Week beginning 25 October

Hour changes early on Sunday 25 October. Clocks back!

St Mungo’s online: Keep an eye on the website for the latest updated information. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching - open to anyone any age!

Send in your pictures! Before the online service we are sharing recent photos you send to onlinechurch@stmungos.org.

Connections evening: 7.45pm Thursday 29 October. We are gathering on Zoom for our next Connections evening where our two topics will be ‘Working from home’ and ‘Let’s talk about race’. Please make sure you sign up in advance to receive the Zoom invitation (details in the email sent to church members last Monday). Please contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org if you have any questions.

Evening of prayer and worship on Sunday 25 October in the church building. This is fully booked but if you would like your name adding to the waiting list email penny.moise@stmungos.org .

Youth Face to Face Events on Sunday 25 Oct: A reminder that the slots are 5.30pm Livi Youth; 6.30pm Balerno S1-S2; 7.30pm Balerno S3-S6 in the Ministry Centre, Balerno. Young people should bring a face covering for entering and exiting the building but they are not required whilst seated during our time together.

Balerno Youth is taking a break and will return on Friday 30 Oct.

A Special Climbers Online Zoom event for all 3- and 4-year olds on Sunday 1 November at 9.30am. Bring your favourite toy along and get ready to be entertained and interact with your friends and leaders in a mixture of games and activities. Contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org for further details and the Zoom code will be sent in advance. Details here.

St Mungo’s members – are you getting our emails? If not you are missing out on hearing about lots of activities for all ages. Perhaps you opted out of getting general emails from us via church suite? You can update your preferences and update changes in your email any time by logging into your church suite app. Or ask us to change it for you. We can re-send you an invitation for church suite if you need one. Or perhaps they are in the junk/spam folder? If you find any emails from any of our staff in there you need to select each one and mark it as “not junk” or “from a safe sender” depending upon your email operating program. By doing this you will 'train' your email program to recognise our emails and not flag them as junk. If you have any questions or are still having problems please email penny.moise@stmungos.org


Please pray for the 0-18 face to face events happening this weekend, for the teams and young people. Please pray that these opportunities will be filled with connection, fun and Jesus moments.

Week beginning 18 October

St Mungo’s online. Keep an eye on the website for the latest updated information. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching - open to anyone any age!

Send in your pictures! Before the online service we are sharing recent photos you send to onlinechurch@stmungos.org.

Evening of worship on Sunday 25 October in the church building. This is fully booked but if you would like your name adding to the waiting list email penny.moise@stmungos.org.

A Special Climbers Online Zoom event for all 3- and 4-year olds on Sunday 1 November at 9.30am. Bring your favourite toy along and get ready to be entertained and interact with your friends and leaders in a mixture of games and activities. A 'top tips' sheet will be provided in advance of the day. Contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org for further details and the Zoom code will be sent in advance.

Balerno Youth is taking a break over the October school holidays and will return on Friday 30 Oct. Therefore, we'll not be meeting on the following dates: Friday nights: 23 Oct; Sunday mornings: 25 Oct

Next Youth Face to Face Events: On Sunday 25 October whilst the evening of prayer and worship is taking place, both Balerno & Livi youth will be getting together over 3 slots from 5.30pm to 8.15pm. Further details and the ChurchSuite booking email was sent out on Monday 12th Oct. If you have not received this, please contact wendy.brown@stmungos.org.

Primary Face to Face event on Saturday 24 October. These are for P6/7 children in Balerno and all primary age children in Livingston. Please contact caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org for more information and please note that booking is ESSENTIAL.

Parents - please read this week’s back page for information about Halloween.


Please pray for families who have had covid positive test results or who are self-isolating.

Please pray for peace, rest and restoration for our young people and youth leaders as they take their October break.

Think ahead – 31 October is coming!

Week beginning 11 October

Prayer ministry will be available after the morning service on Sunday 11 October, zoom code has been sent to the congregation by email. Live (Request) prayer is not available that day.

St Mungo’s online: Keep an eye on the website for the latest updated information. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching - open to anyone any age!

Send in your pictures! Before the online service we are sharing recent photos you send to onlinechurch@stmungos.org.

