Week beginning 11 February

Click here for the latest news post: Pioneers  

 Parking – please “be love” to our local communities by parking considerately when attending any of our services and events.

Amy Orr-Ewing weekend [2-3 March 2024]:  Tickets are selling well for the day conference on Saturday 2 March at Heriot Watt conference centre and still plenty available if you'd like to book your place.  Tickets cost £10 for those 18 and over.  If cost is a factor, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org.  Please note that youth tickets are free.  Sunday 3 March will be a regular morning service at Heriot Watt with all congregations joining together as we hear from Amy.  Further details and how to book your place for the Saturday conference can be found on the ChurchSuite email sent on 2 Feb.

Bethel Team Visit:  From Friday 15 to Sunday 17 March we will have a team of 12 Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry students coming to be with us from Bethel Church, California.  This will be the 5 time a team of Bethel Students will be joining us and we will be arranging a number of opportunities over that weekend to serve with them and receive ministry.  We are also looking for people within the congregation to host the students in their homes for 2 nights.  If you are able to help with this, please contact


Church Family Ceilidh, Friday 15 March 7-9pm in Balerno High School. A fun, family evening for all ages with a live ceilidh band, plenty of dancing and refreshments. Tickets cost £5 per person (pre-school age children free) and will be available to buy online from week beginning Monday 13 February. Details will be sent out in a ChurchSuite email.

Church Ceilidh – can you help? We are forming a team to make it all happen. Looking for helpers on Friday 15 March, especially hosts for during the event and help to clear and tidy up. Contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org – we’d love to hear from you!

Alpha: New Year, New Start – Try Alpha. People are still welcome at either the Livingston (Tuesday) or Balerno (Thursday) courses regardless of which church location they attend. For more details and to sign up you and your guests check the website: www.stmungos.org/alpha or email alpha@stmungos.org

Spirit Cafe: NEW VENUE! Spirit Cafe will be running on Monday 26 February in the Mercure Livingston Hotel. This is a great event to invite and bring people along to who don't know Jesus. We'd love to see you there. 

St Mungo's Christmas Gift Collection closing:  We will close the giving page for the Christmas Gift Collection for SU Scotland's Development Appeal for the Alltnacriche residential centre tomorrow [11 February] so that we can release the money to SU Scotland.  The amount raised has now reached £27,467.50 [including gift aid] which is an amazing amount over our original target of £20,000.  Thank you to everyone who has supported this appeal to bless one of our main mission partners in such a generous way.

Save the Date:  Easter Sunday Origin Resurrection event [Sunday 31 March; 7.30pm], St Mungo’s group booking will be available again this year, details to follow.  Booking also available direct https://www.originministry.org/bookings/

Care Van Clothing Donations:  Thank you to everyone who has been donating items to the care van over the last few months.  Reminder that Susan Smith in Balerno is the contact for dropping off donations and Livingston members should pass their donations to a staff member to bring back in the van to Balerno. 

Gold (St Mungo’s group for over 60’s) will be meeting on afternoon of Tuesday 13 February in the Church Building, Balerno.

Ash Wednesday communion service on Wednesday 14 February at 9am- 9.30am in church building, Balerno

Big Night In on Friday 16 February at 7.30pm in Ministry Centre Balerno.  Open to all over 18’s and you can bring friendsEvening of board games, chat and baking!

Life Seasons (St Mungo’s women’s group) will be doing a walk around the reservoir (weather permitting) at 2pm on Saturday 17 February. No need to book in, simply meet at the Harlaw car park. If anyone needs a lift to get there please email lifeseasons@stmungos.org  

0-18 notices.

·       Sat 10 Feb – Primary Socials. Contact Caitlin for more info.

·       Sun 11 Feb – Dive In (4pm) at Caitlin’s and Deeper (4pm) at the Ministry Centre

·       Friday 16 Feb – no youth activities that evening

Week beginning 4 February

Click here for the latest news post: Youth Weekend Prayer points

Amy Orr-Ewing will be with us on 2 and 3 March 2024.  There will be a day conference on Saturday 2 March at Heriot Watt conference centre, and a joint congregations service on Sunday 3 March also at Heriot Watt.  More details and how to book and pay for tickets for the Saturday conference can be found on the ChurchSuite email sent on 2 Feb.

Alpha: New Year, New Start – Try Alpha. People are still welcome at either the Livingston (Tuesday) or Balerno (Thursday) courses regardless of which church location they attend. For more details and to sign up you and your guests check the website: www.stmungos.org/alpha or email alpha@stmungos.org

St Mungo's Christmas Gift Collection:  We are delighted and blessed by the church's generosity towards SU Scotland's Development Appeal for the Alltnacriche residential centre.  With an original target of £20,000, we have raised £24,304, which will make a significant different to the centre.  The giving page will remain open until Sunday 11 February, if you would still like to contribute to SU Scotland's appeal: https://justgiving.com/page/stmungos-scriptureunion-christmas2023

Save the Date:  Easter Sunday Origin Resurrection event [Sunday 31 March; 7.30pm], St Mungo’s group booking will be available again this year, details to follow.  Booking also available direct https://www.originministry.org/bookings/

AGM Results:  The results from the nominations at the AGM on Sunday 21 January can be found here or via the ChurchSuite email sent on Monday 22 January. 

Care Van Clothing Donations:  Thank you to everyone who has been donating items to the care van over the last few months.  Reminder that Susan Smith in Balerno is the contact for dropping off donations and Livingston members should pass their donations to a staff member to bring back in the van to Balerno. 

Heriot-Watt University Chaplaincy Annual Public Lecture at 7pm on Monday, 5 February. John Wyatt, an Emeritus Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics, Ethics and Perinatology at UCL, will give this year's lecture. He has a longstanding interest in ethical and philosophical dilemmas raised by advances in biomedical medical and digital technologies and is a well-known speaker, writer and blogger.  His theme, Transhumanism, explores the startling possibilities of enhancement technology and asks what these advances mean for human flourishing.  The lecture is free and open to the public to attend, please register here on Eventbrite:  http://bit.ly/3RbYPwZ

Balerno Farmers Market Saturday 10 February, 9am-1pm. We are a small team this month – if you could come and join us for part of the morning, giving out craft bags and church flyers, please email andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Gold (St Mungo’s group for over 60’s) will be meeting on afternoon of Tuesday 13 February in the Church Building, Balerno.

Ash Wednesday communion service on Wednesday 14 February at 9am- 9.30am in church building, Balerno

Big Night In on Friday 16 February at 7.30pm in Ministry Centre Balerno.  Open to all over 18’s and you can bring friendsEvening of board games, chat and baking!

Life Seasons (St Mungo’s women’s group) will be doing a walk around the reservoir (weather permitting) at 2pm on Saturday 17 February. No need to book in, simply meet at the Harlaw car park. If anyone needs a lift to get there please email lifeseasons@stmungos.org  

0-18 notices.

·       S4-6 Youth Weekend is taking place now (2 to 4 February)

·       Sunday 4 February.  No Sunday morning youth programme in Balerno. Any youth not at weekend away are in the service. Livi youth meet as normal.

·       Thursday 8 Feb – Youth Worship 7.30pm at Church Building,  Balerno.

·       Friday 9 Feb – Youth Club night at Friday Night Youth in Church Building, Balerno

·       Sat 10 Feb – Primary Socials. Contact Caitlin for more info.

·       Sun 11 Feb – Dive In (4pm) at Caitlin’s and Deeper (4pm) at the Ministry Centre



Pray for the team from St Mungo’s at the Farmers Market on Saturday 10 February. For good conversations as they give out craft bags etc to families.

Pray for Toni Wigglesworth as she begins her first full week as the Wellness Centre Clinical Manager and that she settles in well.

Pray for Jeremy McDermott as he heads out to South Africa for a short term mission training experience with Operation Mobilisation, for protection as he travels and the time away would be significant in his spiritual growth

week beginning 28 January

Week beginning 28 January

Click here for the latest news post: AGM update


Alpha: New Year, New Start – Try Alpha. Alpha is going to be starting at 8pm on Tuesday 30 January and run on Tuesday evenings in Livingston, and will start at 8pm on Thursday 1 February and run on Thursday evenings in Balerno. People are welcome at either course regardless of which church location they attend. For more details and to sign up you and your guests check the website: www.stmungos.org/alpha or email alpha@stmungos.org

Bakers needed! Alpha will be starting soon in Balerno and Livingston and we would like to provide delicious desserts for those attending. If you would like to be on the rota for baking something tasty (for either location) then please email Tara - tara.devlin@stmungos.org

Spirit Café: in Balerno on Saturday 27 January. Starting a New Year is often a time when people ask questions and reflect on their life and it is an easy time to invite others along to Spirit Café to come and encounter God’s love for them. We will be advertising this across Edinburgh and West Lothian and have found that people are willing to travel for it, so be praying and asking who you could invite to come along.

St Mungo's Christmas Gift Collection:  We are incredibly thankful for the church's generosity towards SU Scotland's Development Appeal for the Alltnacriche residential centre.  Having raised nearly £25,000, the centre manager has expressed his gratitude for our support.  We will keep the giving page open until Sunday 11 February, if you would still like to contribute to SU Scotland's appeal: https://justgiving.com/page/stmungos-scriptureunion-christmas2023

Balerno New Home Packs: Before Christmas we delivered a new home pack and a Luke’s gospel to every house on the 2 new Cala estates in Balerno as a way of letting them know that St Mungo’s exists and some of the ways in which we are Being Love in Balerno and what services and events we run. The pack consists of 5 postcards, bundled in gold string and make a lovely gift as well as giving out the information. If you have anyone who has moved into your street recently or have someone move in the future, then please do grab a pack and deliver it to them. It might be nice to accompany it with a note from you to introduce yourself! You can collect these packs from the notice board in Balerno High School.

