Summer Holiday programme. For all the details, including lots of social events, head over to the website.
Please read the information about the plans for the 7 weeks of school holidays (30 June to 11 August inclusive) as our services are different. As we continue to learn more about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, there are 4 services each Sunday across both locations. Each service will be different and so we are inviting you to attend the service/s which will help you continue to deepen your faith over the summer.
These are:
08:45 – Traditional Communion service @ Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno
10:30 – Church Family service @ Balerno High School (All ages)
10:30 – Morning Service @ St Margaret’s Academy, Livingston. (no separate 0-18 groups)
18:30 – Evening Service @ Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. Starts 7 July.
Recording. Over the summer weeks (from 30 June to 11 August) we will be recording the adult focussed service from Livingston, not the Church family service in Balerno. Please therefore be aware that by attending the Livingston service you may appear on the recording. It will be uploaded to YouTube later in the day.
Beach Trip: Sunday 30 June we are off to the beach! This is an informal opportunity to gather as church family for the first Sunday of the summer holidays. We will have our 1030 service options and then head to Gullane Beach for the afternoon. (paid parking available by card or £2.50 cash). This is not an ‘organised event’ so you are encouraged to bring your own picnic, buckets and spades and any games you fancy playing, and you will be responsible for any children and young people that you bring along. It’s a great opportunity to spend time together as family. Look out for the St Mungo’s flag! No booking required, just turn up!
Chippy Walk on Sunday 21 July. After the evening service we will take a short walk through Sawmill Woods in Balerno and finish at the Balerno Fry. We will open up the Ministry Centre so that we can hang out together and eat chips…the dream!
Magnitude. St Mungo’s Youth are joining others camping at this summer event at Lendrick Muir. Help is needed setting up on the afternoon of Saturday 20 July, and packing up on evening of Wednesday 24 July at Lendrick Muir. And also help needed cleaning and packing away the Magnitude gear at Church Building on Thursday 25 July. If you could help for a couple of hours on any of those dates please email
Big Night In – dates for summer: Friday 26 July and Friday 16 August 7.30pm at the Ministry Centre. Everyone (over 18) is welcome to come and join us for some fun, games, home baking and chat! (You don't even need to join in the games if you'd just like to come along for a chat). Feel free to bring friends along too or just come yourself. We have a selection of board games but if you have anything you'd like to play please feel free to bring that along.
Beecraigs Country Park Picnic and Walk. Sunday 28 July - After the morning 10.30 services we will head up to Hillhouse carpark at Beecraigs Country Park. Like the beach trip, there won’t be any ‘officially organised’ activities, but there will be a crowd of people there. The idea is that we find a green space for a picnic and then people can head off for a walk after lunch.
Summer Hog Roast. The church family are invited to the Hog Roast in the Woodcroft Garden on Sunday 11 August from 1pm. We are subsidising the cost of the food, so tickets are £5 for anyone over the age of 12. Those aged 11 and under are free. Please bring chairs / picnic blankets and drinks and sweet treats to share. Please book your tickets by clicking here before Sunday 21 July. If you have a dietary request (vegetarian, vegan, gluten free etc) please add that to the notes. We don't want cost to be a barrier for anyone, so please email if you or your family would like to request a free ticket(s), or if you have any questions.
Youth team training day. Saturday 17 August. Church building, Ladycroft Balerno. More details sent separately but put the date in your diaries.
Primary and youth team safeguarding training with John Wyllie (head of safeguarding for the Scottish Episcopal Church) at 2pm on Saturday 17 August in Church Building Ladycroft Balerno. Details sent by email but put date in your diaries.
Building Project email address This can be used for questions and comments, from the congregation and wider community. As we’ve not yet settled on a project name, it’s just
Spirit Café Training: Are you interested in joining the Spirit Café Team? The next training day for new team members will be all day on Saturday 31 August. Further details to be sent out via ChurchSuite.
Balerno Farmers Market. St Mungo’s will have a stall giving out children’s crafts, and church leaflets on mornings of Saturdays 13 July and 10 August. Contact if interested in joining the team.
Pioneers will be meeting in Balerno at 10.30am on Sundays 7 and 28 July, and 4 and 18 August.
Wellness Centre is closed over the summer holiday weeks, reopens on 14 August.
Minis starts back on Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 August. The group for families with little ones from church and community meets from 10 to 11.30 in the Church Building Balerno.
Healing prayer will take place after the summer services in Livingston only. If you need prayer in Balerno do ask a staff or ministry team member.
Connect point in Balerno will start again after the summer.
Pray for Rod and Brodie Petrie (Balerno congregation) and family as baby Eleanor is dedicated in the family service on Sunday 7 July.
Pray for all those involved in arranging and leading Christian activities for children over the summer. Pray for a significant impact from these events in the lives of young people.
Please pray for Magnitude taking place at Lendrick Muir (20 to 24 July) and for our many young people attending, and the team supporting them.
Pray for the St Mungo’s members going to Rwanda in July with Comfort International.
Give thanks for another year of church life – pray everyone gets the rest and refreshment they need in July.