Connections evening, 8pm Thursday 15th October We are gathering on Zoom to explore ‘How to do Alpha’ and ‘Living with Uncertainty’. See backpage for information. Please make sure you sign up in advance to receive the Zoom invitation (details in the email sent to church members last week). Please contact andrea.brewster@stmungos.org if you have any questions.

Evening of worship on Sunday 25 October in the church building. Email with details will go out on Monday 12 October and booking open after that.

A Special Climbers Online Zoom event for all 3- and 4-year olds on Sunday 1 November at 9.30am. Bring your favourite toy along and get ready to be entertained and interact with your friends and leaders in a mixture of games and activities. A 'top tips' sheet will be provided in advance of the day. Contact caroline.simpson@stmungos.org for further details and the Zoom code will be sent in advance.

Balerno Youth is taking a break over the October school holidays and will return on Friday 30 Oct. Therefore, we'll not be meeting on the following dates: Friday nights: 16 & 23 Oct; Sunday mornings: 18 & 25 Oct

Future Youth Face to Face Events: On Sunday 25 October whilst the evening of prayer and worship is taking place, both Balerno & Livi youth will be getting together over 3 slots from 5.30pm to 8.15pm. Further details and ChurchSuite booking email will be sent out early next week.


Give thanks for the dedication; care and planning the 0-18 staff team are giving to the different age groups in this season and for the opportunities this weekend for primary and Livi youth to come together for face to face events.

Week beginning 4 October

St Mungo’s online: Keep an eye on the website here for the latest updated information.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching - open to anyone any age!

Send in your pictures! Before the online service we are sharing recent photos you send to onlinechurch@stmungos.org.

St Mungo’s ‘Connections’ evenings – Start on Thursday 15 October, and run over Zoom every second Thursday. They’re a chance for St Mungo’s members to gather together in groups to explore different topics (issues like ‘Working from home’, ‘Living with uncertainty’, ‘Money and personal finances’, parenting issues, hearing from our mission partners and more!) Look out for an email this week with more information and a link to sign up.


  • Friday night youth zoom special on 9 October: Cook with Caroline – not to be missed! Watch out for ingredients and equipment list coming to parents' email.

  • Events for children in P1-P7 are happening! You should have received two emails this week about events on Saturday 10 and Saturday 24 October, please contact caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org if you did not as booking is ESSENTIAL.

  • Livi Youth Face to Face Event: On Sunday 11 October whilst the communion services are taking place, Livi youth will get together at the Ministry Centre, Balerno from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. Contact lindsay.glover@stmungos.org.

  • Future Youth Face to Face Events: On Sunday 25 October whilst the evening of prayer and worship is taking place, both Balerno & Livi youth will be getting together over 3 slots from 5.30pm to 8.15pm. Further details to follow shortly.


Pray for Jordan Storey and Jenny Lofink as they get married on Saturday.

Please pray for children attending church events this month who have not seen their leaders or friends in St Mungo's for six months, that those relationships would be quickly re-established. Pray for the team too who are willing to do face to face events during this time.

Pray for St Mungo’s members who will be hosting a stall at Balerno Farmers Market on Saturday 10 October. Pray for good conversations and opportunities to invite people to join us on church online or Mighty Mungos.

Join Tearfund in prayer here

Week beginning 27 September

Autumn term plans. Look out for news of what is coming up this term in the announcements at our Sunday service and for the follow up email.

St Mungo’s online. Keep an eye on the website for the latest updated information. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update.

Email Notices: Signup at stmungos.org/notices to receive the weekly notices

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching - open to anyone any age!

Send in your pictures! Before the online service we are sharing recent photos you send in of yourselves so we can build connection between us all! Send to onlinechurch@stmungos.org and a few will be featured each week.

Livingston Housegroup leaders meet on Wednesday evening (30 Sept), and Balerno Housegroup leaders on evening of Sunday 4 October. Face to face meetings all in Ministry Centre.

Postcard invites. We have some new invitation cards with the online service and Mighty Mungos featured. If you would like a few copies to give to people please email enquiries@stmungos.org.

Check out news of Malcolm’s retirement and Ollie’s appointment as Rector here.

