Deeper, pick up is at 9:30pm at Kenny and Suzie Erasmuson’s house.

Please could all 0-18 parents check and update their child’s photo consent and health information on ChurchSuite.


Join with Christians around the world in praying for the Royal Family as they mourn the recent death of Queen Elizabeth II, and we pay our respects at her funeral on Monday 19 Sept.

Pray for the team of volunteers as they lead, and the young adults in our Pioneers group in Balerno as they meet today.

Week beginning 11 September

Week beginning 11 Sept

Click here for the latest news post; Finance update

Reminder – youth are in the service for worship before their groups on Sunday morning.

Evening Services. The pattern for our services at 6.30 pm will be that the first Sunday of each month is a social Sunday – so no service but a chance to socialize with church family. Second, fourth and fifth Sundays will be at the church building with a mixture of worship, prayer and talks. The third Sunday is given over to Transform – a time of worship - so we are using Balerno Parish church building for those.

Communion in Balerno. We will be restarting communion in Balerno on the morning of Sunday 25 September. We hope to be able to hold a communion service in Livingston in the near future and will give details of that at a later date.

Vacancies on the staff team: We are currently advertising for an Operations Co-ordinator [28-35 hours per week] and a Team Administrator [20 hours per week], both application packs are now available on the vacancies page of our website. If you are interested in the Operations Co-ordinator role, please speak to Dave Lyons [david.lyons@stmungos.org] or for the Team Administrator role, please speak to Wendy Brown [wendy.brown@stmungos.org]. Please do pray for both of these vacancies and the Livingston Youth & Children’s Worker role which is still vacant.

Tech Team volunteers needed! None of our services would be possible without our awesome setup and tech teams, every Sunday they turn up at 8am and get to work building the church you attend, from chairs to sound equipment - it all comes out of storage and put in its place. We are short of team in Balerno and so our current teams are working hard to keep the services running – can you help? No experience is needed, we will give all volunteers training and support and these really are roles that anyone can help with. If you are interested or want more information, please drop an email to fil.stevenson@stmungos.org and we will get you on-board.

Gold for anyone over 60, meets on Tuesday (13 Sept) at 2pm in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. More information from David and Marjorie Brown.

Certificate in Counselling Course. A new two weekend Christian course will be running in October and November in Balerno which is a great stand-alone course, but also a prerequisite for anyone interested in then doing the full counselling diploma course. More information here: https://www.vitalconnexions.org/accredited/certificate-in-integrative-counselling-a-christian-perspective-edinburgh-2022/

Hosting at the evening services. As we return to regular evening services we would like some new volunteers to help the staff in welcoming people. If you are planning to attend these services from either the Balerno or Livingston congregations and would be interested in being on a rota, then get in touch with kate.yates@stmungos.org.

Livi Men’s Group: We’re back, and all Livi men are invited to a mouth-watering Braai social, on Friday 23 September (from 7.30pm). Sign-up via the ChurchSuite email or speak with Lawrie Hudson.

Livi Congregation Walk: We’d love for you to join us at Beecraigs Country Park on Saturday 24 September (10am at Hillhouse carpark), to catch-up, have a coffee, and for the younger ones among us, scramble around the children’s play park. All members of the Livi congregation are welcome! Sign-up via the ChurchSuite email or through isaac.knight@stmungos.org.

Balerno Company of Men. Thursday 29 September, at the Ministry Centre. Talk by Derek Thomson at 8pm (7.30pm, for refreshments) on “Identity Crisis: pitfalls, potholes and priorities". There will be small group discussion afterwards. Please sign up via the ChurchSuite invitation, further information from Adrian.smith@stmungos.org.

Donations required for the Care Van Team: Imagine spending all day on your feet, getting soaked, then having no fresh dry clothes / shoes to change into...Now imagine some angels turning up and offering you a choice of clean jeans / underwear / coat / shoes... Bliss! Could you help stock up supplies when the Mungo's Care Van team next goes out w/c 19th September? Urgently needed: Men's underwear; coats; sweaters; shoes; boots; joggers. Please contact Susan Smith treasuredartwork@yahoo.co.uk to arrange donation drop-offs, rather than bringing items to church on Sundays. Thank you.

Youth Worship on Thursday 15 Sept at 7.30pm in the church building, Ladycroft Balerno – all youth welcome.

Friday Night Youth 7:30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

Livi Kids on 18 September. Due to the September weekend, and so many people in this group being away, Livi Kids (age 4 to P5) will NOT run during the morning service in St Margaret’s on 18 September. Please note the babies/toddlers and youth will still run as usual. The Livi kids room will be open if anyone needs space out with the service but there will be no team or programme.

Please could all 0-18 parents check and update their child’s photo consent and health information on ChurchSuite.

Minis has restarted. This is the St Mungos run carer and small children group on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings in our church building, Balerno. It is a very popular group in the community on both days and we are always keen to welcome new people to our great teams. If you like to chat to families especially mums, help serve them drinks, and all whilst in a noisy room of children then get in touch with andrea.brewster@stmungos.org (Tuesday) and kate.yates@stmungos.org (Wednesday).

Ukrainian Support Locally: St Mungo’s this week has given a donation of £2,000 to the Pentland Ukrainian Support Group [PUSG] who are working with a significant number of guests in the locality as numbers arriving from the Ukraine continues to grow. This money will go towards two areas of need – 1. Free buses for individuals and families enabling them to travel to English lessons [a number of our congregation run these sessions], searching for jobs and taking children to school and 2. Multi-purpose vouchers for guests to buy personal essential items and warmer clothing as we move towards the autumn and winter months. Please pray for all the volunteers of PUSG as they look to provide support and a safe place for those arriving into the city.


Please pray for the Primary Weekend taking place now – over 30 youngsters plus a team of volunteers headed to Scoughall near North Berwick from Friday to Sunday. Please pray for relationships, safety and for Jesus’ love to be clearly taught and demonstrated.

Pray for the St Mungo’s Vestry team as they meet on Wednesday. For wisdom as they discuss budgets and other church governance matters.

Week beginning 4 September

Click here for the latest news post: autumn-term-2022

Autumn Term postcard. Do pick one of these up from our venues as it has information about all our events happening up to the end of November.

We welcome feedback for the summer programme by completing the bits that are relevant to you on the survey at https://form.jotform.com/222283938397065 We’re keen to hear how you found it.

Induction Service for Isaac will be on Thursday 8 September at 7pm at St Mary's Cathedral, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh. This is an opportunity for us as a church to gather together and welcome Isaac as our Associate Rector. Refreshments will be served afterwards.

