Week beginning 7 June

St Mungo’s online. Please check out St Mungo’s response to recent Scottish Government announcements on the Route Map out of lockdown. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update It still remains that there are no traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc but we are meeting in many forms virtually. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sunday for our brand new section of St Mungos Online church service: Mighty Mungos! This is a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, however, it isn’t exclusive to them, so if you’re an adult and want to join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching at that time too, you are very welcome!

Staff News: we are now in a position to let you know that Neil Thompson’s last working day with us will be Thursday 9th July. Whilst we won’t be able to say farewell and thank you to Neil, Jo, Ella and Abi in our traditional fashion, we will still mark their departure nearer the time.

Email Notices: you can sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup at stmungos.org/notices.

Balerno Youth (New S1s): We are delighted to have the new S1s with us at youth on Friday nights and Sunday afternoons via Zoom for the rest of term. A letter with more info about youth activities has been posted to all parents of S1 YPs (and sent via email). If you require any further info, please contact david.lyons@stmungos.org.

0-18 Video Content: Please remember to visit our Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); AllStar Kids App (https://go.allstarskidsclub.com/catalog) and Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) to check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Congratulations to Rod & Brodie Petrie on the birth of James Roderick on Thursday 28 May


Please pray for the new S1s who will be transitioning to youth in Balerno this weekend, pray that the online experience of Zoom will allow the team to connect quickly with them and make them feel welcome at this time of change and different circumstances.

Week beginning 31 May

St Mungo’s online. Please check out St Mungo’s response to recent Scottish Government announcements on the Route Map out of lockdown. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update It still remains that there are no traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc but we are meeting in many forms virtually. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Email Notices: you can sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup at stmungos.org/notices.

Balerno Youth (New S1s): Please note that the Balerno P7s moving up to S1 will be able to join Youth on a Friday night and Sunday afternoon via Zoom from Friday 5th June onwards. Watch out for further communications.

Need help in these challenging times? So much has changed and continues to do so that your circumstances and feelings may need a bit of help.

  • Prayer on specific issues for St Mungo’s members – for example work, healing or family situations can be emailed to enquiries@stmungos.org for passing on to the relevant prayer cell.

  • Remote Counselling is available from our Wellness Centre. Closed in July and start of August. Please contact lifeandsoul@stmungos.org

  • Christians Against Poverty realise that this is a difficult time financially for many people and have adapted their Debt Help service to offer appointments virtually. Contact the New Enquiries Team on freephone 0800 3280006. Or contact Melanie Kilburn from St Mungos to see which CAP service is best for you on 07760 953330 or melaniekilburn@capuk.org There are CAP advisors available in St Mungo’s.

If you would like to support St Mungo's financially, the best way to do this is a bank transfer using online or telephone banking. Our bank account details are: St Mungo's Episcopal Church, Balerno. sort code 83-19-15, account no. 00266149. Please give your name as a reference so we can identify your giving and claim gift aid. If you have any questions or would like a gift aid declaration, please contact accounts@stmungos.org.

Shopping at Amazon? A reminder that you can donate to a charity of your choice when purchasing through Amazon. Simply visit smile.amazon.co.uk instead of the normal site and 0.5% of your purchase cost can be donated to a charity of your choice at no extra cost to yourself. Searching for “St Mungo’s Church” when selecting a charity will enable your giving to come to us.

0-18 Video Content: check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); AllStar Kids App (https://go.allstarskidsclub.com/catalog) and Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) Youth on social media can view the content on Instagram and Facebook.

Congratulations to Michael and Kate Smith on the arrival of Tobi on 9 May.

Read the 0-18 Prayer Update from David Lyons here

Week beginning 24 May

St Mungo’s online. Whilst all traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc are presently cancelled or postponed, we are still meeting in many forms virtually. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Email Notices: you can sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup at stmungos.org/notices.

Need help in these challenging times? So much has changed and continues to do so that your circumstances and feelings may need a bit of help.

  • Prayer on specific issues for St Mungo’s members – for example work, healing or family situations can be emailed to enquiries@stmungos.org for passing on to the relevant prayer cell.

  • Remote Counselling is available from our Wellness Centre. Closed in July and start of August. Please contact lifeandsoul@stmungos.org

  • Christians Against Poverty realise that this is a difficult time financially for many people and have adapted their Debt Help service to offer appointments virtually. Contact the New Enquiries Team on freephone 0800 3280006. Or contact Melanie Kilburn from St Mungos to see which CAP service is best for you on 07760 953330 or melaniekilburn@capuk.org There are CAP advisors available in St Mungo’s.

