Month beginning 30 June

Summer Holiday programme.  For all the details, including lots of social events, head over to the website.

Please read the information about the plans for the 7 weeks of school holidays (30 June to 11 August inclusive) as our services are different. As we continue to learn more about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, there are 4 services each Sunday across both locations. Each service will be different and so we are inviting you to attend the service/s which will help you continue to deepen your faith over the summer.

These are:

08:45 – Traditional Communion service @ Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno

10:30 – Church Family service @ Balerno High School (All ages)

10:30 – Morning Service @ St Margaret’s Academy, Livingston.  (no separate 0-18 groups)

18:30 – Evening Service @ Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.  Starts 7 July.

Recording. Over the summer weeks (from 30 June to 11 August) we will be recording the adult focussed service from Livingston, not the Church family service in Balerno. Please therefore be aware that by attending the Livingston service you may appear on the recording.  It will be uploaded to YouTube later in the day.

Beach Trip: Sunday 30 June we are off to the beach! This is an informal opportunity to gather as church family for the first Sunday of the summer holidays. We will have our 1030 service options and then head to Gullane Beach for the afternoon. (paid parking available by card or £2.50 cash).  This is not an ‘organised event’ so you are encouraged to bring your own picnic, buckets and spades and any games you fancy playing, and you will be responsible for any children and young people that you bring along. It’s a great opportunity to spend time together as family. Look out for the St Mungo’s flag!  No booking required, just turn up!

Chippy Walk on Sunday 21 July.  After the evening service we will take a short walk through Sawmill Woods in Balerno and finish at the Balerno Fry. We will open up the Ministry Centre so that we can hang out together and eat chips…the dream!

Magnitude.  St Mungo’s Youth are joining others camping at this summer event at Lendrick Muir.  Help is needed setting up on the afternoon of Saturday 20 July, and packing up on evening of Wednesday 24 July at Lendrick Muir.  And also help needed cleaning and packing away the Magnitude gear at Church Building on Thursday 25 July.  If you could help for a couple of hours on any of those dates please email  

Big Night In – dates for summer:  Friday 26 July and Friday 16 August 7.30pm at the Ministry Centre.  Everyone (over 18) is welcome to come and join us for some fun, games, home baking and chat!  (You don't even need to join in the games if you'd just like to come along for a chat).  Feel free to bring friends along too or just come yourself. We have a selection of board games but if you have anything you'd like to play please feel free to bring that along.

Beecraigs Country Park Picnic and Walk. Sunday 28 July - After the morning 10.30 services we will head up to Hillhouse carpark at Beecraigs Country Park. Like the beach trip, there won’t be any ‘officially organised’ activities, but there will be a crowd of people there. The idea is that we find a green space for a picnic and then people can head off for a walk after lunch.

Summer Hog Roast.  The church family are invited to the Hog Roast in the Woodcroft Garden on Sunday 11 August from 1pm.  We are subsidising the cost of the food, so tickets are £5 for anyone over the age of 12.  Those aged 11 and under are free.  Please bring chairs / picnic blankets and drinks and sweet treats to share.  Please book your tickets by clicking here before Sunday 21 July.  If you have a dietary request (vegetarian, vegan, gluten free etc) please add that to the notes.  We don't want cost to be a barrier for anyone, so please email if you or your family would like to request a free ticket(s), or if you have any questions.

Youth team training day.  Saturday 17 August.  Church building, Ladycroft Balerno.  More details sent separately but put the date in your diaries.

Primary and youth team safeguarding training with John Wyllie (head of safeguarding for the  Scottish Episcopal Church) at 2pm on Saturday 17 August in Church Building Ladycroft Balerno.  Details sent by email but put date in your diaries. 

Building Project email address This can be used for questions and comments, from the congregation and wider community.  As we’ve not yet settled on a project name, it’s just

Spirit Café Training: Are you interested in joining the Spirit Café Team? The next training day for new team members will be all day on Saturday 31 August. Further details to be sent out via ChurchSuite.

Balerno Farmers Market.  St Mungo’s will have a stall giving out children’s crafts, and church leaflets on mornings of Saturdays 13 July and 10 August.   Contact if interested in joining the team. 

Pioneers will be meeting in Balerno at 10.30am on Sundays 7 and 28 July, and 4 and 18 August.

Wellness Centre is closed over the summer holiday weeks, reopens on 14 August.

Minis starts back on Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 August. The group for families with little ones from church and community meets from 10 to 11.30 in the Church Building Balerno.

Healing prayer will take place after the summer services in Livingston only.  If you need prayer in Balerno do ask a staff or ministry team member.

Connect point in Balerno will start again after the summer.


Pray for Rod and Brodie Petrie (Balerno congregation) and family as baby Eleanor is dedicated in the family service on Sunday 7 July.

Pray for all those involved in arranging and leading Christian activities for children over the summer.  Pray for a significant impact from these events in the lives of young people.

Please pray for Magnitude taking place at Lendrick Muir (20 to 24 July) and for our many young people attending, and the team supporting them.      

Pray for the St Mungo’s members going to Rwanda in July with Comfort International.

Give thanks for another year of church life – pray everyone gets the rest and refreshment they need in July.


Week beginning 23 June

Balerno morning service. On Sunday 23 June there is an external event using the drama studio at Balerno High School.  This may affect parking, so please allow extra time to walk or park further away.  This also means that all primary children will be together in the Riverside Café, and will need collecting from there – and also extra supervision of all children in the public areas is needed.  It is worth reminding people that we should only ever access the areas we have booked, and should not therefore be going upstairs except for the pre-school groups.

Summer Services.   We are doing church a bit differently over the summer holidays. For all the details and to read why we are doing this head over to the website.

Spirit Café Livingston on Monday 24 June in Mercure Hotel, 7.30-9.30pm.  Great event to invite friends along to.

Communion, Worship & Soaking: Thursday 27 June 9.30am - 10.30am.   A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. 

Housegroup leaders meet on Wednesday 26 June at 7.45pm at church building Balerno.

Beach Trip: Sunday 30 June we are off to the beach! This is an informal opportunity to gather as church family for the first Sunday of the summer holidays. We will have our 1030 service options and then head to Gullane Beach for the afternoon. (paid parking available by card or £2.50 cash).  This is not an ‘organised event’ so you are encouraged to bring your own picnic, buckets and spades and any games you fancy playing, and you will be responsible for any children and young people that you bring along. It’s a great opportunity to spend time together as family.  If you need lifts then chat to other housegroup members or message on our Facebook group.  No booking required, just turn up!

Summer Hog Roast (Sunday 11 Aug):  The church family are invited to the Hog Roast in the Woodcroft Garden on Sunday 11 August from 1pm.  We are subsidising the cost of the food, so tickets are £5 for anyone over the age of 12.  Those aged 11 and under are free.  Please bring chairs / picnic blankets and drinks and sweet treats to share.  Please book your tickets by clicking here before Sunday 21st July.  If you have a dietary request (vegetarian, vegan, gluten free etc) please add that to the notes.  We don't want cost to be a barrier for anyone, so please email if you or your family would like to request a free ticket(s), or if you have any questions.

Building Project email address This can be used for questions and comments, from the congregation and wider community.  As we’ve not yet settled on a project name, it’s just

Building Project Manager: We are delighted that Michelle Denning has joined the staff team on a one day per week and temporary basis.  Although we are in the consultation and feasibility phase of the project, and no firm decisions have been made, there is still plenty to be done.  Michelle will be working with Eric Adair (Project Director) and the Steering Group.  Please be praying for Michelle as she takes up this important role.

Wellness Centre closes on Thursday 27 June for a summer break.

Pioneers meet on Sunday 23 June in Balerno High School.

0-18 notices.

Youth –

·        Sunday 23 June – Balerno youth at Refuel

·        Thursday 27 June – Youth worship at 7.30pm at Church Building, Balerno

·        Friday 28 June – Friday Night Youth has been cancelled.

·        Regular youth activities will begin again after the summer break.

Primary  -

·        Sunday 23 June – All primary aged children must be collected from the Riverside café after the service.

·        All current P4-6s should have received an invitation to our residential in October. If you’ve missed this please get in touch with

Week beginning 16 June

Summer Services We are doing church a bit differently over the summer holidays. For all the details and to read why we are doing this head over to the website .