2 vacancies on the staff team: We are currently advertising for an Operations Co-ordinator [28-35 hours per week] and a Team Administrator [20 hours per week], both application packs are now available on the vacancies page of our website. If you are interested in the Operations Co-ordinator role, please speak to Dave Lyons [david.lyons@stmungos.org] or for the Team Administrator role, please speak to Wendy Brown [wendy.brown@stmungos.org]. Please do pray for both of these vacancies and the Livingston Youth & Children’s Worker role which is still vacant.

Evening Services. The pattern for our services at 6.30 pm will be that the first Sunday of each month is a social Sunday – so no service but a chance to socialize with church family. Second, fourth and fifth Sundays will be at the church building with a mixture of worship, prayer and talks. The third Sunday is given over to Transform – a time of worship - so we are using Balerno Parish church building for those.

Hosting at the evening services. As we return to regular evening services we would like some new volunteers to help the staff in welcoming people. If you are planning to attend these services from either the Balerno or Livingston congregations and would be interested in being on a rota, then get in touch with kate.yates@stmungos.org.

Livi Congregation Walk: We’d love for you to join us at Beecraigs Country Park on Saturday 24 September (10am at Hillhouse carpark), to catch-up, have a coffee, and for the younger ones among us, scramble around the children’s play park. All members of the Livi congregation are welcome! Sign-up via the ChurchSuite email or through isaac.knight@stmungos.org.

Livi Men’s Group: We’re back, and all Livi men are invited to a mouth-watering Braai social, on Friday 23 September (from 7.30pm). Sign-up via the ChurchSuite email or speak with Lawrie Hudson.

Friday Night Youth Testimony Night 7:30pm on 9 Sept. in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

Sunday Youth Envision for young people in Balerno and Livingston, 10.30am on Sunday 4 September in Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno

Primary Weekend – 30 youngsters plus a team of volunteers are headed to Scoughall on Friday 9 September. Please be praying for relationships, safety and for Jesus’ love to be clearly taught and demonstrated.

Please could all 0-18 parents check and update their child’s photo consent and health information on ChurchSuite.

Minis has restarted. This is the St Mungos run carer and children group on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings in our church building, Balerno. It is a very popular group in the community on both days and we are always keen to welcome new people to our great teams. If you like to chat to families especially mums, help serve them drinks, and all whilst in a noisy room of children then get in touch with andrea.brewster@stmungos.org (Tuesday) and kate.yates@stmungos.org (Wednesday).

Balerno Farmers Market, Saturday 10 September, 9am-1pm This month the Mungo’s team is offering free teas and coffees as well as our usual craft bags for kids and church flyers. Please pray for opportunities for some great conversations, and if you’d like to get involved for all or part of the time, please contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Ukrainian Support Locally: St Mungo’s this week has given a donation of £2,000 to the

Pentland Ukrainian Support Group [PUSG] who are working with a significant number of guests in the locality as numbers arriving from the Ukraine continues to grow. This money will go towards two areas of need – 1. Free buses for individuals and families enabling them to travel to English lessons [a number of our congregation run these sessions], searching for jobs and taking children to school and 2. Multi-purpose vouchers for guests to buy personal essential items and warmer clothing as we move towards the autumn and winter months. Please pray for all the volunteers of PUSG as they look to provide support and a safe place for those arriving into the city.


Pray for Isaac & Ruth as they continue to settle into St Mungo’s and Livingston and for Isaac as he is inducted this week, that he would feel welcomed into his new role and be blessed and anointed for ministry, knowing God’s strength and equipping for the days ahead.

Week beginning 28 August

Normal service venues resumed! We have returned to our parallel morning services at 10.30 in Balerno High School and at St Margaret’s, Livingston. Groups for 0-S6 are available at each site. Balerno youth will be at the church building all service on 28 August.

Refreshments Resumed! It’s great to be able to offer refreshments again after our morning services and thank you to the teams who made that happen last week. Please remember to continue to bring your own cups to church. Thank you.

Evening service: Tonight (28 August) at our Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno at 6.30pm. Isaac will be speaking, do join us if you are able.

Autumn Term postcard. Do pick one of these up from our venues as it has information about all our events happening up to the end of November.

2 vacancies on the staff team: As we shared via our ChurchSuite communication on Friday, we are currently advertising for an Operations Co-ordinator [28-35 hours per week], the application pack is available now on the vacancies page of our website. If you are interested in this role, please speak to Dave Lyons [david.lyons@stmungos.org]. On Monday the application pack for a Team Administrator will go live, again on the vacancies page of our website. If you are interested in this role, please speak to Wendy Brown [wendy.brown@stmungos.org]. Please do pray for both of these vacancies.

Transform: Video premiered on YouTube - Transform @ The Cathedral. We had such a powerful time of worship in June at our Transform night at St Mary’s Cathedral and as Ollie mentioned on the night we were able to film the whole service. You can access it here https://youtu.be/HofwszmjrFY. The video is available to catch-up at any time.

Friday night youth is back at church building, Balerno at 7.30-9.30pm - all S1 to S6 from both congregations welcome.

Primary groups get together socially on Saturday 27 August at the church building Balerno. https://stmungos.org/news/autumn-fun Contact Caitlin.boddy@stmungo.org if you have questions.

Housegroup leaders will meet at 8pm on Wednesday 31 August in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. 7.45pm for refreshments. Do offer to babysit where it helps.

Company of Men. Balerno men are having an evening walk on Thursday 1 September, followed by a drink in Balerno. Still time to sign up via the churchsuite email or through Adrian.smith@stmungos.org.

Evening Services. The pattern for our services at 6.30 pm will be that the first Sunday of each month is a social Sunday – so no service but a chance to socialize with church family. Details about this are here: https://stmungos.org/talk/family Second, fourth and fifth Sundays will be at the church building with a mixture of worship, prayer and talks. The third Sunday is given over to Transform – a time of worship - so we are using the Balerno Parish church building then.

Wellness Centre is now open after their summer break.

Week beginning 21 August

Click here for the latest news post: Return to normal

Normal service venues resume! On Sunday 21 August we return to our parallel morning services at 10.30 in Balerno High School and at St Margaret’s Livingston. Groups for 0-S6 will be available at each site. Balerno youth will be at the church building all service. Pioneers group will meet at BHS.

New preaching series from Sunday 21 August: If someone asked you who you are, you might use your name, race, job, or religion just to name few to answer this question. When we placed our faith in Jesus we were given a new identity in Him. During this term we are going to be exploring who we are 'in Christ' and allow these amazing truths about who God says we are 'in Him' to transform us as we encounter His Word and Spirit so that we can live out who we really are 'in Christ'.

Refreshments Resume from Sunday 21 August: We are serving refreshments again after both Balerno & Livingston morning services. To help reduce resources, we are moving away from providing cups for everyone and we request that you bring your own reusable flasks / cups with you to church. Initially there will be recyclable cups available if you forget, and the children’s juice will be served in cups provided.