Wider Leadership/Ministry team meeting by zoom on Wednesday 27 May at 7.45pm. Building Leadership Resilience in Times of Crisis with guest speaker Jill Garrett. Please respond to the invitation sent out from Derek (check spam filters too). And email kate.yates@stmungos.org with replies or questions.

If you would like to support St Mungo's financially, the best way to do this is a bank transfer using online or telephone banking. Our bank account details are: St Mungo's Episcopal Church, Balerno. sort code 83-19-15, account no. 00266149. Please give your name as a reference so we can identify your giving and claim gift aid. If you have any questions or would like a gift aid declaration, please contact accounts@stmungos.org.

Shopping at Amazon? A reminder that you can donate to a charity of your choice when purchasing through Amazon. Simply visit smile.amazon.co.uk instead of the normal site and 0.5% of your purchase cost can be donated to a charity of your choice at no extra cost to yourself. Searching for “St Mungo’s Church” when selecting a charity will enable your giving to come to us.

0-18 Video Content: check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); AllStar Kids App (https://go.allstarskidsclub.com/catalog) and Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) Youth on social media can view the content on Instagram and Facebook.

Congratulations to Michael and Kate Smith on the arrival of Tobi on 9 May.

Read the latest Finance Update from Katherine Burnett here

Week beginning 17 May

St Mungo’s now online. Whilst all traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc are presently cancelled or postponed, we are still meeting in many forms virtually. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Need help in these challenging times? So much has changed and continues to do so that your circumstances and feelings may need a bit of help.

  • Prayer on specific issues for St Mungo’s members – for example work, healing or family situations can be emailed to enquiries@stmungos.org for passing on to the relevant prayer cell.

  • Remote Counselling is available from our Wellness Centre. Please contact lifeandsoul@stmungos.org

  • Christians Against Poverty realise that this is a difficult time financially for many people and have adapted the Debt Help service to offer appointments virtually. Contact the New Enquiries Team on freephone 0800 3280006. Or contact Melanie Kilburn from St Mungos to see which CAP service is best for you on melaniekilburn@capuk.org There are CAP advisors available in St Mungo’s.

Wider Leadership/Ministry team meeting by zoom on Wednesday 27 May at 7.45pm. Building Leadership Resilience in Times of Crisis with guest speaker Jill Garrett. Please respond to the invitation sent out from Derek (check spam filters too). And email kate.yates@stmungos.org with replies or questions.

If you would like to support St Mungo's financially, the best way to do this is a bank transfer using online or telephone banking. Our bank account details are: St Mungo's Church, Balerno. sort code 83-19-15, account no. 00266149. Please give your name as a reference so we can identify your giving and claim gift aid. If you have any questions or would like a gift aid declaration, please contact accounts@stmungos.org.

0-18 Video Content: check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); AllStar Kids App (https://go.allstarskidsclub.com/catalog) and Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) Youth on social media can view the content on Instagram and Facebook.

Livingston Youth (P7 - S6): Every Sunday evening during lockdown, 7pm - 8pm, Livingston youth meet for a time of fellowship and fun together.

Balerno Youth S1 - S6: Every Sunday afternoon (4-5pm), Balerno Youth will be running their RS2 and Cell small groups together.

Friday Night Youth Online: 7.30pm to 8.30pm every Friday night. All youth welcome to join us for an hour of madness via Zoom with our youth team.

Email Notices: you can sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup at stmungos.org/notices.

Read the latest news about the Bethany Care Shelter here…

Week beginning 10 May

St Mungo’s now online. Whilst all traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc are presently cancelled or postponed, we are still meeting in many forms virtually. Keep an eye on the website for information.

0-18 Video Content: Please remember to visit our Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); AllStar Kids App (https://go.allstarskidsclub.com/catalog) and Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) to check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Livingston Youth (P7 - S6): Every Sunday evening during lockdown, 7pm - 8pm, Livingston youth meet for a time of fellowship and fun together. For further information or for the zoom invite please contact lindsay.glover@stmungos.org.

Balerno Youth S1 - S6: Every Sunday afternoon (4-5pm), Balerno Youth will be running their RS2 and Cell small groups together. A zoom invite has been sent to parents email for consent to join the groups (please note the zoom invite details are different to the Friday night youth one).