Building Project email address This can be used for questions and comments, from the congregation and wider community.  As we’ve not yet settled on a project name, it’s just

Building Project Manager: We are delighted that Michelle Denning has joined the staff team on a one day per week and temporary basis.  Although we are in the consultation and feasibility phase of the project, and no firm decisions have been made, there is still plenty to be done.  Michelle will be working with Eric Adair (Project Director) and the Steering Group.  Please be praying for Michelle as she takes up this important role.

Building Project Information Evenings:  On the evenings of Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 June there will be Building Project information evenings in the Church building at 8pm.  Tuesday 18 June is for anyone who is not in a housegroup, or who was unable to attend with their group.  Wednesday 19 June is final group of housegroups. 

Spirit Café Livingston on Monday 24 June in Mercure Hotel, 7.30-9.30pm.  Great event to invite friends along to.

Communion, Worship & Soaking: Thursday 27 June 9.30am - 10.30am.   A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno. 

Staff News:  Kate Yates is retiring from her role as administrator and pastoral assistant on 30 June.  We are hugely indebted to Kate for all that she has contributed to St Mungo’s over almost 30 years in her paid role, and also in her volunteer roles such as house group leader, running Minis etc which will continue. There is an opportunity for us as a church to thank her on Sunday 16 June.

Staff Handovers:  With Kate’s retirement from the staff team impending, we have a handover period in place and we are delighted to confirm that Tara Devlin and Andrea Brewster will be increasing their hours to take on some aspects of Kate’s role [Tara will pick up admin / oversight for Ladycroft and some of the Sunday serving rotas and Andrea will pick up oversight of House Groups and Balerno Dedications].  We will share more of the detail in due course.  However, if you have any questions in the meantime, please contact

Pioneers meet on Sunday 16 June in Balerno High School.

0-18 notices.

Youth –

·        Sunday 16 June – Balerno youth are in morning service

·        Sunday 16 June – Deeper after Transform, at Ministry Centre.

·        Friday 21 June – Friday Night Youth is a youth club night with P7s visiting.

·        Sunday 23 June  – Refuel for Balerno Youth

Primary  -

·        All current P4-6s should have received an invitation to our residential in October. If you’ve missed this please get in touch with

·        Balerno: For children moving from Climbers to Adventurers and from Xplorers to Youth, plans are in place for transitions. Children will not start in their new groups until  18 August, but will visit or be visited by children and young people from their new groups in the coming weeks.


Pray for Will MacMichael and Hannah Wilson (Balerno congregation) as they get married this week.

Pray for all those affected by the recent death of Veronica Chinyanga (Livingston congregation).

Pray and give thanks for David and Marjorie Brown as they step down from their role as Balerno housegroup leaders.  They will continue in other roles including heading up Gold.

Week beginning 9 June

Click here for the latest news post: Investments

Building Project email address This can be used for questions and comments, from the congregation and wider community.  As we’ve not yet settled on a project name, it’s just

Summer Services We are doing church a bit differently over the summer holidays. For all the details and to read why we are doing this head over to the website .

John Stuart (Balerno congregation) is being made a Lay Canon of St Mary's Cathedral, as he steps down after 28 years as Secretary General of the Scottish Episcopal Church's General Synod in July.  All are welcome to attend his installation service at Evensong on Sunday 9 June at 3:30pm at St Mary's Cathedral [Palmerston Place, Edinburgh, EH12 5AW] and there will be a short reception afterwards in the Cathedral. Due to a large concert at Murrayfield transport is likely to be disrupted. Please plan your journey accordingly.

Gold (St Mungo’s group for over 60’s) have an outing to Saughton Park on afternoon of Tuesday 11 June.  More details from David and Marjorie Brown.

Life Seasons There’s still time to sign up for our next event on Saturday 15 June. All St. Mungo’s ladies should have received an email with the information.  


0-18 notices.

Youth –

·         Sunday 9 June: Refuel at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno at 10.30am and

·         Deeper serving Sunday

·         Deeper 4pm at Ministry Centre Balerno

·         Friday 14: Youth Club night at Ladycroft

·         Sunday 16: Balerno youth in service


Primary –

·         Sunday 9 June: 4pm Dive In

·         All P7s should have received an invitation to the BBQ at youth on Fri 21st. RSVP by 14th. If you haven’t received this please speak to Caitlin.


Balerno: For children moving from Climbers to Adventurers and from Xplorers to Youth, plans are in place for transitions. Children will not start in their new groups til August 18th but will visit or be visited by children and young people from their new groups in the coming weeks.


Staff News:  After being part of the staff team for almost 3 decades and currently our longest serving staff member, Kate Yates has made the decision to retire from her role as administrator and pastoral assistant, which covers many areas of church life.  Kate will be stepping down from her church role at the end of June.  We are hugely indebted to Kate for all that she has contributed to St Mungo’s over almost 30 years in her paid role and also as a house group leader, heading up Minis [she will continue to be involved in this] and many other hats.  There will be an opportunity for us as a church to thank Kate on Sunday 16 June.

Staff Handovers:  With Kate’s retirement from the staff team impending, we have a handover period in place and we are delighted to confirm that Tara Devlin and Andrea Brewster will be increasing their hours to take on some aspects of Kate’s role [Tara will pick up admin / oversight for Ladycroft and some of the Sunday serving rotas and Andrea will pick up oversight of House Groups and Balerno Dedications].  We will share more of the detail in due course.  However, if you have any questions in the meantime, please contact


Congratulations to Peter and Hazel Corry (Balerno congregation) on the recent birth of Phoebe.



Please pray for Vestry as they meet on Wednesday for their last meeting before the holidays.  Pray as they continue discussions on the Building Project and for wisdom and a clear sense of God’s leading.

Week beginning 2 June

Baptisms.  There will be a service of baptism at 1pm on Sunday 2 June in Balerno High School – do plan to come along to support those being baptised – adults and children!  Why not bring a packed lunch to eat together after the morning service.   If you would be interested in being baptised at a future date please email

Building Project Information Evenings:  On the evening of Tuesday 4 June there will be a Building Project information evening for house groups.  The evening will run from 8pm to 9.30pm in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. There are 2 remaining dates coming up [Tues 18 June for those not in a house group or unable to attend so far and Weds 19 June assigned for house groups].

Livi Outreach - On Saturday 8 June, 2pm-4pm, we'll be heading out to Be Love in Livi. This outreach is planned to include teams for all ages & stages. We’ll meet at Starbucks at 4pm to debrief.   Sign-up and find out more by clicking here. See you there!

Company of Men.  “Dealing with Disappointment, Droughts and Drownings” on Saturday 8 June in the Ministry Centre, Balerno, 9.30am -12.00 noon. Richard Taylor will be sharing his thoughts and insights and talking about how we as Christians respond to these times, as he brings in his wisdom and biblical perspective on the subject.  Please sign up on ChurchSuite. Any queries please contact

Livi Men – At 7.30pm on 14th June, we’re getting together to watch the Euro's opener, Germany vs Scotland. There will be food and drinks, and as ever, great chat. Feel free to invite a friend along too. Venue tbc. Sign up by clicking here.

John Stuart (Balerno congregation) is being made a Lay Canon of St Mary's Cathedral, as he steps down after 28 years as Secretary General of the Scottish Episcopal Church's General Synod in July.  All are welcome to attend his installation service at Evensong on Sunday 9 June at 3:30pm at St Mary's Cathedral [Palmerston Place, Edinburgh, EH12 5AW] and there will be a short reception afterwards in the Cathedral. 

“This is Alpha” event with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel: St Mungo’s has bought 10 tickets for this day event in Perth on Saturday 8 June. If you are interested in finding out more about Alpha, are keen to get involved, in being part of the Alpha team in the future, or are looking to run Alpha with some of your friends then this will be a brilliant event to get inspiration and receive training. Tickets cost £10 and will be sold on a 1st come 1st serve basis. Please email to book your place.