Evening service: Next one is on Sunday 28 August at our Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno at 6.30pm. Do join us if you are able, Isaac will be speaking.

Transform: Video premiere on YouTube on Sunday 21 August at 6.30pm of Transform @ The Cathedral. We had such a powerful time of worship in June at our Transform night at St Mary’s Cathedral and as Ollie mentioned on the night we were able to film the whole service. We’ll be premiering the video on Sunday night on our YouTube channel. You can access it here https://youtu.be/HofwszmjrFY. As there’s no evening service this Sunday why not gather a few folks round to worship in your living room. The video will also be available to catch-up at any time thereafter on the same link.

Deeper: Our new S4-S6 Leadership group launches Sunday 21 August. For this session meet at Kenny and Suzie Erasmuson’s house at 7:30pm.

Valley Friends. Check out the news post for full information about this new opportunity to be love to our community. Information evening on Wednesday 24 August in Ministry Centre, sign up through the ChurchSuite email which has gone out. Please contact Helen at helen.yewdall@stmungos.org if you would like to know more.

Friday night youth is back at church building, Balerno at 7.30-9.30pm - all S1 to S6 from both congregations welcome.

Kids Weekend Away, bookings close Friday 26 August: Parents of P5-P7 (both Balerno and Livingston) sign them up for this weekend away to Scoughall, on 9-11 September. More information from Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org.

Primary groups get together socially on Saturday 27 August at the church building Balerno. https://stmungos.org/news/autumn-fun Full details have been handed out/sent to families but do contact Caitlin.boddy@stmungo.org if you have questions.

Housegroup leaders will meet on Wednesday 31 August. Do offer to babysit where it helps.

Company of Men. Balerno men are invited to an evening walk on Thursday 1 September, followed by a drink in Balerno. Invite has gone out to sign up.

Social Sundays: First one of these is on 4 September – do start planning! In his core values family talk Dave Lyons outlined plans to make the first Sunday of each month a social Sunday when there isn’t an evening service and we are encouraged to socialise within the church and outside. Check out the full talk here: https://stmungos.org/talk/family This can be anything big or small that encourages community: lunch, walk, picnic, beach, games etc.

Induction Service for Isaac will be on Thursday 8 September at 7pm at St Mary’s Cathedral, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh. This is an opportunity for us as a church to gather together and welcome Isaac as our Associate Rector. Refreshments will be served afterwards.

0-18 Volunteers Required: We are still looking for 2 volunteers to join our Livingston Preschool team which is for the 0-2 year olds. For more info, please contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org

Wellness Centre is now open after their summer break.


Pray for all our 0-18 groups as they start afresh after the summer break – especially for those children moving up to new age groups.

Week beginning 14 August

Click here for the latest news post: Magnitude

Last Summer service on 14 August. There are 4 services and feel free to choose whichever service or services that best fits for you. These service are:

08:45 – Traditional Communion service @ the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno

10:30 – Church Family service @ James Watt Centre, Heriot-Watt University (All ages)

10:30 – Morning Service @ St Margaret’s Academy, Livingston. (no separate 0-18 groups)

18:30 – Evening Service @ the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

Normal service venues resume! On Sunday 21 August we return to our parallel morning services at 10.30 in Balerno High School and at St Margaret’s Livingston. Groups for 0-S6 will be available at each site. There will not be an evening service on 21 August.

New preaching series from Sunday 21 August: If someone asked you who you are, you might use your name, race, job, or religion just to name few to answer this question. When we placed our faith in Jesus we were given a new identity in Him. During this term we are going to be exploring who we are ‘in Christ’ and allow these amazing truths about who God says we are ‘in Him’ to transform us as we encounter His Word and Spirit so that we can live out who we really are ‘in Christ’.

Refreshments Resume from Sunday 21 August: We are looking forward to serving refreshments again after both Balerno & Livingston morning services. To help reduce resources, we will be moving away from providing cups for everyone and we request that you bring your own reusable flasks / cups with you to church. Initially there will be recyclable cups available if you forget, and the children’s juice will be served in cups provided.

Evening services: Next one is on Sunday 28 August at our Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno at 6.30pm. Do join us if you are able.

Social Sundays: First one of these is on 4 September – do start planning! In his core values family talk Dave Lyons outlined plans to make the first Sunday of each month a social Sunday when there isn’t an evening service and we are encouraged to socialise within the church and outside. Check out the full talk here: https://stmungos.org/talk/family This can be anything big or small that encourages community: lunch, walk, picnic, beach, games etc.

Isaac Knight, our new Associate Rector, joined the staff on Monday 8 August. He is based at the Ministry Centre in Balerno, and can be contacted on Isaac.knight@stmungos.org. Please continue to pray for Isaac as he beings this new role and for his wife, Ruth, as they settle into their new home in Livingston.

Induction Service for Isaac will be on Thursday 8 September at 7pm at St Mary’s Cathedral, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh. This is an opportunity for us as a church to gather together and welcome Isaac as our Associate Rector. Refreshments will be served afterwards.

St Mungo’s Vacancies: The role of Youth & Children's Worker in Livingston remains vacant. Please do pass the details on to anyone you think would be interested in joining our 0-18 Ministry and working in Livingston and pray for this role to be filled. This is a great opportunity for someone to work alongside Isaac, our new Associate Rector, lead the ministry in Livingston and develop the ministry through networking and relationships with local schools. The job application pack can be found here.

0-18 Volunteers Required: We are still looking for 2 volunteers to join our Livingston Preschool team which is for the 0-2 year olds. For more info, please contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org

Friday night Youth starts back on Friday 19 August with a trip to Ryze. Parents who have signed young people up, please ensure you have filled out the waiver that has been emailed to you. Meet at Ryze Adventure Park at 6:30pm for this.

Deeper: Our new S4-S6 Leadership group launches Sunday 21 August. For this session meet at Kenny and Suzie Erasmuson’s house at 7:30pm. Please let Jonny know by Monday 15 August whether to expect your young people (if this group is applicable for them).

Primary groups get together socially on Saturday 27 August at the church building Balerno. https://stmungos.org/news/autumn-fun Full details have been handed out/sent to families but do contact Caitlin.boddy@stmungo.org if you have questions.

Kids Weekend Away, bookings close soon: Parents of P5-P7 (both Balerno and Livingston) sign them up for this weekend away to Scoughall, on 9-11 September. tinyurl.com/scoughall

More information from Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org.

Valley Friends. Check out the news post for full information about this new opportunity to be love to our community. Information evening on Wednesday 24 August in Ministry Centre. Please contact Helen at helen.yewdall@stmungos.org if you would like to know more.

Housegroup leaders will meet on Wednesday 31 August. Do offer to babysit where it helps.