Mission Giving: as a result of the church’s generosity, we’ve been able to pass on £3,000 to each of our eight main mission partners.

Friday Night Youth: meet weekly from 7.30pm to 8.30pm on Zoom. Great time of fun; chat; games and a thought for the night. All in S1-S6 welcome and friends too.

Balerno Youth: Small groups on a Sunday ​are now running from 10.50am straight after 10.30 service worship until 12noon, using the usual zoom link. The young people ​should join the Zoom call after worship. More details from sarah.tomb@stmungos.org

Read about how you can get help Tearfund with their Walk for Water campaign here…

Week beginning 20 September

Check out news of Malcolm’s retirement and Ollie’s appointment as Rector at https://stmungos.org/news/leadership-news.

Evening of Prayer 20 September: all the sessions are now fully booked, but do use the points in this post to pray from home.

Mission Giving: as a result of the church’s generosity, we’ve been able to pass on £3,000 to each of our eight main mission partners.

St Mungo’s online. Keep an eye on the website for the latest updated information. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching - open to anyone any age!

Send in your pictures! Before the online service we are sharing recent photos you send in of yourselves so we can build connection between us all! Send to onlinechurch@stmungos.org and a few will be featured each week.

Postcard invites. We have some new invitation cards with the online service and Mighty Mungos featured. If you would like a few copies to give to people please email enquiries@stmungos.org.

Balerno & Livi Youth Face to Face Meetings on Sunday 20 Sept: This opportunity is whilst the Evening of Prayer is running. Parents of S1-S6 will have received a ChurchSuite email (do check your junk folder) with all the information and how to book. Slots are 5.30pm for S1 to S2; 6.30pm for S3-S6; 7.45pm for Livi Youth (each slot is 45 mins). All at St Mungo’s Ministry Centre, 46B Bavelaw Road, Balerno. For more details, contact sarah.tomb@stmungos.org(Balerno) or lindsay.glover@stmungos.org (Livi).

Friday Night Youth: from 7.30pm to 8.30pm on Zoom. Great time of fun; chat; games ; a thought for the night. All in S1-S6 welcome and friends too

Balerno Youth: Small groups on a Sunday ​are now running from 11am - 12noon, using the usual zoom link. The young people ​should join the Zoom call after worship. More details from sarah.tomb@stmungos.org

0-18 Video Content: (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); and Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) for all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. Also on Instagram and Facebook.

Email Notices: Signup at stmungos.org/notices to receive the weekly notices

Prayers: please pray that our face to face gatherings this Sunday evening (20 Sep) will run smoothly, safely and that there will be a sense of connection and belonging as we meet.

More pointers for prayer here!

Week Beginning 13 September

Check out news of Malcolm’s retirement and Ollie’s appointment as Rector at https://stmungos.org/news/leadership-news.

Prayer ministry will be available after the service on 13 September, zoom code has been sent to the congregation by email. Live prayer is not available that day.

Evening of Prayer: all the sessions are now fully booked but please let penny.moise@stmungos.org know if you want your name on the waiting list.

St Mungo’s online. Keep an eye on the website for the latest updated information. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching - open to anyone any age!

Send in your pictures! Before the online service we are sharing recent photos you send in of yourselves so we can build connection between us all! Send to onlinechurch@stmungos.org and a few will be featured each week.

Postcard invites. We have some new invitation cards with the online service and Mighty Mungos featured. If you would like a few copies to give to people please email enquiries@stmungos.org.

Friday Night Youth: continues to run this term from 7.30pm to 8.30pm on Zoom. This is a great evening of fun; chat; games and a thought for the night. All in S1-S6 welcome and friends too

Balerno Youth: Small groups on a Sunday ​are now running from 11am - 12noon, using the usual zoom link. The young people ​should join the Zoom call after worship. More details from sarah.tomb@stmungos.org

Livi Youth: meet weekly on Sundays from 7pm to 8pm via zoom. Contact lindsay.glover@stmungos.org for more info.

0-18 Video Content: (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); and Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) for all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. Also on Instagram and Facebook.

Email Notices: Signup at stmungos.org/notices to receive the weekly notices


Please pray for the family and friends of Forrester Davidson after his sudden death on 5 September, especially his wife Sheila. Funeral on 16 September.