A Certificate in Integrative Counselling with a Christian Perspective is being held in the Ministry Centre, Balerno on Friday 6/Saturday 7 September and Friday 11/Saturday 12 October (10 am- 4pm). This Certificate is a pre-requisite for the next Diploma in Integrative counselling with a Christian perspective, which starts in September 2025, but it can be done as a stand-alone course as it is useful training for self-development and spiritual growth and if you wish to grow in communication and relational skills. More information can be found at

St Mungo’s at Balerno Farmers Market - We host a stall at the monthly market (second Saturday of every month, 9am-1pm) and are looking to expand our team. We give out craft bags to children, chat to people and offer flyers about our Sunday services as well as information about Minis (toddler group) and our Wellness Centre counselling. If you’d be happy to be contacted monthly to see if you’d be available (you’re not committing to being there every time!) then please contact The next market is on Saturday 8th June and we definitely need some extra team for that date.

Magnitude – We are looking for a few extra hands to unpack the camping gear when it comes back to the Ministry Centre on the evening of Wednesday 24th July. If you could offer to help for about an hour on that evening please contact .

Gold (St Mungo’s group for over 60’s) have an outing to Saughton Park on afternoon of Tuesday 11 June.  More details from David and Marjorie Brown.

Funeral for Andrea Bothwell (Balerno congregation) will be at St Mungo’s Church Building, Ladycroft at 1pm on Thursday 6 June. 

Pioneers meet on Sunday 2 June at Balerno High School.

Staff News:  After being part of the staff team for almost 3 decades and currently our longest serving staff member, Kate Yates has made the decision to retire from her role as administrator and pastoral assistant, which covers many areas of church life.  Kate will be stepping down from her church role at the end of June.  We are hugely indebted to Kate for all that she has contributed to St Mungo’s over almost 30 years in her paid role and also as a house group leader, heading up Minis and many other hats.  There will be an opportunity for us as a church to thank Kate on Sunday 16 June.

Staff Handovers:  With Kate’s retirement from the staff team impending, we have a handover period in place and we are delighted to confirm that Tara Devlin and Andrea Brewster will be increasing their hours to take on some aspects of Kate’s role [Tara will pick up admin / oversight for Ladycroft and some of the Sunday serving rotas and Andrea will pick up oversight of House Groups and Balerno Dedications].  We will share more of the detail in due course.  However, if you have any questions in the meantime, please contact

 0-18 notices.

Youth –

·         Sunday 2 June: envision for all youth in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno at 10.30am

·         Friday 7 June: Escape rooms for youth. Meet at the Wellness Centre, Balerno at 7.30pm

·         Sunday 9 June: Refuel at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno at 10.30am

·         Sunday 9 June: Deeper Serving Sunday

·         Sunday 9 June: Deeper 4pm at Ministry Centre Balerno


·         Balerno Primary socials are on Sat 8th June. Please see email or contact Caitlin as booking is essential.

·         Livi primary social – Sun 2nd June. Please remember appropriate clothing as Primary 1-7 are heading to the park.  

 Congratulations to Peter and Hazel Corry (Balerno congregation) on the recent birth of Phoebe.


Pray for George Cochrane and Sophie Kirkwood being baptised on Sunday afternoon.

Pray for the St Mungo’s team on the stall at Balerno Farmers Market on Saturday 8 June– for good conversations as they give out craft bags and leaflets. 

Week beginning 26 May

Click here for the latest news post: Youth Weekend


Baptisms.  There will be a service of baptism at 1pm on Sunday 2 June in Balerno High School – do plan to come along to support those being baptised – adults and children!  Why not bring a packed lunch to eat together after the morning service.   If you would be interested in being baptised at a future date please email

Safeguarding: Training: Wednesday 29 May 7.30pm – 9:30pm. In Church Building Balerno.  The Scottish Episcopal Church requires all those working with vulnerable persons to attend safeguarding training every 2 years. This is training for all those working with vulnerable groups within St Mungo’s. ChurchSuite email sent out to book in.

Livi Board Games Night (For S6+).  Love a little bit of friendly competition? We'd love you to join us at Bellsquarry Village Hall, 7:30pm-10pm on Friday 31 May, for an evening of board games, chat and snacks. A great opportunity to be church family, to invite friends, and just spend time hanging out.  Feel free to bring along a favourite game. Sign-up via the ChurchSuite invite.

Livi Ladies Summer BBQ – Saturday 1 June from 12.30pm at Marian’s house.  We would love you to join us!  The last date to sign up via ChurchSuite is Monday 27 May and for more information please contact

Livi Outreach - On Saturday 8 June, 2pm-4pm, we'll be heading out to Be Love in Livi. This outreach is planned to include teams for all ages & stages. We’ll meet at Starbucks at 4pm to debrief.   Sign-up and find out more by clicking here. See you there!

John Stuart (Balerno congregation) is being made a Lay Canon of St Mary's Cathedral, as he steps down after 28 years as Secretary General of the Scottish Episcopal Church's General Synod in July.  All are welcome to attend his installation service at Evensong on Sunday 9 June at 3:30pm at St Mary's Cathedral [Palmerston Place, Edinburgh, EH12 5AW] and there will be a short reception afterwards in the Cathedral. 

Company of Men.  “Dealing with Disappointment, Droughts and Drownings” on Saturday 8 June in the Ministry Centre, Balerno from 9.30am -12.00 noon. Richard Taylor will be sharing his thoughts and insights and talking about how we as Christians respond to these times, as he brings in his wisdom and biblical perspective on the subject.  Invites have gone out via ChurchSuite to all men in the Balerno and Livingston congregations. Refreshments provided. Any queries please contact

“This is Alpha” event with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel: St Mungo’s has bought 10 tickets for this day event in Perth on Saturday 8 June. If you are interested in finding out more about Alpha, are keen to get involved, in being part of the Alpha team in the future, or are looking to run Alpha with some of your friends then this will be a brilliant event to get inspiration and receive training. Tickets cost £10 and will be sold on a 1st come 1st serve basis. Please email to book your place.

A Certificate in Integrative Counselling with a Christian Perspective is being held in the Ministry Centre, Balerno on Friday 6/Saturday 7 September and Friday 11/Saturday 12 October (10 am- 4pm). This Certificate is a pre-requisite for the next Diploma in Integrative counselling with a Christian perspective, which starts in September 2025, but it can be done as a stand-alone course as it is useful training for self-development and spiritual growth and if you wish to grow in communication and relational skills. More information can be found on our website here, or at

0-18 notices.

Youth –

·         Sunday 26 May: Refuel at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno at 10.30am

·         Friday 31 May: Taskmaster Special for youth at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno at 7.30pm

·         Sunday 2 June: envision for all youth in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno at 10.30am


Please pray for all who mourn the recent death of Andrea Bothwell (Balerno congregation).  Funeral will be at St Mungo’s Church Building, Ladycroft at 1pm on Thursday 6 June.  

Week beginning 19 May

Building Project Information Evenings:  On the evenings of Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 May there will be Building Project information evenings for the next group of house groups.  Please do refer back to the ChurchSuite email of 24 April as a reminder of which evening your house group has been allocated to.  An email reminder has already been sent out.

Communion & Worship & Soaking: Thursday 23 May 9.30am - 10.30am.   A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno. 

Big Night In. On Friday 24 May, 7.30-9.30pm in Ministry Centre Balerno.  Board games, baking and chat for anyone over 18 in St Mungo’s to come along to and bring friends.

Balerno Children’s Gala Day, Saturday 25 May 12-4pm St Mungo’s will be hosting an ‘activity village’ and a quiet space for wee ones and their carers and we need a team to make it all happen. Balerno congregation – thanks to those who have already offered to help but more people are still needed! Check back for an email with more information and a link to sign up to get involved if you can, thank you.  For further info or if you have questions contact

Spirit Café.  Saturday 25 May at 7.30-9.30pm in Ministry Centre, Balerno.  Drop in event that is great to invite and bring friends to.

Safeguarding: Training: Wednesday 29 May 7.30pm – 9:30pm. The Scottish Episcopal Church requires all those working with vulnerable persons to attend safeguarding training every 2 years. This is training for all those working with vulnerable groups within St Mungo’s. Keep an eye on your emails to book in.