Company of Men. Balerno men are invited to an evening walk on Thursday 1 September, followed by a drink in Balerno. Invite has gone out to sign up.

Gold: is next meeting on Tuesday 13 September at 2pm until 3.30pm in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. More details will follow but please note the date.

Love After Marriage. This course will be running again in the autumn (start date of Monday 3 October with sessions on 6 Mondays and some Saturdays). It will be held at Holy Trinity Wester Hailes Church premises and run by Paul and Sarah Stanger from St Mungo’s. It is open to any married couples from St Mungos or Holy Trinity church. Love After Marriage is a course to encourage couples and it helps connect couples on a deep and intimate level so they can experience the kind of marriage they hoped for. Contact: Paul & Sarah Stanger for more details, (paul.stanger@outlook.com, sarahstangerconsulting@hotmail.com).

The Bethany Care Van has been awarded The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service. Described as the MBE equivalent for volunteers, it is the highest award given to local voluntary groups in the UK. A huge congratulations to our amazing St Mungo's team of volunteers, who faithfully and sacrificially go out twice a month, Being Love to homeless people on a Monday Lunchtime and a Thursday evening. If you are interested in joining the team please contact emmagalloway@gmail.com for more information.

Congratulations to Allan and Sarah Lindsay (Balerno congregation) on the safe arrival of Harrison in July.


Please pray for Deborah Mitchell, young person from the Livi congregation, who starts an internship year with SU at Lendrick Muir. For more information about what Deborah will be up to, please see the interview with her from Sunday 7 August, found at 31 minutes on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UT9s9Nz6ms

Week beginning 7 August

Click here for the latest news post: Valley Friends

Summer service plans – We continue to meet in a range of locations this summer, up to and including Sunday 14 August. There are 4 services each Sunday and feel free to choose whichever service or services that best fits for you. These service are:

08:45 – Traditional Communion service @ the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno

10:30 – Church Family service @ James Watt Centre, Heriot-Watt University (All ages)

10:30 – Morning Service @ St Margaret’s Academy, Livingston. (no separate 0-18 groups)

18:30 – Evening Service @ the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

Isaac Knight, our new Associate Rector, joins the staff on Monday 8 August and will be based at the Ministry Centre in Balerno. Isaac’s email address will go live from Monday and can be contacted on Isaac.knight@stmungos.org. Please do pray for Isaac as he beings this new role and for his wife, Ruth, as they settle into their new home in Livingston.

St Mungo’s Vacancies: The role of Youth & Children's Worker in Livingston remains vacant. Please do pass the details on to anyone you think would be interested in joining our 0-18 Ministry and working in Livingston and pray for this role to be filled. This is a great opportunity for someone to work alongside Isaac, our new Associate Rector, lead the ministry in Livingston and develop the ministry through networking and relationships with local schools. The job application pack can be found here.

Balerno Farmers Market, Saturday 13 August, 9am-1pm. A team from St Mungo’s will be hosting a stall (giving away church flyers and kids crafts). Please pray for opportunities for some great conversations, and if you’d like to get involved for all or part of the time, please contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Refreshments Resume from Sunday 21 August: We are looking forward to serving refreshments again after both Balerno & Livingston morning services. To help reduce resources, we will be moving away from providing cups for everyone and we request that you bring your own reusable flasks / cups with you to church. Initially there will be recyclable cups available if you forget, and the children’s juice will be served in cups provided.

0-18 Volunteers Required: We are still looking for 2 volunteers to join our Livingston Preschool team which is for the 0-2 year olds. For more info, please contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org

Balerno Youth starts back on Friday 19 August with a trip to Ryze. Booking has gone out.

Valley Friends. Check out the news post for full information about this new opportunity to be love to our community. Information evening on Wednesday 24 August in Ministry Centre. Please contact Helen at helen.yewdall@stmungos.org if you would like to know more.

Housegroup leaders will meet on Wednesday 31 August. Do offer to babysit where it helps.

Company of Men. Balerno men are invited to an evening walk on Thursday 1 September, followed by a drink in Balerno. More details will follow by email/whatsapp but note the date.

Kids Weekend Away: Parents of P5-P7 bookings open on Eventbrite for the weekend happening on 9-11 September. More information from Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org.

Gold: is next meeting on Tuesday 13 September at 2pm until 3.30pm in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. More details will follow but please note the date.

Love After Marriage. This course will be running again in the autumn (start date of Monday 3 October with sessions on 6 Mondays and some Saturdays). It will be held at Holy Trinity Wester Hailes Church premises and run by Paul and Sarah Stanger from St Mungo’s. It is open to any married couples from St Mungos or Holy Trinity church. Love After Marriage is a course to encourage couples and it helps connect couples on a deep and intimate level so they can experience the kind of marriage they hoped for. Contact: Paul & Sarah Stanger for more details, (paul.stanger@outlook.com, sarahstangerconsulting@hotmail.com).

The Bethany Care Van has been awarded The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service. Described as the MBE equivalent for volunteers, it is the highest award given to local voluntary groups in the UK. A huge congratulations to our amazing St Mungo's team of volunteers, who faithfully and sacrificially go out twice a month, Being Love to homeless people on a Monday Lunchtime and a Thursday evening. If you are interested in joining the team please contact emmagalloway@gmail.com for more information.

Congratulations to Allan and Sarah Lindsay (Balerno congregation) on the safe arrival of Harrison in July.


Please pray for the Vestry which resumes their monthly governance meetings on Wednesday 10 August.

Please pray for all our young people who are expecting exam results on Tuesday 9 August. Please pray peace over their hearts and minds at this time at this time and remind them that neither entry requirements nor exam results, anticipation nor doubts, neither success nor failure, nor any expectations, neither last minute fears nor anxieties, nor anything else in life, will be able to separate them from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.

Summer 2022

Click here for the latest news post: Valley Friends presentation.

Click here for the news post: David Brown Gift Presentation

Summer service planshttps://stmungos.org/news/summer-services. Please read the information about the plans for the 7 weeks of school holidays from 3 July as our services are different. There are 4 services each Sunday and you are free to choose whichever service or services that best fits for you. These service are:

08:45 – Traditional Communion service @ the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno

10:30 – Church Family service @ James Watt Centre, Heriot-Watt University (All ages)

10:30 – Morning Service @ St Margaret’s Academy, Livingston. (no separate 0-18 groups)

18:30 – Evening Service @ the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno (click here https://stmungos.org/news/evening-service to see the speakers)

David Brown retired from his role as St Mungo’s pastoral worker recently. Check out the presentation xxxxx that was made to him from the church. Give thanks for the huge contribution he has made to the pastoral care of so many in the church.