Friday Night Youth Live: On Friday 15 May we will be running a baby photo competition as part of our evening. If any of our regular Friday night youth parents could email a baby photo of their young person to wendy.brown@stmungos.org by Wednesday 13 May, that would be hugely appreciated.

Balerno Cares: If you are a Balerno resident, please consider involvement in this initiative as a way of helping and serving those around you. https://www.facebook.com/groups/313991906228362/

Midweek Word Live: Ollie has a midweek message on our Facebook Community page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stmungoscommunity/ Join in live at 8.30 on Wednesday mornings or catch up by watching the recording afterwards.

Email Notices: you can sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Sign up here.


Prayers please for the team from St Mungo’s catering for the Bethany care van on Friday 15 May. St Mungo’s teams are also going out on the 4th Thursday of the month and the second Monday.

Read the latest news from Adrian and Tara Devlin here

Week beginning 3 May

St Mungo’s now online. Whilst all traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc are presently cancelled or postponed, we are still meeting in many forms virtually. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Balerno Youth S1 - S6: Every Sunday afternoon, Balerno Youth will be running their RS2 and Cell small groups together. Please note our new time is 4pm to 5pm. A zoom invite has been sent to parents email for consent to join the groups (please note the zoom invite details are different to the Friday night youth one).

0-18 Video Content: Please remember to visit our Vimeo Page; AllStar Kids App and Youth Website to check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Friday Night Youth Online: 7.30pm to 8.30pm every Friday night during lockdown. All youth welcome to join us for an hour of madness via Zoom with our youth team. Parents watch for a Zoom invite email from Sarah Tomb for all the details.

Balerno Cares: If you are a Balerno resident, please consider involvement in this initiative as a way of helping and serving those around you. https://www.facebook.com/groups/313991906228362/

Midweek Word Live: Ollie has a midweek message on our Facebook Community page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stmungoscommunity/ Join in live at 8.30 on Wednesday mornings or catch up by watching the recording afterwards.

The finance team will be preparing our annual thank you letters and gift aid statements over the next couple of weeks but won’t be able to post them until the lockdown is over. If you would like the information sooner, or need it for your tax return, please e-mail accounts@stmungos.org and we will send you the information by e-mail as soon as we can.

Email Notices: you can sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup at stmungos.org/notices.

Week Beginning 26 April

St Mungo’s now online. Whilst all traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc are presently cancelled or postponed, we are still meeting in many forms virtually. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Balerno Youth S1 - S6: From this Sunday (26th April) and every Sunday thereafter, we are restarting our RS2 and Cell small groups together. Please note our new time for this will be 4pm to 5pm. A zoom invite will come to parents email for consent to join the groups.

0-18 team Prayer and Worship Night: Join us from 8.30pm to 9.30pm on Wednesday 29 April for an hour of prayer for the 0-18 ministry. Zoom Call details will be in your inbox. If you have any problems finding it please email David.lyons@stmungos.org.

0-18 Video Content: Please remember to visit our Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); AllStar Kids App (https://go.allstarskidsclub.com/catalog) and Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) to check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Friday Night Youth Online: 7.30pm to 8.30pm every Friday night during lockdown. All youth welcome to join us for an hour of madness via Zoom with our youth team. Parents watch for a Zoom invite email from Sarah Tomb for all the details.

Balerno Cares: If you are a Balerno resident, please consider involvement in this initiative as a way of helping and serving those around you. https://www.facebook.com/groups/313991906228362/

Midweek Word Live: Ollie has a midweek message on our Facebook Community page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stmungoscommunity/ Join in live at 8.30 on Wednesday mornings or catch up by watching the recording afterwards.

The finance team will be preparing our annual thank you letters and gift aid statements over the next couple of weeks but won’t be able to post them until the lockdown is over. If you would like the information sooner, or need it for your tax return, please e-mail accounts@stmungos.org and we will send you the information by e-mail as soon as we can.

Email Notices: you can sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup at stmungos.org/notices.

Prayers: please pray for those children who find the routine of school to be a comfort. These are different times and not everyone finds 'different' exciting. Pray especially for families in which one child likes routine and another like spontaneity, that they would find a rhythm that suits everyone.

Week beginning 19 April

St Mungo’s now online. Whilst all traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc are presently cancelled or postponed, we are still meeting in many forms virtually. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Balerno Cares: If you are a Balerno resident, please consider involvement in this initiative as a way of helping and serving those around you. https://www.facebook.com/groups/313991906228362/

Friday Night Youth Online: 7.30pm to 8.30pm every Friday night during lockdown. All youth welcome to join us for an hour of madness via Zoom with our youth team. Parents – watch for a Zoom invite email from Sarah Tomb for all the details.