Company of Men.  “Dealing with Disappointment, Droughts and Drownings” on Saturday 8 June in the Ministry Centre, Balerno from 9.30am -12.00 noon. We all have times of disappointment in our lives and Richard Taylor will be sharing his thoughts and insights and talking about how we as Christians respond to these times, as he brings in his wisdom and biblical perspective on the subject.  There will be personal testimony and also time for a Q&A where Richard is happy to take questions on mental health issues on sadness, depression, anxiety or any other related matter.  Invites have gone out via ChurchSuite to all men in the Balerno and Livingston congregations. It will be a significant morning so we hope you can make it. Refreshments provided. Any queries please contact

“This is Alpha” event with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel: St Mungo’s has bought 10 tickets for this day event in Perth on Saturday 8 June. If you are interested in finding out more about Alpha, are keen to get involved, in being part of the Alpha team in the future, or are looking to run Alpha with some of your friends then this will be a brilliant event to get inspiration and receive training. Tickets cost £10 and will be sold on a 1st come 1st serve basis. Please email to book your place.

Livingston Steering Group.  We are excited to let you know that we now have a group to help us think about Livingston’s specific needs, focusing on outreach and evangelism, as we look to Be Love. Please do be praying for the group as we continue to meet, and speak to Isaac if you have any questions or ideas.

A Certificate in Integrative Counselling with a Christian Perspective is being held in the Ministry Centre, Balerno on Friday 6/Saturday 7 September and Friday 11/Saturday 12 October (10 am- 4pm). This Certificate is a pre-requisite for the next Diploma in Integrative counselling with a Christian perspective, which starts in September 2025, but it can be done as a stand-alone course as it is useful training for self-development and spiritual growth and if you wish to grow in communication and relational skills. More information can be found on our website here, or at

0-18 notices.

Youth –

·        Sunday 19 May: Youth in Service for Pentecost at both locations

·        Sunday 19 May: Deeper on at Erasmuson’s after Transform

·        Friday 24 May: Encounter Prayer Walk at youth. No sign up required

·        Sunday 26 May: Refuel on at church building, Balerno

Primary  -

·        Sunday 19 May: all 0-18 in family service at both locations.

Week beginning 12 May

Click here for the latest news post: Gala

Dedications will take place towards the end of the Balerno morning service on Sunday 12 May.  The 0-18 teams and children/youth will join the rest of the church for this.

Abide on Tuesday 14 May at 8pm in Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno.  A time to worship and intercede together for the life of St Mungo’s.

Gold. St Mungo’s group for over 60’s meets on afternoon of Tuesday 14 May in church building Balerno.

Livingston Steering Group.  We are excited to let you know that we now have a group to help us think about Livingston’s specific needs, focusing on outreach and evangelism, as we look to Be Love. Please do be praying for the group as we continue to meet, and speak to Isaac if you have any questions or ideas.

Balerno Children’s Gala Day, Saturday 25 May 12-4pm St Mungo’s will be hosting an ‘activity village’ and a quiet space for wee ones and their carers and we need a team to make it all happen. Balerno congregation – thanks to those who have already offered to help but more people are still needed! Check back for an email with more information and a link to sign up to get involved if you can, thank you.  For further info or if you have questions contact

Company of Men.  “Dealing with Disappointment, Droughts and Drownings” on Saturday 8 June in the Ministry Centre, Balerno from 9.30am -12.00 noon. We all have times of disappointment in our lives and Richard Taylor will be sharing his thoughts and insights and talking about how we as Christians respond to these times, as he brings in his wisdom and biblical perspective on the subject.  There will be personal testimony and also time for a Q&A where Richard is happy to take questions on mental health issues on sadness, depression, anxiety or any other related matter.  Invites have gone out via ChurchSuite to all men in the Balerno and Livingston congregations. It will be a significant morning so we hope you can make it. Refreshments provided. Any queries please contact

“This is Alpha” event with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel: St Mungo’s has bought 10 tickets for this day event in Perth on Saturday 8 June. If you are interested in finding out more about Alpha, are keen to get involved, in being part of the Alpha team in the future, or are looking to run Alpha with some of your friends then this will be a brilliant event to get inspiration and receive training. Tickets cost £10 and will be sold on a 1st come 1st serve basis. Please email to book your place.

A Certificate in Integrative Counselling with a Christian Perspective is being held in the Ministry Centre, Balerno on Friday 6/Saturday 7 September and Friday 11/Saturday 12 October (10 am- 4pm). This Certificate is a pre-requisite for the next Diploma in Integrative counselling with a Christian perspective, which starts in September 2025, but it can be done as a stand-alone course as it is useful training for self-development and spiritual growth and if you wish to grow in communication and relational skills. More information can be found on our website here, or at

Pioneers meet at 10.30am on Sunday 12 May in Balerno High School

0-18 notices.

Youth –

·        Sunday 12 May – 10.30am. Refuel for Balerno youth at church building, and Livi youth Bible study at St. Margaret’s.  Deeper are on serving teams.

·        Deeper – Sunday 12 May at 4pm in Ministry Centre

·        Youth worship Thursday 16 May at church building Balerno

·        Friday 17 May – Friday Night youth – youth club night in Church Building, Balerno.

·        Sunday 19 May – no 0-18 groups in either location

Primary  -

·        Dive In – Sunday 12 May at 4pm at Caitlin’s


Please pray for the two church families having their children dedicated in Balerno on Sunday morning.  Calum and Amy Burgess with Oliver, and Mark and Goodnews Udoh with Caleb and Florence.

Pray for Vestry as they meet on Wednesday evening, for wisdom and discernment as they discuss church governance.


week beginning 5 May

8:45 Brunch on Sunday 5 May after the early service in the church building for those who usually attend that service. 

A reminder to the Balerno congregation that our high school let ends at 1pm. Please bless the setup and tech teams by aiming to leave the concourse smartly by 12:45pm so that they can complete the moving of chairs, tables and tech kit safely and promptly. Feel free to continue your conversations in the Scottish sunshine outside the building!

Building Project Information Evenings:  On the evenings of Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 May [and every Tuesday and Wednesday house group week for the next few weeks], there will be Building Project information evenings for all in house groups.  Please do refer back to the ChurchSuite email of 24 April as a reminder of which evening your house group has been allocated to.  There will be an email reminder sent out in advance of each evening.

Balerno Children’s Gala Day, Saturday 25 May 12-4pm St Mungo’s will be hosting an ‘activity village’ and a quiet space for wee ones and their carers and we need a team to make it all happen. Balerno congregation – please look out for an email with more information and how you could sign up to get involved.  For further info or if you have questions contact

Balerno Farmers Market, Saturday 11 May 9am-1pm As always St Mungo’s will have a stall with craft bags, church flyers and lots of opportunity to chat with those at the market. Contact  if you are interested in getting involved, and please do pray for the event as we seek to Be Love to the local community.

Abide on Tuesday 14 May at 8pm in Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno

Mission Giving Update:  St Mungo's has given 2 donations from the World Mission Fund as follows:

·        £1,768.44 to Medical Aid for Palestinians for humanitarian support of the people in Gaza.  This donation has gone towards iPads to enable handheld ultrasound scanners to operate via an app.  

·        £1,000 to Comfort International towards the Emergency Appeal for the dire situation in DRC due to conflict, with many people displaced.  This donation will go towards helping provide food for 2,300 children.

“This is Alpha” event with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel: St Mungo’s has bought 10 tickets for this day event in Perth on Saturday 8 June. If you are interested in finding out more about Alpha, are keen to get involved, in being part of the Alpha team in the future, or are looking to run Alpha with some of your friends then this will be a brilliant event to get inspiration and receive training. Tickets cost £10 and will be sold on a 1st come 1st serve basis. Please email to book your place.

0-18 notices.

Youth –

·       Friday 3-Sunday 5 May.  S1-3 Weekend Away. (No other Balerno youth activities). All other youth will be in the service on Sunday.

·       Sunday 5 May – Livi Youth at St.Margaret’s

·       Friday 10 May – Friday Night youth – youth club night in Church Building, Balerno.

·       Sunday 12 May – Refuel for Balerno youth at church building, and Livi youth at St. Margaret’s.  Deeper are on serving teams.

Primary  -

·        Sunday 5 May – all primary aged children and their families are invited to go to Juniper Green park with a picnic after church. Please note that parents are responsible for their children at this event.

Congratulations to Rod and Brodie Petrie (Balerno congregation) on the recent birth of Eleanor Isobel.