St Mungo’s Vacancies: The role of Youth & Children's Worker in Livingston remains vacant. Please do pass the details on to anyone you think would be interested in joining our 0-18 Ministry and working in Livingston and pray for this role to be filled over the summer. This is a great opportunity for someone to work alongside our new Associate Rector, lead the ministry in Livingston and develop the ministry through networking and relationships with local schools. The job application pack can be found here.

Valley Friends. Check out the presentation given by Helen Yewdall about this upcoming project on the newspost. We will be offering a more detailed information session on this after the summer. Please be prayerfully considering if this might be something that you could do to demonstrate God’s love and care in our community. Please contact Helen at helen.yewdall@stmungos.org if you would like to know more.

Love After Marriage. This course will be running again in the autumn (start date of Monday 3 October with sessions on 6 Mondays and some Saturdays). It will be held at Holy Trinity Wester Hailes Church premises and run by Paul and Sarah Stanger from St Mungo’s. It is open to any married couples from St Mungos or Wester Hailes church. The Love After Marriage is a course to encourage couples to experience the marriage they’ve hoped for. It helps connect couples on a deep and intimate level so they can experience the kind of marriage they’ve hoped for.Contact: Paul & Sarah Stanger for more details, (paul.stanger@outlook.com, sarahstangerconsulting@hotmail.com).

Magnitude: Saturday 23 to Wednesday 27 July. Please pray for this event and our many young people attending, and the team supporting them.

Youth events start back Friday 19 August.

Wellness Centre is closed until Monday 15 August.

Minis starts back on Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24 August.

Primary Kids Weekend Away: Parents of current P5-P7 please save the dates of 9-11 September 2022. Booking is now open and available for all, invite your friends!

0-18 Volunteers Required: We are looking for 2 volunteers to join our Livingston Preschool team post summer. The group is for 0-2 year olds. For more info, please contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org


Give thanks for Isaac and Ruth Knight joining the staff team this summer - check out their recent video message here: https://stmungos.org/news/staff-update-ik

Pray for the St Mungo’s team at the Balerno Farmers market on Saturday 9 July.

Pray for all those involved in arranging and leading Christian activities for children over the summer. Pray for a significant impact from these events in the lives of young people.

Give thanks for another year of church life – pray everyone gets the rest and refreshment they need in July.

Week beginning 26 June

Click here for the latest news post: Family DL

Summer service planshttps://stmungos.org/news/summer-services. Please read the information about the plans for the 7 weeks of school holidays from 3 July as our services are different. There are 4 services each Sunday and you are free to choose whichever service or services that best fits for you. These service are:

08:45 – Traditional Communion service @ the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno

10:30 – Church Family service @ James Watt Centre, Heriot-Watt University (All ages)

10:30 – Morning Service @ St Margaret’s Academy, Livingston. (no separate 0-18 groups)

18:30 – Evening Service @ the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno (click here https://stmungos.org/news/evening-service to see the speakers)

David Brown retires from his role as St Mungo’s pastoral worker this week. Give thanks for the huge contribution he has made to the pastoral care of so many in the church.

Final Balerno Youth Bible Study Sunday 26 June. Youth events start back Friday 19 August.

Gold: is now having its Platinum Jubilee Tea Party on Tuesday 28 June at 2pm until 3.30pm in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. Dressing up permitted but not essential. Please book your place by phoning David Brown on 07470 312612.

Housegroup leaders are meeting socially on Tuesday 28 June at 8pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. Do offer to baby sit for leaders where that would be a help.

S6 Youth leavers event – if you’ve not RSVP’d do so now! Event is on Wednesday night 29 June at Church Building Ladycroft Balerno for S5/6.

Primary: Bookings for P5-7 weekend camp now open to everyone so invite your friends!

St Mungo’s Vacancies: The role of Youth & Children's Worker in Livingston remains vacant. Please do pass the details on to anyone you think would be interested in joining our 0-18 Ministry and working in Livingston and pray for this role to be filled over the summer. This is a great opportunity for someone to work alongside our new Associate Rector, lead the ministry in Livingston and develop the ministry through networking and relationships with local schools. The job application pack can be found here.

0-18 Volunteers Required: We are looking for 2 volunteers to join our Livingston Preschool team post summer. The group is for 0-2 year olds. For more info, please contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org

The Company of Men Balerno WhatsApp group If you are interested in keeping up to date with what we are planning as the group goes forward then please send your contact details to company ofmen@stmungos.org and we will add you to the group.

Building Committee Feasibility Study: You can read more about the remit of the newly formed building committee here: https://stmungos.org/news/building-committee. Please continue to pray for Derek and the team as they begin meet and carry out preliminary discussions.

Sunday Morning Refreshments in Balerno: Thank you to everyone who signed up to join the Balerno refreshments team. We now have all 20 gaps filled and are very grateful to everyone who volunteered. We look forward to refreshments resuming in Balerno on Sunday 21 August!


Please pray for all those grieving the recent death of Ian Leitch, especially his wife Morag (Balerno congregation).

Please pray for Isaac & Ruth Knight as Isaac finishes his Curacy at Christ Church, Flackwell Heath this month, before joining the St Mungo’s staff team as Associate Rector on Monday 8 August.  Isaac & Ruth will be moving to Scotland in July, please also pray for good endings down south and a smooth transition for their move and they would settle into the Livingston area quickly.

Week beginning 19 June

Click here for the latest news post:

Evening service summer speakers.

Transform: Sunday 19 June at St Mary’s Cathedral, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh EH12 5AW, 7.30pm - 9pm. Transform is a night dedicated to sung praise and worship. It’s an opportunity for the whole church family to gather and lift up the name of Jesus, rejoice, celebrate His Goodness and worship in the splendour of His glory. Worship will be led by Fiona Crow and the St Mungo’s worship band and will feature guest worship leader Daniel Robinson. All welcome. Please do share and invite your friends so we can fill this incredible venue with worshippers.

Here is a link to the promo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aU7BEOpfws

Summer service plans – do check out the information about the plans for the 7 weeks of school holidays from 3 July. Livingston service will meet as usual but without separate 0-18 groups. We are not able to use Balerno High School so will return to Heriot Watt for short all age services each week. There will be evening services at 6.30pm in our church building with worship and a talk, as well as communion services at 8.45am.

Envision for youth on Sunday 19 June. This will be the last Envision before the summer break. Lindsay is organising transport for our Livi young people. Balerno young people should head straight to Church building, Ladycroft for 10:30am.

Primary Weekend Away: 9-11 September. Bookings open on Eventbrite to everyone in new P5-P7 years at 5pm Sunday 19 June so invite friends!

Youth worship last meeting for this term will be on Thursday 23 June and will then pause for the summer. 7.30-9.30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft. (Please bring your instruments.)