Staff News:  We are delighted to announce the appointment of Toni Wigglesworth to the role of Wellness Centre Clinical Manager.  Toni will join the Wellness Centre team on 1 February and we are looking forward to welcoming her onto the staff team.

Heriot-Watt University Chaplaincy Annual Public Lecture at 7pm on Monday, 5 February. John Wyatt, an Emeritus Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics, Ethics and Perinatology at UCL, will give this year's lecture. He has a longstanding interest in ethical and philosophical dilemmas raised by advances in biomedical medical and digital technologies and is a well-known speaker, writer and blogger.  His theme, Transhumanism, explores the startling possibilities of enhancement technology and asks what these advances mean for human flourishing.  The lecture is free and open to the public to attend, please register here on Eventbrite:  http://bit.ly/3RbYPwZ

Life Seasons (St Mungo’s women’s group) will be doing a walk around the reservoir (weather permitting) at 2pm on Saturday 17 February. No need to book in, simply meet at the Harlaw car park. If anyone needs a lift to get there please email lifeseasons@stmungos.org  

Amy Orr-Ewing will be with us on 2 and 3 March 2024.  There will be a day conference on Saturday 2 March at Heriot Watt conference centre, and a joint congregations service on Sunday 3 March also at Heriot Watt.  More details to follow but save the date.

Baptism service.   We are planning a service in Balerno on the afternoon of Sunday 10 March.  If you have not already been baptised and would be interested in being included please email enquiries@stmungos.org

0-18 notices.

·        Sunday 28 Jan – Balerno Youth at Refuel in Church Building, Balerno.  Livi youth in service for Vision Sunday.

·        Sunday 28 Jan – youth worship rehearsal (invite only) at 12.30pm at Ministry Centre

·       Friday 2 February. There is a Magnitude Worship event at Ps & Gs which youth can attend. (There will be no St. Mungo’s leaders present.)

·        Friday 2 to 4 February – S4-S6 weekend away.  (Therefore no youth on Fri 2 Feb)

·       Sunday 4 Feb.  Balerno youth in service, Livi youth meet as usual.


Pray for the housegroup leaders as they meet together on Wednesday 31 January. Pray for them as they are refreshed and inspired with the vision for the year ahead.

Pray for the youth weekend happening for S4 to S6 on weekend of 2 to 4 February.  Pray for good God encounters for the youth and the team supporting them.

week beginning 21 January 2024

Click here for the latest news post: Alpha and Spirit Cafe

The St Mungo's AGM will be held at our 10.30am services in both locations on Sunday 21 January.   More details on the website.

·        Balerno Vision Sunday will follow the AGM on Sunday 21 January

·        Livingston Vision Sunday will be on Sunday 28 January

Transform worship evening on Sunday 21 January will be at Balerno Parish Church (not the High School) at 6.30pmAll welcome for an evening of worship.

Cups and Refreshments!  As we begin the new year, why not bring your new Christmas mug; flask; cup to church on a Sunday morning to reduce the quantity of paper cups we use each week.  Thank you.

St Mungo's Christmas Gift Collection:  Thank you for your continued generosity towards SU Scotland's Development Appeal for the Alltnacriche residential centre, raising funds to increase space for small group work at the centre.   We are delighted to share that we have now gone beyond our target and raised £24,450.00 [including gift aid].  There is still time to contribute to the wonderful work of SU Scotland: https://justgiving.com/page/stmungos-scriptureunion-christmas2023

Alpha: New Year, New Start – Try Alpha. Alpha is going to be starting at 8pm on Tuesday 30 January and run on Tuesday evenings in Livingston, and will start at 8pm on Thursday 1 February and run on Thursday evenings in Balerno. People are welcome at either course regardless of which church location they attend. For more details and to sign up you and your guests check the website: www.stmungos.org/alpha or email alpha@stmungos.org

Bakers needed! Alpha will be starting soon in Balerno and Livingston and we would like to provide delicious desserts for those attending. If you would like to be on the rota for baking something tasty (for either location) then please email Tara - tara.devlin@stmungos.org

Balerno New Home Packs: Before Christmas we delivered a new home pack and a Luke’s gospel to every house on the 2 new Cala estates in Balerno as a way of letting them know that St Mungo’s exists and some of the ways in which we are Being Love in Balerno and what services and events we run. The pack consists of 5 postcards, bundled in gold string and make a lovely gift as well as giving out the information. If you have anyone who has moved into your street recently or have someone move in the future, then please do grab a pack and deliver it to them. It might be nice to accompany it with a note from you to introduce yourself! You can collect these packs from the notice board in Balerno High School.

Staff News:  We are delighted to announce the appointment of Toni Wigglesworth to the role of Wellness Centre Clinical Manager.  Toni will join the Wellness Centre team on 1 February and we are looking forward to welcoming her onto the staff team.

Wellness Centre Worship and Prayer night.   The Wellness Centre will be open on Tuesday 23 January from 7pm-9pm for all members of the congregation to pop in at any time.  There will be live worship and prayer stations in each of the counselling rooms. We would love you to join us to pray for this often hidden, but life-transforming ministry of our church.

A Service to Remember.  A time to reflect and remember those known personally who have died.  Wednesday 24 January at 7.30pm at St Mungo's Church building, Balerno. Open to anyone in St Mungo's.

Communion and Soaking. Thursday 25 January, 9.30 to 10.30am   A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno. 

Funeral arrangements for Ann Stephen of the 8.45 congregation.  A thanksgiving service for her life will be held on Thursday 25 January at 1.30pm in the Church building, Balerno.  This is open to all and is after a private family cremation service.

Spirit Café: Our first Spirit Café of the year will be running in Balerno on Saturday 27 January. Starting a New Year is often a time when people ask questions and reflect on their life and it is an easy time to invite others along to Spirit Café to come and encounter God’s love for them. We will be advertising this across Edinburgh and West Lothian and have found that people are willing to travel for it, so be praying and asking who you could invite to come along.

Heriot-Watt University Chaplaincy Annual Public Lecture at 7pm on Monday, 5 February. John Wyatt, an Emeritus Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics, Ethics and Perinatology at UCL, will give this year's lecture. He has a longstanding interest in ethical and philosophical dilemmas raised by advances in biomedical medical and digital technologies and is a well-known speaker, writer and blogger.  His theme, Transhumanism, explores the startling possibilities of enhancement technology and asks what these advances mean for human flourishing.  The lecture is free and open to the public to attend, please register here on Eventbrite:  http://bit.ly/3RbYPwZ

Amy Orr-Ewing will be with us on 2 and 3 March 2024.  There will be a day conference on Saturday 2 March at Heriot Watt conference centre, and a joint congregations service on Sunday 3 March also at Heriot Watt.  More details to follow but save the date.

Baptism service.   We are planning a service in Balerno on the afternoon of Sunday 10 March.  If you have not already been baptised and would be interested in being included please email enquiries@stmungos.org

0-18 notices.

·        Sun 21 Jan – Balerno Youth in service for Vision Sunday. Livi Youth will be in service next week (28 Jan).

·        Sun 21 Jan – Deeper is after Transform at the Erasmusons. Meet at Transform.

·        Thurs 25 Jan– Youth Worship weekend away rehearsal for Saturday evening band. 7.30pm at the Ministry Centre

·        Fri 26 – Open Mic Night at Friday Night Youth. 7.30pm at the Ministry Centre

·        Sunday 21 January – Balerno Youth will be in the service for Vision Sunday

·        S4-6 weekend away bookings close on Sunday 21 Jan. If any young people (or their friends) still want to sign up then please do so before this date using this link – https://form.jotform.com/233193361146049 


Pray for our Pioneers group who meet in Balerno on Sunday 21 January at 10.30am. 

Week beginning 14 January

Week beginning 14 January      

Click here for the latest news post: Deeper   

Cups and Refreshments!  As we begin the new year, why not bring your new Christmas mug; flask; cup to church on a Sunday morning to reduce the quantity of paper cups we use each week.  Thank you.

The St Mungo's AGM will be held at our 10.30am services in both locations on Sunday 21 January.   More details on the website.

·        Balerno Vision Sunday will follow the AGM on Sunday 21 January

·        Livingston Vision Sunday will be on Sunday 28 January

St Mungo's Christmas Gift Collection:  Thank you for your continued generosity towards SU Scotland's Development Appeal for the Alltnacriche residential centre, raising funds to increase space for small group work at the centre.   We are delighted to share that we have now gone beyond our target and raised £22,178.75 [including gift aid].  There is still time to contribute to the wonderful work of SU Scotland: https://justgiving.com/page/stmungos-scriptureunion-christmas2023

Alpha: New Year, New Start – Try Alpha. Alpha is going to be starting at 8pm on Tuesday 30 January and run on Tuesday evenings in Livingston, and will start at 8pm on Thursday 1 February and run on Thursday evenings in Balerno. People are welcome at either course regardless of which church location they attend. For more details and to sign up you and your guests check the website: www.stmungos.org/alpha or email alpha@stmungos.org

Communion services at 10.30am on Sunday 14 January in both locations.  In Livingston the wafers are all gluten free, and in Balerno one point serves gluten free wafers and grape juice, to bless those who prefer this.

Pray Livi ’24.   As 2024 kicks off, we’re asking everyone to use January to prayer walk their way around Livingston. As we do this, we’re excited to have our own Pray Livi ’24 App to assist us in praying across all our communities. You can get the app and more information about Pray Livi ’24 by clicking here.