Week beginning 28 April

Communion is part of the 10.30am services on Sunday 28 April in Livingston. Gluten free wafers are available for those who require that..

A reminder to the Balerno congregation that our high school let ends at 1pm. Please bless the setup and tech teams by aiming to leave the concourse smartly by 12:45pm so that they can complete the moving of chairs, tables and tech kit safely and promptly. Feel free to continue your conversations in the Scottish sunshine outside the building!

Building Project Information Evenings:  On the evenings of Tuesday 30 April and Wednesday 1 May, there will be Building Project information evenings for all leaders in the church, following last Sunday's announcement.  If you have received an email invite, please do book in if you are available.  All members of the congregation should have received a ChurchSuite email setting out the evenings for house groups and we hope to see you there.

Mission Giving Update:  St Mungo's has given 2 donations from the World Mission Fund as follows:

·        £1,768.44 to Medical Aid for Palestinians for humanitarian support of the people in Gaza.  This donation has gone towards iPads to enable handheld ultrasound scanners to operate via an app.  

·        £1,000 to Comfort International towards the Emergency Appeal for the dire situation in DRC due to conflict, with many people displaced.  This donation will go towards helping provide food for 2,300 children.

Spirit Cafe: Spirit Cafe will be running on Monday 29 April in the Mercure Livingston Hotel. This is a great event to invite and bring people along to who don't know Jesus. Invitations are available at our information points. We'd love to see you there. 

8:45 Brunch on Sunday 5 May after the early service in the church building for those who usually attend that service.  For catering purposes please reply by 1 May to the ChurchSuite email or contact if you plan to attend.

Balerno Children’s Gala Day, Saturday 25 May – Save the date! This is one of the highpoints in the Balerno community calendar and we’ll be there as a church, running an ‘Activity Village’ with challenges for families to undertake; and also a hospitality tent for households with wee ones needing a space to feed, or change a nappy. We need a team to make it happen - it’s a great opportunity to serve together and Be Love. Look out for a ChurchSuite email with info about how to sign up or contact

0-18 notices.

Youth –

·        Sunday 28 April – Envision for Balerno and Livi Youth at Church Building, Balerno at 10.30am.

·        Friday 3-Sunday 5 May -  S1-3 Weekend Away. (No other Balerno youth activities)

·        Sunday 5 May – Livi Youth at St.Margaret’s.

Primary  -

·        Sunday 5 May – all primary aged children and their families are invited to go to Juniper Green park with a picnic after church. Please note that parents are responsible for their children at this event.

Congratulations to Rod and Brodie Petrie (Balerno congregation) on the recent birth of Eleanor Isobel.


Week beginning 21 April

Click here for the latest news post: Transform

Balerno Sunday services on 21 April will be in the Church building Ladycroft, Balerno.  Please use the ChurchSuite link to book in to your choice of service– 8.45, 10.30 and 12 noon.   This is because Balerno High School is not available at last minute. Those who usually attend the 8.45 do not need to book in. Those with children please read the email about what groups are available where and when.   No refreshments available.

Buildings update.  We are really looking forward to meeting together on Sunday as Ollie shares with the church family in both Balerno and Livingston an exciting update on where we are with our review of building options.   This will also be recorded and available later.

Prayer Ministry Team Training on Tuesday 23 April from 8pm to 9.30pm at the Ministry Centre, 46B Bavelaw Road, Balerno.  The evening will be a refresher for all prayer ministry team as we continue to offer prayer in our services for healing and prophecy and help us to stay active as we learn more and grow in these gifts.  Do come along if you are able.

Communion & Soaking: Thursday 25 April 9.30am - 10.30am.   A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno. 

Big Night In on Friday 26 April at Ministry Centre.  Board games and chat with home baking! Open to anyone over 18 and a great social event to invite your friends along to, 

Company of Men are getting together on the morning of Saturday 27 April for a walk or cycle starting in Balerno– full details to sign up sent via ChurchSuite.

Spirit Cafe: Spirit Cafe will be running on Monday 29 April in the Mercure Livingston Hotel. This is a great event to invite and bring people along to who don't know Jesus. We'd love to see you there. 

0-18 notices.

Youth –

Sunday 21 April – Refuel (Balerno) & Youth at St. Margaret’s in Livingston at 10.30am

Sunday 21 April – Deeper on after Transform at the Erasmuson’s

Thursday 25 April – Youth Worship – 7.30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

Friday 26 April  –  Special testimony night with Dieudonne Mugongo, Director of Comfort Congo, a partner of Comfort International, at 7.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

Sunday 28 April  – Envision for Balerno and Livi Youth at 10.30am in Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno


Week beginning 14 April

Evening services.  The next St Mungo’s evening service will be Transform at Balerno Parish Church on 21 April.  There will not be an evening service on 14 April in order to bless the volunteer worship and tech teams with a break.

On Sunday 21 April, Ollie will be sharing with the church family in both Balerno and Livingston an exciting update on where we are with our review of building options.  We will do this towards the end of the morning service so that all those who are volunteering in the 0-18 ministries can hear this important announcement.

Term card for April to June is now available at our services – do make sure you pick up a copy to know what is happening.   Also on line here

Prayer Ministry Team Training on Tuesday 23 April from 8pm to 9.30pm at the Ministry Centre, 46B Bavelaw Road, Balerno.  More details to follow.

Company of Men are getting together on the morning of Saturday 27 April for a walk or cycle starting in Balerno– full details to sign up sent via ChurchSuite.

Spirit Cafe: Spirit Cafe will be running on Monday 29 April in the Mercure Livingston Hotel. This is a great event to invite and bring people along to who don't know Jesus. We'd love to see you there. 

Baptisms are being planned for Sunday 2 June.  If you have not already been baptised and are interested please get in touch with

Staff News: As Fil Stevenson is now semi-retired George Gera is covering this role on a temporary basis. We are hugely thankful to George for agreeing to provide cover in this area and joining the Operations team.

0-18 notices.

Youth –

·        Sunday 14 April  - Balerno youth in service. Deeper Serving Sunday

·        Sunday 14 April – Livi youth at St Margaret’s

·        Sunday 14 April - Deeper at 4pm in Ministry Centre

·        Friday Night Youth resumes on Friday 19 April with FNY or Magnitude

·        Sunday 21 April – Refuel for Balerno Youth in church building Balerno

Primary –

·        Sunday 14 April – Dive In 4pm

·        Saturday 20 April – Saturday Socials (P1-4 10.30am-12pm, P5-7 1pm-2.30pm). Both groups will meet at Church building, Ladycroft for a tramp through the woods.



Last week marked the beginning of the period of commemoration for 30 years since the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.  Join us as we pray for Rwanda and for our mission partner, Comfort International, as they work in the country.  Pray for Christ-centred forgiveness, healing, and reconciliation in communities torn apart by genocide and for believers to fully embrace their identity as God’s beloved.  Comfort International have put together this moving and beautiful prayer

Week beginning 7 April

Week beginning 7 April       

Evening services.  The next St Mungo’s evening service will be Transform at Balerno Parish Church.  There will not be an evening service on 7 or 14 April in order to bless the volunteer worship and tech teams with a break.

Safar. Do check out details of  Safar  the recently launched one to one discipleship course.

Term card for April to June is now available at our services – do make sure you pick up a copy to know what is happening.   Also on line here

Gold on Tuesday 9 April for anyone over 60 in the St Mungo’s congregations.  At the church building at 2.00 – 3.30pm.  More details from David and Marjorie Brown.

Company of Men are getting together on the morning of Saturday 27 April for a walk or cycle starting in Balerno– full details to sign up sent via ChurchSuite.

Baptisms are being planned for Sunday 2 June.  If you have not already been baptised and are interested please get in touch with

Thank you to everyone who gave a one-off gift in the run up to the end of the 2023-24 tax year.  Once the final gift aid claims have been made, we will be preparing annual thank you letters and gift aid statements.  If you would be happy to receive this electronically, please email

Congratulations to Isaac and Ruth Knight on the recent birth of baby Clementine.

Baking. Thank you to all those who baked delicious treats for our Alpha courses in Balerno and Livingston over the past couple of months. The participants were very appreciative of people they had never met taking the time to bake for them to help them feel welcome.

Staff News: As Fil Stevenson is now semi-retired George Gera is covering this role on a temporary basis. We are hugely thankful to George for agreeing to provide cover in this area and joining the Operations team.