Youth Friday Night (24 June) escape room is the final youth event this term. Church Building, Ladycroft 7:30pm (S1 up only as this is a rescheduled event)

The Company of Men (Balerno congregation). We are really looking forward to our Walk in the Pentland on Saturday 25 June. Meet at Threipmuir Reservoir (Red Moss) car park from 1.45pm and setting off at 2.00 pm. The walk should take 1 1/2 - 2 hours. Then it’s back to Craig Hall’s in Balerno for some food and refreshments. There will be a donation box to cover some of the food cost. As parking is limited it may be helpful to car share or get a lift up. There is still space for what promises to be a great afternoon out so please check out the invitations on ChurchSuite. If you are coming for the food it would be helpful to let us know by Wednesday 22 June.

The Company of Men Balerno WhatsApp group If you are interested in keeping up to date with what we are planning as the group goes forward then please send your contact details to companyofmen@stmungos.org and we will add you to the group.

Gold: is now having its Platinum Jubilee Tea Party on Tuesday 28 June at 2pm until 3.30pm in the Church Building, Ladycroft. Dressing up permitted but not essential. Please book your place by phoning David Brown on 07470 312612.

Housegroup leaders are meeting socially on Tuesday 28 June at 8pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. Do offer to baby sit for leaders where that would be a help.

S6 youth leavers meal will be on Wednesday 29 June in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno. Information has been sent to parents that this is applicable to.

Magnitude: Saturday 23 to Wednesday 27 July. Parents of current P7-S6 please check your email via Church Suite as bookings are now open.

0-18 Volunteers Required: We are looking for 2 volunteers to join our Livingston Preschool team post summer. The group is for 0-2 year olds. For more info, please contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org

Building Committee Feasibility Study: You can read more about the remit of the newly formed building committee here: https://stmungos.org/news/building-committee. Please continue to pray for Derek and the team as they begin meet and carry out preliminary discussions.

Sunday Morning Refreshments in Balerno: Thank you to everyone who signed up to join the Balerno refreshments team. We now have all 20 gaps filled and are very grateful to everyone who volunteered. We look forward to refreshments resuming in Balerno on Sunday 21 August!

Donations required for the Care Van Team: The St Mungo’s Care Van team would welcome donations of men's casual trousers (jeans & joggers), men's casual shoes (trainers or boots), and summer t-shirts. The team serve once a month, giving out tea, coffee, soup, buttered rolls and choccie biccies - and clothing. Please contact Susan Smith directly on treasuredartwork@yahoo.co.uk. to arrange donation drop-offs, rather than bringing items to church on a Sunday. Thank you.

St Mungo’s Ukraine WhatsApp Group: We have set up a WhatsApp group for those who attended the info evening on 2 June, to share possible ways we can support and get involved in the community within Balerno & Currie and West Lothian and support those already serving in these communities. If you are interested in serving and supporting in some way and would like to join this group, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org.

Worship: Fiona shared a playlist of songs as part of her recent talk. It has all the new songs that we've introduced in the last few months for you to use in your personal worship times or in house groups. You can access it here


Thank you letters and gift aid statements: If you would like a letter which includes details of your giving during the 2021-22 tax year and the gift aid we've reclaimed, where relevant, then please e-mail accounts@stmungos.organd we will send your letter in the next couple of weeks.

Week beginning 12 June

Click here for the latest news post: Summer services

Summer service plans – do check out the information about the plans for the 7 weeks of school holidays from 3 July. Livingston service will meet as usual but without separate 0-18 groups. We are not able to use Balerno High School so will return to Heriot Watt for short all age services each week. There will be evening services at 6.30pm in our church building with worship and a talk, as well as communion services at 8.45am.

Evening Worship and Prayer Service: Sunday 12 June at 6.30pm at our Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. We will also be praying for one of our mission partners.

Transform: Sunday 19 June at St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh 7.30pm - 9pm. Transform is a night dedicated to sung praise and worship. It’s an opportunity for the whole church family to gather and lift up the name of Jesus, rejoice, celebrate His Goodness and worship in the splendour of His glory. Worship will be led by Fiona Crow and the St Mungo’s worship band and will feature guest worship leader Daniel Robinson. All welcome. Please do share and invite your friends so we can fill this incredible venue with worshippers.

Here is a link to the promo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aU7BEOpfws

Pioneers meet today (12 June) in Balerno High School

Gold: is having a Platinum Jubilee Tea Party on Tuesday 14 June at 2pm until 3.30pm in the Church Building, Ladycroft. Dressing up permitted but not essential. Please book your place by phoning David Brown on 07470 312612.

Refresh Night for all 0-18 volunteers – Thursday 16 June. All volunteers have been sent ChurchSuite sign up form. Please respond ASAP for catering needs.

Life Seasons: All ladies invited to 'Walk and Talk' Saturday 18 June; meet at 10am Harlaw car park, Balerno for a walk around the reservoir. Check out ChurchSuite email for details and to book in.

Envision for youth on Sunday 19 June. This will be the last Envision before the summer break. Lindsay is organising transport for our Livi young people. Balerno young people should head straight to Church building, Ladycroft for 10:30am.

Youth worship last meeting for this term will be on Thursday 23 June and will then pause for the summer. 7.30-9.30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft. (Please bring your instruments.)

The Company of Men: next event is a walk in the Pentlands followed by option of food together on afternoon of Saturday 25 June. If you are free to join us, please check out the invitations on ChurchSuite (for Balerno congregation). Look forward to seeing you then. If you are interested in joining the new C of M WhatsApp group can you send your contact details to companyofmen@stmungos.org. We’ll be in touch.

Housegroup leaders are meeting socially on Tuesday 28 June at 8pm in church building. Do offer to baby sit for leaders where that would be a help.

S6 youth leavers meal will be on Wednesday 29 June. Information has been sent to parents that this is applicable to.

Donations required for the Care Van Team: The St Mungo’s Care Van team would welcome donations of men's casual trousers (jeans & joggers), men's casual shoes (trainers or boots), and summer t-shirts. The team serve once a month, giving out tea, coffee, soup, buttered rolls and choccie biccies - and clothing. Please contact Susan Smith directly on treasuredartwork@yahoo.co.uk. to arrange donation drop-offs, rather than bringing items to church on a Sunday. Thank you.

St Mungo’s Ukraine WhatsApp Group: We have set up a WhatsApp group for those who attended the info evening on 2 June, to share possible ways we can support and get involved in the community within Balerno & Currie and West Lothian and support those already serving in these communities. If you are interested in serving and supporting in some way and would like to join this group, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org.

Magnitude: Saturday 23 to Wednesday 27 July. Parents of current P7-S6 please check your email via Church Suite as bookings are now open.