Cap money course starts on Thursday 18 January in Church building, Balerno for 3 weeks.  Do come yourself or suggest to those you know in the community.  Spaces must be booked, more details here: https://stmungos.org/cap

Gavin and Heather Falconer Feedback Evening:  On Thursday 18 January [7.30pm at the Ministry Centre, Balerno], we will be hosting a feedback evening with Gavin and Heather as they share about their recent time in Ecuador with Reach Beyond.  Gavin and Heather are due to return to Ecuador at the end of January and it would be a great opportunity to hear more stories and testimony from them, pray with them and support them as they head back to South America to minister.  Do join us if you are able. 

Wellness Centre Worship and Prayer night.   The Wellness Centre will be open on Tuesday 23 January from 7pm-9pm for all members of the congregation to pop in at any time.  There will be live worship and prayer stations in each of the counselling rooms. We would love you to join us to pray for this often hidden, but life-transforming ministry of our church.

A Service to Remember.  A time to reflect and remember those known personally who have died.  Wednesday 24 January at 7.30pm at St Mungo's Church building, Balerno. Open to anyone in St Mungo's.

Spirit Café: Our first Spirit Café of the year will be running in Balerno on Saturday 27 January. Starting a New Year is often a time when people ask questions and reflect on their life and it is an easy time to invite others along to Spirit Café to come and encounter God’s love for them. We will be advertising this across Edinburgh and West Lothian and have found that people are willing to travel for it, so be praying and asking who you could invite to come along.

Heriot-Watt University Chaplaincy Annual Public Lecture at 7pm on Monday, 5 February. John Wyatt, an Emeritus Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics, Ethics and Perinatology at UCL, will give this year's lecture. He has a longstanding interest in ethical and philosophical dilemmas raised by advances in biomedical medical and digital technologies and is a well-known speaker, writer and blogger.  His theme, Transhumanism, explores the startling possibilities of enhancement technology and asks what these advances mean for human flourishing.  The lecture is free and open to the public to attend, please register here on Eventbrite:  http://bit.ly/3RbYPwZ

Amy Orr-Ewing will be with us on 2 and 3 March 2024.  There will be a day conference on Saturday 2 March at Heriot Watt conference centre, and a joint congregations service on Sunday 3 March also at Heriot Watt.  More details to follow but save the date.

Baptism service.   We are planning a service in Balerno on the afternoon of Sunday 10 March.  If you have not already been baptised and would be interested in being included please speak to Ollie or Isaac or email enquiries@stmungos.org

Funeral arrangements for Ann Stephen of the 8.45 congregation.  A thanksgiving service for her life will be held on Thursday 25 January at 1.30pm in the Church building, Balerno.  This is open to all and is after a private family cremation service.

Youth serving.  Starting on 14 January, young people from our S4-S6 Deeper group will participate in a monthly Serving Week, where they will serve across the various ministries in the church that fits their individual spiritual gifts and talents.   See newspost for more information.

0-18 notices.

·        Youth on Sunday 14 January – Refuel at 10.30 in Church Building, Ladycroft

·        Sunday 14 January– Deeper at 4pm in the Ministry Centre

·        Sunday 14 January – Dive In at 4pm in Caitlin’s House

·        Friday 19 January – Friday Night Youth is a youth club night at 7.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft

·        Sunday 21 January – Balerno Youth will be in the service for Vision Sunday

·        S4-6 weekend away bookings close on Sunday 21 Jan. If any young people (or their friends) still want to sign up then please do so before this date using this link – https://form.jotform.com/233193361146049 


Give thanks for our housegroups as they start back again this week.  Pray for the new leaders starting in this role; Isaac and Ruth Knight in Livingston and Dave and Sophia Lyons in Balerno.  Pray blessing on Steve and Michelle Denning, and Chris and Lorraine Twyford as they take a break from leadership after many years serving in this role.

Week beginning 7 January

Click here for the latest news post:  Annual General Meeting

St Mungo's Christmas Gift Collection:  Thank you for your continued generosity towards SU Scotland's Development Appeal for the Alltnacriche residential centre, raising funds to increase space for small group work at the centre.  There is still time to contribute to the wonderful work of SU Scotland: https://justgiving.com/page/stmungos-scriptureunion-christmas2023

The St Mungo's AGM will be held at our 10.30am services in both locations on Sunday 21 January.   More details on the newspost.

·        Balerno Vision Sunday will follow the AGM on Sunday 21 January

·        Livingston Vision Sunday will be on Sunday 28 January

Alpha: New Year, New Start – Try Alpha. Alpha is going to be starting at 8pm on Tuesday 30 January and run on Tuesday evenings in Livingston, and will start at 8pm on Thursday 1 February and run on Thursday evenings in Balerno. People are welcome at either course regardless of which church location they attend. For more details and to sign up you and your guests check the website: stmungos.org/alpha or email alpha@stmungos.org

Communion services at 10.30am this month will be on Sunday 14 January in both locations.  In Livingston the wafers are all gluten free, and in Balerno one point serves gluten free bread and grape juice, to bless those who prefer this.

Pray Livi ’24.   As 2024 kicks off, we’re asking everyone to use January to prayer walk their way around Livingston. As we do this, we’re excited to have our own Pray Livi ’24 App to assist us in praying across all our communities. You can get the app and more information about Pray Livi ’24 by clicking here. We’ll also all have the chance to pray together at 2pm, Saturday 6 January, meeting outside St Margaret’s Academy, we’d love to see you there!

Gold (St Mungo’s group for 60+) meets on afternoon of Tuesday 9 January in the church building, Balerno.

Livi Board Games Night (For S6+) - Love a little bit of friendly competition? We’d love you to join us at Isaac and Ruth’s house (address on ChurchSuite) 7:30pm-10pm on Friday 12 January for an evening of board games, chat and snacks. A great opportunity to be church family and just spend time hanging out. Feel free to bring along a favourite game.

Big Night In planned for Friday 12 January at 7.30pm at Ministry Centre Balerno.  

Gavin and Heather Falconer Feedback Evening:  On Thursday 18 January [7.30pm at the Ministry Centre, Balerno], we will be hosting a feedback evening with Gavin and Heather as they share about their recent time in Ecuador with Reach Beyond.  Gavin and Heather are due to return to Ecuador at the end of January and it would be a great opportunity to hear more stories and testimony from them, pray with them and support them as they head back to South America to minister.  Do join us if you are able. 

Wellness Centre Worship and Prayer night.   The Wellness Centre will be open on Tuesday 23 January from 7pm-9pm for all members of the congregation to pop in at any time.  There will be live worship and prayer stations in each of the counselling rooms. We would love you to join us to pray for this often hidden, but life-transforming ministry of our church.

Spirit Café: Our first Spirit Café of the year will be running in Balerno on Saturday 27 January. Starting a New Year is often a time when people ask questions and reflect on their life and it is an easy time to invite others along to Spirit Café to come and encounter God’s love for them. We will be advertising this across Edinburgh and West Lothian and have found that people are willing to travel for it, so be praying and asking who you could invite to come along.

Heriot-Watt University Chaplaincy Annual Public Lecture at 7pm on Monday, 5 February. John Wyatt, an Emeritus Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics, Ethics and Perinatology at UCL, will give this year's lecture. He has a longstanding interest in ethical and philosophical dilemmas raised by advances in biomedical medical and digital technologies and is a well-known speaker, writer and blogger.  His theme, Transhumanism, explores the startling possibilities of enhancement technology and asks what these advances mean for human flourishing.  The lecture is free and open to the public to attend, please register here on Eventbrite:  http://bit.ly/3RbYPwZ

Amy Orr-Ewing will be with us on 2 and 3 March 2024.  There will be a day conference on Saturday 2 March at Heriot Watt conference centre, and a joint congregations service on Sunday 3 March also at Heriot Watt.  More details to follow but save the date.

Pioneers meet on Sunday 7 January in Balerno High School.

Youth serving.  Starting on 14 January, young people from our S4-S6 Deeper group will participate in a monthly Serving Week, where they will serve across the various ministries in the church that fits their individual spiritual gifts and talents. The goal is to integrate them into the church congregation and teach them servant-hearted leadership for the Kingdom's good, whilst also allowing them to learn from people of all ages who are living out their faith amidst various challenges and situations. The Serving Week will take place on the week of the second Sunday of each month and will involve both Balerno and Livingston youth, so if you are serving alongside them or see youth doing a role, please encourage them as they do!

0-18 notices.

·        Youth weekend away worship rehearsals – Sunday 7 January 12.30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft and Thursday 11 January at 7.30pm at Church building, Ladycroft. This is by invitation only.

·        Friday Night Youth returns on 12 January at 7.30pm with a prayer stations night in church building Ladycroft, Balerno.

·        Saturday13 January – P1-7 social events – check flier for details.

·        Sun 14 January – Deeper at 4pm in the Ministry Centre.

·        Sunday 14 January – Dive In at 4pm in Caitlin’s House

·        P5-7 Residential change of date. This event will now run 4-6 October 2024.


Please pray for those grieving the recent death of Ann Stephen of the 8.45 congregation.  A thanksgiving service for her life will be held on Thursday 25 January at 1.30pm in the Church building.  This is open to all and is after a private family cremation service.


Week beginning 24 December

St Mungo's Christmas Gift Collection 2023:  We recently launched our Christmas Gift 2023 appeal to support SU Scotland's Development Appeal for the Alltnacriche residential centre, raising funds to increase space for small group work as the centre receives over 2,000 young people every year.  Increasing the capacity of their main lounge area will have a significant impact to every group.  We have been so blessed by the work of SU Scotland over the years and with this support, it enables them to shine the light of Jesus through their work.  Please do consider supporting this appeal via JustGiving: https://justgiving.com/page/stmungos-scriptureunion-christmas2023

Christmas events are all listed on our website.  https://stmungos.org/christmas   

YouTube: Our 10.30am Lessons and Carols service on Christmas Eve will be recorded and available on our YouTube Channel. No other services will be recorded over the Christmas Season.