0-18 Video Content: Please remember to visit our Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); AllStar Kids App (https://go.allstarskidsclub.com/catalog) and Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) to check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Midweek Word Live: Ollie’s midweek message is now up and running on our Facebook Community page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stmungoscommunity/. Join in live at 0830 on Wednesday mornings or catch up by watching the recording here afterwards. The community page is open to all in the church family and growing as a hub for seeing and participating in church life.

The finance team will be preparing our annual thank you letters and gift aid statements over the next couple of weeks but won’t be able to post them until the lockdown is over. If you would like the information sooner, or need it for your tax return, please e-mail accounts@stmungos.org and we will send you the information by e-mail as soon as we can.

Email Notices: you can sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup here.

Prayer Cells: perhaps our current situation means you now have time to join one of our prayer cells (meeting virtually) Check out the list of prayer cells and contact the leader for details and to join – or if not known then contact kate.yates@stmungos.org

Staff News: as we prepare for the future, we are delighted to announce that Fil Stevenson has agreed to increase his commitment from 14 to 21 hours per week with effect from 1 May.

Week beginning 12 April

St Mungo’s now online. Whilst all traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc are presently cancelled or postponed, we are still meeting in many forms virtually. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Midweek Word Live: Ollie’s midweek message is now up and running on our Facebook Community page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stmungoscommunity/

Join in live at 0830 on Wednesday mornings or catch up by watching the recording afterwards. The community page is open to all in the church family and growing as a hub for seeing and participating in church life.

0-18 Video Content: Please remember to visit our Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767); AllStar Kids App (https://go.allstarskidsclub.com/catalog) and Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) to check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Email Notices: you can sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup at stmungos.org/notices.

Prayer Cells: perhaps our current situation means you now have time to join one of our prayer cells (meeting virtually) Check out the list of prayer cells (https://stmungos.org/prayer-cells) and contact the leader for details and to join – or if not known then contact kate.yates@stmungos.org

Staff News: as we prepare for the future, we are delighted to announce that Fil Stevenson has agreed to increase his commitment from 14 to 21 hours per week with effect from 1 May.


Please pray for peace and security for all our children and young people as they adjust to different routines, new forms of connection with friends, school work at home and of course, now having lots of time on their hands during the Easter holiday.

Pray for all our mission partners in the UK and overseas – pray particularly for those concerned about the financial situation of their organisations.

Week beginning 5 April

St Mungo’s now online. Whilst all traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc are presently cancelled or postponed, we are still meeting in many forms virtually. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Midweek Word Live: Ollie’s midweek message is now up and running on our Facebook Community page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stmungoscommunity/

Join in live at 0830 on Wednesday mornings or catch up by watching the recording afterwards. The community page is open to all in the church family and growing as a hub for seeing and participating in church life.

Good Friday reflection – details to follow.

Email Notices: you can now sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup at stmungos.org/notices.

Prayer Cells: perhaps our current situation means you now have time to join one of our prayer cells (meeting virtually) eg the Thursday early morning prayer cell (presently starts at 8am) led by Derek derek.thomson@stmungos.org. Check out the list of other prayer cells too (https://stmungos.org/prayer-cells) and contact the leader for details and to join – or if not known then kate.yates@stmungos.org

Welcome Back: to Liam Packwood, and Adrian and Tara Devlin, from mission work overseas. Please pray for them as they adjust to our current circumstances.

Congratulations to Jordan and Sharon Balfour on the birth of Oliver James on 12 March.

Featured News: Read the latest update from David Lyons on the 0-18 ministry

Week beginning 29 March

All St Mungo’s services, buildings, events etc – including Easter services - are cancelled until further notice.

Clocks change: just a reminder that the clocks go forward early morning on Sunday 29 March.

Email Notices: you can now sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup here.