Kids Weekend Away: Parents of current P4-P6 please save the dates of 9-11 September 2022. Booking details will be issued soon. Bookings open 5pm on Sunday 12 June on eventbrite link

Worship: Fiona shared a playlist of songs as part of her recent talk. It has all the new songs that we've introduced in the last few months for you to use in your personal worship times or in house groups. You can access it here


Baptisms and Dedications: Next term we will are planning to have a baptismal service. If you would like to be baptised, please email enquiries@stmungos.org and we will be in touch. If you are part of the St Mungo’s church family and you would like your child dedicated, then please email enquiries@stmungos.org to let us know and we will be in touch.

Thank you letters and gift aid statements: If you would like a letter which includes details of your giving during the 2021-22 tax year and the gift aid we've reclaimed, where relevant, then please e-mail accounts@stmungos.organd we will send your letter in the next couple of weeks.

0-18 Volunteers Required: We are looking for 2 volunteers to join our Livingston Preschool team post summer. The group is for 0-2 year olds. For more info, please contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org

Bethany Christian Trust Welcome Centre: Volunteer required to organise teams from St Mungo’s to cook and serve food at the Welcome Shelter. This role would require arranging dates with Bethany and then organising teams to cook and serve on the evening. The service runs from October to May and this past session St Mungo’s served on 5 nights. If you are interested in taking on this role, please contact Liz Snedden for more details [07801 420 462 or lizsnedden@gmail.com].

Week beginning 5 June

It’s almost here
Transform at the Cathedral click for more information Transform

Click here to see more about our Gala day

Balerno Farmers Market, Saturday 11 June, 9am-1pm: A team from St Mungo's will be hosting a stall (giving away church flyers and kids crafts). Please pray for opportunities for some great conversations, and if you'd like to get involved for all or part of the time, please contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Evening Worship and Prayer Service: Sunday 12 June at 6.30pm at our Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. We will also be praying for one of our mission partners.

Gold: The next Gold Meeting will take the form of a Platinum Jubilee Tea Party on 14 June 2022 at 2pm until 3.30pm in the Church Building, Ladycroft. Dressing up permitted but not essential. Please book your place for this once in a lifetime event by phoning David Brown on 07470 312612.

Life Seasons: All ladies invited to 'Walk and Talk' Saturday 18 June; meet at 10am Harlaw car park, Balerno for a walk around the reservoir.

Transform: Sunday 19 June at St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh 7.30pm - 9pm. Transform is a night dedicated to sung praise and worship. It’s an opportunity for the whole church family to gather and lift up the name of Jesus, rejoice, celebrate His Goodness and worship in the splendour of His glory. Worship will be led by Fiona Crow and the St Mungo’s worship band and will feature guest worship leader Daniel Robinson. All welcome. Please do share and invite your friends so we can fill this incredible venue with worshippers.

Here is a link to the promo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aU7BEOpfws

The Company of Men: Our next event is ‘A Walk In The Pentlands’ on Saturday 25 June. If you are free to join us, please check out the invitations on ChurchSuite (for Balerno congregation). Look forward to seeing you then.

Balerno P7: BBQ and visit to Friday night youth: Friday 10 June rsvp to Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org

Balerno P3-P6 BBQ and Garden Games: Bring a friend! 4pm Saturday 11 June (invites and details available in groups and rsvp to Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org)

Magnitude: Saturday 23 to Wednesday 27 July. Parents of current P7-S6 please check your email via Church Suite as bookings are now open.

Kids Weekend Away: Parents of current P4-P6 please save the dates of 9-11 September 2022. Booking details will be issued soon.

Worship: Fiona shared a playlist of songs as part of her talk on Sunday. It has all the new songs that we've introduced in the last few months for you to use in your personal worship times or in house groups. You can access it here


Baptisms and Dedications: Next term we will are planning to have a baptismal service. If you would like to be baptised, please email enquiries@stmungos.org and we will be in touch. If you are part of the St Mungo’s church family and you would like your child dedicated, then please email enquiries@stmungos.org to let us know and we will be in touch.

Thank you letters and gift aid statements: If you would a letter which includes details of your giving during the 2021-22 tax year and the gift aid we've reclaimed, where relevant, then please e-mail accounts@stmungos.org and we will send your letter in the next couple of weeks.

The Company of Men, St Mungos Balerno: If you are interested in joining our new WhatsApp group can you send your contact details to companyofmen@stmungos.org. We’ll be in touch.

0-18 Volunteers Required: We are looking for 2 volunteers to join our Livingston Preschool team post summer. The group is for 0-2 year olds. For more info, please contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org

Magnitude: We need help with either being an on-site leader with the youth for the week at Lendrick Muir; assisting with set up and take down on the Saturday (23 July) or Wednesday (27 July - or both!) or by providing a one pot evening meal for 30 people. Please contact Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org or Lindsay Glover if you can assist.

Bethany Christian Trust Welcome Centre: Volunteer required to organise teams from St Mungo’s to cook and serve food at the Welcome Shelter. This role would require arranging dates with Bethany and then organising teams to cook and serve on the evening. The service runs from October to May and this past session St Mungo’s served on 5 nights. If you are interested in taking on this role, please contact Liz Snedden for more details [07801 420 462 or lizsnedden@gmail.com].

Spring Harvest 2023! Would you like to join other St Mungo’s families at Spring Harvest in Skegness next year - dates are 10-14 April. For more info check out

https://www.springharvest.org/events/. If your family would like to be part of a group booking please email caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org.

Week beginning 29 May

Click here for the latest news post Resources and ideas on how to read your Bible

Pioneers meet in Balerno High School at 10.30.

Communion & Soaking: Thursday 2 June 9.30am - 10.30am A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking.

Ukraine Info Evening: As we see the Ukrainian situation continue to worsen, on Thursday 2 June we are hosting an evening at the Ministry Centre from 8pm to 9.30pm for those in St Mungo’s who are interested, or are already helping Ukrainian refugees in Scotland. Our desire in facilitating this evening is to provide an opportunity for people to come together so they can hear what is already happening and to work out a way forward for how the group can respond. Please do join us if you can. Any questions ask Wendy.brown@stmungos.org

Livingston Congregation Walk – Saturday 4 June. A 3-4 hour walk within easy reach of Livingston, with coffee and picnic stops along the way. If you enjoy walking and would like to join us, please e-mail Katherine.burnett@stmungos.org.

Safe Families – this wonderful charity supports vulnerable families across Edinburgh and the Lothians through activities like befriending, hosting a child overnight or providing resources. There’s another opportunity to find out what volunteering with Safe Families looks like on Monday 30 May (8.00-8.45pm on Zoom). To find out more, speak to andrea.brewster@stmungos.org or contact Safe Families directly via

https://safefamilies.uk/volunteer/ , scotland@safefamilies.uk or call 0131 603 8430.