Big Night In: Boxing Day (Tuesday 26 Dec) at 7.30pm at Ministry Centre Balerno.   This event is open to guests. The next date will be Friday 12 January.

Date for your 2024 diary:  - The St Mungo's AGM will be held at our 10.30am services in both locations on Sunday 21 January.   More details to follow in early January.

·        Balerno Vision Sunday will follow the AGM on Sunday 21 January

·        Livingston Vision Sunday will be on Sunday 28 January

Alpha: As advertised at the Carol services, Alpha will be running in the new year in both locations. Livingston Alpha will run from 8pm-9:30pm on Tuesday 30 January at Bellsquarry Village Hall and Balerno Alpha will run from 8pm-9:30pm on Thursday 1 February in the St Mungo’s Ministry Centre. Both Alphas are open to people from either congregation. For more information please see the website or email alpha@stmungos.org

Pray Livi ’24.   As 2024 kicks off, we’re asking everyone in the Livingston congregation to use January to prayer walk their way around Livingston. As we do this, we’re excited to have our own Pray Livi ’24 App to assist us in praying across all our communities. You can get the app and more information about Pray Livi ’24 by clicking here. We’ll also all have the chance to pray together at 2pm, Saturday 6 January, meeting outside St Margaret’s Academy, we’d love to see you there!

Gavin and Heather Falconer Feedback Evening:  On Thursday 18 January [7.30pm at the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno], we will be hosting a feedback evening with Gavin and Heather as they share about their recent time in Ecuador with Reach Beyond.  Gavin and Heather are due to return to Ecuador at the end of January and it would be a great opportunity to hear more stories and testimony from them, pray with them and support them as they head back to South America to minister.  Do join us if you are able. 

0-18 activities will fully resume on Sunday 7 January.

Wellness centre is closed until Monday 8 January.

Wellness Centre Worship and Prayer night.   The Wellness Centre will be open on Tuesday 23 January from 7pm-9pm for all members of the congregation to pop in at any time.  There will be live worship and prayer stations in each of the counselling rooms. We would love you to join us to pray for this often hidden, but life-transforming ministry of our church.

Week beginning 17 December

St Mungo's Christmas Gift Collection 2023:  We recently launched our Christmas Gift 2023 appeal to support SU Scotland's Development Appeal for the Alltnacriche residential centre, raising funds to increase space for small group work as the centre  receive's over 2,000 young people every year.  Increasing the capacity of their main lounge area will have a significant impact to every group.  We have been so blessed by the work of SU Scotland over the years and with this support, it enables them to shine the light of Jesus through their work.  Please do consider supporting this appeal via JustGiving: https://justgiving.com/page/stmungos-scriptureunion-christmas2023

Date for your 2024 diary:  The St Mungo's AGM will be held at our 10.30am services in both locations on Sunday 21 January.  More details to follow in early January.  

Christmas events are all listed on our website.  https://stmungos.org/christmas   


Saturday 16 December

Balerno Carol service at 7pm (Balerno High School)

Sunday 17 December

Family services in Balerno and Livingston at 10.30am

Sunday 24 December 

Christmas Eve service in Balerno at 8.45am (church building)


Lessons and Carols in Balerno (church building) at 10.30am


Nativity Walk Balerno at 3pm (sold out)


Watchnight service in Balerno at 11.30pm (church building)

Monday 25 December

Christmas Day service at 11.15am (Balerno Parish church) 

Sunday 31 December

No services in any venues including at 8.45am

YouTube: Our 10.30 Lessons and Carols service on Christmas Eve will be recorded and available on our YouTube Channel. No other services will be recorded over the Christmas Season.

Big Night In planned for Boxing Day (Tuesday 26 Dec) at 7.30pm at Ministry Centre Balerno.

0-18 activities.

·       Balerno Carol service on Saturday 16 December at 7pm. P1-7 event will run alongside this event. No pre-school or youth provision.

·       Family services on Sunday 17 December - in both locations at 10.30am. No separate 0-18 groups.

·       Deeper for Youth at 8pm on Sunday 17 December

·       0-18 groups will fully resume on Sunday 7 January.

Wellness centre is closed from 21 December to 8 January.

Wellness Centre Worship and Prayer night.   The Wellness Centre will be open on Tuesday 23 January from 7pm-9pm for all members of the congregation to pop in at any time.  There will be live worship and prayer stations in each of the counselling rooms. We would love you to join us to pray for this often hidden, but life-transforming ministry of our church.

Connect point [Balerno 10.30].  A place to meet others after the service whether you are brand new to the church or have been coming for years. Look out for the Connect Point banner near refreshments in the concourse.


Continue to pray for our mission partners and projects as they approach the end of another year.  Give thanks for the impact on the lives of individuals and communities who have been supported and equipped for a better future, where the Gospel has been shared and practical needs have been met.  Pray for the Spirit to move through leaders, staff and volunteers as they seek God's leading for 2024.

Week beginning 10 December

Week beginning 10 December     

Click here for the latest news post: Christmas Gift collection

Christmas Gift Collection 2023. Check out the website for details of how to give to our Christmas appeal for SU at Alltnacriche.

Christmas events are all listed on our website – do check them out as they have been recently updated, and pray for them as they are being planned.   https://stmungos.org/christmas   

Sunday 10 December

Livingston Carol service at 11am (St Margaret’s)

Thursday 14 December

Beers and Carols in Balerno (sold out)

Saturday 16 December

Balerno Carol service at 7pm (Balerno High School)

Sunday 17 December

Family services in Balerno and Livingston at 10.30am

Sunday 24 December 

Christmas Eve service in Balerno at 8.45am (church building)


Lessons and Carols in Balerno (church building) at 10.30am


Nativity Walk Balerno at 3pm (sold out)


Watchnight service in Balerno at 11.30pm (church building)

Monday 25 December

Christmas Day service at 11.15am (Balerno Parish church) 

No services on Sunday 31 December in any venues including at 8.45

Invitations are available for the Carol and Family services. 

The Gold (St Mungo’s group for 60+) meeting on Tuesday 12 December takes the form of a Christmas Lunch in the Ladycroft Church building. A reminder for those who are booked that they should arrive no later than 12.45pm so that lunch may be served at 1pm. A party will follow the lunch.  The event is fully booked.  More details available from Marjorie and David Brown on 0780 4274719.

Big Night In planned for Boxing Day (Tuesday 26 Dec) at 7.30pm at Ministry Centre Balerno.

0-18 activities.

·        Balerno youth on Sunday 10 December in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

·        Livi youth in the service on 10 December for Carol Service

·        Deeper at 4pm on Sunday 10 December in Ministry Centre

·        Dive-in at 4pm on Sunday 10 December at Caitlin’s

·       The Youth Christmas Ceilidh was the last Friday night youth event for 2023. The first session of the new year will be Friday 12 January.

·       Balerno Carol service on Saturday 16 December at 7pm. P1-7 event will run alongside this event. No pre-school or youth provision.

·       Family services on Sunday 17 December - in both locations at 10.30am. No separate 0-18 groups.

Connect point [Balerno 10.30].  A place to meet others after the service whether you are brand new to the church or have been coming for years. Look out for the Connect Point banner near refreshments in the concourse.

Healing prayer is offered each week after the 10.30 services in Balerno and Livingston. 


Pray for the Minis end of term events on 12 and 13 December. For a good end to the term as they hear the Christmas story.

Pray for the Vestry meeting on Wednesday 13 December as they meet to discuss Church governance.  Give thanks for their wisdom, insight, faithfulness and support over the last year.  We are grateful for each one of them.

Week beginning 3 December

Bruce Collins visit on 3 December: On Sunday we will be joined by Bruce Collins who will speak and minister at our Balerno services in the morning and evening.  Bruce will be speaking on the topic of faith at the 8.45 and 10.30 Balerno services and will speak at the evening service on healing, with an opportunity to receive prayer for healing.  Please feel free to invite friends or family you know who need healing.

Christmas events are all listed on our website – do check them out as they have been recently updated, and pray for them as they are being planned.   https://stmungos.org/christmas   

Sunday 10 December               Livingston Carol service at 11am (St Margaret’s)

Thursday 14 December             Beer and Carols in Balerno (sold out)

Saturday 16 December              Balerno Carol service at 7pm (Balerno High School)

Sunday 17 December                 Family services in Balerno and Livingston at 10.30am

Sunday 24 December               Christmas Eve service in Balerno at 8.45am (church building)

                                                            Lessons and Carols in Balerno (church building) at 10.30am

                                                            Nativity Walk Balerno (free but ticketed) at 3pm

                                                            Watchnight service in Balerno at 11.30pm (church building)

Monday 25 December              Christmas Day service at 11.15am (Balerno Parish church)  

No services on Sunday 31 December in any venues including 8.45

Invitations are now available for the Carol and Family services in both locations and the Christmas Eve family Nativity walk in Balerno.  Please take invitations to give to those you know, and also help with street bundles for the local area in both Balerno and Livingston.   (if any Livi people have any left over from those taken for streets last week, please do return these not needed so others have enough for their streets too).

Balerno Farmers Market, Saturday 9 December 9am-1pm. Pray for the team who will be giving out craft bags, carol service invitations and chatting to people. If you’d like to join the team for part of the morning please contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org It’s a great opportunity to meet people and ‘Be Love’ in a very practical way.

COP28 is the biggest and most important annual climate-related conference. Decisions made or not made at COP will impact on God’s creation and his heart for justice for the poor. As last year, a web resource has been created to help people focus their prayers during this critical time and invite the church to join them in praying for our world.  You can find the resource at Praying for COP28 (google.com)

Gold (St Mungo’s group for over 60’s) will meet on afternoon of Tuesday 12 December at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

0-18 activities.