Pioneers meet on Sunday 7 April at Balerno High School.

0-18 notices.

Youth –

·        Sunday 14 April  Deeper Serving Sunday

·        Sunday 14 April Deeper at 4pm in Ministry Centre

·        Friday Night Youth resumes on Friday 19 April

·        Sunday 21 April – Refuel for Balerno Youth in church building Balerno

Primary –

·       Sunday 7 April all Balerno Primary together for a holiday week in Drama Studio

·       No Primary or youth groups in Livingston on 7 April

·       Pre-school groups in both locations will run as usual on 7 April

·        Sunday 14 April – Dive In 4pm



Please pray for the team from St Mungo’s on our stall at Balerno Farmers Market on Saturday morning.   As well as chatting they will be giving out children’s craft bags.


Week beginning 31 March

Term card for April to June is now available at our services – do make sure you pick up a copy to know what is happening.   Also on line here

Easter events.

  • Spirit Café (Saturday 30 March) 7.30-9.30pm in Ministry Centre, Balerno.  Great event to invite friends to.

  • Easter Sunday: 10.30am Church Family Celebrations in both Balerno High School & St Margaret's Academy (no separate 0-18 groups available).  Invites available.

·        Origin Scotland Resurrection Easter Event:  On Sunday 31 March at 7.30pm the church is invited to join other churches attending this Easter Celebration at the Usher Hall. 

·        Therefore no St Mungo’s evening service on 31 March.

Evening services.  The next St Mungo’s evening service will be Transform at Balerno Parish Church.  There will not be an evening service on 7 or 14 April in order to bless the volunteer worship and tech teams with a break.

Safar. Do check out details of  Safar  the recently launched one to one discipleship course.

Staff news.  At the Balerno service on Sunday we will take time to say thank you to Fil Stevenson for his work over many years on the Operations team as he steps into semi-retirement. Please do take time to personally thank Fil and please do pray for him as he transitions into this new season.

Staff News: As Fil Stevenson moves into semi-retirement George Gera is going to be covering this role on a temporary basis. We are hugely thankful to George for agreeing to provide cover in this area and joining the Operations team.

Congratulations to Isaac and Ruth Knight on the recent birth of baby Clementine.

Gold on Tuesday 9 April for anyone over 60 in the St Mungo’s congregation.  At the church building at 2.00 – 3.30pm.

Wellness Centre is closed 1 to 4 April.

Baking. Thank you to all those who baked delicious treats for our Alpha courses in Balerno and Livingston over the past couple of months. The participants were very appreciative of people they had never met taking the time to bake for them to help them feel welcome.

End of the tax year is Friday 5 April– a gentle reminder for those of you who like to give a one-off gift at this time of year. Our bank account details are: St Mungo’s Church, Balerno, sort code 83-19-15 account no. 00266149.  Please add your name as a reference!   

Company of Men are getting together on morning of Saturday 27 April – full details to sign up sent via ChurchSuite.

0-18 notices.

Youth –

·        Sunday 14 April  Deeper Serving Sunday

·        Sunday 14 April Deeper 4pm

·        Friday Night Youth resumes Friday 19 April

·        Sunday 21 April – Refuel

Primary –

·       Sunday 7 April all Balerno Primary together for a holiday week in Drama Studio

·       No Primary or youth groups in Livingston on 7 April

·       Pre-school groups in both locations will run as usual on 7 April

·        Sunday 14 April – Dive In 4pm



Week beginning 24 March

Click here for the latest news post:  Safar

Term card for April to June is now available at our services – do make sure you pick up a copy to know what is happening.   Also on line here

Easter events.

·        Maundy Thursday (28 March):  8pm to 9pm evening communion service, Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

  • Good Friday (29 March):  2-4pm family event for primary age children and their families (all children must be accompanied by an adult) at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. 

  • Good Friday (29 March):  7.30-9pm Stations of the Cross, self-guided reflective space in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

  • Spirit Café (Saturday 30 March) 7.30-9.30pm in Ministry Centre, Balerno.  Great event to invite friends to.

  • Easter Sunday: 10.30am Church Family Celebrations in both Balerno High School & St Margaret's Academy (no separate 0-18 groups available).  Invites available.

·        Origin Scotland Resurrection Easter Event:  On Sunday 31 March at 7.30pm the church is invited to join other churches attending this Easter Celebration at the Usher Hall. Book your tickets via this Origin Resurrection link.  Therefore no St Mungo’s evening service.

Staff news.  After working as part of the operations team for the last 7 and a half years Fil Stevenson has made the decision to move from full time to part time employment – a semi-retirement.  Therefore he will be stepping down from his church role and will concentrate some of his time on his own business of graphic and digital design. Fil’s last working Sunday will be Sunday 31 March, Easter Sunday.  We are incredibly thankful for Fil’s adaptability over his time working as part of the operations team as he has brought his vast skills set to this role. Alongside his broad technical and practical skillset, we are thankful for Fil’s compassionate heart; a person who lives out the vision of St Mungo’s, to Be Love, in a very clear and obvious way.  Please do take time over the coming weeks to thank Fil and please do pray for him as he transitions into this new season.

Staff News: As Fil Stevenson moves into semi-retirement at Easter George Gera is going to be covering this role on a temporary basis. We are hugely thankful to George for agreeing to provide cover in this area and joining the Operations team.

Dedications are being planned.  If you would like your little one dedicated in the 10.30 Balerno service on Sunday 12 May please contact  A Livingston date will be decided later.

End of the tax year is Friday 5 April– a gentle reminder for those of you who like to give a one-off gift at this time of year. Our bank account details are: St Mungo’s Church, Balerno, sort code 83-19-15 account no. 00266149.  Please add your name as a reference!   

Pioneers meet on Sunday 24 March in Balerno High School.

Youth weekend away - Last chance to book in for the S1-3 weekend away!!

0-18 notices.

·        Saturday 23 March. Primary events; all at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno: 

        P1/2 easter egg painting and rolling 2-3:30pm, £2 per child (no need to book)

        P3/4/5 easter egg painting and rolling,4-5pm.  £2 per child (no need to book)

        P6/7 girls and P6-S2 boys socials are FULLY BOOKED

·        Sunday 24 March - Balerno Youth Refuel is on at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. Livi youth have their group.

·        Deeper at 4pm on Sunday 24 March in Ministry Centre

·       Thursday 28 March – Youth Worship at 7.30pm in the MINISTRY CENTRE (please note change of venue)

·        No Youth events on Friday 29 March

·       Youth activities are on Easter break from Thursday 28 March

·        Sunday 31 March – All 0-18 in services for the Church Family Easter services

Week beginning 17 March

Click here for the latest news post:  Easter Events

Bethel Team Visit this weekend:  We have a team of 12 from Bethel with us this weekend.  They will be doing outreach on Saturday afternoon, and offering an opportunity to receive prophetic words and prayer after the Balerno 10.30am service on Sunday 17 March.  There will therefore not be healing prayer on offer in Balerno but it will be available as usual other Sundays. Thank you to everyone who will be hosting the team over the weekend.

Prayer Cell Worship and Prayer Evening:  On Monday 18 March, all those involved in prayer cells are invited to gather together to worship, pray and intercede for St Mungo's at the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno from 8pm to 9.15pm.

Livi Men are meeting for a social at 7pm on Friday 22 March. To accommodate all tastes and ensure no one misses out, we will be going to Hot Flame (the restaurant in the Livi Outlet Mall). The cost is £19.99 for all you can eat. Please get back to Lawrie asap so he can get it booked. Lawrie’s email is:

Easter events.

·        Maundy Thursday (28 March):  8pm to 9pm evening communion service, Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

  • Good Friday (29 March):  2-4pm family event for primary age children and their families (all children must be accompanied by an adult) at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. 

  • Good Friday (29 March):  7.30-9pm Stations of the Cross, self-guided reflective space in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

  • Spirit Café (Saturday 30 March) 7.30-9.30pm in Ministry Centre, Balerno.  Great event to invite friends to.

  • Easter Sunday: 10.30am Church Family Celebrations in both Balerno High School & St Margaret's Academy (no separate 0-18 groups available).