Facebook Group: our facebook group is becoming a hub of conversations, encouragement and prayer. Come join in. facebook.com/groups/stmungoscommunity

Prayer Cells: perhaps our current situation means you now have time to join one of our prayer cells (meeting virtually) eg the Thursday early morning prayer cell (presently starts at 8am) led by Derek (derek.thomson@stmungos.org). Check out the list of other prayer cells too (https://stmungos.org/prayer-cells) and contact the leader for details and to join – or if not known then kate.yates@stmungos.org

End of the tax year and online/telephone banking – a gentle reminder for those of you who like to give a one-off gift at this time of year. At the moment we are asking those that can, to make any donations using online or telephone banking. Our account details are: St Mungo’s Church, Balerno, sort code 83-19-15 account no. 00266149. Please remember to add your name as a reference! If you don’t have access to these, and would like to make a donation by cheque, please contact Katherine Burnett on Katherine.burnett@stmungos.org to make alternative arrangements.

Welcome Back: to Liam Packwood, and Adrian and Tara Devlin, from mission work overseas. Please pray for them as they adjust to our current circumstances.

Congratulations to Jordan and Sharon Balfour on the birth of Oliver James on 12 March


Pray for our Mission Partners as they serve God under even more complex conditions.

Featured News - Catch up on all the good news from our recent Youth trip to Lendrick Muir

Week beginning 15 March

Easter Sunday (12 April) 10.30 services will be all age family services in both Balerno and Livingston. Invitations available.

Spirit Cafés – Livingston on Monday 23 March, Balerno on Saturday 28 March. Please be praying for people to come along and encounter God at each of these evenings. Team – can you please remember to sign up if you able to serve.

Mum’s Alpha course, Thursday mornings in the church building, Balerno (9.30-11am) with a taster morning on 2 April. All mums (with kids still at home) welcome, creche spaces available for little ones. Flyers available to invite people. For more info (or offers of creche help and baking) contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Parents of children at the Balerno morning service: Recently we have had several injuries and near misses due to children running around in the concourse or other areas around the school. Please help us keep everyone safe by chatting with your children about where it is and isn’t appropriate to run about. Thanks for your cooperation with this, any questions or comments please email david.lyons@stmungos.org

0-18 Team Worship and Prayer Night: 8pm – 9.30pm on Wednesday 29 April. If you serve on one of our 0-18 teams then please plan to join us as we pray, worship and intercede for our children and young people.

St Mungo’s ceilidh – postponed! We have made the decision to postpone the ceilidh to a later date. All those who had bought tickets will automatically get a full refund. For those who had invited friends, please forward our apologies and we hope they will be understanding. We’ll look forward to a fun ceilidh at a future date!

Comfort International – fundraising opportunity – sign up for the kiltwalk this year and 50% extra will be added to the sponsorship money you raise. See www.thekiltwalk.co.uk for more info on dates, locations & length of walk. Simply choose Comfort International and charity reg SC030369 as part of your registration.

Pat Banfill’s retirement there’s a chance to express thanks or write down a memory of how Pat’s work has impacted you. Cards are available to write on at the end of all the services – please do take the time to complete one!

Communion will not be served in our main services during the coronavirus outbreak.

Family Fun Day 2020 - save the date! Monday 4 May at Malleny Park Balerno – more information will follow soon! (schools are off that day).

Email Notices: you can now sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup at stmungos.org/notices.

The end of the tax year is less than a month away: a gentle reminder for those of you who like to give a one-off gift at this time of year.

Funeral for Katy Barker will be at 3pm on Thursday 19 March at Mortonhall Crematorium. Any who knew Katy or want to support Moira and David welcome.

Week Beginning 8 March

Pat Banfill’s retirement – up to the 29th March there will be a chance to express thanks or write down a memory of how Pat’s work has impacted you. Cards will be available to write on at the end of the services – please do take the time to complete one!

All age Ceilidh with Sporrandipity ceilidh band, Saturday 21 March, 7-9.30pm in Balerno High School. This is a great evening to invite friends along to, or just come along to yourselves. Tickets cost £10 (adults), £5 (under18s) and include soft drinks and interval snacks, available from www.stmungos.org/ceilidh. Invites available. For more information contact ollie.clegg@stmungos.org or andrea.brewster@stmungos.org.

Parents of children at the Balerno morning service: Recently we have had several injuries and near misses due to children running around in the concourse or other areas around the school. Please help us keep everyone safe by chatting with your children about where it is and isn’t appropriate to run about. Thanks for your cooperation with this, any questions or comments please email david.lyons@stmungos.org

Mum’s Alpha course, Thursday mornings – A daytime Alpha course will run in the church building, Balerno from 9.30-11am with the taster morning on 2 April. All mums (with kids still at home) welcome, creche spaces available for little ones. Flyers available to invite people. For more info (or offers of creche help and baking) contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Balerno Farmers Market, Saturday 14 March - If you enjoy meeting people please consider signing up to the team. Many regulars are unavailable this time so we really do need some new help, especially with the children’s crafts! To get involved contact ollie.clegg@stmungos.org (outreach stall) or andrea.brewster@stmungos.org (crafts)

Communion will not be served in our main services during the coronavirus outbreak.