·        Envision for all youth on Sunday 3 December in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

·        Youth Christmas Ceilidh 7-9pm on Friday 8 December in St Joseph’s Hall at Balerno Parish Church.   Use this link to reserve your young person’s place.  

·        Deeper at 4pm on Sunday 10 December in Ministry Centre

·        Dive-in at 4pm on Sunday 10 December at Caitlin’s

Connect point [Balerno 10.30]. A place to meet others after the service whether you are brand new to the church or have been coming for years. Look out for the Connect Point banner near refreshments in the concourse.

Healing prayer is offered each week after the 10.30 services in Balerno and Livingston. 


Pray for the St Mungo’s teams at the Balerno Farmers market on Saturday 9 December – hosting a St Mungo’s stall and overseeing the collection of Bethany Caring Christmas Trees. Pray for good conversations and plenty of opportunities to invite people to our services and events.


Week beginning 26 November

Cardboard Testimonies:  On Sunday morning after the service we will be filming cardboard testimonies ahead of the Church Family Christmas Celebration on Sunday 17th December, with the theme ‘How has God kept His promise?’.  We will provide the card and pens.  What we would love from the congregation and across all groups is write on one side of the cardboard a statement about your life without Jesus and then on the reverse a statement about what difference Jesus has made in your life.  These will only be shown in the service on 17 December and not online

Christmas events are all listed on our website – do check them out and pray for them as they are currently being planned.   https://stmungos.org/christmas   Carol and Family service invitations are available for you to give people.  Livingston have bundles for giving to local area, and these will be available for Balerno on 3 December.

Abide.  Evening of worship and intercessory prayer for any in the St Mungo’s church family to attend on Wednesday 29 November; 8pm Church building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

Bruce Collins. On Sunday 3 December we will be joined by Bruce Collins who will speak and minister at our Balerno services in the morning and evening.  Bruce was born in South Africa and trained as a Chemical Engineer. He was ordained in London Diocese in 1983 and was Team Rector of the Roxeth Team Ministry from 1990 to 2003. He served on the New Wine England Leadership team from 1997 to 2011, overseeing the development of its English and international networks. In 2007 he moved to South Wales and became part of New Wine Cymru.  Bruce is also the founding director of Just Earth, one of the mission projects supported by St Mungo’s.  Bruce will be speaking on the topic of faith at the 8.45 and 10.30 Balerno services and will speak at the evening service on healing, with an opportunity to receive prayer for healing.  Please feel free to invite friends or family you know who need healing.

COP28 starts on Thursday and is the biggest and most important annual climate-related conference. Decisions made or not made at COP will impact on God’s creation and his heart for justice for the poor. As last year, a web resource has been created to help people focus their prayers during this critical time and invite the church to join them in praying for our world.  You can find the resource at Praying for COP28 (google.com)

Middle East Emergency Appeal:  We have donated £2,500 towards Tearfund's emergency appeal response to the situation in the Middle East and particularly the thousands of people in Gaza and Israel and the wider region who are experiencing devastating loss, trauma and overwhelming need.  Tearfund is working with local churches and partners to help them respond to the needs of people across the region, please pray for an end to the conflict, for peace and reconciliation, and an opportunity to rebuild lives.

West Lothian Foodbank Christmas Quiz. Friday 1 December, 8pm, at The Chain Runner in Livingston. Prizes include a meal voucher for the restaurant, a free round of drinks and other prizes. Tickets are only £2.00 a head (teams of up to 6 people) and proceeds go towards this valuable work which St Mungo’s supports. Donations are at a very low level for this time of the year and every penny helps. Contact johnrussell@capuk.org to book or with any questions.

Origin Christmas Celebration at 7.30pm on Saturday 2 December in Usher Hall Edinburgh.  Tickets from:  Origin Christmas Edinburgh. 

Pioneers meet at 10.30am on Sunday 26 November at Balerno High School.

0-18 activities.

·        Envision rehearsal will be on Sunday afternoon 26 Nov at 12.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

·        Youth Worship on Thursday (30 Nov) will be a worship rehearsal for the Family Christmas services. All involved in the band/singing group to attend. 7.30pm at Church Building, Ladycroft.

·        Friday night Youth on 1 December will a testimony night with Feri Ross sharing. 7.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft.

·        Youth Christmas Ceilidh on Friday 8 December - Sign-ups are open. Use this link to reserve your young person’s place. https://form.jotform.com/233193361146049

Connect point [Balerno 10.30]. A place to meet others after the service whether you are brand new to the church or have been coming for years. Look out for the Connect Point banner near refreshments in the concourse.

Healing prayer is offered each week after the 10.30 services in Balerno and Livingston. 

Week beginning 19 November

Click here for the latest news post:  Christmas at St Mungo’s

Transform is on Sunday (19 November) at 6.30pm in Balerno High School. An evening of worship and prayer ministry together.

Bruce Collins. On Sunday 3 December we will be joined by Bruce Collins who will speak and minister at our Balerno services in the morning and evening.  Bruce was born in South Africa and trained as a Chemical Engineer. He was ordained in London Diocese in 1983 and was Team Rector of the Roxeth Team Ministry from 1990 to 2003. He served on the New Wine England Leadership team from 1997 to 2011, overseeing the development of its English and international networks. In 2007 he moved to South Wales and became part of New Wine Cymru.  Bruce is also the founding director of Just Earth, one of the mission projects supported by St Mungo’s.  Bruce will be speaking on the topic of faith at the 8.45 and 10.30 Balerno services and will speak at the evening service on healing, with an opportunity to receive prayer for healing.  Please feel free to invite friends or family you know who need healing.

Middle East Emergency Appeal:  We have donated £2,500 towards Tearfund's emergency appeal response to the situation in the Middle East and particularly the thousands of people in Gaza and Israel and the wider region who are experiencing devastating loss, trauma and overwhelming need.  Tearfund is working with local churches and partners to help them respond to the needs of people across the region, please pray for an end to the conflict, for peace and reconciliation, and an opportunity to rebuild lives.

St Mungo’s Mission Trip 2024:  We will be taking a team to Eswatini from 10 to 20 October 2024 and have a maximum of 15 spaces available.  Next year’s trip will be for both adults and youth [current S5 and S6s], with definite sign ups required by 1 December [including a deposit of £200] to enable flights to be booked at the best price.  To sign up or indicate a note of interest, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org.  If you require more details about the trip, please do read the recent ChurchSuite email sent on 8 November or contact Wendy.  

Communion & Soaking: Thursday 23 November 9.30am - 10.30am.   A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. 

Livi Ladies Thanksgiving meal. This is on Friday 24 November at 6pm in the Chain Runner, Livingston. More details and booking via the ChurchSuite email. 

Spirit Café Balerno on Saturday 26 November at 7.30pm in Ministry Centre Balerno.  Why not tell your friends or bring them along. 

Abide.  Evening of worship and intercessory prayer for any in the St Mungo’s church family to attend on Wednesday 29 November.  8pm Church building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

West Lothian Foodbank Christmas Quiz. Friday 1 December, 8pm, at The Chain Runner in Livingston. Prizes include a meal voucher for the restaurant, a free round of drinks and other prizes. Tickets are only £2.00 a head (teams of up to 6 people) and proceeds go towards this valuable work which St Mungo’s supports. Donations are at a very low level for this time of the year and every penny helps. Contact johnrussell@capuk.org to book or with any questions.

The Wellness Centre are still looking for a volunteer receptionist for a Tuesday afternoon (approx. 12.30-3.30pm) from January, 1 week in 3 basis during term time. If you would like more details or to be considered for the role please contact Sophia.lyons@stmungos.org

Christmas trees.  Do you like a real tree, then consider supporting the work with the homeless of Bethany Christian Trust (a St Mungo’s mission partner) by buying one of their trees.  Can be delivered or ordered to be collected in Balerno, Livingston or other locations on various December dates. https://www.caringchristmastrees.com/shop

Origin Christmas Celebration at 7.30pm on Saturday 2 December in Usher Hall Edinburgh.  Tickets from:  Origin Christmas Edinburgh. 

0-18 activities.

·        Balerno Youth on Sunday (19 November) will meet for Refuel at 10.30am at Church building, Ladycroft, Balerno

·       Deeper will be after evening service on Sunday 19 November at Erasmuson’s.

·        Friday Night Youth, 24 November at 7.30pm.  Tribal wars special night at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

Connect point [Balerno 10.30]. A place to meet others after the service whether you are brand new to the church or have been coming for years. Look out for the Connect Point banner near refreshments in the concourse.

Healing prayer is offered each week after the 10.30 services in Balerno and Livingston. 


Pray for the Minis families having a social and Christmas craft evening on Thursday 23 November.   For deepening of connections between the families and with us as a church.

Please pray for one of our mission partners, Holy Trinity Wester Hailes, as they look to recruit a Cafe Manager.  Their temporary cover arrangements will finish at the end of December and they would greatly appreciate prayer for the right person to be found to enable them to plan ahead for the Community Cafe in 2024.  This service continues to provide a safe and welcoming social space for local people.


Week beginning 12 November

Week beginning 12 November     

Click here for the latest news post:  Christmas Events

St Mungo’s Mission Trip 2024:  We will be taking a team to Eswatini from 10 to 20 October 2024 and have a maximum of 15 spaces available.  Next year’s trip will be for both adults and youth [current S5 and S6s], with definite sign ups required by 1 December [including a deposit of £200] to enable flights to be booked at the best price.  To sign up or indicate a note of interest, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org.  If you require more details about the trip, please do read the recent ChurchSuite email sent on 8 November or contact Wendy.  