Please pray for children who are back at school and activities but still without weekly contact with their church friends. Pray that they would know the Holy Spirit with them and that He would make them bold in standing firm in their faith.

Safe Families for Children, Lothians

Week Beginning 6 September

Check out news of Malcolm’s retirement and Ollie’s appointment as Rector at https://stmungos.org/news/leadership-news.

New teaching series has begun - Standing Firm – continuing in Philippians.

Evening of prayer on Sunday 20 September. Look out for the email with details on Monday 7 September and booking will open after that.

St Mungo’s online. Keep an eye on the website for the latest updated information. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching - open to anyone any age!

Mighty Mungos caps are being delivered to all children aged 3 to P7, over the next couple of weeks. If you don't receive them and think you should, please get in touch with caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org.

Send in your pictures! Each Sunday before the online service we are sharing recent photos you send in of yourselves so we can build connection between us all! Send to onlinechurch@stmungos.org and a few will be featured each week.

Postcard invites. We have some new invitation cards with the online service and Mighty Mungos featured. If you would like a few copies to give to people please email enquiries@stmungos.org.

Balerno Youth: From Sunday 6 September zoom time is now 11am - 12noon, using the usual zoom link. More details from sarah.tomb@stmungos.org.

Livi Youth: Continue to meet weekly on Sundays from 7pm to 8pm via zoom. Contact lindsay.glover@stmungos.org for more info.

0-18 Video Content: We have our own Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums) and Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) so check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Email Notices: Signup at stmungos.org/notices to receive the weekly notices via email on Saturdays.

Prayers: Please pray that as our young people emotionally and physically navigate one way systems, physical distancing and face mask wearing in the midst of their learning at school, that they would experience the inner strength, capacity and resilience from the Holy Spirit.

Mighty Mungos caps!

Week beginning 30 August

St Mungo’s online. Keep an eye on the website for the latest updated information. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching - open to anyone any age!

Mighty Mungos caps are being delivered to all children aged 3 to P7, over the next couple of weeks. If you don't receive them and think you should, please get in touch with caitlin.boddy@stmungos.org.

Send in your pictures! Each Sunday before the online service we are sharing recent photos you send in of yourselves so we can build connection between us all! Send to onlinechurch@stmungos.org and a few will be featured each week.

Postcard invites. We have some new invitation cards with the online service and Mighty Mungos featured. If you would like a few copies to give to people please email enquiries@stmungos.org.

Balerno Youth: Sunday 30 Aug zoom time 4pm-5pm using usual zoom link. From Sunday 6 September our zoom time will change to 11am - 12noon, again using the usual zoom link. More details from sarah.tomb@stmungos.org.

Livi Youth: Will continue to meet weekly on Sundays from 7pm to 8pm via zoom. Contact lindsay.glover@stmungos.org for more info.

0-18 Video Content: We have our own Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums) and Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) so check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Email Notices: Signup at stmungos.org/notices to receive the weekly notices via email on Saturdays.

Read the latest finance update from Katherine Burnett here

Week beginning 23 August

St Mungo’s online. Keep an eye on the website for the latest information. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching - open to anyone any age!

Prayer ministry will be available after the service on 23 August, zoom code has been sent to the congregation by email.

Send in your pictures! Each Sunday before the online service we are sharing recent photos you send in of yourselves so we can build connection between us all! Send to onlinechurch@stmungos.org and a few will be featured each week.

Postcard invites. We have some new invitation cards with the online service and Mighty Mungos featured. If you would like a few copies to give to people please email enquiries@stmungos.org.

Housegroup leaders meeting by zoom at 8pm on Wednesday 26 August. Rsvp please to Kate.yates@stmungos.org

Beirut Explosion: we have donated £1,000 to Pastor Said at the Life Centre Church in Beirut. The church suffered extensive damage in the recent blast. Pastor Said visited St Mungo’s last year and has connections within our congregation.

Balerno Youth: Sunday 23rd and 30th Aug zoom time 4pm-5pm using same zoom link. From Sunday 6th September our zoom time will change to 11am - 12noon, again using the usual zoom link. More details from sarah.tomb@stmungos.org.