·        Origin Scotland Resurrection Easter Event:  On Sunday 31 March at 7.30pm the church is invited to join other churches attending this Easter Celebration at the Usher Hall.  The worship line-up includes Allan McKinlay, Fiona Crow and Steph Macleod, with Kenny Borthwick as guest speaker.  A few tickets are still available from St Mungo's Easter Sunday Origin Resurrection evening link.  Or you can book your tickets via this Origin Resurrection link.  Therefore no St Mungo’s evening service.

Staff news.  After working as part of the operations team for the last 7 and a half years Fil Stevenson has made the decision to move from full time to part time employment – a semi-retirement.  Therefore he will be stepping down from his church role and will concentrate some of his time on his own business of graphic and digital design. Fil’s last working Sunday will be Sunday 31 March, Easter Sunday.  We are incredibly thankful for Fil’s adaptability over his time working as part of the operations team as he has brought his vast skills set to this role. Alongside his broad technical and practical skillset, we are thankful for Fil’s compassionate heart; a person who lives out the vision of St Mungo’s, to Be Love, in a very clear and obvious way.  Please do take time over the coming weeks to thank Fil and please do pray for him as he transitions into this new season.

Dedications are being planned.  If you would like your little one dedicated in the 10.30 Balerno service on Sunday 12 May please contact  A Livingston date will be decided later.

End of the tax year is Wed 3 April– a gentle reminder for those of you who like to give a one-off gift at this time of year. Our bank account details are: St Mungo’s Church, Balerno, sort code 83-19-15 account no. 00266149.  Please add your name as a reference!   

0-18 notices.

·        Sunday 17 March - Balerno Youth to Refuel at 10.30am in Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno.

·        Sunday 17 March - Deeper Youth event is on after Transform at the Erasmuson's

·        Thursday 21 March - Training Night for Worship Leaders in Youth Worship - 7:30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

·        Friday 22 March - Youth Encounter Service - 7-10pm at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

·        Saturday 23 March. Primary events; all at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno: 

        P1/2 easter egg painting and rolling 2-3:30pm, £2 per child (no need to book)

        P3/4/5 easter egg painting and rolling,4-5pm.  £2 per child (no need to book)

        P6/7 girls and P6-S2 boys socials are FULLY BOOKED

·        Sunday 24 March – Balerno Youth Refuel is on at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. Livi youth have their group.

Week beginning 10 March

In celebration of all women on Mother’s Day there are daffodils available on Sunday 10 March for any women at our services today. 

Baptism service.  Sunday 10 March at 1pm.  Short service then baptisms in pool at Balerno High School.   Plan to come and support those being baptised – adults and youth from both congregations.   Why not bring a packed lunch to have beforehand?   No evening service on 10 March.

Gold.  Group for anyone in St Mungo’s over 60.   Tuesday 12 March at 2pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.  There will be a Traidcraft stall with some Easter Eggs available so please bring your cash and/or cards. More details from David and Marjorie Brown.

Church Family Ceilidh, Friday 15 March 7-9pm in Balerno High School. A fun, family evening for all ages with a live ceilidh band, plenty of dancing and refreshments. Tickets cost £5 per person (pre-school age children free) and are available to buy via Ceilidh churchsuite link

Bethel Team Visit this coming weekend:  We are looking forward to welcoming the team of 12 from Bethel.  They will be joining us at the ceilidh, doing outreach on the Saturday and an opportunity to receive prophetic words and prayer after the Balerno 10.30 service on Sunday 17 March.  Thank you to everyone who will be hosting the team over the weekend.

Prayer Cell Worship and Prayer Evening:  On Monday 18 March, all those involved in prayer cells are invited to gather together to worship, pray and intercede for St Mungo's at the Church Building, Ladycroft, from 8pm to 9.15pm.

Livi Men are meeting for a social at 7pm on Friday 22 March. To accommodate all tastes and ensure no one misses out, we will be going to Hot Flame (the restaurant in the Livi Outlet Mall). The cost is £19.99 for all you can eat. Please get back to Lawrie asap so he can get it booked. Lawrie’s email is:

Easter events.

·        Maundy Thursday (28 March):  8pm to 9pm evening communion service, Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

  • Good Friday (29 March):  2-4pm family event for primary age children and their families (all children must be accompanied by an adult) at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

  • Good Friday (29 March):  7.30-9pm Stations of the Cross, reflective event in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

  • Spirit Café (Saturday 30 March) 7.30-9.30pm in Ministry Centre, Balerno.  Great event to invite friends to.

  • Easter Sunday: 10:30 Church Family Celebrations in both Balerno High School & St Margaret's Academy (no separate 0-18 groups available).

·        Origin Scotland Resurrection Easter Event:  On Sunday 31 March at 7.30pm the church is invited to join other churches attending this Easter Celebration at the Usher Hall.  The worship line-up includes Allan McKinlay, Fiona Crow and Steph Macleod, with Kenny Borthwick as guest speaker.  Book your tickets via this Origin Resurrection link.  Therefore no St Mungo’s evening service.

Pioneers meet in Balerno High School on Sunday 10 March at 10.30am.

Dedications are being planned.  If you would like your little one dedicated in the 10.30 Balerno service on Sunday 12 May please contact  A Livingston date will be decided later.

Amy Orr-Ewing talks from last weekend are all available on the St Mungo’s website.

0-18 notices.

·        Sunday 10 March – Refuel 10.30am in Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno

·        No Deeper on 10 March due to baptisms. Rearranged to Sunday 24 March.

·        Thursday 14 March – Youth Worship at 7.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

·        No Friday Night Youth on 15 March due to Church Family Ceilidh. Tickets  available.

·        Youth are going to Magnitude this summer. Booking information will be released soon.

·        Balerno Primary – Adventurers and Xplorers will all start together in the Drama Studio between now and Easter.

·        Balerno Primary - no Dive In during March.


Pray for those being baptised on Sunday:  Anya Ross, Matthew Wilkinson, Finn McEwan, Robert Stevenson, Adam Stevenson and Jim Gourlay.

Pray for Vestry as they meet on Wednesday evening, for wisdom and discernment as the agenda is discussed.


Week beginning 3 March

Click here for the latest news post: Church Family Ceilidh

Amy Orr-Ewing on Sunday 3 March - do plan to come to Heriot Watt University for the 10.30am service as there’s lots of space for us all to be church family together as we hear from Amy! Try to arrive early to ensure you get a good seat – and remember to allow for time to walk from the parking areas. (No 8.45 service, or services at Balerno High School or St Margarets). No evening service at 6.30pm as it’s Social Sunday.

Balerno Farmers Market, Saturday 9 March, 9am–1pm. Pray for the team giving out craft bags and church leaflets – for great conversations and connections made in the community. And if you’d like to join the team for a slot on the stall, either this month or at future markets, please contact

Baptism service planned.  Sunday 10 March at 1pm.  Short service then baptisms in pool at Balerno High School.   Plan to come and support those being baptised – adults and youth from both congregations.   Why not bring a packed lunch to have beforehand?   No evening service on 10 March.

Gold.  Group for anyone in St Mungo’s over 60.   Tuesday 12 March at 2pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.   More details from David and Marjorie Brown.

Church Family Ceilidh, Friday 15 March 7-9pm in Balerno High School. A fun, family evening for all ages with a live ceilidh band, plenty of dancing and refreshments. Tickets cost £5 per person (pre-school age children free) and are available to buy via Ceilidh churchsuite link

Livi Men are meeting for a social at 7pm on Friday 22 March. To accommodate all tastes and ensure no one misses out, we will be going to Hot Flame (the restaurant in the Livi Outlet Mall). The cost is £19.99 for all you can eat. Please get back to Lawrie asap so he can get it booked. Lawrie’s email is:

Easter Sunday Origin Resurrection event [Sunday 31 March; 7.30pm at Usher Hall, Edinburgh], St Mungo's group booking is available again this year, booking email gone out via ChurchSuite.  Booking also available direct  There will therefore be no St Mungo’s evening service that day – in the morning there will be all age services at both Balerno and Livingston.  