Parking in Livingston on Sunday 12 November.  Please allow time to park as there is an external remembrance event leaving from the car park.  The top car park is available.

Spirit Café Livingston.  On Monday 13 November at 7.30pm at Howden Park Centre.  Invite your friends to come or bring them along.

Gold.  (St Mungo’s group for over 60’s) meets on afternoon of Tuesday 14 November.   More information for David and Marjorie Brown.

Prayer for Peace.  Tuesday 14 November 7.30pm for an hour at Church Building Ladycroft Balerno. Time of reflection and prayer.

Company of Men for Balerno.  Curry Night on Thursday 16 November.  Please reply to email via Church Suite, spaces are limited. 

Big Night In is on Friday 17 November at 7.30pm.  Open to all over 18’s, great night to come along to and bring friends.

Balerno ladies - there is an opportunity to gather for coffee, cake and chat on Saturday 18 November from 10.00-11.30am in the Ministry Centre, Balerno. No need to sign up and you can come for as long or short a time as you're able. We look forward to seeing you there.

Transform is on Sunday 19 November at 6.30pm in Balerno High School. An evening of worship and prayer ministry together.

Livi Ladies Thanksgiving meal. This is on Friday 24 November at 6pm in the Chain Runner, Livingston. More details and booking via the ChurchSuite email. 

The Wellness Centre are still looking for a volunteer receptionist for a Monday evening 6pm-9pm and a Tuesday afternoon (approx. 12.30-3.30pm), 1 week in 3 basis during term time. If you would like more details or to be considered for the role please contact Sophia.lyons@stmungos.org

Christmas trees.  Do you like a real tree, then consider supporting the work with the homeless of Bethany Christian Trust (a St Mungo’s mission partner) by buying one of their trees.  Can be delivered or ordered to be collected in Balerno, Livingston or other locations on various December dates. https://www.caringchristmastrees.com/shop

Origin Christmas Celebration at 7.30pm on Saturday 2 December in Usher Hall Edinburgh.  Tickets from:  Origin Christmas Edinburgh. 

·        Balerno Youth on Sunday (12 November) will meet for Refuel at 10.30am at Church building, Ladycroft, Balerno

·       Deeper will be at 4pm on Sunday 12 November in the Ministry Centre.

·        Friday Night Youth, 17 November at 7.30pm.  Club night at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

·        Balerno P6/7.  Dive in is on afternoon on Sunday 12 November

Connect point [Balerno 10.30]. A place to meet others after the service whether you are brand new to the church or have been coming for years. Look out for the Connect Point banner near refreshments in the concourse.

Healing prayer is offered each week after the 10.30 services in Balerno and Livingston. 


Give thanks for the St Mungo’s team heading out on Sunday night to serve food at the Bethany Welcome Centre, pray for good conversations and the blessing this service provides.

Please pray for the Vestry as they meet on Wednesday night to discuss Church governance matters, pray for wisdom and a sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading.

Week beginning 5 November

Click here for the latest news post: Mission Giving Update

Balerno High School Update.  We are pleased to be able to return to Balerno High School this Sunday, and for our 10:30am and 1pm Baptism services to go ahead as planned.

·        As the concourse is not available, both of these services will be held in the large games hall, near the swimming pool.  Follow signs and directions from staff team for this and the 0-18 groups.   

·        There will therefore not be refreshments after the service, or healing prayer, connect point or welcome point. The heating in the school is still being repaired, so please come prepared for it to be colder than normal, maybe even bring a blanket! We are bringing in heaters to take the chill off, but anticipate that it will still feel a bit cool! 

·        Baptisms.  Bring your lunch -including your own hot drinks as no refreshments are available that day, and be there to support the people who are being baptised in the school pool. 

The term card for events happening in November and December was handed out recently and can be found online too.  Please do make a note of the dates and events you are interested in and / or use it as a helpful way to pray for all that's going on in St Mungo's in the run up to Christmas.

Spirit Café Livingston.  On Monday 13 November at 7.30pm at Howden Park Centre.  Invite your friends to come or bring them along.

Gold.  (St Mungo’s group for over 60’s) meets next on Tuesday 14 November.

Company of Men for Balerno.  Curry Night on Thursday 16 November.  Please reply to email via Church Suite, spaces are limited. 

Big Night In is on Friday 17 November at 7.30pm.  Open to all over 18’s, great night to come along to and bring friends.

Next Transform is on Sunday 19 November in Balerno High School.

Livi Ladies Thanksgiving meal. There is a new date for this event. It will now be on Friday 24 November at 6pm in the Chain Runner, Livingston. More details and booking coming soon by email. 

The Wellness Centre are looking for a volunteer receptionist for a Monday evening 6pm-9pm and a Tuesday afternoon (approx. 12.30-3.30pm), 1 week in 3 basis during term time. If you would like more details or to be considered for the role please Sophia.lyons@stmungos.org

Scotland United in Prayer for Parliament invite you to join them as they pray on Wednesday 8 November from 6-7.30pm.  For zoom code email admin@prayforscotland.org.uk  by noon on 6 November.

0-18 activities.

·        Youth weekend away bookings are now open but early bird price has passed. There are 2 separate weekends in 2024.  Booking for S4-S6 on 2-4 February can be found here: - https://form.jotform.com/232743491743359.

Booking for S1-S3 on 3-5 May can be found here - https://form.jotform.com/232744642739363

Contact Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org  for any further information.

·        All Youth on Sunday (5 November) will meet for Envision at 10.30am at Church building, Ladycroft, Balerno

·        Friday Night Youth, 10 November at 7.30pm.  Magnitude Worship Night, meet at P&G’s at 7.30pm cost £5.  Or Friday night youth at Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

·        Primary afternoon on Saturday 11 November ‘story-based art’ for P1-7, cost £1 each. See flier or email and sign up!

·        Balerno P6/7. Afternoon on Sunday 12 November is DIVE IN. If you are coming along again or want to come and try it out, please sign up by Thursday so we know how many to cater for. Contact Caitlin if you’ve lost the details. 

 Healing prayer is offered each week after the 10.30 services in Livingston. 


Pray for those being baptised on Sunday afternoon:  Ruby Qi, Jamie Gribben, Jayna Esentia and Grayson Chapin.

Pray for the team from St Mungo’s on a stall at the Balerno Farmers market on Saturday 11 November.  Pray for good conversations as they hand out children’s crafts.

Week beginning 22 October

Connect point [Balerno 10.30]. A place to meet others after the service whether you are brand new to the church or have been coming for years. Look out for the Connect Point banner near refreshments in the concourse.

Healing prayer is offered each week after the 10.30 services in Balerno and Livingston. 

Communion & Soaking: Thursday 26 October 9.30am - 10.30am.   A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno. 

Tearfund Quiz Night, Friday 27 October, 7.30-9.30pm (in the Ministry Centre). It’ll be a fun, social evening with friendly competition alongside raising awareness (and some money!) for Tearfund’s work. Suggested donation £7. Form your own team or we’ll help to connect you into one. Sign up via the ChurchSuite email sent on 3 October or contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Spirit Café in Balerno on Saturday 28 October.   Great evening to bring friends to, or try for yourself.  Runs from 7.30 to 9.30pm in the Ministry Centre.

Baptism service at 1pm on Sunday 5 November in Balerno High School.  Plan to bring your lunch and support those youth being baptised. 

Next Transform is on Sunday 19 November.

Wellness Centre Clinical Manager Post:  The closing date for applications for this role has been extended to Friday 27 October.  The job application pack can be found at

 https://stmungos.org/vacancies.  Please do share the job pack with those you know who have the skills and experience for this role at the Wellness Centre.

Rwanda Feedback evening at 7.30pm on Thursday 2 November in Church Building, Balerno.  All welcome to hear from the St Mungo’s members who visited the Comfort International projects in the summer.

Youth weekend away bookings are now open. Due to our growing numbers we are having 2 separate weekends in 2024.   Booking for S4-S6 on 2-4 February can be found here : - https://form.jotform.com/232743491743359.

Booking for S1-S3 on 3-5 May can be found here - https://form.jotform.com/232744642739363

Contact Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org  for any further information.

0-18 activities.

·         Balerno Youth on Sunday (22 October) will be in the main 10.30am service

·         Youth worship on Thursday at 7.30pm at Church Building,  Ladycroft, Balerno

·         Friday Night Youth.  Testimony night at 7.30pm in church building, Balerno.

·         Primary Movie Night on Tuesday 31 October for all P1-P7s from 5.45pm – 8pm in Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno.   Parents can collect a flier at church, or speak to Caitlin for further details.

Week beginning 15 October

Click here for the latest news post: Christmas


Connect point [Balerno 10.30]. A place to meet others after the service whether you are brand new to the church or have been coming for years. Look out for the Connect Point banner near refreshments in the concourse.

Healing prayer is offered each week after the 10.30 services in Balerno and Livingston. 

Big Night in Friday 20 October at 7.30pm in the Ministry Centre, Balerno.  Open to all St Mungo’s over 18 for a relaxed evening of board games and chat.

Tearfund Quiz Night, Friday 27 October, 7.30-9.30pm (in the Ministry Centre). It’ll be a fun, social evening with friendly competition alongside raising awareness (and some money!) for Tearfund’s work. Suggested donation £7. Form your own team or we’ll help to connect you into one. Sign up via the ChurchSuite email sent on 3 October or contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

Spirit Café in Balerno on Saturday 28 October.   Great evening to bring friends to, or try for yourself.  Runs from 7.30 to 9.30pm in the Ministry Centre.

Baptism service at 1pm on Sunday 5 November in Balerno High School.  Plan to bring your lunch and support those adults and youth being baptised. 

Next Transform is on Sunday 19 November – evening services in October will be at the church building.