Livi Youth: Will continue to meet weekly on Sundays from 7pm to 8pm via zoom. Contact lindsay.glover@stmungos.org for more info.

0-18 Video Content: We have our own Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums) and Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) so check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Email Notices: Signup at stmungos.org/notices to receive the weekly notices via email on Saturdays.

Prayers: ​Please continue to pray for our young people as they go back to school and adjust to new patterns. Pray for peace and confidence for those who find school and change tricky.

Week beginning 16 August

St Mungo’s online. Please check out St Mungo’s response to Scottish Government announcements on the Route Map out of lockdown. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update. Whilst we are presently exploring occasional opportunities to gather, it still remains the case that there are no regular traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc. Meeting virtually remains our main approach. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, however it isn’t exclusive to them so if you’re an adult and want to join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching at that time too, you are very welcome!

Send in your pictures! Each Sunday before the online service we are sharing recent photos you send in of yourselves so we can build connection between us all! Send to onlinechurch@stmungos.org and a few will be featured each week.

Postcard invites. We have some new invitation cards with the online service and Mighty Mungos featured. If you would like a few copies to give to people please email enquiries@stmungos.org.

Housegroup leaders meeting by zoom at 8pm on Wednesday 26 August. Rsvp please to Kate.yates@stmungos.org

Beirut Explosion: we will be donating £1,000 to Pastor Said at the Life Centre Church in Beirut. The church suffered extensive damage in the recent blast. Pastor Said visited St Mungo’s last year and has connections within our congregation.

Balerno Youth returns for our regular Friday nights / Sunday small groups on Friday 21st and Sunday 23rd respectively. We will be meeting on Zoom initially but hope to have an update on possible future face to face meet ups in September / October subject to Government guidance. For further info, please contact sarah.tomb@stmungos.org and do keep an eye on our Social Media pages and www.stmungosyouth.com for all future dates.

Livi Youth: Sunday 16 Aug, 7pm to 8pm via zoom. Contact lindsay.glover@stmungos.org for more info.

0-18 Video Content: Please remember to visit our Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) to check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Email Notices: Signup at stmungos.org/notices to receive the weekly notices via email on Saturdays.

Pointers for prayer here

Week Beginning 9 August

St Mungo’s online. Please check out St Mungo’s response to Scottish Government announcements on the Route Map out of lockdown. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update. Whilst we are presently exploring occasional opportunities to gather, it still remains the case that there are no regular traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc. Meeting virtually remains our main approach. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Prayer Ministry will be available via Zoom from noon after the online service on Sunday 9 August. Zoom code has been emailed out to St Mungo’s people.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, however it isn’t exclusive to them so if you’re an adult and want to join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching at that time too, you are very welcome!

Send in your pictures! Each Sunday before the online service we are sharing any recent photos you send in of yourselves so we can restore a bit of connection between us all! Send them in to onlinechurch@stmungos.org and a few will be featured each week.

Balerno S1 - S6 youth:

  • Balerno Youth returns for our regular Friday nights / Sunday small groups on Friday 21st and Sunday 23rd August respectively. We will be meeting on Zoom initially but hope to have an update on possible future face to face meet ups in September / October subject to Government guidance. For further info, please contact sarah.tomb@stmungos.org and do keep an eye on our Social Media pages and www.stmungosyouth.com for all future dates.

  • Balerno S1 - S6 youth: socially distanced picnic planned in Wellness Centre Garden in Balerno; Sunday 9th August from 1.30pm - 2.30pm. Numbers are capped at 25. Any questions contact sarah.tomb@stmungos.org / wendy.brown@stmungos.org. If the picnic doesn’t go ahead due to bad weather; we will meet on Zoom from 4pm to 5pm.

  • Livi Youth: Sunday 16 Aug, 7pm to 8pm via zoom. Contact lindsay.glover@stmungos.org for more info.

0-18 Video Content: Please remember to visit our Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) to check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Email Notices: Signup at stmungos.org/notices to receive the weekly notices via email on Saturdays.