St Mungo's has given a gift of £500 from the World Mission Fund towards the Bishop's Lent Appeal for 2024.  This year's appeal is in aid of the Jerusalem Princess Basma Centre, located under the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.  The centre provides rehabilitative services to children with disabilities from Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza and operates under the umbrella of the Arab Anglican Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East.  Further details can be found here:

Wellness Centre is looking for volunteer receptionists to cover on an ‘ad hoc’ basis – a few hours during an afternoon or evening. If you might be interested and able to help us out please email

Hosting at our services.   We need more people to join our welcome and hosting rotas -morning and evening – especially evenings.  If you would be interested to find out more please contact   

0-18 notices.

·        Groups will run for 0 to P7 at Heriot Watt on 3 March. (please send children with water bottles)

·        All Youth on Sunday 3 March are in the service at Heriot Watt (remember your water bottles!)

·        Friday Night Youth –is Testimony Night on 8 March. 7.30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno


Pray for the St Mungo’s team at the Balerno Farmers Market on Saturday 9 March

Week beginning 25 February

Parking – please “be love” to our local communities by parking considerately when attending any of our services and events.

Communion. It will be communion at the 10.30 services in Balerno and Livingston on Sunday 25 February.   Gluten free wafers and grape juice are available in Balerno and gluten free wafers in Livingston.

Pioneers meet on Sunday 25 February in Balerno High School

Spirit Cafe: will be running on Monday 26 February at 7.30pm in the Mercure Livingston Hotel. (Note NEW VENUE)! This is a great event to invite and bring people along to who don't know Jesus. We'd love to see you there. 

Amy Orr-Ewing weekend [2 and 3 March 2024]: 

o   Tickets still available for the day conference on Saturday 2 March at Heriot Watt conference centre

Amy will be speaking on the following topics:

    • Saturday; Session 1: Trusting the Bible, confidence in God’s word.

    • Saturday; Session 2: Rooted in the word, including in times of trial.

    • Sunday: Knowing Whose I am.

·       We will be sending out a detailed email to all who have booked in for the conference next week

·       There are a limited number of cafes/shops on campus so we strongly recommend bringing your own packed lunch/snacks and drinks for the day.   

·        There are no 0 to 18 groups on Saturday 2 March, but youth are welcome at the conference itself - youth tickets are free.  There is a room for families with an audio link available.

·        Tickets cost £10 for those 18 and over.  (If cost is a factor, please contact

·       Sunday 3 March the ONLY service that day is at Heriot Watt at 10.30am with groups for 0 to P7.   No 8.45, or service at St Margaret’s or Balerno High School - or an evening service - so do plan to come as lots of space for us all to be church family together as we hear from Amy!

Baptism service planned.  Sunday 10 March at 1pm.  Short service then baptisms in pool at Balerno High School.   Why not bring a packed lunch to have before and support those being baptised – adults and children from both congregations.   No evening service on 10 March.

St Mungo's has given a gift of £500 from the World Mission Fund towards the Bishop's Lent Appeal for 2024.  This year's appeal is in aid of the Jerusalem Princess Basma Centre, located under the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.  The centre provides rehabilitative services to children with disabilities from Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza and operates under the umbrella of the Arab Anglican Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East.  Further details can be found here:

Church Family Ceilidh, Friday 15 March 7-9pm in Balerno High School. A fun, family evening for all ages with a live ceilidh band, plenty of dancing and refreshments. Tickets cost £5 per person (pre-school age children free) and are available to buy via Ceilidh churchsuite link

Church Ceilidh – can you help? We are forming a team to make it all happen. Looking for helpers on Friday 15 March, especially hosts for during the event and help to clear and tidy up. Contact – we’d love to hear from you!

Bethel Team Visit:  From Friday 15 to Sunday 17 March we will have a team of 12 Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry students coming to be with us from Bethel Church, California.  We will be arranging a number of opportunities over that weekend to serve with them and receive ministry.  We are also looking for people within the congregation to host the students in their homes for 2 nights.  If you are able to help with this, please contact

Easter Sunday Origin Resurrection event [Sunday 31 March; 7.30pm at Usher Hall, Edinburgh], St Mungo's group booking is available again this year, booking email gone out via ChurchSuite.  Booking also available direct  There will therefore be no St Mungo’s evening service that day – in the morning there will be all age services at both Balerno and Livingston.  

Wellness Centre is looking for volunteer receptionists to cover on an ‘ad hoc’ basis – a few hours during an afternoon or evening. If you might be interested and able to help us out please email

Hosting at our services.   We need more people to join our welcome and hosting rotas morning and evening – especially in Balerno.  If you would be interested to find out more please contact  

0-18 notices.

·       Sunday 25 Feb – Refuel at 10.30am in Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno

·       Sunday 25 Feb –Adventurers and Xplorers team lunch after church service.

·       Thursday 29 Feb – Youth Worship 7.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

·       Friday 1 March – Friday Night Youth is a Youth Club night

Week beginning 18 February

Click here for the latest news post:  Youth weekend feedback


The Balerno 10.30 morning service on 18 February will once again be at Heriot Watt with groups for 0 to P7.  As last week the youth will meet at the Ministry Centre from 10am to 12.30pm.

Life Seasons (St Mungo’s women’s group) will be doing a walk around the reservoir (weather permitting) at 2pm on Saturday 17 February. No need to book in, simply meet at the Harlaw car park. If anyone needs a lift to get there please email  

Pioneers meet on Sunday 18 February at Balerno High School. 

Communion and soaking. Thursday 22 February 9.30am - 10.30am.   A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

Spirit Cafe: NEW VENUE! Spirit Cafe will be running on Monday 26 February in the Mercure Livingston Hotel. This is a great event to invite and bring people along to who don't know Jesus. We'd love to see you there. 

Amy Orr-Ewing weekend [2-3 March 2024]:  Tickets are selling well for the day conference on Saturday 2 March at Heriot Watt conference centre and still plenty spaces available if you'd like to book your place [].  Tickets cost £10 for those 18 and over.  If cost is a factor, please contact  Please note that youth tickets are free.  Sunday 3 March will be a regular morning service at Heriot Watt with all congregations joining together as we hear from Amy.  

Church Family Ceilidh, Friday 15 March 7-9pm in Balerno High School. A fun, family evening for all ages with a live ceilidh band, plenty of dancing and refreshments. Tickets cost £5 per person (pre-school age children free) and rare available to buy online via the ChurchSuite email sent out recently.

Having difficulty booking tickets for events via ChurchSuite?  ChurchSuite has changed the process for booking tickets via an invite email for multiple people in a household.  The update means only another adult ticket can be added to the booking and not a child or youth in the household.  If you have experienced this issue, please use the following links:

o  Amy Orr-Ewing Saturday Day conference: Amy Orr-Ewing churchsuite link

o  Church Family Ceilidh: Ceilidh churchsuite link

Church Ceilidh – can you help? We are forming a team to make it all happen. Looking for helpers on Friday 15 March, especially hosts for during the event and help to clear and tidy up. Contact – we’d love to hear from you!

Bethel Team Visit:  From Friday 15 to Sunday 17 March we will have a team of 12 Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry students coming to be with us from Bethel Church, California.  We will be arranging a number of opportunities over that weekend to serve with them and receive ministry.  We are also looking for people within the congregation to host the students in their homes for 2 nights.  If you are able to help with this, please contact

St Mungo's Christmas Gift Collection has closed:  We are delighted to share that we have raised an amazing £27,492.50 for SU Scotland's Development Appeal for the Alltnacriche residential centre.  Thank you to everyone who has supported this appeal to bless one of our main mission partners in such a generous way. 

Save the Date:  Easter Sunday Origin Resurrection event [Sunday 31 March; 7.30pm], St Mungo's group booking will be available again this year, keep an eye out for the ChurchSuite booking email early next week.  Booking also available direct

Communion. It will be communion at the 10.30 services in Balerno and Livingston on Sunday 25 February.   Gluten free wafers and grape juice are available in Balerno and gluten free wafers in Livingston.

0-18 notices.

·       Balerno Youth on Sunday 18 February – Refuel 10.30am at the Ministry Centre 46B Bavelaw Road Balerno

·       Deeper for Youth on Sunday 18 February - after the evening service - at the Erasmusons

·       Friday Night Youth on 23 February –at 7.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno


Pray for Vestry as they meet on Thursday, for the new members [Julia Sloan and Derek Thomson] to get up to speed on governance matters and for wisdom in all discussions.