Evening Worship and Prayer Service: Sunday 12 June at 6.30pm at our Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. We will also be praying for one of our mission partners.

Gold: The next Gold Meeting will take the form of a Platinum Jubilee Tea Party on 14 June 2022 at 2pm until 3.30pm in the Church Building, Ladycroft. Dressing up permitted but not essential. Please book your place for this once in a lifetime event by phoning David Brown on 07470 312612.

The Company of Men: Our next event is ‘A Walk In The Pentlands’ on Sat 25 June. If you are free to join us, please check out the invitations on ChurchSuite (for Balerno congregation). Look forward to seeing you then.

The Company of Men, St Mungos Balerno: If you are interested in joining our new WhatsApp group can you send your contact details to companyofmen@stmungos.org. We’ll be in touch.

Transform: Sunday 19 June at St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh 7.30pm - 9pm. Transform is a night dedicated to sung praise and worship. It’s an opportunity for the whole church family to gather and lift up the name of Jesus, rejoice, celebrate His Goodness and worship in the splendour of His glory. Worship will be led by Fiona Crow and the St Mungo’s worship band and will feature guest worship leader Daniel Robinson. All welcome. Please do share and invite your friends so we can fill this incredible venue with worshippers.

Spring Harvest 2023! Would you like to join other St Mungo’s families at Spring Harvest in Skegness next year - dates are 10-14 April. For more info check out

https://www.springharvest.org/events/. If your family would like to be part of a group booking please email caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org.

Magnitude: Saturday 23 to Wednesday 27 July. Parents of current P7-S6 please check your email via Church Suite as bookings are now open.

Magnitude: We need help with either being an on-site leader with the youth for the week at Lendrick Muir; assisting with set up and take down on the Saturday (23 July) or Wednesday (27 July - or both!) or by providing a one pot evening meal for 30 people. Please contact Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org or Lindsay Glover if you can assist.

Kids Weekend Away: Parents of current P4-P6 please save the dates of 9-11 September 2022. Booking details will be issued soon.

Balerno P7: BBQ and visit to Friday night youth: Friday 10 June rsvp to Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org

Balerno P3-P6 BBQ and Garden Games - bring a friend! 4pm Saturday 11 June (invites and details available in groups and rsvp to Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org)

Baptisms and Dedications: Next term we will are planning to have a baptismal service. If you would like to be baptised, please email enquiries@stmungos.org and we will be in touch. If you are part of the St Mungo’s church family and you would like your child dedicated, then please email enquiries@stmungos.org to let us know and we will be in touch.

Donations to Emergency Appeals: Last week we sent £8,000 to the following emergency appeals, with each receiving £2,000 from our emergency fund – 1. OM's Ukraine Appeal; 2. Tearfund's Afghanistan Crisis Appeal; 3. Tearfund's Ethiopia Crisis Appeal and 4. SU's Holiday Sponsorship Appeal. If you'd like to know more about each of the appeals or to give independently, do click on each of the mission partner names within this notice to view their websites.


On Monday 16 May Lorraine Duncan died peacefully at home. Please be praying for Keith and the family at this time. Lorraine’s funeral will be on Thursday 2 June at Currie Kirk at 10am. All are welcome.

Week Beginning 22 May

Click here for news post: Staff News: Associate Rector Announcement

Balerno Gala Day, Saturday 28 May 12.30-4.00pm As a church we’ll bless our wider community in Balerno by running an ‘Activity Village’ for the children as well as telling people about our church and hosting a space for carers and wee ones. If you can help with set up / take down or during the event itself please email andrea.brewster@stmungos.org or respond to the ChurchSuite email sent to Balerno congregation.

Communion and Soaking: Thursday 2 June 9.30 - 10.30 am Church Building, Ladycroft. Open to all.

Donations to Emergency Appeals: Last week we sent £8,000 to the following emergency appeals, with each receiving £2,000 from our emergency fund – 1. OM’s Ukraine Appeal; 2. Tearfund’s Afghanistan Crisis Appeal; 3. Tearfund’s Ethiopia Crisis Appeal and 4. SU’s Holiday Sponsorship Appeal. If you’d like to know more about each of the appeals or to give independently, do click on each of the mission partner names within this notice to view their websites.

Ukraine Info Evening: As we see the Ukrainian situation continue to worsen, on Thursday 2 June we are hosting an evening at the Ministry Centre from 8pm to 9.30pm for those in St Mungo’s who are interested, or are already helping Ukrainian refugees in Scotland. Our desire in facilitating this evening is to provide an opportunity for people to come together so they can hear what is already happening and to work out a way forward for how the group can respond. Please do join us if you can. Any questions ask Wendy.brown@stmungos.org

Livingston Congregation Walk – Saturday 4 June. A 3-4 hour walk within easy reach of Livingston, with coffee and picnic stops along the way. If you enjoy walking and would like to join us, please e-mail Katherine.burnett@stmungos.org.

Safe Families – this wonderful charity supports vulnerable families across Edinburgh and the Lothians through activities like befriending, hosting a child overnight or providing resources. There’s another opportunity to find out what volunteering with Safe Families looks like on Monday 30 May (8.00-8.45pm on Zoom). To find out more, speak to andrea.brewster@stmungos.org or contact Safe Families directly via

https://safefamilies.uk/volunteer/ , scotland@safefamilies.uk or call 0131 603 8430.

Spring Harvest 2023! Would you like to join other St Mungo’s families at Spring Harvest in Skegness next year - dates are 10-14 April. For more info check out

https://www.springharvest.org/events/. If your family would like to be part of a group booking please email caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org.

Youth Worship Thursday 26 May Church Building, Ladycroft 7:30-9:30pm all S1-S6 welcome.

Magnitude: Saturday 23 to Wednesday 27 July. Parents of current P7-S6 please check your email via Church Suite as bookings are now open.

Magnitude: We need help with either being an on-site leader with the youth for the week at Lendrick Muir; assisting with set up and take down on the Saturday (23 July) or Wednesday (27 July - or both!) or by providing a one pot evening meal for 30 people. Please contact Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org or Lindsay Glover if you can assist.

Kids Weekend Away: Parents of current P4-P6 please save the dates of 9-11 September 2022. Booking details will be issued soon.

Balerno P7: BBQ and visit to Friday night youth: Friday 10 June rsvp to Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org

Balerno P3-P6 BBQ and Garden Games - bring a friend! 4pm Saturday 11 June (invites and details available in groups and rsvp to Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org)


Please pray for husband Keith, and the family and friends of Lorraine Duncan (Balerno congregation) who sadly died this week.

Please pray for the Vestry [St Mungo’s Board of Trustees] as they meet together on morning of Saturday 28 May to worship, pray and discuss governance for the year ahead.