An evening of prayer - Update

Week Beginning 2 August

St Mungo’s online. Please check out St Mungo’s response to Scottish Government announcements on the Route Map out of lockdown. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update. Whilst we are presently exploring occasional opportunities to gather, it still remains the case that there are no regular traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc. Meeting virtually remains our main approach. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, however it isn’t exclusive to them so if you’re an adult and want to join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching at that time too, you are very welcome!

Send in your pictures! Each Sunday before the online service we are sharing any recent photos you send in of yourselves so we can restore a bit of connection between us all! Send them in to onlinechurch@stmungos.org and a few will be featured each week.

Balerno S1 - S6 youth:

· possible socially distanced picnic in Wellness Centre garden in Balerno; Sunday 9 August from 1.30pm - 2.30pm. Numbers will be capped so watch out for further details in the coming week. Any questions contact sarah.tomb@stmungos.org / wendy.brown@stmungos.org.

· Balerno Youth: Small groups will run on Sunday 9 Aug from 4pm to 5pm, via Zoom, if the picnic does not happen.

· Livi Youth: Sunday 16 Aug, 7pm to 8pm via zoom. Contact lindsay.glover@stmungos.org for more info.

0-18 Video Content: Please remember to visit our Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) to check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Email Notices: Signup at stmungos.org/notices to receive the weekly notices via email on Saturdays.


Please pray for all our lovely young people who are expecting exam results on Tuesday 4th August. Please pray peace over their minds and hearts and that they would be secure in their identity in Jesus no matter whether joy or disappointment comes on Tuesday. May each of them know their true worth not by their grades but being a son and daughter of Father God.

Comfort International Child Sponsorship

Week beginning 26 July

St Mungo’s online. Please check out St Mungo’s response to Scottish Government announcements on the Route Map out of lockdown. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update It still remains that there are no traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc but we are meeting in many forms virtually. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, however it isn’t exclusive to them so if you’re an adult and want to join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching at that time too, you are very welcome!

Send in your pictures! While we can recreate our Sunday service to a certain degree online, what we can’t replicate is the interactions we have with real people before and after the service. What would go some way towards restoring this sense of connection would be to see more of your faces – there are only so many that we can include in the service proper, but we can feature pictures in the pre-service ‘slideshow’! So we would love you to send in pictures of yourself and your family, maybe showing us what you’ve been up to this week, and we will put a selection up each week before the service. Send them in to onlinechurch@stmungos.org. Thanks

Balerno and Livi youth over the summer: Our catch up with our young people over the next few days as follows:

· Sunday 26 – Tuesday 28 July; Magnitude Online from 7-8.15pm (on YouTube) – with Zoom small groups straight after from 8.15-9pm each evening.

· Sunday 9 August: Balerno Youth Small Groups, 4pm to 5pm by zoom.

Further details re above have been sent to all youth parents, please do check your inbox. If you require more info, contact lindsay.glover@stmungos.org for Livingston or sarah.tomb@stmungos.org for Balerno.

Livi Youth: Sunday 16 Aug, 7pm to 8pm via zoom. Contact lindsay.glover@stmungos.org for more info.

0-18 Video Content: Please remember to visit our Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) to check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Email Notices: you can sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup at stmungos.org/notices.


Please pray for the emotional and mental health of our young people as they manage easing out of lockdown, friendships, and a different kind of summer holiday.

Please pray for our amazing youth leaders that they will encounter God's refreshing and restoring over the holidays.

Coronavirus response from Tearfund

Week beginning 19 July

St Mungo’s online. Please check out St Mungo’s response to recent Scottish Government announcements on the Route Map out of lockdown. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update It still remains that there are no traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc but we are meeting in many forms virtually. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, however it isn’t exclusive to them so if you’re an adult and want to join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching at that time too, you are very welcome!

Send in your pictures! While we can recreate our Sunday service to a certain degree online, what we can’t replicate is the interactions we have with real people before and after the service. What would go some way towards restoring this sense of connection would be to see more of your faces – there are only so many that we can include in the service proper, but we can feature pictures in the pre-service ‘slideshow’! So we would love you to send in pictures of yourself and your family, maybe showing us what you’ve been up to this week, and we will put a selection up each week before the service. Send them in to onlinechurch@stmungos.org. Thank you!