Wellness Centre Clinical Manager Post:  The closing date for applications for this role has been extended to Friday 27 October.  The job application pack can be found at

https://stmungos.org/vacancies.  Please do share the job pack with those you know who have the skills and experience for this role at the Wellness Centre.

The Wellness Centre are looking for a volunteer receptionist for a Tuesday afternoon and a Thursday evening – 1 week in 3 basis during term time. If you would like more details or to be considered for the role please email Sophia.lyons@stmungos.org or call the Wellness Centre 0131 451 5226.

Pioneers meet on Sunday 15 October at Balerno High School.

Youth weekend away bookings are now open. Due to our growing numbers we are having 2 separate weekends in 2024.   Booking for S4-S6 on 2-4 February can be found here : - https://form.jotform.com/232743491743359.

Booking for S1-S3 on 3-5 May can be found here - https://form.jotform.com/232744642739363

Contact Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org  for any further information.

0-18 activities.

·        Livi Youth. This Sunday (15 October) Livi Youth will be joining the whole of the main service rather than leaving for their separate group as usual.

·        Balerno Youth on Sunday (15 October) is Refuel. Youth go straight to Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno for 10.30am.

·        Deeper is this Sunday, 15 Oct after the evening service.

·        Friday Night Youth.  There will be no Friday night youth on 20 Oct due to the half term break.

·        Primary Movie Night on Tuesday 31 Oct will be a movie night for all P1-P7s from 5.45pm – 8pm in Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno.   Parents will receive a flier at church on Sunday or speak to Caitlin for further details.


Week beginning 8 October

Click here for the latest news post: Tearfund Quiz

Connect point [Balerno 10.30]. A place to meet others after the service whether you are brand new to the church or have been coming for years. Look out for the Connect Point banner near refreshments in the concourse.

Healing prayer is offered each week after the 10.30 services in Balerno and Livingston. 

Balerno Farmers Market, Sat 14 October 9am-1pm We’re short of volunteers for the stall this month – giving out craft bags, church flyers and chatting to people. If you could join the team for part of the morning please contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org It’s a great opportunity to meet people and ‘Be Love’ in a very practical way.

Tearfund Quiz Night, Fri 27 October, 7.30-9.30pm (in the Ministry Centre). It’ll be a fun, social evening with friendly competition alongside raising awareness (and some money!) for Tearfund’s work. Suggested donation £7. Form your own team or we’ll help to connect you into one. Sign up via the ChurchSuite email sent on 3 October or contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org

The Wellness Centre are looking for a volunteer receptionist for a Thursday evening – 1 week in 3 basis during term time. If you would like more details or to be considered for the role please email Sophia.lyons@stmungos.org or call the Wellness Centre 0131 451 5226.

Wellness Centre Staff News:  We recently announced that Siobhan Short will be finishing up as the Wellness Centre Clinical Manager in December. We are hugely grateful for the work Siobhan has done at the Wellness Centre in the last 7 years and pray God's richest blessing on her for the next stage of her counselling career.  The recruitment process has now begun for the role of Wellness Centre Clinical Manager and the job application pack can be found at https://stmungos.org/vacancies.  Closing date for applications is 9 October.  Please do share the job pack with those you know who have the skills and experience for this role in the counselling field.

Staff News: Over the past few months George Gera has been working as part of the Operations team, covering for Fil Stevenson. We are delighted to announce that Fil is now back to full working hours, but this does mean that George will be stepping back from his paid role with St Mungo’s at the end of September. We want to express our sincerest gratitude to George for stepping in to this role, it is no exaggeration to say that our services could not have run without him.

Gold.  St Mungo’s group for those 60+ will be meeting at 2pm (until 3.30pm) on Tuesday 10 October in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.  More details from David and Marjorie Brown.

Year End Mission Giving:  We have given £18,400 from our world mission fund towards year end gifts, split across a number of organisations and also including a top up gift to our 7 main mission partners.  For a breakdown of this allocation, please read more on the website here.  We are hugely grateful to all who give generously and faithfully to St Mungo’s which in turn enables us to provide financial support to mission both at home and globally to further their work for the Kingdom.

Youth weekend away bookings are now open. Due to our growing numbers we are having 2 separate weekends in 2024.   Booking for S4-S6 on 2-4 February can be found here : - https://form.jotform.com/232743491743359.

Booking for S1-S3 on 3-5 May can be found here - https://form.jotform.com/232744642739363

Contact Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org  for any further information.

0-18 activities.

·        Sunday morning Youth is Refuel in Balerno. Youth go straight to Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno for 10.30am

·        Deeper is this Sunday 8 Oct where Ollie will be joining us to look at healing prayer. 4pm at the Ministry Centre. Youth to bring £4 for chips.

·        Youth worship is on Thursday 12 October at 7.30pm-9.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno

·        Friday Night Youth on 13 October is a normal Youth Club night – football, crafts, baking etc. There will be no Friday night youth on 20 Oct due to the half term break.

·        Dive In starts this Sunday, 8 Oct. This is a new  monthly discipleship group for P6/7 and young people must book in to attend. Speak to Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org  for more information.

·        Primary Movie Night on Tuesday 31 Oct will be a movie night for all P1-P7s from 5.45pm – 8pm in Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno.   Parents will receive a flier at church on Sunday or speak to Caitlin for further details.


Farmers Market is happening in Balerno on morning of Saturday 14 October.  Please pray for the team from St Mungo’s as they give out children’s crafts and chat to people.  

Week beginning 1 October

Click here for the latest news post:  Feedback from Primary Camp.

Livestream. We are pausing our livestream, due to connectivity issues, but the full recording of the service “as live” will be made available as soon as possible later in the day.  

Connect point [Balerno 10.30].  We recognise that connecting with others in a large congregation, in a noisy concourse is not always easy.  To press into one of our core values of family, we now have a Connect Point where you can meet new people and have a chat over a cuppa.  There will be someone there to welcome you and introduce you to others, so you don’t need to break the ice yourself. This is a place for everyone, whether you are brand new to the church or have been coming for years.  Look out for the Connect Point banner near refreshments in the concourse after the service.

Healing prayer is offered after the 10.30 services in Balerno and Livingston.  Just make your way to the healing banner where the team will pray for you.  Also if you have personal healing needs you would like the healing prayer cell to pray for then email a brief description to enquiries@stmungos.org and the group will pray in confidence for you.

Wellness Centre Staff News:  We recently announced that Siobhan Short will be finishing up as the Wellness Centre Clinical Manager in December. We are hugely grateful for the work Siobhan has done at the Wellness Centre in the last 7 years and pray God's richest blessing on her for the next stage of her counselling career.  The recruitment process has now begun for the role of Wellness Centre Clinical Manager and the job application pack can be found at https://stmungos.org/vacancies.  Closing date for applications is 9 October.  Please do share the job pack with those you know who have the skills and experience for this role in the counselling field.

The Wellness Centre are looking for a volunteer receptionist for a Thursday evening – 1 week in 3 basis during term time. If you would like more details or to be considered for the role please email Sophia.lyons@stmungos.org or call the Wellness Centre 0131 451 5226.

Staff News: Over the past few months George Gera has been working as part of the Operations team, covering for Fil Stevenson. We are delighted to announce that Fil is now back to full working hours, but this does mean that George will be stepping back from his paid role with St Mungo’s at the end of September. We want to express our sincerest gratitude to George for stepping in to this role, it is no exaggeration to say that our services could not have run without you. Thank you so much. We took a moment as a staff team to thank George on Thursday in the office in the best way – cake! If you see George over the coming weeks, please do extend your own thanks to him for doing such a wonderful job. 

Kintsugi Hope: There is still time to join this new course on Thursday evenings. The group is open to people both in the church and those in the community and provides a safe, supportive space for people who feel, or have felt, overwhelmed. It covers topics such as disappointment, loss, anxiety, anger perfectionism, shame and resilience. If you would like more information email:  david.lyons@stmungos.org  

Balerno Welcome Lunch [Sunday 1 October 12.30pm to 2.30pm]:  Due to unforeseen circumstances, the welcome lunch has been postponed until the new year.  

Prayer Cell Leaders Refresh.  Monday 2 October at 8pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. A time of worship and to refresh our minds on the model we use as well as a chance for you to be prayed for to be refreshed and filled with the Spirit.

Company of Men Discipleship Morning Saturday 7 Oct 9.30am-12 noon at the Ministry Centre.  We would be delighted if you to join us as we think about Discipleship and how we can support, care and encourage one another in our walk with God.  Ollie will be teaching on the subject and Tod Chapin will be sharing his thoughts and experiences. We will also have a Q and A afterwards. Pastries and refreshments will be provided!  Promises to be a great morning.  Hope to see you there.  Any queries email adrian.smith@stmungos.org 

Livi Men.  Ireland vs Scotland - In case you’ve missed it, we’re in the midst of the Rugby World Cup, and so at 7.30pm on Saturday 7 October, Livi Men are invited to join with us to watch the Scotland vs Ireland match. It promises to be a great game, plus, there will be a pub sports quiz at half time with prizes to be won! Click here to sign up.

Gold.  St Mungo’s group for those 60+ will be meeting at 2pm (until 3.30pm) on Tuesday 10 October in the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.  More details from David and Marjorie Brown.

Tearfund Quiz.  Friday 27 October will be the Tearfund Quiz night. Look out for an email next week with all the details.

Year End Mission Giving:  We have given £18,400 from our world mission fund towards year end gifts, split across a number of organisations and also including a top up gift to our 7 main mission partners.  For a breakdown of this allocation, please read more on the website here.  We are hugely grateful to all who give generously and faithfully to St Mungo’s which in turn enables us to provide financial support to mission both at home and globally to further their work for the Kingdom.