Gold (over 60’s) on Tuesday 10 March. Open to anyone in St Mungo’s over 60 and their friends. In church building, Balerno, 2-4pm. RSVP or more information from gold@stmungos.org.

Family Fun Day 2020 - save the date! Monday 4 May at Malleny Park Balerno – more information will follow soon! (schools are off that day).

Bible 2020: To engage with this significant global project why not download the app. Available on the Google Play and Apple App store.

Email Notices: you can now sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup at stmungos.org/notices.


Please pray for Moira and David Barker and family as they mourn the sudden death of their daughter Katy.

Week Beginning 1 March

Gather and Creative Curve is Sunday 1st March. Come along for a night of worship and refreshing. Come expectant that God will meet you as you engage with his presence and lift up his praises. Creative Curve now features a dedicated kids section where parents and children can engage with their God-given creativity in worship. Come for a little or stay for a while.

New morning teaching series starts today in Balerno from end of Romans 8.

Gold (over 60’s) on Tuesday 10 March. Open to anyone in St Mungo’s over 60 and their friends. In church building, Balerno, 2-4pm. RSVP or more information from gold@stmungos.org.

Bible 2020: To engage with this significant global project why not download the app. Available on the Google Play and Apple App store.

Email Notices: you can now sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup at stmungos.org/notices.

All age Ceilidh with Sporrandipity ceilidh band, Saturday 21 March, 7-9.30pm in Balerno High School. See stmungos.org/ceilidh for all the information on this.

Staff News: Pat Banfill will be retiring from her role as a Pastoral Care Assistant on 9 March. We will be saying thank you to Pat on Sunday 8 March.

Walking through the valley – journeying in bereavement, Saturday 7 March 10am-3.45pm, St Mungo’s Ministry Centre. A day of learning, training, equipping and reflection for those who want to support others well when they are bereaved. Lunch & refreshments provided; cost £5. For more info see Journeying in Bereavement - and to sign up andrea.brewster@stmungos.org or lynn.millar@stmungos.org

The Turning will be at Life Church, West Richmond Street Edinburgh on Saturday 7 March. Great first step opportunity to share the good news – in a safe, supported way. Doors open 9am, training commences at 9.15, praise and worship at 10.15, out on the streets for 11.00 then back to share testimony around noon.


Please give thanks for the children in church who have been inviting their friends to Kaleidoscope Saturday and Sunday. Give thanks for the five visitors who came last week and pray that they would come again.

Week beginning 23 February

Spirit Café in Balerno on Saturday 29 February in Ministry Centre, Balerno 7.30-9.30pm. An easy and great event to bring friends along to.

All age Ceilidh with Sporrandipity ceilidh band, Saturday 21 March, 7-9.30pm in Balerno High School. This is a great evening to invite friends along to. Tickets cost £10 (adults), £5 (under18s) and include soft drinks and interval snacks, available from www.stmungos.org/ceilidh. For more information contact ollie.clegg@stmungos.org or andrea.brewster@stmungos.org. Invites available.

Child Protection Training : If you regularly work with children and young people under 18 and have not had any child protection training within the past 5 years please make it a priority to attend our training on Monday 24 February, 8pm to 9.30pm in the Church Building, Balerno.

Adult Baptisms: please get in touch if you are newer to the faith and interested in taking this significant step on your faith journey. ollie.clegg@stmungos.org

Balerno Alpha course has started well with lots of people taking part. Offers to help on Thursday evenings in the kitchen preparing/serving the food and clearing up would be much appreciated. Offers to ollie.clegg@stmungos.org.

Housegroup leaders will be meeting on Wednesday 26 February at 8pm in the church building. Do offer to babysit so that all leaders can attend.

Worship/tech team retreat: Fri 28 Feb- Sat 29 Feb. Arrival from 6pm Friday at Netherurd House, West Linton. Please pray this is a significant time for all involved.

Creative Curve and Gather: our regular opportunity to engage our creativity in worship during the evening service will now happen alongside our monthly Gather worship nights. Next event Sunday 1 March.