Email Notices: you can sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup at stmungos.org/notices.

Balerno and Livi youth over the summer: We will be catching up with our young people over the summer as follows:

  • Friday 24 July: Friday night youth - 7.30pm to 8.30pm. via Zoom

  • Sunday 26 – Tuesday 28 July; Magnitude Online from 7pm (on YouTube) – with Zoom small groups straight after from 8.15-9pm each evening.

  • Sunday 9 August: Balerno Youth Small Groups, 4pm to 5pm by zoom.

  • Further details re above have been sent to all youth parents, please do check your inbox. If you require more info, contact lindsay.glover@stmungos.org for Livingston or sarah.tomb@stmungos.org for Balerno.

0-18 Video Content: Please remember to visit our Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) to check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Read about OM’s options for 2020 here

Week beginning 12 July

St Mungo’s online. Please check out St Mungo’s response to recent Scottish Government announcements on the Route Map out of lockdown. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update It still remains that there are no traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc but we are meeting in many forms virtually. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary-aged children and their families, however it isn’t exclusive to them so if you’re an adult and want to join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching at that time too, you are very welcome!

Prayer Ministry will be available via Zoom from noon after the online service on Sunday 12 July. Zoom code has been emailed out to St Mungo’s people.

Staff News: we say farewell and thank you to Neil and Jo Thompson during our Sunday service on 12 July. Please pray for them as they head off to lead North Berwick Christian Fellowship.

Email Notices: you can sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup at stmungos.org/notices.

Balerno and Livi youth over the summer: We will be catching up with our young people over the summer as follows:

  • Livi Youth - Sunday 12 July via Zoom, 7pm to 8pm.

  • Friday night youth - 24 July via Zoom, 7.30pm to 8.30pm.

  • Magnitude Online (on YouTube) – 26 to 28 July; with Zoom small groups planned too.

  • Balerno Youth – Sunday 9 Aug via Zoom, 4pm to 5pm.

  • Further details to follow via weekly 0-18 parent email. If you require more info, contact lindsay.glover@stmungos.org for Livi or sarah.tomb@stmungos.org for Balerno.

0-18 Video Content: Please remember to visit our Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) to check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Wellness Centre is closed for the summer – contact lifeandsoul@stmungos.org to arrange counselling for after 17 August.

Read about the Mighty Mungos Treasure Hunt here!

Week beginning 5 July

St Mungo’s online. Please check out St Mungo’s response to recent Scottish Government announcements on the Route Map out of lockdown. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update It still remains that there are no traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc but we are meeting in many forms virtually. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for Mighty Mungos! This is a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, however it isn’t exclusive to them so if you’re an adult and want to join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching at that time too, you are very welcome!

Prayer Ministry will be available via Zoom from noon after the online service on Sunday 12 July.

Email Notices: you can sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup at stmungos.org/notices.

Balerno youth: We'd love to touch base with our young people a couple of times over the summer. Further info and dates will be out soon - watch for parent emails and info via the youth website and social media platforms.

Livi Youth: We will continue to meet at a reduced frequency over the summer. Further details will be sent to parents directly or e-mail lindsay.glover@stmungos.org for more information.

0-18 Video Content: Please remember to visit our Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) to check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Wellness Centre is closed for the summer – contact lifeandsoul@stmungos.org to arrange counselling for after 17 August.

Read the latest report from Just Earth here

Week beginning 28 June

St Mungo’s online. Please check out St Mungo’s response to recent Scottish Government announcements on the Route Map out of lockdown. It still remains that there are no traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc but we are meeting in many forms virtually. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Church Survey: please remember to participate in the church survey. Just three questions. Takes less than a minute to complete. The link is in the email members received on Thursday 18 June. Thank you.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sundays for our new section of St Mungos Online church service: Mighty Mungos! This is a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families, however it isn’t exclusive to them so if you’re an adult and want to join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching at that time too, you are very welcome!

Email Notices: you can sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Sign up here.

Livi Youth: This week is the end of this term, but we will continue to meet at a reduced frequency over the summer. Further details will be sent to parents directly or e-mail lindsay.glover@stmungos.org for more information.