0-18 activities.

·        Youth on Sunday 1 October is Envision for Balerno and Livi youth. Balerno youth go direct to Church Building, Ladycroft for 10.30am. Livi team will be in touch with parents to arrange transport for Livi youth.

·        Friday Night Youth Club on 6 October 7.30-9.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

·        Youth Deeper is Sunday 8 Oct where Ollie will be joining us to look at healing prayer. 4pm at the Ministry Centre. Please let Jonny know in advance if your young people would like a portion of chips ordered.  Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org

·        Primary Movie night on Tuesday 31 October for all P1-P7s from 5.45pm – 8pm in Church Building, Balerno, Ladycroft. Parents will receive a flier at church on Sunday or speak to Caitlin (Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org) for further details.

·        P1-7 social events on Sat 7 October. Contact Caitlin Caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org) if you haven’t received the information.


Week beginning 24 September

Communion is available at the 10.30 service in Balerno and Livingston on Sunday 24 September.  In Livingston all wafers are gluten free, in Balerno one of the 4 points will offer gluten free wafers and as a trial for 6 months this point will also serve grape juice.  This will be to the left facing the stage (refreshments end) and makes it easier for the youth to take communion and celebrate as church family. 

Livestream. We are pausing our livestream, due to connectivity issues, but the full recording of the service “as live” will be made available as soon as possible later in the day.  

Connect point [Balerno 10.30].  We recognise that connecting with others in a large congregation, in a noisy concourse is not always easy.  To press into one of our core values of family, we now have a Connect Point where you can meet new people and have a chat over a cuppa.  There will be someone there to welcome you and introduce you to others, so you don’t need to break the ice yourself. This is a place for everyone, whether you are brand new to the church or have been coming for years.  Look out for the Connect Point banner near refreshments in the concourse after the service.

Healing prayer is offered after the 10.30 services in Balerno and Livingston.  Just make your way to the healing banner where the team will pray for you.  Also if you have personal healing needs you would like the healing prayer cell to pray for then email a brief description to enquiries@stmungos.org and the group will pray in confidence for you.

Livi Family Update Lunch. Sunday 24 September (after the service in St Margaret’s) Members of the Livingston congregation are invited to bring along a picnic lunch and join us as we think about all things Livi, past, present and future. This will be a great opportunity to share with one another as we discern where God may be calling us as a congregation in Livingston. We would love as many people to be part of this as possible.

Wellness Centre Staff News:  On Sunday we announced that Siobhan Short will be finishing up as the Wellness Centre Clinical Manager in December. We are hugely grateful for the work Siobhan has done at the Wellness Centre in the last 7 years and pray God's richest blessing on her for the next stage of her counselling career.  We have now begun advertising for the role of Wellness Centre Clinical Manager and the job application pack can be found at https://stmungos.org/vacancies.  Closing date for applications is 9 October.  Please do share the job pack with those you know who have the skills and experience for this role in the counselling field.

The Wellness Centre are looking for a volunteer receptionist for a Thursday evening – 1 week in 3 basis during term time. If you would like more details or to be considered for the role please email Sophia.lyons@stmungos.org or call the Wellness Centre 0131 451 5226.


Communion & Soaking: Thursday 28 September 9.30am - 10.30am.   A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno.

Balerno Welcome Lunch [Sunday 1 October 12.30pm to 2.30pm]:  We will be hosting a welcome lunch at the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno for those in Balerno who started attending St Mungo's this year.  This is an opportunity for you to meet some of the senior leadership team and others in the congregation, to hear more about the church and our vision.  If you would like to come and haven't received the email invite, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org for more details.  A welcome lunch for the Livingston congregation will be arranged at a later date.

Kintsugi Hope: We are excited to be starting a Kintsugi Hope Group on Thursday evenings at the end of September. The group is open to people both in the church and those in the community and provides a safe, supportive space for people who feel, or have felt, overwhelmed. It covers topics such as disappointment, loss, anxiety, anger perfectionism, shame and resilience. If you would like more information email: david.lyons@stmungos.org

Life Seasons.  Saturday 30 September (10.00am-12.30pm) will be the next Life Seasons event, open to all the ladies of St.Mungo's from S5 upwards. Sharon Garlough Brown will be our guest speaker, sharing some teaching with us and leading us in a time of prayer and reflection. More details and booking information was on the ChurchSuite email – or contact lifeseasons@stmungos.org.

Prayer Cell Leaders Refresh.  Monday 2 October at 8pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno. A time of worship, prayer ministry and a short encouraging word from Ollie.

Livi Men.  Ireland vs Scotland - In case you’ve missed it, we’re in the midst of the Rugby World Cup, and so at 7.30pm on Saturday 7 October, Livi Men are invited to join with us to watch the Scotland vs Ireland match. It promises to be a great game, plus, there will be a pub sports quiz at half time with prizes to be won! Click here to sign up.

0-18 activities.

·        Balerno Youth are in Sunday morning service for communion on 24 September.

·        Youth Worship is on Thursday 28 September at 7.30pm in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno.

·        Youth Encounter Service is Friday 29 September 7-9pm sharp in Balerno High School concourse. There will be a café running before and after in Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno from 6-6.45pm and 9-9.45pm. Sign up your young people via ChurchSuite to ensure we have enough food and hot chocolate for them.


Please pray for Lesley Penny as she completes her curacy with St Cuthbert’s Episcopal Church in Colinton, and takes up her role as Curate-in-Charge of St John’s Selkirk and St Peter’s Galashiels in the Scottish Borders from the start of October.  Pray for her and Colin and their girls as they adjust to this big, new and exciting move.


Week beginning 17 September

Click here for the latest news post:   Kintsugi Hope


Livestream. We are pausing our livestream, due to connectivity issues, but the full recording of the service “as live” will be made available as soon as possible later in the day.  

Connect point [Balerno 10.30].  We recognise that connecting with others in a large congregation, in a noisy concourse is not always easy.  To press into one of our core values of family, starting on 17 September, we will have a Connect Point where you can meet new people and have a chat over a cuppa.  There will be someone there to welcome you and introduce you to others, so you don’t need to break the ice yourself. This is a place for everyone, whether you are brand new to the church or have been coming for years.  Look out for the Connect Point banner near refreshments in the concourse after the service.

Healing prayer is offered after the 10.30 services in Balerno and Livingston.  Just make your way to the healing banner where the team will pray for you.  Also if you have personal healing needs you would like the healing prayer cell to pray for then email a brief description to enquiries@stmungos.org and the group will pray in confidence for you.

Transform our monthly evening of worship and prayer ministry will be returning to Balerno High School on Sunday 17 September at 6.30pm.   Why not plan to come along.

Kintsugi Hope: We are excited to be starting a Kintsugi Hope Group on Thursday evenings at the end of September. The group is open to people both in the church and those in the community and provides a safe, supportive space for people who feel, or have felt, overwhelmed. It covers topics such as disappointment, loss, anxiety, anger perfectionism, shame and resilience. If you would like more information  see our website (https://stmungos.org/news/kintsugi-hope )or email: david.lyons@stmungos.org

Spirit Café Livingston: The next date for Spirit Café in Livingston will be Thursday 21 September at Howden Park Centre 7:30-9:30. Put the date in your diary, grab the Eventbrite graphic shared on Facebook and start spreading the word.

Livi Family Update Lunch. Sunday 24 September (after the service in St Margaret’s) Members of the Livingston congregation are invited to bring along a picnic lunch and join us as we think about all things Livi, past, present and future. This will be a great opportunity to share with one another as we discern where God may be calling us as a congregation in Livingston. We would love as many people to be part of this as possible, so please do mark this in your diaries.

Communion & Soaking: Thursday 28 September 9.30am - 10.30am.   A short liturgical communion service followed by a time of worship and soaking in the Church Building Ladycroft, Balerno.

Balerno Welcome Lunch [Sunday 1 October 12.30pm to 2.30pm]:  We will be hosting a welcome lunch at the Church Building, Ladycroft, Balerno for those in Balerno who started attending St Mungo's this year .  This is an opportunity for you to meet some of the senior leadership team and others in the congregation, to hear more about the church and our vision.  If you would like to come and haven't received the email invite, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org for more details.  A welcome lunch for the Livingston congregation will be arranged at a later date.

Youth café help needed.    One off volunteers, required. Friday 29 September to help run a café at Youth Encounter Night in Church Building, Balerno. Please contact Jonny.slatter@stmungos.org if you can help.

Life Seasons.  Saturday 30 September (10.00am-12.30pm) will be the next Life Seasons event, open to all the ladies of St.Mungo's from S5 upwards. Sharon Garlough Brown will be our guest speaker, sharing some teaching with us and leading us in a time of prayer and reflection. More details and booking information was on the Church Suite email – or contact lifeseasons@stmungos.org.

Pioneers meets in Balerno High school at 10.30am on Sunday 17 September.

0-18 activities.

·       Livi Kids and Livi youth will NOT meet on Sunday 17 September

·       Balerno youth meet at church building at 10.30 on Sunday 17 Sept.

·       Deeper  Meet after Transform at 8pm at Erasmuson’s house.

·       Envision worship rehearsal (for those in Oct band) meet Thursday 21st Oct at Dave & Helen Crow’s house 7.30-9.30pm.

·       Next Youth Encounter Service will be on Friday 29 September – please sign up in advance for catering purposes.

·       Saturday Socials for primary aged children will start in October, please pick up a flyer from your childs group.


Pray for St Mungo’s Minis having a social and First Aid evening on Thursday 21 September.  Pray for good social conversations, and for Brenda Binnie as she gives the first aid training.

Pray for Spirit Café in Livingston on Thursday 21st September, for everyone who comes along to experience God’s love for them.