Walking through the valley – journeying in bereavement, Saturday 7 March 10am-3.45pm, St Mungo’s Ministry Centre. A day of learning, training, equipping and reflection for those who want to support others well when they are bereaved. Lunch & refreshments provided; cost £5. For more info see church website - and to sign up email andrea.brewster@stmungos.org or lynn.millar@stmungos.org

Week beginning 16 February

Adult Baptisms: please get in touch if you are newer to the faith and interested in taking this significant step on your faith journey. ollie.clegg@stmungos.org

Balerno Alpha course has started well with lots of people taking part. Offers to help in the kitchen preparing/serving the food and clearing up would be much appreciated. Offers to ollie.clegg@stmungos.org.

Life seasons meal out: St Mungo’s women’s group - all women welcome, Saturday 22 Feb at 8pm @ Bar Napoli, Hanover Street. Please RSVP by Sunday 16 Feb if interested to lifeseasons@stmungos.org.

All age Ceilidh hosted by St Mungo’s in Balerno High School on Saturday 21 March. Tickets £10/£5 from stmungos.org/ceilidh. Flyers available.

Housegroup leaders will be meeting on Wednesday 26 February at 8pm in the church building. Do offer to babysit so that all leaders can attend.

Creative Curve and Gather: our regular opportunity to engage our creativity in worship during the evening service will now happen alongside our monthly Gather worship nights. Next event Sunday 1 March, (not 16 Feb)

Child Protection Training: If you regularly work with children and young people under 18 and have not had any child protection training within the past 5 years please make it a priority to attend our training on Monday 24 February, 8pm to 9.30pm in the Church Building, Balerno.

Staff News: Pat Banfill will be retiring from her role as a Pastoral Care Assistant on 9 March. We will be saying thank you to Pat on Sunday 8 March.

Walking through the valley – journeying in bereavement, Saturday 7 March 10am-3.45pm, St Mungo’s Ministry Centre. A day of learning, training, equipping and reflection for those who want to support others well when they are bereaved. Lunch & refreshments provided; cost £5. For more info see church website - and to sign up andrea.brewster@stmungos.org or lynn.millar@stmungos.org


Give thanks for a very special youth weekend away last weekend: softening of hearts; young people praying for one another; young people hungry for God; significant times of worship; great teaching and so much more. Please pray that the significance of this weekend will continue for days; weeks and years to come.

Week beginning 9 February

Alpha - still time to join the course, Thursdays 7:30pm, church building, Balerno.  Email ollie.clegg@stmungos.org.  Invitations available

Adult Baptisms: please get in touch if you are newer to the faith and interested in taking this significant step on your faith journey. ollie.clegg@stmungos.org

Staff News: Pat Banfill will be retiring from her role as a Pastoral Care Assistant on 9 March. We will be saying thank you to Pat on Sunday 8 March. 

Staff News: Neil and Jo Thompson will be leaving us in the spring to become Senior Pastors of North Berwick Christian Fellowship. See here for the announcement. 

Christmas Gift Collection: the appeal for Open Doors in Northern Syria has raised over £25,445 - thank you so much for your generosity.

GOLD for any over 60’s.  In church building Balerno, 2-4pm Tuesday 11 February. RSVP to gold@stmungos.org.

Life seasons meal out:   St Mungo’s women’s group- all women welcome, Saturday 22 Feb at 8pm @ Bar Napoli, Hanover Street. Please RSVP by 10 February  to lifeseasons@stmungos.org.

Child Protection Training :  If you regularly work with children and young people under 18 and have not had any child protection training within the past 5 years please make it a priority to attend our training on Monday 24 February, 8pm to 9.30pm in the Church Building,  Balerno.

Walking through the valley – journeying in bereavement, Saturday 7 March, 10am – 3.45pm in St Mungo’s Ministry Centre. A day of teaching, equipping and support for anyone who wants to ‘journey well’ alongside someone who is bereaved. See backpage for more info.  Contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org or lynn.millar@stmungos.org

Eswatini Mission Trip: sadly, we’ve been unable to raise sufficient numbers and the trip is no longer going ahead. 


Please continue to pray for the St Mungo’s & Holy Trinity West Hailes youth team and young people at Lendrick Muir 7 to 10 February, for what God has done so far and what He has still to do in the lives of our young people and their friends.

Week beginning 2 February

Spirit Café in Howden Park Centre, Livingston - Monday 3 February.  Invitations available.   Do advertise this and bring along people who would be interested.  