Balerno Youth Activities: We will be running youth via Zoom up until today and then pausing our weekly Zoom calls for the summer. However, we do plan to have a couple of check ins over the summer before resuming mid-August. These dates will follow in due course, but please do continue to check www.stmungosyouth.com for all our events.

0-18 Video Content: Please remember to visit our Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) to check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Read the latest update on the Wellness Centre here

Week beginning 21 June

St Mungo’s online. Please check out St Mungo’s response to recent Scottish Government announcements on the Route Map out of lockdown. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update It still remains that there are no traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc but we are meeting in many forms virtually. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Church Survey: Please remember to participate in the church survey. Just three questions. Takes less than a minute to complete. Thank you.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sunday for our brand new section of St Mungos Online church service: Mighty Mungos! This is a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families. However, it isn’t exclusive to them, so if you’re and adult and want to join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching at that time too, you are very welcome!

Prayer Ministry will be available via Zoom from noon after the online service on Sunday 21 June. Zoom code and details have been sent to all the church congregation by email.

Staff News: in light of our continued commitment to ensuring all the work involved in putting our church services online is well resourced, and in preparation for Neil Thompson’s forthcoming departure, Fil Stevenson has kindly agreed to temporarily increase his weekly hours by a further 7 to 28 with effect from 1st July.

Email Notices: you can sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup at stmungos.org/notices.

Balerno Youth Activities: We will be running youth via Zoom up until Sunday 28 June and then pausing our weekly Zoom calls for the summer. However, we do plan to have a couple of check-ins over the summer before resuming mid-August. These dates will follow in due course, but please do continue to check www.stmungosyouth.com for all our events.

0-18 Video Content: Please remember to visit our Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) to check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Read the latest update on the Bethany Care Van here

Week beginning 14 June

St Mungo’s online. Please check out St Mungo’s response to recent Scottish Government announcements on the Route Map out of lockdown. https://stmungos.org/news/coronavirus-update It still remains that there are no traditional “physical” gatherings, services, events etc but we are meeting in many forms virtually. Keep an eye on the website for information.

Mighty Mungos! Join us at 10am on Sunday for our brand new section of St Mungos Online church service: Mighty Mungos! This is a 20 minute section specifically designed for primary aged children and their families however, it isn’t exclusive to them so if you’re and adult and want to join us for some silliness, worship, and teaching at that time too, you are very welcome!

Staff News: we are now in a position to let you know that Neil Thompson’s last working day with us will be Thursday 9 July. Whilst we won’t be able to say farewell and thank you to Neil, Jo, Ella and Abi in our traditional fashion, we will still mark their departure nearer the time.

Staff News: in light of our continued commitment to ensuring all the work involved in putting our church services online is well resourced, and in all preparation for Neil Thompson’s forthcoming departure, Fil Stevenson has kindly agreed to temporarily increase his weekly hours by a further 7 to 28 with effect from 1st July.

Email Notices: you can sign up to receive your weekly notices via email. Signup at stmungos.org/notices.

Bethany Care Van: Due to the current COVID 19 situation, many of our usual volunteers are not able to volunteer, so we are looking for some additional people to help. St Mungo’s provides two teams a month - on the second Monday of the month and the fourth Thursday evening. If you would like to know more or have a chat please contact Emma Galloway. enquiries@stmungos.org

Balerno Youth Activities: We will be running youth via Zoom up until Sunday 28 June and then pausing our weekly Zoom calls for the summer. However, we do plan to have a couple of check ins over the summer before resuming mid-August. These dates will follow in due course, but please do continue to check www.stmungosyouth.com for all our events.

0-18 Video Content: Please remember to visit our Vimeo Page (https://vimeo.com/user16902767/albums); Youth Website (www.stmungosyouth.com) to check out all our videos for all age groups in the 0-18 Ministry. For Youth on social media, they can also view the video content on Instagram and Facebook.

Balerno Youth (New S1s): We are delighted to have the new S1s with us at youth on Friday nights and Sunday afternoons via Zoom for the rest of term. If you require any info, please contact david.lyons@stmungos.org.

Congratulations to Rod & Brodie Petrie on the birth of James Roderick on Thursday 28 May