Alpha - still time to join the course which starts on Thursday 6 February, 7:30pm, church building, Balerno.  Email ollie.clegg@stmungos.org.  Invitations available

Staff News: Neil and Jo Thompson will be leaving us some time during the spring to become Senior Pastors of North Berwick Christian Fellowship. See the announcement

0-18 Volunteer Required:We are looking for someone to join our Little Wonders team (0-3yrs) in Balerno on a Sunday morning.  No previous experience needed.  For more info, contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org.

Vision Sunday – please collect your little fish -and return them to the offering points when you have been invitational!  Details of vestry appointments etc are on the website.

Christmas Gift Collection: the appeal for Open Doors in Northern Syria has raised over £21,383 - thank you so much for your generosity.

GOLD for any over 60’s.  In church building Balerno, 2-4pm Tuesday 11 February. RSVP to gold@stmungos.org

Life seasons meal out:   St Mungo’s women’s group- all women welcome, Saturday 22 Feb at 8pm @ Bar Napoli, Hanover Street. Please RSVP by 10 Feb.  to lifeseasons@stmungos.org

Walking through the valley– journeying in bereavement, Saturday 7 March, 10am – 3.45pm in St Mungo’s Ministry Centre. A day of teaching, equipping and support for anyone who wants to ‘journey well’ alongside someone who is bereaved. Save the date - more information to follow. Contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.orgor lynn.millar@stmungos.org

Eswatini Mission Trip: sadly, we’ve been unable to raise sufficient numbers and the trip is no longer going ahead. 


Please pray for the 65 St Mungo’s and Holy Trinity Wester Hailes young people coming on the Youth weekend away to Lendrick Muir on Friday.  Pray for our speakers as they finalise their preparations; for our young people to experience the restoration that Jesus promises and the calling to be fishers of men.

Week beginning 26 January

Alpha - still time to join the course which starts on Thursday 6 February, 7:30pm, church building, Balerno.  Email ollie.clegg@stmungos.org.  Invitations available. 

Vision Sunday – please collect your little fish - and return them to the offering points when you have been invitational!

Christmas Gift Collection: the appeal for Open Doors in Northern Syria has raised nearly £20,000 - thank you so much for your generosity. Today is the last day for the collection buckets and the appeal closes at end of the month.

Spirit Café in Livingston will be on Monday 3 February.  Invitations available.

Life Seasons:  St Mungo’s women’s group.  Date for your diary - meal out on evening of Saturday 22 February.   More information to follow soon.

ESwatini Mission Trip: we are planning another trip to our mission partners (17-27 Sept). Please contact Derek Thomson if you’d like to participate or find out more.  

Walking through the valley – journeying in bereavement, Saturday 7 March, 10am – 3.45pm in St Mungo’s Ministry Centre. A day of teaching, equipping and support for anyone who wants to ‘journey well’ alongside someone who is bereaved. Save the date - more information to follow. Contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org or lynn.millar@stmungos.org

Balerno Refreshments:  Our Sunday morning refreshments overseer team has a gap that needs filled, to allow us to continue to serve filter coffee! This is a 1 in 4 rota; available from 9.45am to support set up and after the service to help with clear up.  Training provided.  Contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org.

Love After Marriage course at St Mungo’s, starts with an information evening at the Ministry Centre 7:30 - 9pm on Monday 27 January.  Open to any married couples. More information from Paul and Sarah Stanger.

Prayer cell leaders meet at 8pm on Wednesday 29 January in church building. 

Staff News: we are pleased that, consistent with his recent ordination and position within St Mungo’s, the Vestry has agreed that Ollie will now hold the job title of Associate Rector. Please note there is no change to the specifics of Ollie’s role.

0-18 Volunteer needed for Little Wonders team (0-2yrs) in Balerno. No previous experience needed.  For more info, please contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org

Youth Lendrick Muir Forms:  Reminder that health forms and activity choices need to be returned to Wendy Brown by Friday 31 January.

Magnitude Summer Youth Festival (25 - 30 July):  St Mungo’s will take a group to this (formerly Soul Survivor). Return forms for early booking of £111 by 26 Jan (available from stmungosyouth.com).  More details; wendy.brown@stmungos.org.


Pray for blessing on the families whose children are being dedicated in the morning service in Balerno today: Chris & Sarah Conway,  Mark & Goodnews Udoh,   Charles & Catherine Harley, Doug & Laura Brook.